/* This test is designed to test the simple dpump host/device class operation. */ #include #include "tx_api.h" #include "ux_api.h" #include "ux_system.h" #include "ux_utility.h" #include "ux_hcd_sim_host.h" #include "fx_api.h" #include "ux_device_class_audio.h" #include "ux_device_class_audio10.h" #include "ux_device_stack.h" #include "ux_host_class_audio.h" #include "ux_host_class_dummy.h" #include "ux_test_dcd_sim_slave.h" #include "ux_test_hcd_sim_host.h" #include "ux_test_utility_sim.h" /* Define constants. */ #define UX_DEMO_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH \ ((UX_HCD_SIM_HOST_MAX_PAYLOAD) > (UX_SLAVE_REQUEST_DATA_MAX_LENGTH) ? \ (UX_HCD_SIM_HOST_MAX_PAYLOAD) : (UX_SLAVE_REQUEST_DATA_MAX_LENGTH)) #define UX_DEMO_DEBUG_SIZE (4096*8) #define UX_DEMO_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define UX_DEMO_BUFFER_SIZE (UX_DEMO_REQUEST_MAX_LENGTH + 1) #define UX_DEMO_MEMORY_SIZE (128*1024) #define UX_TEST_LOG_SIZE (64) /* Define local/extern function prototypes. */ static void test_thread_entry(ULONG); static TX_THREAD tx_test_thread_host_simulation; static TX_THREAD tx_test_thread_slave_simulation; static void tx_test_thread_host_simulation_entry(ULONG); static void tx_test_thread_slave_simulation_entry(ULONG); /* Define global data structures. */ static UCHAR usbx_memory[UX_DEMO_MEMORY_SIZE + (UX_DEMO_STACK_SIZE * 2)]; static UCHAR buffer[64]; static UX_HOST_CLASS_DUMMY *dummy_control; static UX_HOST_CLASS_DUMMY *dummy_tx; static UX_HOST_CLASS_DUMMY *dummy_rx; static UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO *slave_audio; static UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_PARAMETER slave_audio_parameter; static UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STREAM_PARAMETER slave_audio_stream_parameter[2]; static UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STREAM *slave_audio_tx_stream; static UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STREAM *slave_audio_rx_stream; static UX_SLAVE_TRANSFER *slave_audio_rx_transfer; static UX_HOST_CLASS_AUDIO *audio; static UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL g_slave_audio10_control[2]; static ULONG error_counter; static ULONG set_cfg_counter; static ULONG rsc_mem_free_on_set_cfg; static ULONG rsc_sem_on_set_cfg; static ULONG rsc_sem_get_on_set_cfg; static ULONG rsc_mutex_on_set_cfg; static ULONG rsc_enum_sem_usage; static ULONG rsc_enum_sem_get_count; static ULONG rsc_enum_mutex_usage; static ULONG rsc_enum_mem_usage; static ULONG rsc_audio_sem_usage; static ULONG rsc_audio_sem_get_count; static ULONG rsc_audio_mutex_usage; static ULONG rsc_audio_mem_usage; static ULONG interaction_count; static UCHAR error_callback_ignore = UX_TRUE; static ULONG error_callback_counter; static struct BUFFER_LOG_STRUCT { ULONG length; UCHAR data[256]; } buffer_log[UX_TEST_LOG_SIZE]; static ULONG buffer_log_count = 0; #define SAVE_BUFFER_LOG(buf,siz) do { \ if (buffer_log_count < UX_TEST_LOG_SIZE) { \ ULONG __local_size__ = ((siz) > 256) ? 256 : (siz); \ buffer_log[buffer_log_count].length = (siz); \ _ux_utility_memory_copy(buffer_log[buffer_log_count].data, (buf), __local_size__); \ } \ buffer_log_count ++; \ } while(0) static ULONG test_tx_ack_count = 0xFFFFFFFF; static ULONG test_tx_ins_count = 0; static ULONG test_tx_ins_way = 0; static struct CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG_STRUCT { VOID *func; VOID *param1; VOID *param2; VOID *param3; } callback_invoke_log[UX_TEST_LOG_SIZE]; static ULONG callback_invoke_count = 0; #define SAVE_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG(f,p1,p2,p3) do { \ if (callback_invoke_count < UX_TEST_LOG_SIZE) { \ callback_invoke_log[callback_invoke_count].func = (VOID *)(f); \ callback_invoke_log[callback_invoke_count].param1 = (VOID *)(p1); \ callback_invoke_log[callback_invoke_count].param2 = (VOID *)(p2); \ callback_invoke_log[callback_invoke_count].param3 = (VOID *)(p3); \ callback_invoke_count++; \ } \ } while(0) #define RESET_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG() do { \ callback_invoke_count = 0; \ } while(0) /* Define device framework. */ #define D3(d) ((UCHAR)((d) >> 24)) #define D2(d) ((UCHAR)((d) >> 16)) #define D1(d) ((UCHAR)((d) >> 8)) #define D0(d) ((UCHAR)((d) >> 0)) static unsigned char device_framework_full_speed[] = { /* --------------------------------------- Device Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 18, 0x01, /* 2 bcdUSB */ D0(0x200),D1(0x200), /* 4 bDeviceClass, bDeviceSubClass, bDeviceProtocol */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 7 bMaxPacketSize0 */ 0x08, /* 8 idVendor, idProduct */ 0x84, 0x84, 0x01, 0x00, /* 12 bcdDevice */ D0(0x100),D1(0x100), /* 14 iManufacturer, iProduct, iSerialNumber */ 0, 0, 0, /* 17 bNumConfigurations */ 1, /* -------------------------------- Configuration Descriptor *//* 9+8+81+52*2=202 */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x02, /* 2 wTotalLength */ D0(202),D1(202), /* 4 bNumInterfaces, bConfigurationValue */ 3, 1, /* 6 iConfiguration */ 0, /* 7 bmAttributes, bMaxPower */ 0x80, 50, /* ------------------------ Interface Association Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 8, 0x0B, /* 2 bFirstInterface, bInterfaceCount */ 0, 3, /* 4 bFunctionClass, bFunctionSubClass, bFunctionProtocol */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, /* 7 iFunction */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor *//* 0 Control (9+72=81) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 0, 0, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 0, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ---------------- Audio 1.0 AC Interface Header Descriptor *//* (10+12*2+10*2+9*2=72) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 10, 0x24, 0x01, /* 3 bcdADC */ 0x00, 0x01, /* 5 wTotalLength, bInCollection */ D0(72),D1(72), 2, /* 8 baInterfaceNr(1) ... baInterfaceNr(n) */ 1, 2, /* ------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Input Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 12, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x01, D0(0x0201),D1(0x0201), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, */ 0x00, /* 7 bNrChannels, wChannelConfig */ 0x02, D0(0),D1(0), /* 10 iChannelNames, iTerminal */ 0, 0, /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Feature Unit Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 10, 0x24, 0x06, /* 3 bUnitID, bSourceID */ 0x02, 0x01, /* 5 bControlSize */ 1, /* 6 bmaControls(0) ... bmaControls(...) ... */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* . iFeature */ 0, /* ------------------ Audio 1.0 AC Output Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 9, 0x24, 0x03, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x03, D0(0x0101),D1(0x0101), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, bSourceID */ 0x00, 0x02, /* 8 iTerminal */ 0, /* ------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Input Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 12, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x04, D0(0x0101),D1(0x0101), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, */ 0x00, /* 7 bNrChannels, wChannelConfig */ 0x02, D0(0),D1(0), /* 10 iChannelNames, iTerminal */ 0, 0, /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Feature Unit Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 10, 0x24, 0x06, /* 3 bUnitID, bSourceID */ 0x05, 0x04, /* 5 bControlSize */ 1, /* 6 bmaControls(0) ... bmaControls(...) ... */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* . iFeature */ 0, /* ------------------ Audio 1.0 AC Output Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 9, 0x24, 0x03, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x06, D0(0x0301),D1(0x0301), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, bSourceID */ 0x00, 0x05, /* 8 iTerminal */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor *//* 1 Stream IN (9+9+7+11+9+7=52) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 1, 0, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 0, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 1, 1, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 1, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------ Audio 1.0 AS Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x24, 0x01, /* 3 bTerminalLink */ 0x03, /* 4 bDelay, wFormatTag */ 0x00, D0(0x0001),D1(0x0001), /* -------------------------- Audio AS Format Type Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 11, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bFormatType, bNrChannels, bSubframeSize, bBitResolution */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 16, /* 7 bSamFreqType (n), tSamFreq[1] ... tSamFreq[n] */ 1, D0(48000),D1(48000),D2(48000), /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x05, /* 2 bEndpointAddress, bmAttributes */ 0x81, 0x01, /* 4 wMaxPacketSize, bInterval, bRefresh, bSynchAddress */ D0(256),D1(256), 1, 0, 0, /* ---------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Audio Data Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x25, 0x01, /* 3 bmAttributes */ 0x00, /* 5 bLockDelayUnits, wLockDelay */ 0x00, D0(0),D1(0), /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor *//* 2 Stream OUT (9+9+7+11+9+7=52) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 2, 0, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 0, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 2, 1, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 1, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------ Audio 1.0 AS Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x24, 0x01, /* 3 bTerminalLink */ 0x04, /* 4 bDelay, wFormatTag */ 0x00, D0(0x0001),D1(0x0001), /* -------------------------- Audio AS Format Type Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 11, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bFormatType, bNrChannels, bSubframeSize, bBitResolution */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 16, /* 7 bSamFreqType (n), tSamFreq[1] ... tSamFreq[n] */ 1, D0(48000),D1(48000),D2(48000), /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x05, /* 2 bEndpointAddress, bmAttributes */ 0x02, 0x01, /* 4 wMaxPacketSize, bInterval, bRefresh, bSynchAddress */ D0(256),D1(256), 1, 0, 0, /* ---------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Audio Data Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x25, 0x01, /* 3 bmAttributes */ 0x00, /* 5 bLockDelayUnits, wLockDelay */ 0x00, D0(0),D1(0), }; #define DEVICE_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH_FULL_SPEED sizeof(device_framework_full_speed) static unsigned char device_framework_high_speed[] = { /* --------------------------------------- Device Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 18, 0x01, /* 2 bcdUSB */ D0(0x200),D1(0x200), /* 4 bDeviceClass, bDeviceSubClass, bDeviceProtocol */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 7 bMaxPacketSize0 */ 8, /* 8 idVendor, idProduct */ 0x84, 0x84, 0x01, 0x00, /* 12 bcdDevice */ D0(0x100),D1(0x100), /* 14 iManufacturer, iProduct, iSerialNumber */ 0, 0, 0, /* 17 bNumConfigurations */ 1, /* ----------------------------- Device