/// \brief tell the stack which mode (host/device/otg) the usb controller0 will be operated on. Possible value is
/// from \ref group_mode. Note the hardware usb controller must support the selected mode.
/** USB controller in MCU often has limited access to specific RAM section. The Stack will use this macro to place internal variables
into the USB RAM section as follows. if your mcu's usb controller has no such limit, define TUSB_CFG_ATTR_USBRAM as empty macro.
TUSB_CFG_ATTR_USBRAM uint8_t usb_xfer_buffer[10];
#define TUSB_CFG_MCU ///< Select one of the supported MCU, the value must be from \ref group_mcu
#define TUSB_CFG_OS ///< Select one of the supported RTOS, the value must be from \ref group_supported_os.
#define TUSB_CFG_OS_TASK_PRIO ///< If \ref TUSB_CFG_OS is configured to use a real RTOS (other than TUSB_OS_NONE). This determines the priority of the usb stack task.
#define TUSB_CFG_TICKS_HZ ///< The rate ticks in hert. This is used in conjunction with \ref tusb_tick_get to calculate timing.