require 'rbconfig' class SystemWrapper # static method for use in defaults def return ((RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/) ? true : false) if defined?(RbConfig) return ((Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/) ? true : false) end # class method so as to be mockable for tests def windows? return end def module_eval(string) return Object.module_eval("\"" + string + "\"") end def eval(string) return eval(string) end def search_paths return ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end def cmdline_args return ARGV end def env_set(name, value) ENV[name] = value end def env_get(name) return ENV[name] end def time_now return end def shell_backticks(command) return { :output => `#{command}`.freeze, :exit_code => ($?.exitstatus).freeze } end def shell_system(command) system( command ) return { :output => ''.freeze, :exit_code => ($?.exitstatus).freeze } end def add_load_path(path) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) end def require_file(path) require(path) end def ruby_success return ($!.nil? || $!.is_a?(SystemExit) && $!.success?) end def constants_include?(item) # forcing to strings provides consistency across Ruby versions return{|constant| constant.to_s}.include?(item.to_s) end end