CFLAGS += \ -flto \ -mthumb \ -mabi=aapcs \ -mcpu=cortex-m0 \ -nostdlib \ -DCORE_M0 \ -D__USE_LPCOPEN \ -DCFG_EXAMPLE_MSC_READONLY \ -DCFG_TUSB_MCU=OPT_MCU_LPC11UXX \ -DCFG_TUSB_MEM_SECTION='__attribute__((section(".data.$$RAM2")))' \ -DCFG_TUSB_MEM_ALIGN='__attribute__((aligned(64)))' # mcu driver cause following warnings CFLAGS += -Wno-error=nested-externs -Wno-error=strict-prototypes -Wno-error=unused-parameter MCU_DIR = hw/mcu/nxp/lpcopen/lpc11uxx/lpc_chip_11uxx # All source paths should be relative to the top level. LD_FILE = hw/bsp/$(BOARD)/lpc11u37.ld SRC_C += \ $(MCU_DIR)/../gcc/cr_startup_lpc11xx.c \ $(MCU_DIR)/src/chip_11xx.c \ $(MCU_DIR)/src/clock_11xx.c \ $(MCU_DIR)/src/gpio_11xx_1.c \ $(MCU_DIR)/src/iocon_11xx.c \ $(MCU_DIR)/src/sysctl_11xx.c \ $(MCU_DIR)/src/sysinit_11xx.c INC += \ $(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR)/inc # For TinyUSB port source VENDOR = nxp CHIP_FAMILY = lpc_ip3511 # For freeRTOS port source FREERTOS_PORT = ARM_CM0 # For flash-jlink target JLINK_DEVICE = LPC11U37/401 JLINK_IF = swd # flash using pyocd flash: $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.hex pyocd flash -t lpc11u37 $<