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Low Power Utility sclarson sclarson This article is a summary of the Low Power utility APIs available in ThreadX. 03/02/2021 article rtos

ThreadX Low Power Utilities

These low power utilities are intended to maintain ThreadX timers and the internal tick count while the processor is in a low-power/sleep state. The terms "low power" and "sleep" are used interchangeably throughout this document.

The low power utilities may be used with any ThreadX port except SMP.

Installation of Low Power Utilities

The ThreadX low power utilities are comprised of two files:

These files can be built with the ThreadX library or built in the user application.

Detailed Description

By default, ThreadX spins in an idle loop in the scheduler when there are no threads ready to run. It may be desireable to put the processor in a low power state while idle. Functions tx_low_power_enter and tx_low_power_exit are designed to enter and exit low power mode, respectively.

The tx_low_power_enter and tx_low_power_exit functions manage the ThreadX timers and invoke optional macros that the user must define in order to configure the hardware for low power mode. These macros are discussed in a section below.

For convenience, the Cortex-M and RX ports have calls to the low power APIs already integrated into their schedulers. If symbol TX_LOW_POWER is defined, functions tx_low_power_enter and tx_low_power_exit are called in the scheduler idle loop. It is assumed that the processor will exit sleep mode and resume execution in the idle loop (or in an interrupt and then return to the idle loop). For processors that exhibit different behavior (such as waking from sleep at the reset vector), these low power functions may need to be called elsewhere.

Low Power Timer and Tick-less Low Power Mode

If accurate timekeeping is not desired while in low power mode, macros TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP and TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS do not need to be defined. The internal ThreadX tick count will not reflect the time spent in low power mode.

If TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP is defined, there are two use cases for timekeeping in low power operation:

  1. Keep track of elapsed time in low power mode only when ThreadX timers are active. If there are ThreadX timers active, the elapsed time while in low power mode must be measured, thus a low power hardware timer is required (this timer can be configured in TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP). If there are no ThreadX timers active when entering low power mode, then no hardware timer needs to keep track of elapsed time. This is "tick-less" operation. To enable this feature, the symbol TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS must be defined. The internal ThreadX tick count will not reflect the time spent in low power mode when no ThreadX timers are active.
  2. Always keep track of time in low power mode. This is necessary to keep the internal ThreadX tick count accurate. In this case, TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS must not be defined, as a hardware timer will always be needed in low power mode to measure elapsed time. The hardware timer is intended to be configured in TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP.

Example 1: No low power timer is in use (TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP is not defined). There is a ThreadX timer with 50 ticks remaining. The internal ThreadX tick count is 1000. The processor goes into low power mode for some length of time. After exiting low power mode, the ThreadX timer still has 50 ticks remaining. The internal ThreadX tick count is 1000.

Example 2: A low power timer is available (TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP is defined). TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS is defined. There is a ThreadX timer A with 50 ticks remaining and another ThreadX timer B with 20 ticks remaining. The internal ThreadX tick count is 1000. The processor goes into low power mode for 20 ticks. Upon exiting low power mode, the ThreadX timer A will have 30 ticks remaining. The expiration function for ThreadX timer B will be executed. The internal ThreadX tick count is 1020.
After executing for some time, the internal ThreadX tick count is 2000 and there are no ThreadX timers active. The processor goes into low power mode for some length of time. After exiting low power mode, the internal ThreadX tick count is 2000.

Example 3: A low power timer is always used (TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP is defined and TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS is not defined). The internal ThreadX tick count is 1000 and there are no ThreadX timers active. The processor goes into low power mode for some length of time. Upon exiting low power mode, it is determined that the processor was in low power mode for 20 ticks. The internal ThreadX tick count is updated to 1020.

User-defined Macros

The following macros invoke functions that the user may want to define/implement.

Summary of user-defined macros

  • TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP - set up low power timer
  • TX_LOW_POWER_USER_ENTER - configure processor to enter low power mode
  • TX_LOW_POWER_USER_EXIT - configure processor to exit low power mode
  • TX_LOW_POWER_USER_TIMER_ADJUST - return the number of ticks the processor was in low power mode


VOID TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP(ULONG tx_low_power_next_expiration);

Input parameters

  • tx_low_power_next_expiration - the number of ticks to configure the low power timer.

