include_guard(GLOBAL) include(CMakePrintHelpers) # TOP is path to root directory set(TOP "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../..") get_filename_component(TOP ${TOP} ABSOLUTE) set(UF2CONV_PY ${TOP}/tools/uf2/utils/ #------------------------------------------------------------- # Toolchain # Can be changed via -DTOOLCHAIN=gcc|iar or -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER= #------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect toolchain based on CMAKE_C_COMPILER if (DEFINED CMAKE_C_COMPILER) string(FIND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} "iccarm" IS_IAR) string(FIND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} "clang" IS_CLANG) string(FIND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} "gcc" IS_GCC) if (NOT IS_IAR EQUAL -1) set(TOOLCHAIN iar) elseif (NOT IS_CLANG EQUAL -1) set(TOOLCHAIN clang) elseif (NOT IS_GCC EQUAL -1) set(TOOLCHAIN gcc) endif () endif () # default to gcc if (NOT DEFINED TOOLCHAIN) set(TOOLCHAIN gcc) endif () #------------------------------------------------------------- # FAMILY and BOARD #------------------------------------------------------------- if (NOT DEFINED FAMILY) if (NOT DEFINED BOARD) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must set a FAMILY variable for the build (e.g. rp2040, espressif). You can do this via -DFAMILY=xxx on the cmake command line") endif () # Find path contains BOARD file(GLOB BOARD_PATH LIST_DIRECTORIES true RELATIVE ${TOP}/hw/bsp ${TOP}/hw/bsp/*/boards/${BOARD} ) if (NOT BOARD_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not detect FAMILY from BOARD=${BOARD}") endif () # replace / with ; so that we can get the first element as FAMILY string(REPLACE "/" ";" BOARD_PATH ${BOARD_PATH}) list(GET BOARD_PATH 0 FAMILY) endif () if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${FAMILY}/family.cmake) message(FATAL_ERROR "Family '${FAMILY}' is not known/supported") endif() if (NOT FAMILY STREQUAL rp2040) # enable LTO if supported skip rp2040 include(CheckIPOSupported) check_ipo_supported(RESULT IPO_SUPPORTED) cmake_print_variables(IPO_SUPPORTED) if (IPO_SUPPORTED) set(CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE) endif() endif() if (NOT NO_WARN_RWX_SEGMENTS_SUPPORTED) set(NO_WARN_RWX_SEGMENTS_SUPPORTED 1) endif() set(WARNING_FLAGS_GNU -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wdouble-promotion -Wstrict-prototypes -Wstrict-overflow -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wfloat-equal -Wundef -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -Wsign-compare -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wunreachable-code -Wcast-align -Wcast-function-type -Wcast-qual -Wnull-dereference -Wuninitialized -Wunused -Wreturn-type -Wredundant-decls ) set(WARNING_FLAGS_IAR "") #------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter example based on only.txt and skip.txt function(family_filter RESULT DIR) get_filename_component(DIR ${DIR} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) if (EXISTS "${DIR}/skip.txt") file(STRINGS "${DIR}/skip.txt" SKIPS_LINES) foreach(MCU IN LISTS FAMILY_MCUS) # For each line in only.txt foreach(_line ${SKIPS_LINES}) # If mcu:xxx exists for this mcu then skip if (${_line} STREQUAL "mcu:${MCU}" OR ${_line} STREQUAL "board:${BOARD}" OR ${_line} STREQUAL "family:${FAMILY}") set(${RESULT} 0 PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endforeach() endforeach() endif () if (EXISTS "${DIR}/only.txt") file(STRINGS "${DIR}/only.txt" ONLYS_LINES) foreach(MCU IN LISTS FAMILY_MCUS) # For each line in only.txt foreach(_line ${ONLYS_LINES}) # If mcu:xxx exists for this mcu or board:xxx then include if (${_line} STREQUAL "mcu:${MCU}" OR ${_line} STREQUAL "board:${BOARD}" OR ${_line} STREQUAL "family:${FAMILY}") set(${RESULT} 1 PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endforeach() endforeach() # Didn't find it in only file so don't build set(${RESULT} 0 PARENT_SCOPE) else() # only.txt not exist so build set(${RESULT} 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(family_add_subdirectory DIR) family_filter(SHOULD_ADD "${DIR}") if (SHOULD_ADD) add_subdirectory(${DIR}) endif() endfunction() function(family_get_project_name OUTPUT_NAME DIR) get_filename_component(SHORT_NAME ${DIR} NAME) set(${OUTPUT_NAME} ${TINYUSB_FAMILY_PROJECT_NAME_PREFIX}${SHORT_NAME} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(family_initialize_project