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synced 2025-02-06 08:08:27 +08:00
* Release ARMv7-A architecture ports * Add tx_user.h to GNU port assembly files * Update GitHub action to perform check for Cortex-A ports
184 lines
6.4 KiB
184 lines
6.4 KiB
Update the ARMv7-A ports from the generic ARMv7-A port.
Generate ports, examples and tests from common files.
To update the ThreadX ports for the source tree run:
pwsh -Command .\update.ps1 -PortSets tx -CopyCommonFiles -CopyPortFiles -CopyExample -PatchFiles
To update the ThreadX ports for the test tree run:
pwsh -Command .\update.ps1 -PortSets tx -CopyCommonFiles -CopyPortFiles -CopyExample -CopyValidationTest -CopyRegressionTest -PatchFiles
Author: Andres Mlinar
Date: 2021
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] Param(
#The script root directory, if not specified it defaults to this script's directory
$ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot,
"tx", "tx_smp",
"txm", "txm_smp"
#Specify the flavor or flavors of ThreadX to generate. Options are: tx, tx_smp, txm, txm_smp
#Copy common files
$CopyCommonFiles = $false,
#Copy port files
$CopyPortFiles = $false,
#Copy the example
$CopyExample = $false,
#Copy the validation tests
$CopyValidationTest = $false,
#Copy the regression tests
$CopyRegressionTest = $false,
#Copy port files
$PatchFiles = $false,
#The output log directory
$LogDir = $( Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'log' )
Write-Host "Update the ARMv7-A ports"
Write-Verbose ("Script directory: $ScriptDir")
Write-Verbose ("Port sets: $PortSets")
Write-Verbose ("Copy common files: $CopyCommonFiles")
Write-Verbose ("Copy port files: $CopyPortFiles")
Write-Verbose ("Copy example: $CopyExample")
Write-Verbose ("Copy validation test: $CopyValidationTest")
Write-Verbose ("Copy regression test: $CopyRegressionTest")
Write-Verbose ("Patch files: $PatchFiles")
Write-Verbose ("LogDir: $LogDir")
$cores = @("cortex_a5", "cortex_a7", "cortex_a8", "cortex_a9", "cortex_a12", "cortex_a15", "cortex_a17")
$compilers = @("ac6", "gnu")
#$compilers = @("ac5", "ac6", "gnu", "iar")
$patches = (
('example_build\sample_threadx\.cproject', (
('value=`"cortex-a7`"', 'value=`"cortex-$($core_short_lower)`"'),
('Cortex-A7.NoFPU', 'Cortex-$($core_short_upper).NoFPU')
('example_build\tx\.cproject', (
('value=`"cortex-a7`"', 'value=`"cortex-$($core_short_lower)`"'),
('Cortex-A7.NoFPU', 'Cortex-$($core_short_upper).NoFPU')
('example_build\sample_threadx\sample_threadx.launch', (
('Debug Cortex-A7', 'Debug Cortex-$($core_short_upper)'),
('VE_Cortex_A7x1', 'VE_Cortex_$($core_short_upper)x1'),
('ve_cortex_a7x1', 've_cortex_$($core_short_lower)x1'),
('FVP_VE_Cortex-A7x1', 'FVP_VE_Cortex-$($core_short_upper)x1')
# Create the log directory if it doesn't already exists
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path $LogDir -PathType Container)) {
$LogDirObject = New-Item -Path $LogDir -ItemType Directory
Function Copy-FilesVerbose {
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[string] $source,
[string] $destination_directory
Write-Verbose ("Copying common files...")
Write-Verbose ("Copy: " + $source + " -> " + $destination_directory)
Copy-Item -Path $source -Destination $destination_directory -Recurse -Force
ForEach ($PortSet in $PortSets) {
ForEach ($core in $cores) {
Switch ($PortSet) {
"tx" { $core_directory = "..\..\ports\" + $core }
"tx_smp" { $core_directory = "..\..\ports_smp\" + $core + "_smp" }
"txm" { $core_directory = "..\..\ports_module\" + $core }
"txm_smp" { $core_directory = "..\..\ports_module_smp\" + $core + "_smp" }
Default {}
ForEach ($compiler in $compilers) {
$compiler_directory = $core_directory + "\" + $compiler
Write-Verbose ("Compiler directory: $compiler_directory")
$compiler_directory_object = New-Item -Path $compiler_directory -ItemType "directory" -Force
$destination_directory = $compiler_directory
If ($CopyCommonFiles) {
Copy-FilesVerbose -source "threadx\common\*" -destination_directory $destination_directory
If ($CopyPortFiles) {
Copy-FilesVerbose -source "threadx\ports\$compiler\*" -destination_directory $destination_directory
If ($PortSet -eq 'tx_smp') {
If ($CopyCommonFiles) {
Copy-FilesVerbose -source "threadx_smp\common\*" -destination_directory $destination_directory
If ($CopyPortFiles) {
Copy-FilesVerbose -source "threadx_smp\ports\$compiler\*" -destination_directory $destination_directory
If ($PortSet -eq 'txm') {
If ($PortSet -eq 'txm_smp') {
If ($PatchFiles) {
ForEach ($patch in $patches) {
$core_short = $core -Replace "cortex_",""
$core_short_upper = $core_short.ToUpper()
$core_short_lower = $core_short.ToLower()
ForEach ($patch in $patches) {
$path = $destination_directory + "\" + $patch[0]
Write-Verbose("Patching file: $path")
If (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType leaf) {
$content = Get-Content -Path $path
ForEach ($replacement in $patch[1]) {
$original = $replacement[0]
$substitute = $replacement[1]
$original = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($original)
$substitute = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($substitute)
Write-Verbose("`tpatch: `"$original`" -> `"$substitute`"")
$content = $content -creplace $original,$substitute
Set-Content -Path $path -Value $content -Encoding ascii
} Else {
Write-Verbose("File not found.")