Return values

  • none

TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP is a macro invoking user-defined function that sets up a low power timer. To set up a low power timer or operate ticklessly in low power mode, this symbol must be defined. This macro is called in tx_low_power_enter. If TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS is not defined and there are no timers active, the tx_low_power_next_expiration parameter will be set to 0xFFFFFFFF.

Note: The number of ThreadX ticks is the input to this function. The frequency of a ThreadX timer tick is defined in TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND (typically defined in file tx_api.h, tx_user.h, or tx_port.h).

Note: do not put the processor to sleep in this macro.

Optional Define

  • TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS - an optional define to operate ticklessly in low power mode only if no ThreadX timers are active. With symbol TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS defined, if there are no ThreadX timers active, TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP will not be called in tx_low_power_enter. ThreadX will not maintain/update the internal tick count during or after exiting low power mode. Symbol TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP must also be defined if defining TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS.


/* Low power timer function prototype. */
void low_power_timer_config(ULONG ticks);

/* Define the TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP macro. */
#define TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP low_power_timer_config

void low_power_timer_config(ULONG ticks)
    /* Insert code here to configure a hardware timer
       to wake the processor from sleep after
       ticks/TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND seconds. */


A macro invoking a user-defined function that configures the processor for entering low power mode (e.g. turn off peripherals and select a sleep mode). This macro is called in tx_low_power_enter.

Input parameters

  • none

Return values

  • none


/* Low power enter function prototype. */
void low_power_enter(void);

/* Define the TX_LOW_POWER_USER_ENTER macro. */
#define TX_LOW_POWER_USER_ENTER low_power_enter

void low_power_enter(void)
    /* Insert code here to configure the processor to enter low power mode. */


A macro invoking a user-defined function that configures the processor for exiting low power mode (e.g. turn on peripherals). This is called in tx_low_power_exit.

Input parameters

  • none

Return values

  • none


/* Low power exit function prototype. */
void low_power_exit(void);

/* Define the TX_LOW_POWER_USER_EXIT macro. */
#define TX_LOW_POWER_USER_EXIT low_power_exit

void low_power_exit(void)
    /* Insert code here to configure the processor to exit low power mode. */



A macro invoking a user-defined function to determine how much time has elapsed while in low power mode (in units of ThreadX ticks). This is called in tx_low_power_exit and returns the number of ticks needed to adjust the ThreadX timers.

When exiting low power mode, there are two possibilities:

  1. The processor slept for the entire time the timer was configured to sleep.
  2. The processor was awakened early.

Input parameters

  • none

Return values

  • tx_low_power_adjust_ticks


/* Low power timer adjust function prototype. */
ULONG low_power_timer_adjust(void);

/* Define the TX_LOW_POWER_USER_TIMER_ADJUST macro. */
#define TX_LOW_POWER_USER_TIMER_ADJUST low_power_timer_adjust

ULONG low_power_timer_adjust(void)
    ULONG actual_ticks_slept;
    ULONG elapsed_time_in_ms;

    /* Insert code here to read timer registers to determine
       how long the processor actually slept. */
    elapsed_time_in_ms = read_timer_register();

    /* Convert elapsed time to ThreadX ticks. */
    actual_ticks_slept = elapsed_time_in_ms / (1000/TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND);


Summary of Low Power APIs

  • tx_low_power_enter - Enter low power mode
  • tx_low_power_exit - Exit low power mode
  • tx_time_increment - Increment ThreadX timers by specific amount
  • tx_timer_get_next - Get next ThreadX timer expiration


Enter low power mode.


VOID tx_low_power_enter(VOID);


This service enters low power mode. The macros TX_LOW_POWER_TIMER_SETUP and TX_LOW_POWER_USER_ENTER are called in this function to allow the user to configure a low power timer and configure the hardware for low power mode.

