/* * @brief LPC11u6x I2C driver * * @note * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2013 * All rights reserved. * * @par * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of * intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the * specified use without further testing or modification. * * @par * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of * this code. */ #ifndef __I2C_11U6X_H_ #define __I2C_11U6X_H_ #include "i2c_common_11u6x.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** @ingroup I2C_11U6X * @{ */ /** * @brief Return values for SLAVE handler * @note * Chip drivers will usally be designed to match their events with this value */ #define RET_SLAVE_TX 6 /**< Return value, when 1 byte TX'd successfully */ #define RET_SLAVE_RX 5 /**< Return value, when 1 byte RX'd successfully */ #define RET_SLAVE_IDLE 2 /**< Return value, when slave enter idle mode */ #define RET_SLAVE_BUSY 0 /**< Return value, when slave is busy */ /** * @brief I2C state handle return values */ #define I2C_STA_STO_RECV 0x20 /* * @brief I2C return status code definitions */ #define I2C_I2STAT_NO_INF ((0xF8))/*!< No relevant information */ #define I2C_I2STAT_BUS_ERROR ((0x00))/*!< Bus Error */ /* * @brief I2C status values */ #define I2C_SETUP_STATUS_ARBF (1 << 8) /**< Arbitration false */ #define I2C_SETUP_STATUS_NOACKF (1 << 9) /**< No ACK returned */ #define I2C_SETUP_STATUS_DONE (1 << 10) /**< Status DONE */ /* * @brief I2C state handle return values */ #define I2C_OK 0x00 #define I2C_BYTE_SENT 0x01 #define I2C_BYTE_RECV 0x02 #define I2C_LAST_BYTE_RECV 0x04 #define I2C_SEND_END 0x08 #define I2C_RECV_END 0x10 #define I2C_STA_STO_RECV 0x20 #define I2C_ERR (0x10000000) #define I2C_NAK_RECV (0x10000000 | 0x01) #define I2C_CheckError(ErrorCode) (ErrorCode & 0x10000000) /* * @brief I2C monitor control configuration defines */ #define I2C_MONITOR_CFG_SCL_OUTPUT I2C_I2MMCTRL_ENA_SCL /**< SCL output enable */ #define I2C_MONITOR_CFG_MATCHALL I2C_I2MMCTRL_MATCH_ALL /**< Select interrupt register match */ /** * @brief I2C Slave Identifiers */ typedef enum { I2C_SLAVE_GENERAL, /**< Slave ID for general calls */ I2C_SLAVE_0, /**< Slave ID fo Slave Address 0 */ I2C_SLAVE_1, /**< Slave ID fo Slave Address 1 */ I2C_SLAVE_2, /**< Slave ID fo Slave Address 2 */ I2C_SLAVE_3, /**< Slave ID fo Slave Address 3 */ I2C_SLAVE_NUM_INTERFACE /**< Number of slave interfaces */ } I2C_SLAVE_ID; /** * @brief I2C transfer status */ typedef enum { I2C_STATUS_DONE, /**< Transfer done successfully */ I2C_STATUS_NAK, /**< NAK received during transfer */ I2C_STATUS_ARBLOST, /**< Aribitration lost during transfer */ I2C_STATUS_BUSERR, /**< Bus error in I2C transfer */ I2C_STATUS_BUSY, /**< I2C is busy doing transfer */ I2C_STATUS_SLAVENAK,/**< NAK received after SLA+W or SLA+R */ } I2C_STATUS_T; /** * @brief Master transfer data structure definitions */ typedef struct { uint8_t slaveAddr; /**< 7-bit I2C Slave address */ const uint8_t *txBuff; /**< Pointer to array of bytes to be transmitted */ int txSz; /**< Number of bytes in transmit array, if 0 only receive transfer will be carried on */ uint8_t *rxBuff; /**< Pointer memory where bytes received from I2C be stored */ int rxSz; /**< Number of bytes to received, if 0 only transmission we be carried on */ I2C_STATUS_T status; /**< Status of the current I2C transfer */ } I2C_XFER_T; /** * @brief I2C interface IDs * @note * All Chip functions will take this as the first parameter, * I2C_NUM_INTERFACE must never be used for calling any Chip * functions, it is only used to find the number of interfaces * available in the Chip. */ typedef enum I2C_ID { I2C0, /**< ID I2C0 */ I2C1, /**< ID I2C1 */ I2C_NUM_INTERFACE /**< Number of I2C interfaces in the chip */ } I2C_ID_T; /** * @brief I2C master events */ typedef enum { I2C_EVENT_WAIT = 1, /**< I2C Wait event */ I2C_EVENT_DONE, /**< Done event that wakes up Wait event */ I2C_EVENT_LOCK, /**< Re-entrency lock event for I2C transfer */ I2C_EVENT_UNLOCK, /**< Re-entrency unlock event for I2C transfer */ I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_RX, /**< Slave receive event */ I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_TX, /**< Slave transmit event */ } I2C_EVENT_T; /** * @brief Event handler function type */ typedef void (*I2C_EVENTHANDLER_T)(I2C_ID_T, I2C_EVENT_T); /** * @brief Initializes the LPC_I2C peripheral with specified parameter. * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return Nothing */ void Chip_I2C_Init(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief De-initializes the I2C peripheral registers to their default reset values * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return Nothing */ void Chip_I2C_DeInit(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief Set up clock rate for LPC_I2C peripheral. * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @param clockrate : Target clock rate value to initialized I2C peripheral (Hz) * @return Nothing * @note * Parameter @a clockrate for I2C0 should be from 1000 up to 1000000 * (1 KHz to 1 MHz), as I2C0 support Fast Mode Plus. If the @a clockrate * is more than 400 KHz (Fast Plus Mode) Board_I2C_EnableFastPlus() * must be called prior to calling this function. */ void Chip_I2C_SetClockRate(I2C_ID_T id, uint32_t clockrate); /** * @brief Get current clock rate for LPC_I2C peripheral. * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return The current I2C peripheral clock rate */ uint32_t Chip_I2C_GetClockRate(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief Transmit and Receive data in master mode * @param id : I2C peripheral selected (I2C0, I2C1 etc) * @param xfer : Pointer to a I2C_XFER_T structure see notes