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2018-12-01 01:34:13 +07:00
* @brief LPC11U6X System Control registers and control functions
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2013
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __SYSCTL_11U6X_H_
#define __SYSCTL_11U6X_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup SYSCTL_11U6X CHIP: LPC11u6x System Control block driver
* @ingroup CHIP_11U6X_Drivers
* @{
* @brief LPC11U6X System Control block structure
typedef struct { /*!< SYSCTL Structure */
__IO uint32_t SYSMEMREMAP; /*!< System Memory remap register */
__IO uint32_t PRESETCTRL; /*!< Peripheral reset Control register */
__IO uint32_t SYSPLLCTRL; /*!< System PLL control register */
__I uint32_t SYSPLLSTAT; /*!< System PLL status register */
__IO uint32_t USBPLLCTRL; /*!< USB PLL control register */
__I uint32_t USBPLLSTAT; /*!< USB PLL status register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[1];
__IO uint32_t RTCOSCCTRL; /*!< RTC Oscillator control register */
__IO uint32_t SYSOSCCTRL; /*!< System Oscillator control register */
__IO uint32_t WDTOSCCTRL; /*!< Watchdog Oscillator control register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
__IO uint32_t SYSRSTSTAT; /*!< System Reset Status register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
__IO uint32_t SYSPLLCLKSEL; /*!< System PLL clock source select register */
__IO uint32_t SYSPLLCLKUEN; /*!< System PLL clock source update enable register*/
__IO uint32_t USBPLLCLKSEL; /*!< USB PLL clock source select register */
__IO uint32_t USBPLLCLKUEN; /*!< USB PLL clock source update enable register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED4[8];
__IO uint32_t MAINCLKSEL; /*!< Main clock source select register */
__IO uint32_t MAINCLKUEN; /*!< Main clock source update enable register */
__IO uint32_t SYSAHBCLKDIV; /*!< System Clock divider register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED5;
__IO uint32_t SYSAHBCLKCTRL; /*!< System clock control register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED6[4];
__IO uint32_t SSP0CLKDIV; /*!< SSP0 clock divider register */
__IO uint32_t USART0CLKDIV; /*!< UART clock divider register */
__IO uint32_t SSP1CLKDIV; /*!< SSP1 clock divider register */
__IO uint32_t FRGCLKDIV; /*!< FRG clock divider (USARTS 1 - 4) register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED7[7];
__IO uint32_t USBCLKSEL; /*!< USB clock source select register */
__IO uint32_t USBCLKUEN; /*!< USB clock source update enable register */
__IO uint32_t USBCLKDIV; /*!< USB clock source divider register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED8[5];
__IO uint32_t CLKOUTSEL; /*!< Clock out source select register */
__IO uint32_t CLKOUTUEN; /*!< Clock out source update enable register */
__IO uint32_t CLKOUTDIV; /*!< Clock out divider register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED9;
__IO uint32_t UARTFRGDIV; /*!< USART fractional generator divider (USARTS 1 - 4) register */
__IO uint32_t UARTFRGMULT; /*!< USART fractional generator multiplier (USARTS 1 - 4) register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED10;
__IO uint32_t EXTTRACECMD; /*!< External trace buffer command register */
__I uint32_t PIOPORCAP[3]; /*!< POR captured PIO status registers */
__I uint32_t RESERVED11[10];
__IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV[7]; /*!< IOCON block for programmable glitch filter divider registers */
__IO uint32_t BODCTRL; /*!< Brown Out Detect register */
__IO uint32_t SYSTCKCAL; /*!< System tick counter calibration register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED12[6];
__IO uint32_t IRQLATENCY; /*!< IRQ delay register */
__IO uint32_t NMISRC; /*!< NMI source control register */
__IO uint32_t PINTSEL[8]; /*!< GPIO pin interrupt select register 0-7 */
__IO uint32_t USBCLKCTRL; /*!< USB clock control register */
__I uint32_t USBCLKST; /*!< USB clock status register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED13[25];
__IO uint32_t STARTERP0; /*!