Ha Thach 1ef820ecfe
Enhance chipidea (#2075)
* update chipidea dcd, remove manual ep_count and use DCCPARAMS to get number of endpoint instead
* add dcd dcache for chipidea
* add cmake for lpc18
* add makefile build for mcx
* use fork of mcu sdk
* fix ci build with nrf
* flash rp2040 with openocd
2023-05-23 21:45:00 +07:00

10 lines
953 B

<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="rt1010 jlink" type="com.jetbrains.cidr.embedded.customgdbserver.type" factoryName="com.jetbrains.cidr.embedded.customgdbserver.factory" PROGRAM_PARAMS="-device &quot;MIMXRT1011xxx5A&quot; -if swd -speed 8000 -port 25321 -nogui -singlerun" REDIRECT_INPUT="false" ELEVATE="false" USE_EXTERNAL_CONSOLE="false" PASS_PARENT_ENVS_2="true" PROJECT_NAME="cdc_msc" TARGET_NAME="cdc_msc" CONFIG_NAME="mcxn947" version="1" RUN_TARGET_PROJECT_NAME="cdc_msc" RUN_TARGET_NAME="cdc_msc">
<custom-gdb-server version="1" gdb-connect="tcp::25321" executable="/usr/bin/JLinkGDBServer" warmup-ms="0" download-type="UPDATED_ONLY" reset-cmd="monitor reset" reset-type="AFTER_DOWNLOAD">
<debugger kind="GDB" isBundled="true" />
<method v="2">
<option name="CLION.COMPOUND.BUILD" enabled="true" />