/***************************************************************************** * * Copyright(C) 2011, Embedded Artists AB * All rights reserved. * ****************************************************************************** * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. * Embedded Artists AB assumes no responsibility or liability for the * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, * copyright, or mask work right to the product. Embedded Artists AB * reserves the right to make changes in the software without * notification. Embedded Artists AB also make no representation or * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified * use without further testing or modification. *****************************************************************************/ /* * NOTE: I2C must have been initialized before calling any functions in this * file. */ /****************************************************************************** * Includes *****************************************************************************/ #include "../../../board.h" #if BOARD == BOARD_EA4357 #include "lpc43xx_i2c.h" #include "lpc43xx_cgu.h" #include "lpc_types.h" #include "pca9532.h" /****************************************************************************** * Defines and typedefs *****************************************************************************/ #define I2C_PORT (LPC_I2C0) #define LS_MODE_ON 0x01 #define LS_MODE_BLINK0 0x02 #define LS_MODE_BLINK1 0x03 /****************************************************************************** * External global variables *****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Local variables *****************************************************************************/ static uint16_t blink0Shadow = 0; static uint16_t blink1Shadow = 0; static uint16_t ledStateShadow = 0; /****************************************************************************** * Local Functions *****************************************************************************/ static Status I2CWrite(uint32_t addr, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) { I2C_M_SETUP_Type i2cData; i2cData.sl_addr7bit = addr; i2cData.tx_data = buf; i2cData.tx_length = len; i2cData.rx_data = NULL; i2cData.rx_length = 0; i2cData.retransmissions_max = 3; return I2C_MasterTransferData(I2C_PORT, &i2cData, I2C_TRANSFER_POLLING); } static Status I2CRead(uint32_t addr, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) { I2C_M_SETUP_Type i2cData; i2cData.sl_addr7bit = addr; i2cData.tx_data = NULL; i2cData.tx_length = 0; i2cData.rx_data = buf; i2cData.rx_length = len; i2cData.retransmissions_max = 3; return I2C_MasterTransferData(I2C_PORT, &i2cData, I2C_TRANSFER_POLLING); } static void setLsStates(uint16_t states, uint8_t* ls, uint8_t mode) { #define IS_LED_SET(bit, x) ( ( ((x) & (bit)) != 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ) int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ls[i] |= ( (IS_LED_SET(0x0001, states)*mode << 0) | (IS_LED_SET(0x0002, states)*mode << 2) | (IS_LED_SET(0x0004, states)*mode << 4) | (IS_LED_SET(0x0008, states)*mode << 6) ); states >>= 4; } } static void setLeds(void) { uint8_t buf[5]; uint8_t ls[4] = {0,0,0,0}; uint16_t states = ledStateShadow; /* LEDs in On/Off state */ setLsStates(states, ls, LS_MODE_ON); /* set the LEDs that should blink */ setLsStates(blink0Shadow, ls, LS_MODE_BLINK0); setLsStates(blink1Shadow, ls, LS_MODE_BLINK1); buf[0] = PCA9532_LS0 | PCA9532_AUTO_INC; buf[1] = ls[0]; buf[2] = ls[1]; buf[3] = ls[2]; buf[4] = ls[3]; I2CWrite(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 5); } /****************************************************************************** * Public Functions *****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Initialize the PCA9532 Device * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_init (void) { /* nothing to initialize */ } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Get the LED states * * Params: * [in] shadow - TRUE if the states should be retrieved from the shadow * variables. The shadow variable are updated when any * of setLeds, setBlink0Leds and/or setBlink1Leds are * called. * * FALSE if the state should be retrieved from the PCA9532 * device. A blinkin LED may be reported as on or off * depending on the state when calling the function. * * Returns: * A mask where a 1 indicates that a LED is on (or blinking). * *****************************************************************************/ uint16_t pca9532_getLedState (uint32_t shadow) { uint8_t buf[2]; uint16_t ret = 0; if (shadow) { /* a blink LED is reported as on*/ ret = (ledStateShadow | blink0Shadow | blink1Shadow); } else { /* * A blinking LED may be reported as on or off depending on * its state when reading the Input register. */ buf[0] = PCA9532_INPUT0; I2CWrite(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1); I2CRead(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1); ret = buf[0]; buf[0] = PCA9532_INPUT1; I2CWrite(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1); I2CRead(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 1); ret |= (buf[0] << 8); /* invert since LEDs are active low */ ret = ((~ret) & 0xFFFF); } return (ret & ~PCA9532_NOT_USED); } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Set LED states (on or off). * * Params: * [in] ledOnMask - The LEDs that should be turned on. This mask has * priority over ledOffMask * [in] ledOffMask - The LEDs that should be turned off. * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_setLeds (uint16_t ledOnMask, uint16_t ledOffMask) { /* turn off leds */ ledStateShadow &= (~(ledOffMask) & 0xffff); /* ledOnMask has priority over ledOffMask */ ledStateShadow |= ledOnMask; /* turn off blinking */ blink0Shadow &= (~(ledOffMask) & 0xffff); blink1Shadow &= (~(ledOffMask) & 0xffff); setLeds(); } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Set the blink period for PWM0. Valid values are 0 - 255 where 0 * means 152 Hz and 255 means 0.59 Hz. A value of 151 means 1 Hz. * * Params: * [in] period - the period for pwm0 * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_setBlink0Period(uint8_t period) { uint8_t buf[2]; buf[0] = PCA9532_PSC0; buf[1] = period; I2CWrite(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 2); } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Set the duty cycle for PWM0. Valid values are 0 - 100. 25 means the LED * is on 25% of the period. * * Params: * [in] duty - duty cycle * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_setBlink0Duty(uint8_t duty) { uint8_t buf[2]; uint32_t tmp = duty; if (tmp > 100) { tmp = 100; } tmp = (256 * tmp)/100; buf[0] = PCA9532_PWM0; buf[1] = tmp; I2CWrite(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 2); } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Set the LEDs that should blink with rate and duty cycle from PWM0. * Blinking is turned off with pca9532_setLeds. * * Params: * [in] ledMask - LEDs that should blink. * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_setBlink0Leds(uint16_t ledMask) { blink0Shadow |= ledMask; setLeds(); } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Set the blink period for PWM1. Valid values are 0 - 255 where 0 * means 152 Hz and 255 means 0.59 Hz. A value of 151 means 1 Hz. * * Params: * [in] period - The period for PWM1 * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_setBlink1Period(uint8_t period) { uint8_t buf[2]; buf[0] = PCA9532_PSC1; buf[1] = period; I2CWrite(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 2); } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Set the duty cycle for PWM1. Valid values are 0 - 100. 25 means the LED * is on 25% of the period. * * Params: * [in] duty - duty cycle. * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_setBlink1Duty(uint8_t duty) { uint8_t buf[2]; uint32_t tmp = duty; if (tmp > 100) { tmp = 100; } tmp = (256 * tmp)/100; buf[0] = PCA9532_PWM1; buf[1] = tmp; I2CWrite(PCA9532_I2C_ADDR, buf, 2); } /****************************************************************************** * * Description: * Set the LEDs that should blink with rate and duty cycle from PWM1. * Blinking is turned off with pca9532_setLeds. * * Params: * [in] ledMask - LEDs that should blink. * *****************************************************************************/ void pca9532_setBlink1Leds(uint16_t ledMask) { blink1Shadow |= ledMask; setLeds(); } #endif