For keeping track of time while in low power mode, there are two possibilities:

  1. A ThreadX timer is active. Function tx_timer_get_next returns TX_TRUE. Note that in this situation, a low power clock must be used in order to wake up the CPU for the next ThreadX timer expiration. Therefore a low power timer/clock must be programmed. Program the hardware timer source such that the next timer interrupt is equal to: tx_low_power_next_expiration * tick_frequency. The tick_frequency is application-specific and typically set up in tx_low_level_initialize.

  2. There are no ThreadX timers active. Function tx_timer_get_next returns TX_FALSE.

    1. The application may choose not to keep the ThreadX internal tick count updated (define TX_LOW_POWER_TICKLESS), therefore there is no need to set up a low power clock.
    2. The application still needs to keep the ThreadX tick up-to-date. In this case a low power clock needs to be configured.

Input parameters

  • none

Return values

  • none

Allowed from

Internal ThreadX code, application


ARM Cortex-M assembly

    PUSH    {r0-r3}
    BL      tx_low_power_enter                      // Enter low power mode
    POP     {r0-r3}

    DSB                                             // Ensure no outstanding memory transactions
    WFI                                             // Wait for interrupt
    ISB                                             // Ensure pipeline is flushed

    PUSH    {r0-r3}
    BL      tx_low_power_exit                       // Exit low power mode
    POP     {r0-r3}

See also

  • tx_low_power_exit


Exit low power mode.


VOID tx_low_power_exit(VOID);


This service exits low power mode. Macro TX_LOW_POWER_USER_EXIT is called in this function to allow the user to configure the hardware to exit low power mode. Macro TX_LOW_POWER_USER_TIMER_ADJUST is called in this function to determine how long the processor actually slept.

Input parameters

  • none

Return values

  • none

Allowed from

Internal ThreadX code, application


    PUSH    {r0-r3}
    BL      tx_low_power_enter                      // Enter low power mode
    POP     {r0-r3}

    DSB                                             // Ensure no outstanding memory transactions
    WFI                                             // Wait for interrupt
    ISB                                             // Ensure pipeline is flushed

    PUSH    {r0-r3}
    BL      tx_low_power_exit                       // Exit low power mode
    POP     {r0-r3}

See also

  • tx_low_power_enter


This function increments the current time by a specified value. The value was derived by the application by calling the tx_timer_get_next function prior to this call, which was right before the processor was put in low power mode.


VOID tx_time_increment(ULONG time_increment);


This function increments the current time by a specified value. The value was derived by the application by calling the tx_timer_get_next function prior to this call, which was right before the processor was put in low power mode.

Input parameters

  • time_increment - Number of ThreadX ticks to increment time and timers.

Return values

  • none

Allowed from

Internal ThreadX code, application


From tx_low_power_exit:

        /* Call the low-power timer driver code to obtain the amount of time (in ticks)
        the system has been in low power mode. */
        tx_low_power_adjust_ticks = TX_LOW_POWER_USER_TIMER_ADJUST;
        tx_low_power_adjust_ticks = (ULONG) 0;

        /* Determine if the ThreadX timer needs incrementing.  */
        if (tx_low_power_adjust_ticks)
            /* Yes, the ThreadX time must be incremented.  */

See also

  • tx_timer_get_next


Get next ThreadX timer expiration


ULONG tx_timer_get_next(ULONG *next_timer_tick_ptr);


This service gets the next ThreadX timer expiration, in ticks.

Input parameters

  • next_timer_tick_ptr - pointer to hold number of ticks

Return values

  • TX_TRUE (1) At least one timer is active.
  • TX_FALSE (0) No timers are currently active.

Allowed from

Internal ThreadX code, application


From tx_low_power_enter:

ULONG   tx_low_power_next_expiration;   /* The next timer expiration (units of ThreadX timer ticks). */
ULONG   timers_active;

    /*  At this point, we want to enter low power mode, since nothing
        meaningful is going on in the system. However, in order to keep
        the ThreadX timer services accurate, we must first determine the
        next ThreadX timer expiration in terms of ticks. This is
        accomplished via the tx_timer_get_next API.  */
    timers_active =  tx_timer_get_next(&tx_low_power_next_expiration);

See also

  • tx_time_increment