Qualifier Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 10, 0x06, /* 2 bcdUSB */ D0(0x200),D1(0x200), /* 4 bDeviceClass, bDeviceSubClass, bDeviceProtocol */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 7 bMaxPacketSize0 */ 8, /* 8 bNumConfigurations */ 1, /* 9 bReserved */ 0, /* -------------------------------- Configuration Descriptor *//* 9+8+81+52*2=202 */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x02, /* 2 wTotalLength */ D0(202),D1(202), /* 4 bNumInterfaces, bConfigurationValue */ 3, 1, /* 6 iConfiguration */ 0, /* 7 bmAttributes, bMaxPower */ 0x80, 50, /* ------------------------ Interface Association Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 8, 0x0B, /* 2 bFirstInterface, bInterfaceCount */ 0, 3, /* 4 bFunctionClass, bFunctionSubClass, bFunctionProtocol */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, /* 7 iFunction */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor *//* 0 Control (9+72=81) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 0, 0, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 0, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ---------------- Audio 1.0 AC Interface Header Descriptor *//* (10+12*2+10*2+9*2=72) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 10, 0x24, 0x01, /* 3 bcdADC */ 0x00, 0x01, /* 5 wTotalLength, bInCollection */ D0(72),D1(72), 2, /* 8 baInterfaceNr(1) ... baInterfaceNr(n) */ 1, 2, /* ------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Input Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 12, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x01, D0(0x0201),D1(0x0201), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, */ 0x00, /* 7 bNrChannels, wChannelConfig */ 0x02, D0(0),D1(0), /* 10 iChannelNames, iTerminal */ 0, 0, /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Feature Unit Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 10, 0x24, 0x06, /* 3 bUnitID, bSourceID */ 0x02, 0x01, /* 5 bControlSize */ 1, /* 6 bmaControls(0) ... bmaControls(...) ... */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* . iFeature */ 0, /* ------------------ Audio 1.0 AC Output Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 9, 0x24, 0x03, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x03, D0(0x0101),D1(0x0101), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, bSourceID */ 0x00, 0x02, /* 8 iTerminal */ 0, /* ------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Input Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 12, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x04, D0(0x0101),D1(0x0101), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, */ 0x00, /* 7 bNrChannels, wChannelConfig */ 0x02, D0(0),D1(0), /* 10 iChannelNames, iTerminal */ 0, 0, /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AC Feature Unit Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 10, 0x24, 0x06, /* 3 bUnitID, bSourceID */ 0x05, 0x04, /* 5 bControlSize */ 1, /* 6 bmaControls(0) ... bmaControls(...) ... */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* . iFeature */ 0, /* ------------------ Audio 1.0 AC Output Terminal Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 9, 0x24, 0x03, /* 3 bTerminalID, wTerminalType */ 0x06, D0(0x0301),D1(0x0301), /* 6 bAssocTerminal, bSourceID */ 0x00, 0x05, /* 8 iTerminal */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor *//* 1 Stream IN (9+9+7+11+9+7=52) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 1, 0, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 0, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 1, 1, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 1, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------ Audio 1.0 AS Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x24, 0x01, /* 3 bTerminalLink */ 0x03, /* 4 bDelay, wFormatTag */ 0x00, D0(0x0001),D1(0x0001), /* -------------------------- Audio AS Format Type Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 11, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bFormatType, bNrChannels, bSubframeSize, bBitResolution */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 16, /* 7 bSamFreqType (n), tSamFreq[1] ... tSamFreq[n] */ 1, D0(48000),D1(48000),D2(48000), /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x05, /* 2 bEndpointAddress, bmAttributes */ 0x81, 0x01, /* 4 wMaxPacketSize, bInterval, bRefresh, bSynchAddress */ D0(256),D1(256), 4, 0, 0, /* ---------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Audio Data Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x25, 0x01, /* 3 bmAttributes */ 0x00, /* 5 bLockDelayUnits, wLockDelay */ 0x00, D0(0),D1(0), /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor *//* 2 Stream OUT (9+9+7+11+9+7=52) */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 2, 0, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 0, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------------------ Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x04, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber, bAlternateSetting */ 2, 1, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */ 1, /* 5 bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* 8 iInterface */ 0, /* ------------------------ Audio 1.0 AS Interface Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x24, 0x01, /* 3 bTerminalLink */ 0x04, /* 4 bDelay, wFormatTag */ 0x00, D0(0x0001),D1(0x0001), /* -------------------------- Audio AS Format Type Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 11, 0x24, 0x02, /* 3 bFormatType, bNrChannels, bSubframeSize, bBitResolution */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 16, /* 7 bSamFreqType (n), tSamFreq[1] ... tSamFreq[n] */ 1, D0(48000),D1(48000),D2(48000), /* --------------------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType */ 9, 0x05, /* 2 bEndpointAddress, bmAttributes */ 0x02, 0x01, /* 4 wMaxPacketSize, bInterval, bRefresh, bSynchAddress */ D0(256),D1(256), 4, 0, 0, /* ---------- Audio 1.0 AS ISO Audio Data Endpoint Descriptor */ /* 0 bLength, bDescriptorType, bDescriptorSubtype */ 7, 0x25, 0x01, /* 3 bmAttributes */ 0x00, /* 5 bLockDelayUnits, wLockDelay */ 0x00, D0(0),D1(0), }; #define DEVICE_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH_HIGH_SPEED sizeof(device_framework_high_speed) static unsigned char string_framework[] = { /* Manufacturer string descriptor : Index 1 - "Express Logic" */ 0x09, 0x04, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x45, 0x78, 0x70, 0x72,0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x4c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x63, /* Product string descriptor : Index 2 - "EL Composite device" */ 0x09, 0x04, 0x02, 0x13, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x20, 0x43, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x69, 0x74, 0x65, 0x20, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, /* Serial Number string descriptor : Index 3 - "0001" */ 0x09, 0x04, 0x03, 0x04, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x31 }; #define STRING_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH sizeof(string_framework) /* Multiple languages are supported on the device, to add a language besides English, the Unicode language code must be appended to the language_id_framework array and the length adjusted accordingly. */ static unsigned char language_id_framework[] = { /* English. */ 0x09, 0x04 }; #define LANGUAGE_ID_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH sizeof(language_id_framework) /* Setup requests */ static UX_TEST_SETUP _SetConfigure = UX_TEST_SETUP_SetConfigure; static UX_TEST_SETUP _GetCfgDescr = UX_TEST_SETUP_GetCfgDescr; static UX_TEST_SETUP _SetAddress = UX_TEST_SETUP_SetAddress; static UX_TEST_SETUP _GetDeviceDescriptor = UX_TEST_SETUP_GetDevDescr; static UX_TEST_SETUP _GetConfigDescriptor = UX_TEST_SETUP_GetCfgDescr; /* Interaction define */ /* Hooks define */ static VOID ux_device_class_audio_tx_hook(struct UX_TEST_ACTION_STRUCT *action, VOID *params) { UX_TEST_OVERRIDE_UX_DCD_SIM_SLAVE_FUNCTION_PARAMS *p = (UX_TEST_OVERRIDE_UX_DCD_SIM_SLAVE_FUNCTION_PARAMS *)params; UX_SLAVE_TRANSFER *transfer = (UX_SLAVE_TRANSFER *)p -> parameter; UCHAR tmp[32] = {'i','n','s','e','r','t','A',0}; (void)params; // printf("tTX\n"); /* Acknowledge frame sent. */ if (test_tx_ack_count) { SAVE_BUFFER_LOG(transfer -> ux_slave_transfer_request_data_pointer, transfer -> ux_slave_transfer_request_requested_length); transfer -> ux_slave_transfer_request_actual_length = transfer -> ux_slave_transfer_request_requested_length; transfer -> ux_slave_transfer_request_completion_code = UX_SUCCESS; _ux_utility_semaphore_put(&transfer -> ux_slave_transfer_request_semaphore); } if (test_tx_ack_count != 0xFFFFFFFF && test_tx_ack_count > 0) test_tx_ack_count --; /* Insert frames when sent. */ if (test_tx_ins_count) { tmp[6] = (test_tx_ins_count % 26) + 'A'; if (test_tx_ins_way == 0) ux_device_class_audio_frame_write(slave_audio_tx_stream, tmp, 32); else { UCHAR *frame; ULONG frame_length; ux_device_class_audio_write_frame_get(slave_audio_tx_stream, &frame, &frame_length); _ux_utility_memory_copy(frame, tmp, 32); ux_device_class_audio_write_frame_commit(slave_audio_tx_stream, 32); } } if (test_tx_ins_count != 0xFFFFFFFF && test_tx_ins_count > 0) test_tx_ins_count --; } static VOID ux_device_class_audio_rx_hook(struct UX_TEST_ACTION_STRUCT *action, VOID *params) { UX_TEST_OVERRIDE_UX_DCD_SIM_SLAVE_FUNCTION_PARAMS *p = (UX_TEST_OVERRIDE_UX_DCD_SIM_SLAVE_FUNCTION_PARAMS *)params; UX_SLAVE_TRANSFER *transfer = (UX_SLAVE_TRANSFER *)p -> parameter; (void)action; (void)params; (void)p; (void)transfer; // printf("tRX\n"); slave_audio_rx_transfer = transfer; } static VOID slave_audio_rx_simulate_one_frame(UCHAR *frame, ULONG frame_length) { UX_TEST_ASSERT(slave_audio_rx_transfer); if (frame_length) { _ux_utility_memory_copy(slave_audio_rx_transfer->ux_slave_transfer_request_data_pointer, frame, frame_length); slave_audio_rx_transfer->ux_slave_transfer_request_actual_length = frame_length; slave_audio_rx_transfer->ux_slave_transfer_request_completion_code = UX_SUCCESS; } _ux_utility_semaphore_put(&slave_audio_rx_transfer->ux_slave_transfer_request_semaphore); _ux_utility_thread_sleep(1); } static UX_TEST_ACTION ux_device_class_audio_transfer_hook[] = { { .usbx_function = UX_TEST_OVERRIDE_UX_DCD_SIM_SLAVE_FUNCTION, .function = UX_DCD_TRANSFER_REQUEST, .action_func = ux_device_class_audio_tx_hook, .req_setup = UX_NULL, .req_action = UX_TEST_MATCH_EP, .req_ep_address = 0x81, .do_after = UX_FALSE, .no_return = UX_FALSE, }, { .usbx_function = UX_TEST_OVERRIDE_UX_DCD_SIM_SLAVE_FUNCTION, .function = UX_DCD_TRANSFER_REQUEST, .action_func = ux_device_class_audio_rx_hook, .req_setup = UX_NULL, .req_action = UX_TEST_MATCH_EP, .req_ep_address = 0x02, .do_after = UX_FALSE, .no_return = UX_FALSE, }, { 0 }, }; /* Define the ISR dispatch. */ extern VOID (*test_isr_dispatch)(void); /* Prototype for test control return. */ void test_control_return(UINT status); static VOID error_callback(UINT system_level, UINT system_context, UINT error_code) { error_callback_counter ++; // printf("Error #%d, system_level: %d, system_context: %d, error_code: 