Updated MAX32690 and MAX78002 linker and cmake scripts to work with CMake + Ninja build system. Verified all example projects build with the tools/build.py script for both board, and both make and cmake build systems.
Initial commit for the port of TUSB to MAX32xxx parts, staring with MAX32690
- Added dcd_max32.c (based on dcd_musb.c) for interfacing with the peripheral
- Added MAX32690 part family support
- Added max32690evkit board support
- Updated examples for unique EP number requirement
- Updated get_deps.py to fetch the MSDK
Known Issues / Additional Testing Required
- msc_dual_lun only shown 1 volume on Windows
- USBTMC does not have a valid Windowsdriver
- DFU does not have a valid Windows driver
- WebUSB is "Device not Recognized"
- Need to test build scripts with IAR and Clang