< Start logic 0 interrupt wake-up enable register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED14[3];
__IO uint32_t STARTERP1; /*!< Start logic 1 interrupt wake-up enable register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED15[6];
__IO uint32_t PDSLEEPCFG; /*!< Power down states in deep sleep mode register */
__IO uint32_t PDWAKECFG; /*!< Power down states in wake up from deep sleep register */
__IO uint32_t PDRUNCFG; /*!< Power configuration register*/
__I uint32_t RESERVED16[110];
__I uint32_t DEVICEID; /*!< Device ID register */
* System memory remap modes used to remap interrupt vectors
REMAP_BOOT_LOADER_MODE, /*!< Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Boot ROM */
REMAP_USER_RAM_MODE, /*!< Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Static RAM */
REMAP_USER_FLASH_MODE /*!< Interrupt vectors are not re-mapped and reside in Flash */
* @brief Re-map interrupt vectors
* @param remap : system memory map value
* @return Nothing
LPC_SYSCTL->SYSMEMREMAP = (uint32_t) remap;
* Peripheral reset identifiers, not available on all devices
typedef enum {
RESET_SSP0, /*!< SSP0 reset control */
RESET_I2C0, /*!< I2C0 reset control */
RESET_SSP1, /*!< SSP1 reset control */
RESET_I2C1, /*!< I2C1 reset control */
RESET_FRG, /*!< FRG reset control */
RESET_USART1, /*!< USART1 reset control */
RESET_USART2, /*!< USART1 reset control */
RESET_USART3, /*!< USART1 reset control */
RESET_USART4, /*!< USART1 reset control */
RESET_SCT0, /*!< SCT0 reset control */
RESET_SCT1 /*!< SCT1 reset control */
* @brief Assert reset for a peripheral
* @param periph : Peripheral to assert reset for
* @return Nothing
* @note The peripheral will stay in reset until reset is de-asserted. Call
* Chip_SYSCTL_DeassertPeriphReset() to de-assert the reset.
LPC_SYSCTL->PRESETCTRL &= ~(1 << (uint32_t) periph);
* @brief De-assert reset for a peripheral
* @param periph : Peripheral to de-assert reset for
* @return Nothing
LPC_SYSCTL->PRESETCTRL |= (1 << (uint32_t) periph);
* @brief Resets a peripheral
* @param periph : Peripheral to reset
* @return Nothing
* System reset status
#define SYSCTL_RST_POR (1 << 0) /*!< POR reset status */
#define SYSCTL_RST_EXTRST (1 << 1) /*!< External reset status */
#define SYSCTL_RST_WDT (1 << 2) /*!< Watchdog reset status */
#define SYSCTL_RST_BOD (1 << 3) /*!< Brown-out detect reset status */
#define SYSCTL_RST_SYSRST (1 << 4) /*!< software system reset status */
* @brief Get system reset status
* @return An Or'ed value of SYSCTL_RST_*
* @note This function returns the detected reset source(s).
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetSystemRSTStatus(void)
* @brief Clear system reset status
* @param reset : An Or'ed value of SYSCTL_RST_* status to clear
* @return Nothing
* @note This function returns the detected reset source(s).
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_ClearSystemRSTStatus(uint32_t reset)
* @brief Read POR captured PIO status
* @param index : POR register index, 0 or 1
* @return captured POR PIO status
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetPORPIOStatus(int index)
return LPC_SYSCTL->PIOPORCAP[index];
* Brown-out detector reset level
// FIXME - will update with correct voltages
SYSCTL_BODRSTLVL_LEVEL0, /*!< Brown-out reset at TBD volts */
SYSCTL_BODRSTLVL_LEVEL1, /*!< Brown-out reset at TBD volts */
SYSCTL_BODRSTLVL_LEVEL2, /*!< Brown-out reset at TBD volts */
SYSCTL_BODRSTLVL_LEVEL3, /*!< Brown-out reset at TBD volts */
* Brown-out detector interrupt level
// FIXME - will update with correct voltages
SYSCTL_BODINTVAL_2_LEVEL2, /*!< Brown-out interrupt at TBD volts */
SYSCTL_BODINTVAL_2_LEVEL3, /*!< Brown-out interrupt at TBD volts */
* @brief Set brown-out detection interrupt and reset levels
* @param rstlvl : Brown-out detector reset level
* @param intlvl : Brown-out interrupt level
* @return Nothing
* @note Brown-out detection reset will be disabled upon exiting this function.
* Use Chip_SYSCTL_EnableBODReset() to re-enable.