0x%x\n", __LINE__, system_level, system_context, error_code); if (!error_callback_ignore) { { /* Failed test. */ test_control_return(1); } } } static UINT sleep_break_on_error(VOID) { if (error_callback_counter >= 3) return error_callback_counter; return UX_SUCCESS; } /* Define the ISR dispatch routine. */ static void test_isr(void) { /* For further expansion of interrupt-level testing. */ } static VOID slave_audio_activate(VOID *audio_instance) { slave_audio = (UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO *)audio_instance; ux_device_class_audio_stream_get(slave_audio, 0, &slave_audio_tx_stream); ux_device_class_audio_stream_get(slave_audio, 1, &slave_audio_rx_stream); // printf("sAUD:%p;%p,%p\n", audio_instance, slave_audio_tx_stream, slave_audio_rx_stream); } static VOID slave_audio_deactivate(VOID *audio_instance) { if ((VOID *)slave_audio == audio_instance) { slave_audio = UX_NULL; slave_audio_tx_stream = UX_NULL; slave_audio_rx_stream = UX_NULL; } } static VOID slave_audio_feature_change(struct UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STRUCT *audio, VOID *ext, ULONG selector) { SAVE_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG(slave_audio_feature_change, audio, ext, (ALIGN_TYPE)selector); } static VOID slave_audio_tx_stream_change(UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STREAM *audio, ULONG alt) { SAVE_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG(slave_audio_tx_stream_change, audio, (ALIGN_TYPE)alt, 0); } static VOID slave_audio_rx_stream_change(UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STREAM *audio, ULONG alt) { SAVE_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG(slave_audio_rx_stream_change, audio, (ALIGN_TYPE)alt, 0); slave_audio_rx_transfer = UX_NULL; } static UINT slave_audio_control_process(UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO *audio, UX_SLAVE_TRANSFER *transfer) { UINT status; UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_GROUP group = {2, g_slave_audio10_control}; SAVE_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG(slave_audio_control_process, audio, transfer, 0); status = ux_device_class_audio10_control_process(audio, transfer, &group); if (status == UX_SUCCESS) { if (g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_MUTE_CHANGED) { /* Mute change! */ } if (g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_VOLUME_CHANGED) { /* Volume change! */ } if (g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_MUTE_CHANGED) { /* Mute change! */ } if (g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_VOLUME_CHANGED) { /* Volume change! */ } } return(status); } static VOID slave_audio_tx_done(UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STREAM *audio, ULONG length) { SAVE_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG(slave_audio_tx_done, audio, (ALIGN_TYPE)length, 0); } static VOID slave_audio_rx_done(UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_STREAM *audio, ULONG length) { SAVE_CALLBACK_INVOKE_LOG(slave_audio_rx_done, audio, (ALIGN_TYPE)length, 0); } static UINT test_host_change_function(ULONG event, UX_HOST_CLASS *cls, VOID *inst) { UX_HOST_CLASS_DUMMY *dummy = (UX_HOST_CLASS_DUMMY *) inst; switch(event) { case UX_DEVICE_INSERTION: // printf("hINS:%p,%p:%ld\n", cls, inst, dummy -> ux_host_class_dummy_interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bInterfaceNumber); switch(dummy -> ux_host_class_dummy_interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bInterfaceNumber) { case 0: dummy_control = dummy; break; case 1: dummy_rx = dummy; break; case 2: dummy_tx = dummy; break; } break; case UX_DEVICE_REMOVAL: // printf("hRMV:%p,%p:%ld\n", cls, inst, dummy -> ux_host_class_dummy_interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bInterfaceNumber); switch(dummy -> ux_host_class_dummy_interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bInterfaceNumber) { case 0: dummy_control = UX_NULL; break; case 1: dummy_rx = UX_NULL; break; case 2: dummy_tx = UX_NULL; break; } break; default: break; } return 0; } static VOID ux_test_hcd_entry_set_cfg(UX_TEST_ACTION *action, VOID *params) { set_cfg_counter ++; rsc_mem_free_on_set_cfg = _ux_system -> ux_system_memory_byte_pool[UX_MEMORY_BYTE_POOL_REGULAR] -> ux_byte_pool_available; rsc_sem_on_set_cfg = ux_test_utility_sim_sem_create_count(); rsc_mutex_on_set_cfg = ux_test_utility_sim_mutex_create_count(); } /* Define what the initial system looks like. */ #ifdef CTEST void test_application_define(void *first_unused_memory) #else void usbx_audio10_iad_device_control_test_application_define(void *first_unused_memory) #endif { UINT status; CHAR * stack_pointer; CHAR * memory_pointer; /* Inform user. */ printf("Running Audio 1.0 IAD Device Control Functionality Test............. "); stepinfo("\n"); /* Reset testing counts. */ ux_test_utility_sim_mutex_create_count_reset(); ux_test_utility_sim_sem_create_count_reset(); ux_test_utility_sim_sem_get_count_reset(); /* Reset error generations */ ux_test_utility_sim_sem_error_generation_stop(); ux_test_utility_sim_mutex_error_generation_stop(); ux_test_utility_sim_sem_get_error_generation_stop(); /* Initialize the free memory pointer */ stack_pointer = (CHAR *) usbx_memory; memory_pointer = stack_pointer + (UX_DEMO_STACK_SIZE * 2); /* Initialize USBX Memory */ status = ux_system_initialize(memory_pointer, UX_DEMO_MEMORY_SIZE, UX_NULL,0); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Register the error callback. */ _ux_utility_error_callback_register(error_callback); /* The code below is required for