# Default to a less-verbose build. If you want all the gory compiler output, # "VERBOSE=1" to the make command line. ifndef VERBOSE .SILENT: $(info Non-Verbose Output) else $(info Verbose Output) endif SDK_DIR = hw/mcu/nxp/mcux-sdk MCU_DIR = $(SDK_DIR)/devices/K32L2A4S ifdef VERBOSE $(info TOP='$(TOP)') $(info ) $(info BSP='$(TOP)/hw/bsp/$(BOARD)') $(info ) $(info TOP/SDK_DIR='$(TOP)/$(SDK_DIR)') $(info ) $(info MCU_DIR='$(MCU_DIR)') $(info ) endif DEPS_SUBMODULES += $(SDK_DIR) CFLAGS += \ -mthumb \ -mabi=aapcs \ -mcpu=cortex-m0plus \ -DCPU_K32L2A41VLH1A \ -DCFG_TUSB_MCU=OPT_MCU_K32L2AXX # mcu driver cause following warnings CFLAGS += -Wno-error=unused-parameter -Wno-error=redundant-decls -Wno-error=cast-qual # All source paths should be relative to the top level. LD_FILE = $(MCU_DIR)/gcc/frdmk32l2a4s.ld LDFLAGS += -L$(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR)/gcc # Define Recursive Depth wildcard: rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) SRC_C += \ src/portable/nxp/khci/dcd_khci.c \ $(MCU_DIR)/gcc/startup_k32l2a41a.c SRC_C += $(call rwildcard,$(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR)/config,*.c) SRC_C += $(call rwildcard,$(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR)/drivers,*.c) INC += \ $(TOP)/hw/bsp/$(BOARD) \ $(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR)/CMSIS/ \ $(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR) \ $(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR)/config \ $(TOP)/$(MCU_DIR)/drivers ifdef VERBOSE $(info INC = '$(strip $(INC))') $(info ) $(info SRC_C = '$(sort $(strip $(SRC_C)))') $(info ) endif # For freeRTOS port source FREERTOS_PORT = ARM_CM0 # For flash-jlink target #JLINK_DEVICE = ? # For flash-pyocd target PYOCD_TARGET = K32L2A # flash using pyocd flash: flash-pyocd