CFLAGS += \ -flto \ -mthumb \ -mabi=aapcs \ -mcpu=cortex-m4 \ -mfloat-abi=hard \ -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 \ -DCFG_TUSB_MCU=OPT_MCU_NRF5X \ -DNRF52840_XXAA \ -DCONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET # suppress warning caused by vendor mcu driver CFLAGS += -Wno-error=undef -Wno-error=unused-parameter -Wno-error=cast-align # due to tusb_hal_nrf_power_event GCCVERSION = $(firstword $(subst ., ,$(shell arm-none-eabi-gcc -dumpversion))) ifeq ($(UNAME),Windows) ifeq ($(shell if $(GCCVERSION) geq 8 echo 1), 1) CFLAGS += -Wno-error=cast-function-type endif else ifeq ($(shell expr $(GCCVERSION) \>= 8), 1) CFLAGS += -Wno-error=cast-function-type endif endif # All source paths should be relative to the top level. #LD_FILE = hw/bsp/$(BOARD)/linker_script.ld LD_FILE = hw/bsp/$(BOARD)/arduino_nano33_ble.ld LDFLAGS += -L$(TOP)/hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/mdk SRC_C += \ hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/drivers/src/nrfx_power.c \ hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/drivers/src/nrfx_uarte.c \ hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/mdk/system_nrf52840.c INC += \ $(TOP)/lib/CMSIS_4/CMSIS/Include \ $(TOP)/hw/mcu/nordic \ $(TOP)/hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx \ $(TOP)/hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/mdk \ $(TOP)/hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/hal \ $(TOP)/hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/drivers/include \ $(TOP)/hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/drivers/src \ SRC_S += hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx/mdk/gcc_startup_nrf52840.S ASFLAGS += -D__HEAP_SIZE=0 # For TinyUSB port source VENDOR = nordic CHIP_FAMILY = nrf5x # For freeRTOS port source FREERTOS_PORT = ARM_CM4F # For flash-jlink target JLINK_DEVICE = nRF52840_xxAA # flash using bossac (as part of Nano33 BSP tools) # can be found in arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/bossac/ # Add it to your PATH or change BOSSAC variable to match your installation BOSSAC = bossac flash: $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.bin @:$(call check_defined, SERIAL, example: SERIAL=/dev/ttyACM0) $(BOSSAC) --port=$(SERIAL) -U -i -e -w $^ -R