PROJECT DIR) # set output suffix to .elf (skip espressif and rp2040) if(NOT FAMILY STREQUAL "espressif" AND NOT FAMILY STREQUAL "rp2040") set(CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX .elf PARENT_SCOPE) endif() family_filter(ALLOWED "${DIR}") if (NOT ALLOWED) get_filename_component(SHORT_NAME ${DIR} NAME) message(FATAL_ERROR "${SHORT_NAME} is not supported on FAMILY=${FAMILY}") endif() endfunction() #------------------------------------------------------------- # Common Target Configure # Most families use these settings except rp2040 and espressif #------------------------------------------------------------- # Add RTOS to example function(family_add_rtos TARGET RTOS) if (RTOS STREQUAL "freertos") # freertos config if (NOT TARGET freertos_config) add_library(freertos_config INTERFACE) target_include_directories(freertos_config INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/${FAMILY}/FreeRTOSConfig) # add board definition to freertos_config mostly for SystemCoreClock target_link_libraries(freertos_config INTERFACE board_${BOARD}) endif() # freertos kernel if (NOT TARGET freertos_kernel) add_subdirectory(${TOP}/lib/FreeRTOS-Kernel ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/freertos_kernel) endif () target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PUBLIC freertos_kernel) endif () endfunction() # Add common configuration to example function(family_configure_common TARGET RTOS) family_add_rtos(${TARGET} ${RTOS}) string(TOUPPER ${BOARD} BOARD_UPPER) string(REPLACE "-" "_" BOARD_UPPER ${BOARD_UPPER}) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC BOARD_${BOARD_UPPER} ) # compile define from command line if(DEFINED CFLAGS_CLI) target_compile_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC ${CFLAGS_CLI}) endif() target_compile_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC ${WARNING_FLAGS_${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}}) # Generate linker map file if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") target_link_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC "LINKER:-Map=$.map") if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 12.0 AND NO_WARN_RWX_SEGMENTS_SUPPORTED) target_link_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC "LINKER:--no-warn-rwx-segments") endif () elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") target_link_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC "LINKER:-Map=$.map") elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "IAR") target_link_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC "LINKER:--map=$.map") endif() # ETM Trace option if (TRACE_ETM STREQUAL "1") target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC TRACE_ETM) endif () # LOGGER option if (DEFINED LOGGER) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC LOGGER_${LOGGER}) # Add segger rtt to example if(LOGGER STREQUAL "RTT" OR LOGGER STREQUAL "rtt") if (NOT TARGET segger_rtt) add_library(segger_rtt STATIC ${TOP}/lib/SEGGER_RTT/RTT/SEGGER_RTT.c) target_include_directories(segger_rtt PUBLIC ${TOP}/lib/SEGGER_RTT/RTT) # target_compile_definitions(segger_rtt PUBLIC SEGGER_RTT_MODE_DEFAULT=SEGGER_RTT_MODE_BLOCK_IF_FIFO_FULL) endif() target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PUBLIC segger_rtt) endif () endif () # run size after build find_program(SIZE_EXE ${CMAKE_SIZE}) if(NOT ${SIZE_EXE} STREQUAL SIZE_EXE-NOTFOUND) add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${SIZE_EXE} $ ) endif () endfunction() # Add tinyusb to example function(family_add_tinyusb TARGET OPT_MCU RTOS) # tinyusb target is built for each example since it depends on example's tusb_config.h set(TINYUSB_TARGET_PREFIX ${TARGET}-) add_library(${TARGET}-tinyusb_config INTERFACE) # path to tusb_config.h target_include_directories(${TARGET}-tinyusb_config INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET}-tinyusb_config INTERFACE CFG_TUSB_MCU=${OPT_MCU}) if (DEFINED LOG) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET}-tinyusb_config INTERFACE CFG_TUSB_DEBUG=${LOG}) if (LOG STREQUAL "4") # no inline for debug level 4 target_compile_definitions(${TARGET}-tinyusb_config INTERFACE TU_ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE=) endif () endif() if (RTOS STREQUAL "freertos") target_compile_definitions(${TARGET}-tinyusb_config INTERFACE CFG_TUSB_OS=OPT_OS_FREERTOS) endif () # tinyusb's CMakeList.txt