installing the host portion of USBX */ status = ux_host_stack_initialize(test_host_change_function); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Register Audio class. */ status = ux_host_stack_class_register(_ux_host_class_dummy_name, _ux_host_class_dummy_entry); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* The code below is required for installing the device portion of USBX. No call back for device status change in this example. */ status = ux_device_stack_initialize(device_framework_high_speed, DEVICE_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH_HIGH_SPEED, device_framework_full_speed, DEVICE_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH_FULL_SPEED, string_framework, STRING_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH, language_id_framework, LANGUAGE_ID_FRAMEWORK_LENGTH,UX_NULL); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Set the parameters for callback when insertion/extraction of a Audio 1.0 device, with IAD. */ ux_utility_memory_set(&slave_audio_parameter, 0, sizeof(slave_audio_parameter)); ux_utility_memory_set(slave_audio_stream_parameter, 0, sizeof(slave_audio_stream_parameter)); slave_audio_stream_parameter[0].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_thread_entry = ux_device_class_audio_write_thread_entry; slave_audio_stream_parameter[0].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_callbacks.ux_device_class_audio_stream_change = slave_audio_tx_stream_change; slave_audio_stream_parameter[0].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_callbacks.ux_device_class_audio_stream_frame_done = slave_audio_tx_done; slave_audio_stream_parameter[0].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_max_frame_buffer_size = 256; slave_audio_stream_parameter[0].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_max_frame_buffer_nb = 8; slave_audio_stream_parameter[1].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_thread_entry = ux_device_class_audio_read_thread_entry; slave_audio_stream_parameter[1].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_callbacks.ux_device_class_audio_stream_change = slave_audio_rx_stream_change; slave_audio_stream_parameter[1].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_callbacks.ux_device_class_audio_stream_frame_done = slave_audio_rx_done; slave_audio_stream_parameter[1].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_max_frame_buffer_size = 256; slave_audio_stream_parameter[1].ux_device_class_audio_stream_parameter_max_frame_buffer_nb = 8; slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_streams = slave_audio_stream_parameter; slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_streams_nb = 2; slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_callbacks.ux_slave_class_audio_instance_activate = slave_audio_activate; slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_callbacks.ux_slave_class_audio_instance_deactivate = slave_audio_deactivate; slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_callbacks.ux_device_class_audio_control_process = slave_audio_control_process; slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_callbacks.ux_device_class_audio_arg = UX_NULL; #if defined(UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO_INTERRUPT_SUPPORT) slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_status_queue_size = 2; slave_audio_parameter.ux_device_class_audio_parameter_status_size = 6; #endif g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_fu_id = 2; g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_mute[0] = 0; g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_volume[0] = 0; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_fu_id = 5; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_mute[0] = 0; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_volume[0] = 0; g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_ep_addr = 0x02; g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq_types = UX_NULL; g_slave_audio10_control[0].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq = 48000; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_ep_addr = 0x81; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq_types = UX_NULL; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq = 48000; /* Initialize the device Audio class. This class owns interfaces starting with 0, 1, 2. */ status = ux_device_stack_class_register(_ux_system_slave_class_audio_name, ux_device_class_audio_entry, 1, 0, &slave_audio_parameter); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Initialize the simulated device controller. */ status = _ux_test_dcd_sim_slave_initialize(); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Register all the USB host controllers available in this system */ status = ux_host_stack_hcd_register(_ux_system_host_hcd_simulator_name, _ux_test_hcd_sim_host_initialize,0,0); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Create the main host simulation thread. */ status = tx_thread_create(&tx_test_thread_host_simulation, "tx demo host simulation", tx_test_thread_host_simulation_entry, 0, stack_pointer, UX_DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 20, 20, 1, TX_AUTO_START); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Create the main slave simulation thread. */ status = tx_thread_create(&tx_test_thread_slave_simulation, "tx demo slave simulation", tx_test_thread_slave_simulation_entry, 0, stack_pointer + UX_DEMO_STACK_SIZE, UX_DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 20, 20, 1, TX_AUTO_START); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); } static