LPC_SYSCTL->BODCTRL = ((uint32_t) rstlvl) | (((uint32_t) intlvl) << 2);
* @brief Enable brown-out detection reset
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnableBODReset(void)
LPC_SYSCTL->BODCTRL |= (1 << 4);
* @brief Disable brown-out detection reset
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisableBODReset(void)
LPC_SYSCTL->BODCTRL &= ~(1 << 4);
* @brief Set System tick timer calibration value
* @param sysCalVal : System tick timer calibration value
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_SetSYSTCKCAL(uint32_t sysCalVal)
* @brief Set System IRQ latency
* @param latency : Latency in clock ticks
* @return Nothing
* @note Sets the IRQ latency, a value between 0 and 255 clocks. Lower
* values allow better latency.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_SetIRQLatency(uint32_t latency)
* @brief Get System IRQ latency
* @return Latency in clock ticks
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetIRQLatency(void)
* Non-Maskable Interrupt Enable/Disable value
#define SYSCTL_NMISRC_ENABLE ((uint32_t) 1 << 31) /*!< Enable the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) source */
* @brief Set source for non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
* @param intsrc : IRQ number to assign to the NMI
* @return Nothing
* @note The NMI source will be disabled upon exiting this function. use the
* Chip_SYSCTL_EnableNMISource() function to enable the NMI source.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_SetNMISource(uint32_t intsrc)
LPC_SYSCTL->NMISRC = 0; /* Disable first */
* @brief Enable interrupt used for NMI source
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnableNMISource(void)
* @brief Disable interrupt used for NMI source
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisableNMISource(void)
* @brief Setup a GPIO pin source for a pin interrupt (0-7)
* @param intno : IRQ number
* @param port : port number 0, 1, or 2)
* @param pin : pin number (0-23 for Port 0, 0-31 for Port 1, 0-7 for port 2)
* @return Nothing
void Chip_SYSCTL_SetPinInterrupt(uint32_t intno, uint8_t port, uint8_t pin);
* @brief Setup USB clock control
* @param ap_clk : USB need_clock signal control (0 or 1)
* @param pol_clk : USB need_clock polarity for triggering the USB wake-up interrupt (0 or 1)
* @return Nothing
* @note See the USBCLKCTRL register in the user manual for these settings.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_SetUSBCLKCTRL(uint32_t ap_clk, uint32_t pol_clk)
LPC_SYSCTL->USBCLKCTRL = ap_clk | (pol_clk << 1);
* @brief Use the internal pull-up resistor for the the USB_DP/DM pull-up/pull-down resistors
* @return Nothing
* @note See the USBCLKCTRL register in the user manual for more information.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_UseIntPullup(void)
* @brief Use the external pull-up resistor for the the USB_DP/DM pull-up/pull-down resistors
* @return Nothing
* @note See the USBCLKCTRL register in the user manual for more information.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_UseExtPullup(void)
* @brief Returns the status of the USB need_clock signal
* @return true if USB need_clock status is high, otherwise false
return (bool) ((LPC_SYSCTL->USBCLKST & 0x1) != 0);
* @brief Enable PIO start logic for a PININT pin
* @param pin : PIO pin number
* @return Nothing
* @note Different devices support different pins, see the user manual for supported pins.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnableStartPin(uint32_t pin)
LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP0 |= (1 << pin);
* @brief Disable PIO start logic for a PININT pin
* @param pin : PIO pin number
* @return Nothing
* @note Different devices support different pins, see the user manual for supported pins.
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisableStartPin(uint32_t pin)
LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP0 &= ~(1 << pin);
* Peripheral interrupt wakeup events
#define SYSCTL_WAKEUP_BOD_WDT_INT (1 << 13) /*!< Shared Brown Out Detect (BOD) and WDT interrupt wake-up */
#define SYSCTL_WAKEUP_RTCINT (1 << 12) /*!< RTC interrupt wake-up */
#define SYSCTL_WAKEUP_USB_WAKEUP (1 << 19) /*!< USB need_clock signal wake-up */
#define SYSCTL_WAKEUP_GPIOINT0 (1 << 20) /*!< GPIO GROUP0 interrupt wake-up */
#define SYSCTL_WAKEUP_GPIOINT1 (1 << 21) /*!< GPIO GROUP1 interrupt wake-up */
#define SYSCTL_WAKEUP_USART1_4 (1 << 23) /*!< Combined USART1 and USART4 wake-up */
#define SYSCTL_WAKEUP_USART2_3 (1 << 24) /*!< Combined USART2 and USART3 interrupt wake-up */
* @brief Enables a peripheral's wakeup logic
* @param periphmask : OR'ed values of SYSCTL_WAKEUP_* for wakeup
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnablePeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)
LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP1 |= periphmask;
* @brief Disables a peripheral's wakeup logic
* @param periphmask : OR'ed values of SYSCTL_WAKEUP_* for wakeup
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisablePeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)
LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP1 &= ~periphmask;
* Deep sleep setup values
#define SYSCTL_DEEPSLP_BOD_PD (1 << 3) /*!< BOD power-down control in Deep-sleep mode, powered down */
#define SYSCTL_DEEPSLP_WDTOSC_PD (1 << 6) /*!< Watchdog oscillator power control in Deep-sleep, powered down */
* @brief Setup deep sleep behaviour for power down
* @param sleepmask : OR'ed values of SYSCTL_DEEPSLP_* values (high to powerdown on deepsleep)
* @return Nothing
* @note This must be setup prior to using deep sleep. See the user manual
* (PDSLEEPCFG register) for more info on setting this up. This function selects
* which peripherals are powered down on deep sleep.
