remove some rom driver dependency on upper layer
introduce CAP_DEVICE_ROMDRIVER to overwrite TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_USE_ROM_DRIVER within the lib
add support for lpc175x_6x
- able to build and blink led on lpcxpresso1769 with device (without any class enabled)
add a bunch of stub header for dcd (175x_6x, 13xx, 18xx_43xx)
add dcd_nxp_romdriver for handling usb rom driver
add BIT_TEST_ in binary.h
remove mw_usbd_hid.h include due to lexical conflict
NOTES: print_greeting if is executed before the start of freeRTOS scheduler --> hardfault
- print_greeting->vsprintf->systick -> bunch of ISR --> hardfault.
printf using serial after the start of scheduler is ok though
- move usbh_enumeration_task prototype to usbh.h
- change OSAL_SUBTASK_INVOKED_AND_WAIT behavior, will not "return" in calling task when subtask got error status.
calling task need to do that after the call
- osal_queue_receive signature from uint32_t* to void*
- implement osal_freertos.h for FreeRTOS 7.3 --> able to compile & build host_freertos
+ turn on FPU for M4 in both host_os_none & host_freertos (freertos requires FPU to be on to compile)
+ osal_task_create
+ osal_semaphore_reset
+ osal_queue_flush
+ adding heap_1.c for memory management
refractor list_find_previous_item & list_remove_qhd to act on ehci_link_t* instead of ehci_qhd_t*
fully support 1ms, 2ms, 4ms, 8ms for period list (each list has a dummy queue head)
- change period list structure
limit the maximum polling interval to 256 ms
add max_loop static MAX number of iteration for list_find_previous_item
add test for close 256ms polling interrupt
- add hal_debugger_is_attached & hal_debugger_breakpoint
- assert will suspend (place breakpoint) if the condition is failed and debugger is attached. Otherwise, a message to uart is printed
- fix get control qhd function when dev_addr is not zero (shifted 1)
- fix wrong logic for unsupported class