UINT test_wait_until_expected(VOID **ptr, ULONG loop, VOID *expected) { while(loop) { _ux_utility_delay_ms(10); if (*ptr == expected) return UX_SUCCESS; } return UX_ERROR; } static UINT test_wait_until_not_expected(VOID **ptr, ULONG loop, VOID *expected) { while(loop) { _ux_utility_delay_ms(10); if (*ptr != expected) return UX_SUCCESS; } return UX_ERROR; } #define test_wait_until_not_null(ptr, loop) test_wait_until_not_expected(ptr, loop, UX_NULL) #define test_wait_until_null(ptr, loop) test_wait_until_expected(ptr, loop, UX_NULL) void tx_test_thread_host_simulation_entry(ULONG arg) { UINT status; ULONG test_n; UX_DEVICE *device; UX_CONFIGURATION *configuration; UX_INTERFACE *interface; UX_INTERFACE *interface_inst[3][2]; UX_ENDPOINT *control_endpoint; UX_TRANSFER *transfer_request; UCHAR test_tmp[32]; /* Test connect. */ status = test_wait_until_not_null((void**)&dummy_control, 100); status |= test_wait_until_not_null((void**)&dummy_tx, 100); status |= test_wait_until_not_null((void**)&dummy_rx, 100); status |= test_wait_until_not_null((void**)&slave_audio_tx_stream, 100); status |= test_wait_until_not_null((void**)&slave_audio_rx_stream, 100); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); /* Validate configuration descriptors. */ /* ... */ /* Get testing instances. */ status = ux_host_stack_device_get(0, &device); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); control_endpoint = &device->ux_device_control_endpoint; transfer_request = &control_endpoint->ux_endpoint_transfer_request; status = ux_host_stack_device_configuration_get(device, 0, &configuration); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); interface = configuration -> ux_configuration_first_interface; while(interface) { // printf("Interface: %ld.%ld\n", interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bInterfaceNumber, interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bAlternateSetting); interface_inst[interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bInterfaceNumber][interface -> ux_interface_descriptor.bAlternateSetting] = interface; interface = interface -> ux_interface_next_interface; } /**************************************************************************/ /* Control requests test. */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_data_pointer = buffer; test_tmp[0] = 2; test_tmp[1] = 5; for (test_n = 0; test_n < 2; test_n ++) { transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_function = UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_SET_CUR; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_type = UX_REQUEST_OUT | UX_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | UX_REQUEST_TARGET_INTERFACE; /* Issue SetFeatureMute(test_tmp[test_n], 0). */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_requested_length = 1; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = (test_tmp[test_n] << 8) | 1; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_value = (UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_FU_MUTE_CONTROL << 8) | 0; buffer[0] = 0; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == 0); /* Issue SetFeatureMute(test_tmp[test_n], 1). */ buffer[0] = 1; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_MUTE_CHANGED); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_mute[0] == 1); /* Issue SetFeatureMute(test_tmp[test_n], 0). */ buffer[0] = 0; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_MUTE_CHANGED); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_mute[0] == 0); /* Issue SetFeatureMute(test_tmp[test_n], 1). */ buffer[0] = 1; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_MUTE_CHANGED); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_mute[0] == 1); /* Issue SetFeatureVolume(test_tmp[test_n], 0x0003). */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_requested_length = 2; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = (test_tmp[test_n] << 8) | 1; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_value = (UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_FU_VOLUME_CONTROL << 8) | 0; buffer[0] = 3; buffer[1] = 0; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_VOLUME_CHANGED); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_volume[0] == 0x0003); /* Issue SetFeatureVolume(test_tmp[test_n], 0x0103). */ buffer[1] = 1; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_CONTROL_VOLUME_CHANGED); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_volume[0] == 0x0103); /* Issue SetFeatureVolume(test_tmp[test_n], 0x0103). */ status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[test_n].ux_device_class_audio10_control_changed == 0); /* Issue GetFeatureMute(test_tmp[test_n]). */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_function = UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_GET_CUR; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_type = UX_REQUEST_IN | UX_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | UX_REQUEST_TARGET_INTERFACE; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_requested_length = 1; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = (test_tmp[test_n] << 8) | 1; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_value = (UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_FU_MUTE_CONTROL << 8) | 0; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 1); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[0] == 1); /* Issue GetFeatureMute(test_tmp[test_n]). */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_requested_length = 2; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = (test_tmp[test_n] << 8) | 1; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_value = (UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_FU_VOLUME_CONTROL << 8) | 0; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 2); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[0] == 3); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[1] == 1); } /* SetSamFreq(0x81, 44100): nothing changed. */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_function = UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_SET_CUR; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_type = UX_REQUEST_OUT | UX_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | UX_REQUEST_TARGET_ENDPOINT; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_requested_length = 3; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = 0x81; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_value = (UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_EP_SAMPLING_FREQ_CONTROL << 8) | 0; ux_utility_long_put(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_data_pointer, 44100); status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 3); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq == 48000); /* SetSamFreq(0x00, 44100): STALL. */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = 0x00; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_CODE(UX_TRANSFER_STALLED, status); /* Modify sampling frequency type ... */ const UCHAR freq_types_continuous[] = { 0, UX_DW0( 8000), UX_DW1( 8000), UX_DW2( 8000), UX_DW0(48000), UX_DW1(48000), UX_DW2(48000), }; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq_types = (UCHAR *)freq_types_continuous; /* SetSamFreq(0x81, 96000): nothing changed. */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = 0x81; ux_utility_long_put(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_data_pointer, 96000); status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 3); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq == 48000); /* SetSamFreq(0x81, 44100): changed. */ ux_utility_long_put(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_data_pointer, 44100); status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 3); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq == 44100); /* GetSamFreq(0x81). */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_function = UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_GET_CUR; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_type = UX_REQUEST_IN | UX_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | UX_REQUEST_TARGET_ENDPOINT; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[0] == UX_DW0(44100)); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[1] == UX_DW1(44100)); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[2] == UX_DW2(44100)); /* Modify sampling frequency type ... */ const UCHAR freq_types_list[] = { 3, UX_DW0( 8000), UX_DW1( 8000), UX_DW2( 8000), UX_DW0(48000), UX_DW1(48000), UX_DW2(48000), UX_DW0(96000), UX_DW1(96000), UX_DW2(96000), }; g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq_types = (UCHAR *)freq_types_list; /* SetSamFreq(0x81, 4000): changed to min - 8000. */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_function = UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_SET_CUR; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_type = UX_REQUEST_OUT | UX_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | UX_REQUEST_TARGET_ENDPOINT; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_index = 0x81; ux_utility_long_put(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_data_pointer, 4000); status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 3); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq == 8000); /* SetSamFreq(0x81, 128000): changed to max - 96000. */ ux_utility_long_put(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_data_pointer, 128000); status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 3); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq == 96000); /* SetSamFreq(0x81, 48000): changed. */ ux_utility_long_put(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_data_pointer, 48000); status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_actual_length == 3); UX_TEST_ASSERT(g_slave_audio10_control[1].ux_device_class_audio10_control_sam_freq == 48000); /* GetSamFreq(0x81). */ transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_function = UX_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO10_GET_CUR; transfer_request -> ux_transfer_request_type = UX_REQUEST_IN | UX_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | UX_REQUEST_TARGET_ENDPOINT; status = ux_host_stack_transfer_request(transfer_request); UX_TEST_CHECK_SUCCESS(status); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[0] == UX_DW0(48000)); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[1] == UX_DW1(48000)); UX_TEST_ASSERT(buffer[2] == UX_DW2(48000)); /* Wait pending threads. */ _ux_utility_thread_sleep(1); /* Finally disconnect the device. */ ux_device_stack_disconnect(); /* And deinitialize the class. */ ux_device_stack_class_unregister(_ux_system_slave_class_audio_name, ux_device_class_audio_entry); /* Deinitialize the device side of usbx. */ _ux_device_stack_uninitialize(); /* And finally the usbx system resources. */ _ux_system_uninitialize(); /* Successful test. */ printf("SUCCESS!\n"); test_control_return(0); } void tx_test_thread_slave_simulation_entry(ULONG arg) { while(1) { /* Sleep so ThreadX on Win32 will delete this thread. */ tx_thread_sleep(10); } }