- TinyUSB does not directly implement USB IRQ Handler function anymore. Application must implement IRQ Handler and invoke `tud_irq_handler(rhport)`. This is due to:
- IRQ Handler name can be different across system depending on the startup
- Some OS need to execute enterISR()/exitISR() to work properly, also tracing tool may need to insert trace ISR enter/exit to record usb event
- Give application full control of IRQ handler, can be useful e.g signaling there is new usb event without constant polling
### MCU
- All default IRQ Handler is renamed to `dcd_irq_handler()`
Added **CONTRIBUTORS.md** to give proper credit for contributors to the stack. Special thanks to [Nathan Conrad](https://github.com/pigrew), [Peter Lawrence](https://github.com/majbthrd) and [William D. Jones](https://github.com/cr1901) and others for spending their precious time to add lots of features and ports for this release.
First release, device stack works great, host stack works but still need improvement.
- Special thanks to @adafruit team, especially @tannewt to help out immensely to rework device stack: simplify osal & control transfer, adding SAMD21/SAMD51 ports, writing porting docs, adding MIDI class support etc...