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<trclass="memdesc:a1deca1f1d6e5815b290e6e1015bce5b8"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Size of this descriptor in bytes. <br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a527afb0f25cdd442d8d32c7df8e18c45"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor. The address is encoded as follows: <br/>
Bit 3...0: The endpoint number <br/>
Bit 6...4: Reserved, reset to zero <br/>
Bit 7: Direction, ignored for control endpoints 0 = OUT endpoint 1 = IN endpoint. <br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a0d80d36c01bf6552c8bf985e936cd23a"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">This field describes the endpoint's attributes when it is configured using the bConfigurationValue. <br/>
Bits 1..0: Transfer Type <br/>
- 00 = Control <br/>
- 01 = Isochronous <br/>
- 10 = Bulk <br/>
- 11 = Interrupt <br/>
If not an isochronous endpoint, bits 5..2 are reserved and must be set to zero. If isochronous, they are defined as follows: <br/>
Bits 3..2: Synchronization Type <br/>
- 00 = No Synchronization <br/>
- 01 = Asynchronous <br/>
- 10 = Adaptive <br/>
- 11 = Synchronous <br/>
Bits 5..4: Usage Type <br/>
- 00 = Data endpoint <br/>
- 01 = Feedback endpoint <br/>
- 10 = Implicit feedback Data endpoint <br/>
- 11 = Reserved <br/>
Refer to Chapter 5 of USB 2.0 specification for more information. <br/>
All other bits are reserved and must be reset to zero. Reserved bits must be ignored by the host. <br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:aaba88b24a21a6c70c895c0d55f4a69a0"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of sending or receiving when this configuration is selected. <br/>
For isochronous endpoints, this value is used to reserve the bus time in the schedule, required for the per-(micro)frame data payloads. The pipe may, on an ongoing basis, actually use less bandwidth than that reserved. The device reports, if necessary, the actual bandwidth used via its normal, non-USB defined mechanisms. <br/>
For all endpoints, bits 10..0 specify the maximum packet size (in bytes). <br/>
For high-speed isochronous and interrupt endpoints: <br/>
Bits 12..11 specify the number of additional transaction opportunities per microframe: <br/>
- 00 = None (1 transaction per microframe) <br/>
- 01 = 1 additional (2 per microframe) <br/>
- 10 = 2 additional (3 per microframe) <br/>
- 11 = Reserved <br/>
Bits 15..13 are reserved and must be set to zero. <br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:aff92277eea8536f7de1a88d818c91b9e"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers. Expressed in frames or microframes depending on the device operating speed (i.e., either 1 millisecond or 125 us units). <br/>
- For full-/high-speed isochronous endpoints, this value must be in the range from 1 to 16. The bInterval value is used as the exponent for a <imgclass="formulaInl"alt="$ 2^(bInterval-1) $"src="form_0.png"/> value; e.g., a bInterval of 4 means a period of 8 ( <imgclass="formulaInl"alt="$ 2^(4-1) $"src="form_1.png"/>). <br/>
- For full-/low-speed interrupt endpoints, the value of this field may be from 1 to 255. <br/>
- For high-speed interrupt endpoints, the bInterval value is used as the exponent for a <imgclass="formulaInl"alt="$ 2^(bInterval-1) $"src="form_0.png"/> value; e.g., a bInterval of 4 means a period of 8 ( <imgclass="formulaInl"alt="$ 2^(4-1) $"src="form_1.png"/>) . This value must be from 1 to 16. <br/>
- For high-speed bulk/control OUT endpoints, the bInterval must specify the maximum NAK rate of the endpoint. A value of 0 indicates the endpoint never NAKs. Other values indicate at most 1 NAK each bInterval number of microframes. This value must be in the range from 0 to 255. <br/>
Refer to Chapter 5 of USB 2.0 specification for more information. <br/></td></tr>
<p>Definition at line <aclass="el"href="std__descriptors_8h_source.html#l00104">104</a> of file <aclass="el"href="std__descriptors_8h_source.html">std_descriptors.h</a>.</p>