It is relatively simple to incorporate tinyusb to your (existing) project
* Copy or ``git submodule`` this repo into your project in a subfolder. Let's say it is *your_project/tinyusb*
* Add all the .c in the ``tinyusb/src`` folder to your project
* Add *your_project/tinyusb/src* to your include path. Also make sure your current include path also contains the configuration file tusb_config.h.
* Make sure all required macros are all defined properly in tusb_config.h (configure file in demo application is sufficient, but you need to add a few more such as CFG_TUSB_MCU, CFG_TUSB_OS since they are passed by IDE/compiler to maintain a unique configure for all boards).
* If you use the device stack, make sure you have created/modified usb descriptors for your own need. Ultimately you need to implement all **tud descriptor** callbacks for the stack to work.
* Add tusb_init() call to your reset initialization code.
* Call ``tud_int_handler()`` (device) and/or ``tuh_int_handler()`` (host) in your USB IRQ Handler
* Implement all enabled classes's callbacks.
* If you don't use any RTOSes at all, you need to continuously and/or periodically call tud_task()/tuh_task() function. All of the callbacks and functionality are handled and invoked within the call of that task runner.
For your convenience, TinyUSB contains a handful of examples for both host and device with/without RTOS to quickly test the functionality as well as demonstrate how API() should be used. Most examples will work on most of `the supported boards <supported.rst>`_. Firstly we need to ``git clone`` if not already
Some TinyUSB examples also requires external submodule libraries in ``/lib`` such as FreeRTOS, Lightweight IP to build. Run following command to fetch them
Some ports will also require a port-specific SDK (e.g. RP2040) or binary (e.g. Sony Spresense) to build examples. They are out of scope for tinyusb, you should download/install it first according to its manufacturer guide.
Before building, we need to download MCU driver submodule to provide low-level MCU peripheral's driver first. Run the ``get-deps`` target in one of the example folder as follow. You only need to do this once per mcu
Some modules (e.g. RP2040 and ESP32s2) require the project makefiles to be customized using CMake. If necessary apply any setup steps for the platform's SDK.
Note: some examples especially those that uses Vendor class (e.g webUSB) may requires udev permission on Linux (and/or macOS) to access usb device. It depends on your OS distro, typically copy ``/examples/device/99-tinyusb.rules`` file to /etc/udev/rules.d/ then run ``sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger`` is good enough.
If a board has several ports, one port is chosen by default in the individual file. Use option ``PORT=x`` To choose another port. For example to select the HS port of a STM32F746Disco board, use:
$ make BOARD=stm32f746disco PORT=1 all
Port Speed
A MCU can support multiple operational speed. By default, the example build system will use the fastest supported on the board. Use option ``SPEED=full/high`` e.g To force F723 operate at full instead of default high speed
First install `linkermap tool <>`_ then ``linkermap`` target can be used to analyze code size. You may want to compile with ``NO_LTO=1`` since -flto merges code across .o files and make it difficult to analyze.
$ make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express NO_LTO=1 all linkermap
Should you have an issue running example and/or submitting an bug report. You could enable TinyUSB built-in debug logging with optional ``LOG=``. LOG=1 will only print out error message, LOG=2 print more information with on-going events. LOG=3 or higher is not used yet.
By default log message is printed via on-board UART which is slow and take lots of CPU time comparing to USB speed. If your board support on-board/external debugger, it would be more efficient to use it for logging. There are 2 protocols:
* Software viewer is JLink RTT Viewer/Client/Logger which is bundled with JLink driver package.
*``LOGGER=swo``\ : Use dedicated SWO pin of ARM Cortex SWD debug header.
* Cons: only work with ARM Cortex MCUs minus M0
* Pros: should be compatible with more debugger that support SWO.
* Software viewer should be provided along with your debugger driver.
$ make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express LOG=2 LOGGER=rtt all
$ make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express LOG=2 LOGGER=swo all
``flash`` target will use the default on-board debugger (jlink/cmsisdap/stlink/dfu) to flash the binary, please install those support software in advance. Some board use bootloader/DFU via serial which is required to pass to make command
$ make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express flash
$ make SERIAL=/dev/ttyACM0 BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express flash
Since jlink can be used with most of the boards, there is also ``flash-jlink`` target for your convenience.
$ make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express flash-jlink
Some board use uf2 bootloader for drag & drop in to mass storage device, uf2 can be generated with ``uf2`` target