* This function should only be called once with all options for power-down
* in that call.
void Chip_SYSCTL_SetDeepSleepPD(uint32_t sleepmask);
* @brief Returns current deep sleep mask
* @return OR'ed values of SYSCTL_DEEPSLP_* values
* @note A high bit indicates the peripheral will power down on deep sleep.
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetDeepSleepPD(void)
* Deep sleep to wakeup setup values
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_IRCOUT_PD (1 << 0) /*!< IRC oscillator output wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_IRC_PD (1 << 1) /*!< IRC oscillator power-down wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_FLASH_PD (1 << 2) /*!< Flash wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_BOD_PD (1 << 3) /*!< BOD wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_ADC_PD (1 << 4) /*!< ADC wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_SYSOSC_PD (1 << 5) /*!< System oscillator wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_WDTOSC_PD (1 << 6) /*!< Watchdog oscillator wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_SYSPLL_PD (1 << 7) /*!< System PLL wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_USBPLL_PD (1 << 8) /*!< USB PLL wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_USBPAD_PD (1 << 10) /*!< USB transceiver wake-up configuration */
#define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_TS_PD (1 << 13) /*!< Temperature sensor wake-up configuration */
* @brief Setup wakeup behaviour from deep sleep
* @param wakeupmask : OR'ed values of SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_* values (high is powered down)
* @return Nothing
* @note This must be setup prior to using deep sleep. See the user manual
* (PDWAKECFG register) for more info on setting this up. This function selects
* which peripherals are powered up on exit from deep sleep.
* This function should only be called once with all options for wakeup
* in that call.
void Chip_SYSCTL_SetWakeup(uint32_t wakeupmask);
* @brief Return current wakeup mask
* @return OR'ed values of SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_* values
* @note A high state indicates the peripehral will powerup on wakeup.
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetWakeup(void)
* Power down configuration values
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_IRCOUT_PD (1 << 0) /*!< IRC oscillator output power down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_IRC_PD (1 << 1) /*!< IRC oscillator power-down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_FLASH_PD (1 << 2) /*!< Flash power down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_BOD_PD (1 << 3) /*!< BOD power down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_ADC_PD (1 << 4) /*!< ADC power down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_SYSOSC_PD (1 << 5) /*!< System oscillator power down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_WDTOSC_PD (1 << 6) /*!< Watchdog oscillator power down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_SYSPLL_PD (1 << 7) /*!< System PLL power down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_USBPLL_PD (1 << 8) /*!< USB PLL power-down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_USBPAD_PD (1 << 10) /*!< USB transceiver power-down */
#define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_TS_PD (1 << 13) /*!< Temperature Sensor power-down */
* @brief Power down one or more blocks or peripherals
* @param powerdownmask : OR'ed values of SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_* values
* @return Nothing
void Chip_SYSCTL_PowerDown(uint32_t powerdownmask);
* @brief Power up one or more blocks or peripherals
* @param powerupmask : OR'ed values of SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_* values
* @return Nothing
void Chip_SYSCTL_PowerUp(uint32_t powerupmask);
* @brief Get power status
* @return OR'ed values of SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_* values
* @note A high state indicates the peripheral is powered down.
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetPowerStates(void)
* @brief Return the device ID
* @return the device ID
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetDeviceID(void)
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*!< __SYSCTL_11U6X_H_ */