/**************************************************************************/ /*! @file hid.h @author hathach (tinyusb.org) @section LICENSE Software License Agreement (BSD License) Copyright (c) 2013, hathach (tinyusb.org) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This file is part of the tinyusb stack. */ /**************************************************************************/ /** \ingroup group_class * \defgroup ClassDriver_HID Human Interface Device (HID) * @{ */ #ifndef _TUSB_HID_H_ #define _TUSB_HID_H_ #include "common/tusb_common.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Common Definitions //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** \defgroup ClassDriver_HID_Common Common Definitions * @{ */ /// HID Subclass typedef enum { HID_SUBCLASS_NONE = 0, ///< No Subclass HID_SUBCLASS_BOOT = 1 ///< Boot Interface Subclass }hid_subclass_type_t; /// HID Protocol typedef enum { HID_PROTOCOL_NONE = 0, ///< None HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD = 1, ///< Keyboard HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE = 2 ///< Mouse }hid_protocol_type_t; /// HID Descriptor Type typedef enum { HID_DESC_TYPE_HID = 0x21, ///< HID Descriptor HID_DESC_TYPE_REPORT = 0x22, ///< Report Descriptor HID_DESC_TYPE_PHYSICAL = 0x23 ///< Physical Descriptor }hid_descriptor_type_t; /// HID Request Report Type typedef enum { HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT = 1, ///< Input HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, ///< Output HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE ///< Feature }hid_report_type_t; /// HID Class Specific Control Request typedef enum { HID_REQ_CONTROL_GET_REPORT = 0x01, ///< Get Report HID_REQ_CONTROL_GET_IDLE = 0x02, ///< Get Idle HID_REQ_CONTROL_GET_PROTOCOL = 0x03, ///< Get Protocol HID_REQ_CONTROL_SET_REPORT = 0x09, ///< Set Report HID_REQ_CONTROL_SET_IDLE = 0x0a, ///< Set Idle HID_REQ_CONTROL_SET_PROTOCOL = 0x0b ///< Set Protocol }hid_request_type_t; /// USB HID Descriptor typedef struct ATTR_PACKED { uint8_t bLength; /**< Numeric expression that is the total size of the HID descriptor */ uint8_t bDescriptorType; /**< Constant name specifying type of HID descriptor. */ uint16_t bcdHID; /**< Numeric expression identifying the HID Class Specification release */ uint8_t bCountryCode; /**< Numeric expression identifying country code of the localized hardware. */ uint8_t bNumDescriptors; /**< Numeric expression specifying the number of class descriptors */ uint8_t bReportType; /**< Type of HID class report. */ uint16_t wReportLength; /**< the total size of the Report descriptor. */ } tusb_hid_descriptor_hid_t; /// HID Country Code typedef enum { HID_Local_NotSupported = 0 , ///< NotSupported HID_Local_Arabic , ///< Arabic HID_Local_Belgian , ///< Belgian HID_Local_Canadian_Bilingual , ///< Canadian_Bilingual HID_Local_Canadian_French , ///< Canadian_French HID_Local_Czech_Republic , ///< Czech_Republic HID_Local_Danish , ///< Danish HID_Local_Finnish , ///< Finnish HID_Local_French , ///< French HID_Local_German , ///< German HID_Local_Greek , ///< Greek HID_Local_Hebrew , ///< Hebrew HID_Local_Hungary , ///< Hungary HID_Local_International , ///< International HID_Local_Italian , ///< Italian HID_Local_Japan_Katakana , ///< Japan_Katakana HID_Local_Korean , ///< Korean HID_Local_Latin_American , ///< Latin_American HID_Local_Netherlands_Dutch , ///< Netherlands/Dutch HID_Local_Norwegian , ///< Norwegian HID_Local_Persian_Farsi , ///< Persian (Farsi) HID_Local_Poland , ///< Poland HID_Local_Portuguese , ///< Portuguese HID_Local_Russia , ///< Russia HID_Local_Slovakia , ///< Slovakia HID_Local_Spanish , ///< Spanish HID_Local_Swedish , ///< Swedish HID_Local_Swiss_French , ///< Swiss/French HID_Local_Swiss_German , ///< Swiss/German HID_Local_Switzerland , ///< Switzerland HID_Local_Taiwan , ///< Taiwan HID_Local_Turkish_Q , ///< Turkish-Q HID_Local_UK , ///< UK HID_Local_US , ///< US HID_Local_Yugoslavia , ///< Yugoslavia HID_Local_Turkish_F ///< Turkish-F } hid_country_code_t; /** @} */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // MOUSE //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** \addtogroup ClassDriver_HID_Mouse Mouse * @{ */ /// Standard HID Boot Protocol Mouse Report. typedef struct ATTR_PACKED { uint8_t buttons; /**< buttons mask for currently pressed buttons in the mouse. */ int8_t x; /**< Current delta x movement of the mouse. */ int8_t y; /**< Current delta y movement on the mouse. */ int8_t wheel; /**< Current delta wheel movement on the mouse. */ } hid_mouse_report_t; /// Standard Mouse Buttons Bitmap typedef enum { MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = BIT_(0), ///< Left button MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = BIT_(1), ///< Right button MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE = BIT_(2) ///< Middle button }hid_mouse_button_bm_t; /// @} //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Keyboard //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** \addtogroup ClassDriver_HID_Keyboard Keyboard * @{ */ /// Standard HID Boot Protocol Keyboard Report. typedef struct ATTR_PACKED { uint8_t modifier; /**< Keyboard modifier byte, indicating pressed modifier keys (a combination of HID_KEYBOARD_MODIFER_* masks). */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Reserved for OEM use, always set to 0. */ uint8_t keycode[6]; /**< Key codes of the currently pressed keys. */ } hid_keyboard_report_t; /// Keyboard modifier codes bitmap typedef enum { KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTCTRL = BIT_(0), ///< Left Control KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTSHIFT = BIT_(1), ///< Left Shift KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTALT = BIT_(2), ///< Left Alt KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTGUI = BIT_(3), ///< Left Window KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTCTRL = BIT_(4), ///< Right Control KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTSHIFT = BIT_(5), ///< Right Shift KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTALT = BIT_(6), ///< Right Alt KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTGUI = BIT_(7) ///< Right Window }hid_keyboard_modifier_bm_t; typedef enum { KEYBOARD_LED_NUMLOCK = BIT_(0), ///< Num Lock LED KEYBOARD_LED_CAPSLOCK = BIT_(1), ///< Caps Lock LED KEYBOARD_LED_SCROLLLOCK = BIT_(2), ///< Scroll Lock LED KEYBOARD_LED_COMPOSE = BIT_(3), ///< Composition Mode KEYBOARD_LED_KANA = BIT_(4) ///< Kana mode }hid_keyboard_led_bm_t; /// @} //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // HID KEYCODE //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define HID_KEY_NONE 0x00 #define HID_KEY_A 0x04 #define HID_KEY_B 0x05 #define HID_KEY_C 0x06 #define HID_KEY_D 0x07 #define HID_KEY_E 0x08 #define HID_KEY_F 0x09 #define HID_KEY_G 0x0A #define HID_KEY_H 0x0B #define HID_KEY_I 0x0C #define HID_KEY_J 0x0D #define HID_KEY_K 0x0E #define HID_KEY_L 0x0F #define HID_KEY_M 0x10 #define HID_KEY_N 0x11 #define HID_KEY_O 0x12 #define HID_KEY_P 0x13 #define HID_KEY_Q 0x14 #define HID_KEY_R 0x15 #define HID_KEY_S 0x16 #define HID_KEY_T 0x17 #define HID_KEY_U 0x18 #define HID_KEY_V 0x19 #define HID_KEY_W 0x1A #define HID_KEY_X 0x1B #define HID_KEY_Y 0x1C #define HID_KEY_Z 0x1D #define HID_KEY_1 0x1E #define HID_KEY_2 0x1F #define HID_KEY_3 0x20 #define HID_KEY_4 0x21 #define HID_KEY_5 0x22 #define HID_KEY_6 0x23 #define HID_KEY_7 0x24 #define HID_KEY_8 0x25 #define HID_KEY_9 0x26 #define HID_KEY_0 0x27 #define HID_KEY_RETURN 0x28 #define HID_KEY_ESCAPE 0x29 #define HID_KEY_BACKSPACE 0x2A #define HID_KEY_TAB 0x2B #define HID_KEY_SPACE 0x2C #define HID_KEY_MINUS 0x2D #define HID_KEY_EQUAL 0x2E #define HID_KEY_BRACKET_LEFT 0x2F #define HID_KEY_BRACKET_RIGHT 0x30 #define HID_KEY_BACKSLASH 0x31 #define HID_KEY_EUROPE_1 0x32 #define HID_KEY_SEMICOLON 0x33 #define HID_KEY_APOSTROPHE 0x34 #define HID_KEY_GRAVE 0x35 #define HID_KEY_COMMA 0x36 #define HID_KEY_PERIOD 0x37 #define HID_KEY_SLASH 0x38 #define HID_KEY_CAPS_LOCK 0x39 #define HID_KEY_F1 0x3A #define HID_KEY_F2 0x3B #define HID_KEY_F3 0x3C #define HID_KEY_F4 0x3D #define HID_KEY_F5 0x3E #define HID_KEY_F6 0x3F #define HID_KEY_F7 0x40 #define HID_KEY_F8 0x41 #define HID_KEY_F9 0x42 #define HID_KEY_F10 0x43 #define HID_KEY_F11 0x44 #define HID_KEY_F12 0x45 #define HID_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN 0x46 #define HID_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK 0x47 #define HID_KEY_PAUSE 0x48 #define HID_KEY_INSERT 0x49 #define HID_KEY_HOME 0x4A #define HID_KEY_PAGE_UP 0x4B #define HID_KEY_DELETE 0x4C #define HID_KEY_END 0x4D #define HID_KEY_PAGE_DOWN 0x4E #define HID_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT 0x4F #define HID_KEY_ARROW_LEFT 0x50 #define HID_KEY_ARROW_DOWN 0x51 #define HID_KEY_ARROW_UP 0x52 #define HID_KEY_NUM_LOCK 0x53 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_DIVIDE 0x54 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_MULTIPLY 0x55 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_SUBTRACT 0x56 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_ADD 0x57 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_ENTER 0x58 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_1 0x59 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_2 0x5A #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_3 0x5B #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_4 0x5C #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_5 0x5D #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_6 0x5E #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_7 0x5F #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_8 0x60 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_9 0x61 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_0 0x62 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_DECIMAL 0x63 #define HID_KEY_EUROPE_2 0x64 #define HID_KEY_APPLICATION 0x65 #define HID_KEY_POWER 0x66 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_EQUAL 0x67 #define HID_KEY_F13 0x68 #define HID_KEY_F14 0x69 #define HID_KEY_F15 0x6A #define HID_KEY_CONTROL_LEFT 0xE0 #define HID_KEY_SHIFT_LEFT 0xE1 #define HID_KEY_ALT_LEFT 0xE2 #define HID_KEY_GUI_LEFT 0xE3 #define HID_KEY_CONTROL_RIGHT 0xE4 #define HID_KEY_SHIFT_RIGHT 0xE5 #define HID_KEY_ALT_RIGHT 0xE6 #define HID_KEY_GUI_RIGHT 0xE7 //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // REPORT DESCRIPTOR //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ //------------- ITEM & TAG -------------// #define HID_REPORT_DATA_0(data) #define HID_REPORT_DATA_1(data) , data #define HID_REPORT_DATA_2(data) , U16_TO_U8S_LE(data) #define HID_REPORT_DATA_3(data) , U32_TO_U8S_LE(data) #define HID_REPORT_ITEM(data, tag, type, size) \ (((tag) << 4) | ((type) << 2) | (size)) HID_REPORT_DATA_##size(data) #define RI_TYPE_MAIN 0 #define RI_TYPE_GLOBAL 1 #define RI_TYPE_LOCAL 2 //------------- MAIN ITEMS -------------// #define HID_INPUT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 8, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_OUTPUT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 9, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_COLLECTION(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 10, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_FEATURE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 11, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_COLLECTION_END HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 12, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 0) //------------- INPUT, OUTPUT, FEATURE -------------// #define HID_DATA (0<<0) #define HID_CONSTANT (1<<0) #define HID_ARRAY (0<<1) #define HID_VARIABLE (1<<1) #define HID_ABSOLUTE (0<<2) #define HID_RELATIVE (1<<2) #define HID_WRAP_NO (0<<3) #define HID_WRAP (1<<3) #define HID_LINEAR (0<<4) #define HID_NONLINEAR (1<<4) #define HID_PREFERRED_STATE (0<<5) #define HID_PREFERRED_NO (1<<5) #define HID_NO_NULL_POSITION (0<<6) #define HID_NULL_STATE (1<<6) #define HID_NON_VOLATILE (0<<7) #define HID_VOLATILE (1<<7) #define HID_BITFIELD (0<<8) #define HID_BUFFERED_BYTES (1<<8) //------------- COLLECTION ITEM -------------// enum { HID_COLLECTION_PHYSICAL = 0, HID_COLLECTION_APPLICATION, HID_COLLECTION_LOGICAL, HID_COLLECTION_REPORT, HID_COLLECTION_NAMED_ARRAY, HID_COLLECTION_USAGE_SWITCH, HID_COLLECTION_USAGE_MODIFIER }; //------------- GLOBAL ITEMS -------------// #define HID_USAGE_PAGE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_LOGICAL_MIN(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_LOGICAL_MIN_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_LOGICAL_MAX(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_LOGICAL_MAX_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MIN(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 3, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MIN_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 3, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MAX(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 4, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MAX_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 4, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_UNIT_EXPONENT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 5, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_UNIT_EXPONENT_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 5, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_UNIT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 6, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_UNIT_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 6, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_REPORT_SIZE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 7, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_REPORT_SIZE_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 7, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_REPORT_ID(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 8, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_REPORT_ID_N(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 8, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_REPORT_COUNT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 9, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_REPORT_COUNT_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 9, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_PUSH HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 10, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 0) #define HID_POP HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 11, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 0) //------------- LOCAL ITEMS -------------// #define HID_USAGE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, n) #define HID_USAGE_MIN(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_MIN_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, n) #define HID_USAGE_MAX(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_MAX_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, n) //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Usage Table //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// HID Usage Table - Table 1: Usage Page Summary enum { HID_USAGE_PAGE_DESKTOP = 0x01, HID_USAGE_PAGE_SIMULATE = 0x02, HID_USAGE_PAGE_VIRTUAL_REALITY = 0x03, HID_USAGE_PAGE_SPORT = 0x04, HID_USAGE_PAGE_GAME = 0x05, HID_USAGE_PAGE_GENERIC_DEVICE = 0x06, HID_USAGE_PAGE_KEYBOARD = 0x07, HID_USAGE_PAGE_LED = 0x08, HID_USAGE_PAGE_BUTTON = 0x09, HID_USAGE_PAGE_ORDINAL = 0x0a, HID_USAGE_PAGE_TELEPHONY = 0x0b, HID_USAGE_PAGE_CONSUMER = 0x0c, HID_USAGE_PAGE_DIGITIZER = 0x0d, HID_USAGE_PAGE_PID = 0x0f, HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNICODE = 0x10, HID_USAGE_PAGE_ALPHA_DISPLAY = 0x14, HID_USAGE_PAGE_MEDICAL = 0x40, HID_USAGE_PAGE_MONITOR = 0x80, //0x80 - 0x83 HID_USAGE_PAGE_POWER = 0x84, // 0x084 - 0x87 HID_USAGE_PAGE_BARCODE_SCANNER = 0x8c, HID_USAGE_PAGE_SCALE = 0x8d, HID_USAGE_PAGE_MSR = 0x8e, HID_USAGE_PAGE_CAMERA = 0x90, HID_USAGE_PAGE_ARCADE = 0x91, HID_USAGE_PAGE_VENDOR = 0xFFFF // 0xFF00 - 0xFFFF }; /// HID Usage Table - Table 6: Generic Desktop Page enum { HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_POINTER = 0x01, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_MOUSE = 0x02, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_JOYSTICK = 0x04, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_GAMEPAD = 0x05, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD = 0x06, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_KEYPAD = 0x07, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_MULTI_AXIS_CONTROLLER = 0x08, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_TABLET_PC_SYSTEM = 0x09, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_X = 0x30, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_Y = 0x31, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_Z = 0x32, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RX = 0x33, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RY = 0x34, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RZ = 0x35, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SLIDER = 0x36, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DIAL = 0x37, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_WHEEL = 0x38, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_HAT_SWITCH = 0x39, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_COUNTED_BUFFER = 0x3a, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_BYTE_COUNT = 0x3b, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_MOTION_WAKEUP = 0x3c, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_START = 0x3d, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SELECT = 0x3e, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VX = 0x40, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VY = 0x41, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VZ = 0x42, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VBRX = 0x43, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VBRY = 0x44, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VBRZ = 0x45, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VNO = 0x46, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION = 0x47, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RESOLUTION_MULTIPLIER = 0x48, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_CONTROL = 0x80, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_POWER_DOWN = 0x81, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_SLEEP = 0x82, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_WAKE_UP = 0x83, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_MENU = 0x84, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MAIN_MENU = 0x85, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_APP_MENU = 0x86, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_HELP = 0x87, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_EXIT = 0x88, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_SELECT = 0x89, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_RIGHT = 0x8A, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_LEFT = 0x8B, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_UP = 0x8C, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_DOWN = 