below * @return * Any of #I2C_STATUS_T values, xfer->txSz will have number of bytes * not sent due to error, xfer->rxSz will have the number of bytes yet * to be received. * @note * The parameter @a xfer should have its member @a slaveAddr initialized * to the 7-Bit slave address to which the master will do the xfer, Bit0 * to bit6 should have the address and Bit8 is ignored. During the transfer * no code (like event handler) must change the content of the memory * pointed to by @a xfer. The member of @a xfer, @a txBuff and @a txSz be * initialized to the memory from which the I2C must pick the data to be * transfered to slave and the number of bytes to send respectively, similarly * @a rxBuff and @a rxSz must have pointer to memroy where data received * from slave be stored and the number of data to get from slave respectilvely. */ int Chip_I2C_MasterTransfer(I2C_ID_T id, I2C_XFER_T *xfer); /** * @brief Transmit data to I2C slave using I2C Master mode * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 .. etc) * @param slaveAddr : Slave address to which the data be written * @param buff : Pointer to buffer having the array of data * @param len : Number of bytes to be transfered from @a buff * @return Number of bytes successfully transfered */ int Chip_I2C_MasterSend(I2C_ID_T id, uint8_t slaveAddr, const uint8_t *buff, uint8_t len); /** * @brief Transfer a command to slave and receive data from slave after a repeated start * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @param slaveAddr : Slave address of the I2C device * @param cmd : Command (Address/Register) to be written * @param buff : Pointer to memory that will hold the data received * @param len : Number of bytes to receive * @return Number of bytes successfully received */ int Chip_I2C_MasterCmdRead(I2C_ID_T id, uint8_t slaveAddr, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *buff, int len); /** * @brief Get pointer to current function handling the events * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return Pointer to function handing events of I2C */ I2C_EVENTHANDLER_T Chip_I2C_GetMasterEventHandler(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief Set function that must handle I2C events * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @param event : Pointer to function that will handle the event (Should not be NULL) * @return 1 when successful, 0 when a transfer is on going with its own event handler */ int Chip_I2C_SetMasterEventHandler(I2C_ID_T id, I2C_EVENTHANDLER_T event); /** * @brief Set function that must handle I2C events * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @param slaveAddr : Slave address from which data be read * @param buff : Pointer to memory where data read be stored * @param len : Number of bytes to read from slave * @return Number of bytes read successfully */ int Chip_I2C_MasterRead(I2C_ID_T id, uint8_t slaveAddr, uint8_t *buff, int len); /** * @brief Default event handler for polling operation * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @param event : Event ID of the event that called the function * @return Nothing */ void Chip_I2C_EventHandlerPolling(I2C_ID_T id, I2C_EVENT_T event); /** * @brief Default event handler for interrupt base operation * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @param event : Event ID of the event that called the function * @return Nothing */ void Chip_I2C_EventHandler(I2C_ID_T id, I2C_EVENT_T event); /** * @brief I2C Master transfer state change handler * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return Nothing * @note Usually called from the appropriate Interrupt handler */ void Chip_I2C_MasterStateHandler(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief Disable I2C peripheral's operation * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return Nothing */ void Chip_I2C_Disable(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief Checks if master xfer in progress * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return 1 if master xfer in progress 0 otherwise * @note * This API is generally used in interrupt handler * of the application to decide whether to call * master state handler or to call slave state handler */ int Chip_I2C_IsMasterActive(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief Setup a slave I2C device * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @param sid : I2C Slave peripheral ID (I2C_SLAVE_0, I2C_SLAVE_1 etc) * @param xfer : Pointer to transfer structure (see note below for more info) * @param event : Event handler for slave transfers * @param addrMask : Address mask to use along with slave address (see notes below for more info) * @return Nothing * @note * Parameter @a xfer should point to a valid I2C_XFER_T structure object * and must have @a slaveAddr initialized with 7bit Slave address (From Bit1 to Bit7), * Bit0 when set enables general call handling, @a slaveAddr along with @a addrMask will * be used to match the slave address. @a rxBuff and @a txBuff must point to valid buffers * where slave can receive or send the data from, size of which will be provided by * @a rxSz and @a txSz respectively. Function pointed to by @a event will be called * for the following events #I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_RX (One byte of data received successfully * from the master and stored inside memory pointed by xfer->rxBuff, incremented * the pointer and decremented the @a xfer->rxSz), #I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_TX (One byte of * data from xfer->txBuff was sent to master successfully, incremented the pointer * and decremented xfer->txSz), #I2C_EVENT_DONE (Master is done doing its transfers * with the slave).
