ifneq ($(lastword a b),b) $(error This Makefile requires make 3.81 or newer) endif # Detect whether shell style is windows or not # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/714100/os-detecting-makefile/52062069#52062069 ifeq '$(findstring ;,$(PATH))' ';' # PATH contains semicolon - so we're definitely on Windows. CMDEXE := 1 # makefile shell commands should use syntax for DOS CMD, not unix sh # Unfortunately, SHELL may point to sh or bash, which can't accept DOS syntax. # We can't just use sh, because while sh and/or bash shell may be available, # many Windows environments won't have utilities like realpath used below, so... # Force DOS command shell on Windows. SHELL := cmd.exe endif #$(info top.mk: SHELL=$(SHELL)) #$(info top.mk: CMDEXE=$(CMDEXE)) # Set TOP to be the path to get from the current directory (where make was # invoked) to the top of the tree. $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) returns # the name of this makefile relative to where make was invoked. THIS_MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) # strip off /tools/top.mk to get for example ../../.. TOP := $(patsubst %/tools/top.mk,%,$(THIS_MAKEFILE)) #$(info top.mk: Initial TOP=$(TOP)) # Set TOP to an absolute path, for example /tinyUSB (from ../../..) ifeq ($(CMDEXE),1) TOP := $(subst \,/,$(shell for %%i in ( $(TOP) ) do echo %%~fi)) else TOP := $(shell realpath $(TOP)) endif #$(info top.mk: Top directory is $(TOP)) # Set CURRENT_PATH to the relative path from TOP to the current directory, ie examples/device/cdc_msc_freertos ifeq ($(CMDEXE),1) CURRENT_PATH := $(subst $(TOP)/,,$(subst \,/,$(shell echo %CD%))) else CURRENT_PATH := $(shell realpath --relative-to=$(TOP) `pwd`) endif #$(info top.mk: Path from top is $(CURRENT_PATH))