add_subdirectory(${TOP}/src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/tinyusb) if (RTOS STREQUAL "freertos") # link tinyusb with freeRTOS kernel target_link_libraries(${TARGET}-tinyusb PUBLIC freertos_kernel) endif () # use max3421 as host controller if (MAX3421_HOST STREQUAL "1") target_compile_definitions(${TARGET}-tinyusb_config INTERFACE CFG_TUH_MAX3421=1) target_sources(${TARGET}-tinyusb PUBLIC ${TOP}/src/portable/analog/max3421/hcd_max3421.c ) endif () endfunction() # Add bin/hex output function(family_add_bin_hex TARGET) add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} -Obinary $ $/${TARGET}.bin COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} -Oihex $ $/${TARGET}.hex VERBATIM) endfunction() # Add uf2 output function(family_add_uf2 TARGET FAMILY_ID) set(BIN_FILE $/${TARGET}.hex) add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND python ${UF2CONV_PY} -f ${FAMILY_ID} -c -o $/${TARGET}.uf2 ${BIN_FILE} VERBATIM) endfunction() #---------------------------------- # Example Target Configure (Default rule) # These function can be redefined in FAMILY/family.cmake #---------------------------------- function(family_configure_example TARGET RTOS) # empty function, should be redefined in FAMILY/family.cmake endfunction() # Configure device example with RTOS function(family_configure_device_example TARGET RTOS) family_configure_example(${TARGET} ${RTOS}) endfunction() # Configure host example with RTOS function(family_configure_host_example TARGET RTOS) family_configure_example(${TARGET} ${RTOS}) endfunction() # Configure host + device example with RTOS function(family_configure_dual_usb_example TARGET RTOS) family_configure_example(${TARGET} ${RTOS}) endfunction() function(family_example_missing_dependency TARGET DEPENDENCY) message(WARNING "${DEPENDENCY} submodule needed by ${TARGET} not found, please run 'python tools/ ${DEPENDENCY}' to fetch it") endfunction() #---------------------------------- # RPI specific: refactor later #---------------------------------- function(family_add_default_example_warnings TARGET) target_compile_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wdouble-promotion -Wfloat-equal # FIXME commented out because of #-Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -Wsign-compare -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wunreachable-code -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual -Wnull-dereference -Wuninitialized -Wunused -Wredundant-decls #-Wstrict-prototypes #-Werror-implicit-function-declaration #-Wundef ) if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 12.0 AND NO_WARN_RWX_SEGMENTS_SUPPORTED) target_link_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC "LINKER:--no-warn-rwx-segments") endif() # GCC 10 if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 10.0) target_compile_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC -Wconversion) endif() # GCC 8 if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 8.0) target_compile_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC -Wcast-function-type -Wstrict-overflow) endif() # GCC 6 if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 6.0) target_compile_options(${TARGET} PUBLIC -Wno-strict-aliasing) endif() endif() endfunction() #---------------------------------- # Flashing target #---------------------------------- # Add flash jlink target function(family_flash_jlink TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED JLINKEXE) set(JLINKEXE JLinkExe) endif () if (NOT DEFINED JLINK_IF) set(JLINK_IF swd) endif () if (NOT DEFINED JLINK_OPTION) set(JLINK_OPTION "") endif () separate_arguments(OPTION_LIST UNIX_COMMAND ${JLINK_OPTION}) file(GENERATE OUTPUT $/${TARGET}.jlink CONTENT "halt loadfile $ r go exit" ) add_custom_target(${TARGET}-jlink DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${JLINKEXE} -device ${JLINK_DEVICE} ${OPTION_LIST} -if ${JLINK_IF} -JTAGConf -1,-1 -speed auto -CommandFile $/${TARGET}.jlink VERBATIM ) endfunction() # Add flash stlink target function(family_flash_stlink TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED STM32_PROGRAMMER_CLI) set(STM32_PROGRAMMER_CLI STM32_Programmer_CLI) endif () add_custom_target(${TARGET}-stlink DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${STM32_PROGRAMMER_CLI} --connect port=swd --write $ --go ) endfunction() # Add flash st-flash target function(family_flash_stflash TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED