The SetLineCoding would fail as host would send the SETUP OUT phase before tinyUSB had setup a transaction for it. ft9xx port would ignore the transfer since there was no valid transaction setup for it. One SETUP data phase packet is cached now.
Add FT90X and FT93X to the list of devices in tusb_option.h. 1700 for FT90x and 1701 for FT93x.
Set endpoint attributes for FT90x and FT93x in dcd_attr.h.
Add FT90x routines for USB device in src/portable/bridgetek/ft90x/dcd_ft90x.c
The location for hardware header files and libraries is hw/mcu/bridgetek/ft90x/hardware. There are no files in the repository, but files will be linked as a submodule in the future. The required files can be copied from or linked to the location "C:/Program Files(x86)/Bridgetek/FT9xx Toolchain/Toolchain/hardware" once the toolchain is installed.
Makefile for the MM900EV1B board for developing with an FT900 device is present. Use "BOARD=mm900ev1b".