Combined the new MAX32 MUSB implementation with the existing (TI) implementation to provide generic code base for working the MUSB DCD peripheral.
- Added abstraction calls for FIFO setup, EP registers, Ctrl registers and interrupt setup.
- Combined TM4C and MSP432E into a single header file.
- Created musb_max32.h, and removed the MAX32 specific C implementation.
- Updated MAX32 build system to use dcd_musb.c.
- Added MAX32 conditions for cdc_dual_ports example descriptors missed during first testing.
Initial commit for the port of TUSB to MAX32xxx parts, staring with MAX32690
- Added dcd_max32.c (based on dcd_musb.c) for interfacing with the peripheral
- Added MAX32690 part family support
- Added max32690evkit board support
- Updated examples for unique EP number requirement
- Updated to fetch the MSDK
Known Issues / Additional Testing Required
- msc_dual_lun only shown 1 volume on Windows
- USBTMC does not have a valid Windowsdriver
- DFU does not have a valid Windows driver
- WebUSB is "Device not Recognized"
- Need to test build scripts with IAR and Clang
* change concurrency group to ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
* use argparse for, remove the need to install click
* move ci win/mac to build_cmake.yml
* rename build_family.yml to build_util.yml
* build_util.yml support esp32
* integrate build-espressif into build.yml
* support make with --board option
* add get_deps action
* update hil test to reuse action
* add name field to usbd_class_driver_t
* ci: use set matrix py script
* add riscv32 and cmake support for ch32v307, fomu, gd32vf103
* update to take --family --board --toolchain
* separate hil test to its own workflow
* move esp32 board into separated hil json
* add make build to ci
* remov
* support esp32 board
* setup toolchain support esp-idf
* fix missing click
* merge family in matrix build to reduce jobs
* skip cifuzz since it still has issue with get_deps and click