struct) {
struct) {
struct) {
struct) {
struct) {
struct) {
119 uint16_t hs_period_mult : 2;
struct) {
struct) {
180 uint16_t unicode_string[];
uint8_t bDescriptorType
Descriptor Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:179
uint8_t bLength
Size of this descriptor in bytes.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:91
uint8_t bFunctionClass
Interface class ID.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:162
uint8_t bDescriptorType
INTERFACE Descriptor Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:92
uint8_t bDeviceSubClass
Subclass code (assigned by the USB-IF). These codes are qualified by the value of the bDeviceClass fi...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:62
uint8_t bConfigurationValue
Value to use to select configuration.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:133
uint8_t bNumEndpoints
Number of endpoints used by this interface (excluding endpoint zero). If this value is zero...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:96
USB Standard Interface Descriptor (section 9.6.1 table 9-12)
Definition: std_descriptors.h:90
uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0
Maximum packet size for other speed.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:148
uint8_t bInterfaceCount
Total number of associated interfaces.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:160
uint8_t bNumInterfaces
Number of interfaces supported by this configuration.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:82
USB Other Speed Configuration Descriptor (section 9.6.1 table 9-11)
Definition: std_descriptors.h:127
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol
Protocol code (assigned by the USB). These codes are qualified by the value of the bInterfaceClass ...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:99
uint16_t idProduct
Product ID (assigned by the manufacturer).
Definition: std_descriptors.h:67
uint8_t bDescriptorType
Other_speed_Configuration Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:157
uint8_t bReserved
Reserved for future use, must be zero.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:150
uint8_t bNumConfigurations
Number of Other-speed Configurations.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:149
uint8_t iInterface
Index of string descriptor describing this interface.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:100
uint16_t wTotalLength
Total length of data returned.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:130
uint8_t bDeviceProtocol
Protocol code (assigned by the USB-IF). These codes are qualified by the value of the bDeviceClass an...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:63
uint8_t bDeviceClass
Class Code.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:145
uint8_t bmAttributes
Configuration characteristics D7: Reserved (set to one) D6: Self-powered D5: Remote Wakeup D4...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:85
uint8_t bLength
Size of this descriptor in bytes.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:178
uint8_t bFirstInterface
Index of the first associated interface.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:159
Definition: std_descriptors.h:176
uint8_t bFunctionProtocol
Interface protocol ID.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:164
uint8_t bLength
Size of descriptor.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:128
uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0
Maximum packet size for endpoint zero (only 8, 16, 32, or 64 are valid). For HS devices is fixed to 6...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:64
uint8_t iConfiguration
Index of string descriptor describing this configuration.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:84
uint8_t bNumInterfaces
Number of interfaces supported by this speed configuration.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:132
uint8_t iFunction
Index of the string descriptor describing the interface association.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:166
uint8_t bDeviceSubClass
SubClass Code.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:146
uint16_t bcdUSB
USB specification version number (e.g., 0200H for V2.00)
Definition: std_descriptors.h:143
uint8_t bLength
Size of this descriptor in bytes.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:57
uint16_t idVendor
Vendor ID (assigned by the USB-IF).
Definition: std_descriptors.h:66
uint16_t bcdDevice
Device release number in binary-coded decimal.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:68
uint8_t bDescriptorType
Other_speed_Configuration Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:129
USB Standard Configuration Descriptor (section 9.6.1 table 9-10) */.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:77
uint8_t bDescriptorType
ENDPOINT Descriptor Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:106
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass
Subclass code (assigned by the USB-IF). These codes are qualified by the value of the bInterfaceCla...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:98
uint16_t wTotalLength
Total length of data returned for this configuration. Includes the combined length of all descriptors...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:80
USB Standard Endpoint Descriptor (section 9.6.1 table 9-13)
Definition: std_descriptors.h:104
uint8_t iManufacturer
Index of string descriptor describing manufacturer.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:69
uint8_t bDescriptorType
DEVICE Descriptor Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:58
uint8_t bMaxPower
Same as Configuration descriptor.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:136
USB Interface Association Descriptor (IAD ECN)
Definition: std_descriptors.h:154
uint8_t bMaxPower
Maximum power consumption of the USB device from the bus in this specific configuration when the devi...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:86
uint8_t bInterfaceNumber
Number of this interface. Zero-based value identifying the index in the array of concurrent interface...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:94
uint8_t bConfigurationValue
Value to use as an argument to the SetConfiguration() request to select this configuration.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:83
uint8_t bLength
Size of this descriptor in bytes.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:78
uint8_t bDescriptorType
CONFIGURATION Descriptor Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:79
uint8_t bAlternateSetting
Value used to select this alternate setting for the interface identified in the prior field...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:95
uint8_t bmAttributes
Same as Configuration descriptor.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:135
uint8_t IConfiguration
Index of string descriptor.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:134
uint8_t bFunctionSubClass
Interface subclass ID.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:163
uint8_t bInterval
Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers. Expressed in frames or microframes depending on the...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:123
uint16_t bcdUSB
BUSB Specification Release Number in Binary-Coded Decimal (i.e., 2.10 is 210H). This field identifies...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:59
uint8_t iSerialNumber
Index of string descriptor describing the device's serial number.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:71
uint8_t bLength
Size of descriptor.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:156
uint8_t bNumConfigurations
Number of possible configurations.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:73
uint8_t bLength
Size of descriptor.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:141
uint8_t bLength
Size of this descriptor in bytes.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:105
uint8_t bDeviceClass
Class code (assigned by the USB-IF).
Definition: std_descriptors.h:61
uint8_t bInterfaceClass
Class code (assigned by the USB-IF).
Definition: std_descriptors.h:97
USB Device Qualifier Descriptor (section 9.6.1 table 9-9)
Definition: std_descriptors.h:140
uint8_t bDescriptorType
Device Qualifier Type.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:142
USB Standard Device Descriptor (section 9.6.1, table 9-8)
Definition: std_descriptors.h:56
uint8_t bDeviceProtocol
Protocol Code.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:147
uint8_t bEndpointAddress
The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor. The address is encoded as...
Definition: std_descriptors.h:108
uint8_t iProduct
Index of string descriptor describing product.
Definition: std_descriptors.h:70