0x8D, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_COLD_RESTART = 0x8E, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_WARM_RESTART = 0x8F, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_UP = 0x90, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_DOWN = 0x91, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x92, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_LEFT = 0x93, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DOCK = 0xA0, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_UNDOCK = 0xA1, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_SETUP = 0xA2, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_BREAK = 0xA3, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DEBUGGER_BREAK = 0xA4, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_APPLICATION_BREAK = 0xA5, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_APPLICATION_DEBUGGER_BREAK = 0xA6, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_SPEAKER_MUTE = 0xA7, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_HIBERNATE = 0xA8, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_INVERT = 0xB0, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_INTERNAL = 0xB1, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL = 0xB2, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_BOTH = 0xB3, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_DUAL = 0xB4, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_TOGGLE_INT_EXT = 0xB5, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_SWAP_PRIMARY_SECONDARY = 0xB6, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_LCD_AUTOSCALE = 0xB7 }; /// HID Usage Table: Consumer Page (0x0C) /// Only contains controls that supported by Windows (whole list is too long) enum { // Generic Control HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_CONTROL = 0x0001, // Power Control HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_POWER = 0x0030, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_RESET = 0x0031, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_SLEEP = 0x0032, // Screen Brightness HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BRIGHTNESS_INCREMENT = 0x006F, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BRIGHTNESS_DECREMENT = 0x0070, // These HID usages operate only on mobile systems (battery powered) and // require Windows 8 (build 8302 or greater). HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_CONTROLS = 0x000C, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_BUTTONS = 0x00C6, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_LED = 0x00C7, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_SLIDER_SWITCH = 0x00C8, // Media Control HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_PLAY_PAUSE = 0x00CD, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_SCAN_NEXT = 0x00B5, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_SCAN_PREVIOUS = 0x00B6, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_STOP = 0x00B7, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME = 0x00E0, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_MUTE = 0x00E2, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS = 0x00E3, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_TREBLE = 0x00E4, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS_BOOST = 0x00E5, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME_INCREMENT = 0x00E9, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME_DECREMENT = 0x00EA, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS_INCREMENT = 0x0152, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS_DECREMENT = 0x0153, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_TREBLE_INCREMENT = 0x0154, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_TREBLE_DECREMENT = 0x0155, // Application Launcher HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_CONSUMER_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION = 0x0183, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_EMAIL_READER = 0x018A, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_CALCULATOR = 0x0192, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_LOCAL_BROWSER = 0x0194, // Browser/Explorer Specific HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_SEARCH = 0x0221, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_HOME = 0x0223, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_BACK = 0x0224, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_FORWARD = 0x0225, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_STOP = 0x0226, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_REFRESH = 0x0227, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_BOOKMARKS = 0x022A, // Mouse Horizontal scroll HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_PAN = 0x0238, }; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _TUSB_HID_H__ */ /// @}