CFLAGS += \ -nostartfiles \ -nostdinc \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ -mcpu=rx610 \ -misa=v1 \ -mlittle-endian-data \ -DCFG_TUSB_MCU=OPT_MCU_RX63X # Cross Compiler for RX CROSS_COMPILE = rx-elf- ifeq ($(CMDEXE),1) OPTLIBINC="$(shell for /F "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`where rx-elf-gcc`) do echo %%~dpi..\rx-elf\optlibinc)" else OPTLIBINC=$(shell dirname `which rx-elf-gcc`)../rx-elf/optlibinc endif # mcu driver cause following warnings CFLAGS += -isystem $(OPTLIBINC) LIBS += -loptm -loptc MCU_DIR = hw/mcu/renesas/rx63n # All source paths should be relative to the top level. LD_FILE = hw/bsp/$(BOARD)/r5f5631fd.ld SRC_C += \ $(MCU_DIR)/vects.c INC += \ $(TOP)/hw/bsp/$(BOARD) \ $(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR) SRC_S += $(MCU_DIR)/start.S # For TinyUSB port source VENDOR = renesas CHIP_FAMILY = usba # For freeRTOS port source FREERTOS_PORT = RX600 # For flash-jlink target JLINK_DEVICE = R5F5631F JLINK_IF = JTAG # For flash-pyocd target PYOCD_TARGET = # flash using jlink flash: flash-jlink