ST_FLASH) set(ST_FLASH st-flash) endif () add_custom_target(${TARGET}-stflash DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${ST_FLASH} write $/${TARGET}.bin 0x8000000 ) endfunction() # Add flash openocd target function(family_flash_openocd TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED OPENOCD) set(OPENOCD openocd) endif () if (NOT DEFINED OPENOCD_OPTION2) set(OPENOCD_OPTION2 "") endif () separate_arguments(OPTION_LIST UNIX_COMMAND ${OPENOCD_OPTION}) separate_arguments(OPTION_LIST2 UNIX_COMMAND ${OPENOCD_OPTION2}) # note skip verify since it has issue with rp2040 add_custom_target(${TARGET}-openocd DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${OPENOCD} ${OPTION_LIST} -c init -c halt -c "program $ reset" ${OPTION_LIST2} -c exit VERBATIM ) endfunction() # Add flash openocd-wch target # compiled from or function(family_flash_openocd_wch TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED OPENOCD) set(OPENOCD $ENV{HOME}/app/riscv-openocd-wch/src/openocd) endif () family_flash_openocd(${TARGET}) endfunction() # Add flash with function(family_flash_wlink_rs TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED WLINK_RS) set(WLINK_RS wlink) endif () add_custom_target(${TARGET}-wlink-rs DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${WLINK_RS} flash $ ) endfunction() # Add flash pycod target function(family_flash_pyocd TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED PYOC) set(PYOCD pyocd) endif () add_custom_target(${TARGET}-pyocd DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${PYOCD} flash -t ${PYOCD_TARGET} $ ) endfunction() # Flash with UF2 function(family_flash_uf2 TARGET FAMILY_ID) add_custom_target(${TARGET}-uf2 DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND python ${UF2CONV_PY} -f ${FAMILY_ID} --deploy $/${TARGET}.uf2 ) endfunction() # Add flash teensy_cli target function(family_flash_teensy TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED TEENSY_CLI) set(TEENSY_CLI teensy_loader_cli) endif () add_custom_target(${TARGET}-teensy DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${TEENSY_CLI} --mcu=${TEENSY_MCU} -w -s $/${TARGET}.hex ) endfunction() # Add flash using NXP's LinkServer (redserver) # function(family_flash_nxplink TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED LINKSERVER) set(LINKSERVER LinkServer) endif () # LinkServer has a bug that can only execute with full path otherwise it throws: # realpath error: No such file or directory execute_process(COMMAND which ${LINKSERVER} OUTPUT_VARIABLE LINKSERVER_PATH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) add_custom_target(${TARGET}-nxplink DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${LINKSERVER_PATH} flash ${NXPLINK_DEVICE} load $ ) endfunction() function(family_flash_dfu_util TARGET OPTION) if (NOT DEFINED DFU_UTIL) set(DFU_UTIL dfu-util) endif () add_custom_target(${TARGET}-dfu-util DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${DFU_UTIL} -R -d ${DFU_UTIL_VID_PID} -a 0 -D $/${TARGET}.bin VERBATIM ) endfunction() function(family_flash_msp430flasher TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED MSP430Flasher) set(MSP430FLASHER MSP430Flasher) endif () # set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find (directory containing MSP430Flasher) find_program(MSP430FLASHER_PATH MSP430Flasher) get_filename_component(MSP430FLASHER_PARENT_DIR "${MSP430FLASHER_PATH}" DIRECTORY) add_custom_target(${TARGET}-msp430flasher DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${MSP430FLASHER_PARENT_DIR} ${MSP430FLASHER} -w $/${TARGET}.hex -z [VCC] ) endfunction() function(family_flash_uniflash TARGET) if (NOT DEFINED DSLITE) set(DSLITE endif () separate_arguments(OPTION_LIST UNIX_COMMAND ${UNIFLASH_OPTION}) add_custom_target(${TARGET}-uniflash DEPENDS ${TARGET} COMMAND ${DSLITE} ${UNIFLASH_OPTION} -f $/${TARGET}.hex VERBATIM ) endfunction() #---------------------------------- # Family specific #---------------------------------- # family specific: can override above functions include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${FAMILY}/family.cmake) if (NOT FAMILY_MCUS) set(FAMILY_MCUS ${FAMILY}) endif() # if use max3421 as host controller, expand FAMILY_MCUS to include max3421 if (MAX3421_HOST STREQUAL "1") set(FAMILY_MCUS ${FAMILY_MCUS} MAX3421) endif () # save it in case of re-inclusion set(FAMILY_MCUS ${FAMILY_MCUS} CACHE INTERNAL "")