Bit-0 of the parameter @a addrMask is reserved and should always be 0. Any bit (BIT1 * to BIT7) set in @a addrMask will make the corresponding bit in *xfer->slaveAddr* as * don't care. Thit is, if *xfer->slaveAddr* is (0x10 << 1) and @a addrMask is (0x03 << 1) then * 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 will all be considered as valid slave addresses for the registered * slave. Upon receving any event *xfer->slaveAddr* (BIT1 to BIT7) will hold the actual * address which was received from master.
General Call Handling
* Slave can receive data from master using general call address (0x00). General call * handling must be setup as given below * - Call Chip_I2C_SlaveSetup() with argument @a sid as I2C_SLAVE_GENERAL * - xfer->slaveAddr ignored, argument @a addrMask ignored * - function provided by @a event will registered to be called when slave received data using addr 0x00 * - xfer->rxBuff and xfer->rxSz should be valid in argument @a xfer * - To handle General Call only (No other slaves are configured) * - Call Chip_I2C_SlaveSetup() with sid as I2C_SLAVE_X (X=0,1,2,3) * - setup @a xfer with slaveAddr member set to 0, @a event is ignored hence can be NULL * - provide @a addrMask (typically 0, if not you better be knowing what you are doing) * - To handler General Call when other slave is active * - Call Chip_I2C_SlaveSetup() with sid as I2C_SLAVE_X (X=0,1,2,3) * - setup @a xfer with slaveAddr member set to 7-Bit Slave address [from Bit1 to 7] * - Set Bit0 of @a xfer->slaveAddr as 1 * - Provide appropriate @a addrMask * - Argument @a event must point to function, that handles events from actual slaveAddress and not the GC * @warning * If the slave has only one byte in its txBuff, once that byte is transfered to master the event handler * will be called for event #I2C_EVENT_DONE. If the master attempts to read more bytes in the same transfer * then the slave hardware will send 0xFF to master till the end of transfer, event handler will not be * called to notify this. For more info see section below
Last data handling in slave
* If the user wants to implement a slave which will read a byte from a specific location over and over * again whenever master reads the slave. If the user initializes the xfer->txBuff as the location to read * the byte from and xfer->txSz as 1, then say, if master reads one byte; slave will send the byte read from * xfer->txBuff and will call the event handler with #I2C_EVENT_DONE. If the master attempts to read another * byte instead of sending the byte read from xfer->txBuff the slave hardware will send 0xFF and no event will * occur. To handle this issue, slave should set xfer->txSz to 2, in which case when master reads the byte * event handler will be called with #I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_TX, in which the slave implementation can reset the buffer * and size back to original location (i.e, xfer->txBuff--, xfer->txSz++), if the master reads another byte * in the same transfer, byte read from xfer->txBuff will be sent and #I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_TX will be called again, and * the process repeats. */ void Chip_I2C_SlaveSetup(I2C_ID_T id, I2C_SLAVE_ID sid, I2C_XFER_T *xfer, I2C_EVENTHANDLER_T event, uint8_t addrMask); /** * @brief I2C Slave event handler * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return Nothing */ void Chip_I2C_SlaveStateHandler(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @brief I2C peripheral state change checking * @param id : I2C peripheral ID (I2C0, I2C1 ... etc) * @return 1 if I2C peripheral @a id has changed its state, * 0 if there is no state change * @note * This function must be used by the application when * the polling has to be done based on state change. */ int Chip_I2C_IsStateChanged(I2C_ID_T id); /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __I2C_11U6X_H_ */