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synced 2025-01-13 20:02:53 +08:00
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FPGA SDcard File Reader
基于 FPGA 的 SD卡文件读取器
* **功能** :FPGA作为 **SD-host** , 指定文件名读取文件内容;或指定扇区号读取扇区内容。
* **性能** :使用 SD总线,而不是 SPI总线。读取速度更快。
* **兼容性强** :自动适配 **SD卡版本** ,自动适配 **FAT16/FAT32文件系统**。
* 纯 RTL 实现,便于移植和仿真。
| | SDv1.1 card | SDv2 card | SDHCv2 card |
| :----- | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: |
| **读取扇区** | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| **读取文件 (FAT16)** | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| **读取文件 (FAT32)** | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
# 背景知识
## SD总线
SD卡使用 SD 总线与 SD-host (比如读卡器)连接,SD总线的信号包括:
| 信号名 | 输入输出方向 |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
| sdclk | host→ card |
| sdcmd | 当发起命令时 host→ card ,当响应命令时 card→host |
| sddat0、sddat1、sddat2、sddat3 | 当写数据时 host→card ,当读数据时 card→host |
这些信号在 SD 卡和 microSD 卡上的引脚定义如下图(SD卡和microSD卡除了外形尺寸外,功能上没有差别)
| ![pin](./figures/pin.png) |
| :------------------------------------------: |
| 图:SD 卡(左)与 microSD 卡(右)的引脚定义 |
## 文件系统
SD卡本身只是一大块线性的数据存储空间,分为多个扇区 (sector),每个扇区 512 字节,扇区0的地址范围为 0x00000000\~0x000001FF,扇区1的地址范围为 0x00000200\~0x000003FF,以此类推……。底层的读取和写入操作都以扇区为单位。为了在这片线性的存储空间中组织磁盘分区和文件,人们规定了复杂的数据结构——文件系统,SD卡最常用的文件系统是 FAT16 和 FAT32 。
为了从 SD 卡中读取文件数据,本库分为两个功能模块:
- 按照 SD 总线标准操控 SD 总线,指定扇区号,读取扇区。
- 在能够读取扇区的基础上,解析文件系统,也就是给定文件名,找到文件所在的位置和长度。实际上,文件可能不是连续存储的(被拆成多块放在不同扇区),本库会正确地处理这种情况。
# 如何调用本模块
RTL 文件夹中的 sd_file_reader.sv 是 SD卡文件读取器的顶层模块,它的定义如下:
module sd_file_reader #(
parameter FILE_NAME = "example.txt",
parameter [2:0] CLK_DIV = 3'd1,
parameter SIMULATE = 0
// rstn active-low, 1:working, 0:reset
input wire rstn,
// clock
input wire clk,
// SDcard signals (connect to SDcard), this design do not use sddat1~sddat3.
output wire sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
input wire sddat0, // FPGA only read SDDAT signal but never drive it
// status output (optional for user)
output wire [3:0] card_stat, // show the sdcard initialize status
output wire [1:0] card_type, // 0=UNKNOWN , 1=SDv1 , 2=SDv2 , 3=SDHCv2
output wire [1:0] filesystem_type, // 0=UNASSIGNED , 1=UNKNOWN , 2=FAT16 , 3=FAT32
output reg file_found, // 0=file not found, 1=file found
// file content data output (sync with clk)
output reg outen, // when outen=1, a byte of file content is read out from outbyte
output reg [7:0] outbyte // a byte of file content
- `FILE_NAME` 指定要读的目标文件名。
- `CLK_DIV` 是时钟分频系数,它的取值需要根据你提供的 clk 时钟频率来决定(详见代码注释)。
- `SIMULATE` 是仿真加速选项。**平常要设为 `0` **。只有仿真时才可以设 为 `1` 来加速 SD 卡初始化进度,防止仿真占用过多时间。
- `clk` 是模块驱动时钟。
- `rstn` 是复位信号,在开始工作前需要令 `rstn=0` 复位一下,然后令 `rstn=1` 释放。
- `sdclk` 、 `sdcmd` 、 `sddat0` 是 SD 总线信号,需要连接到 SD 卡。
- 注意到本模块只用到了 `sddat0` 而没用到 `sddat1~sddat3` ,因为 SD 卡上电会默认运行在 1bit 窄数据总线模式,可以用命令切换到 4bit 宽数据总线模式,我没有做切换,一直只用 `sddat0` 。而 `sddat1~sddat3` 需要弱上拉或强上拉到高电平(避免 SD 卡进入 SPI 总线模式)。
- `card_type` 指示检测到的 SD 卡的类型:0对应未知、1对应SDv1、2对应SDv2、3对应SDHCv2。
- `file_system_type` 指示检测到的 SD 卡的文件系统:1对应未知、2对应FAT16、3对应FAT32。
- `file_found` 指示是否找到目标文件:0代表未找到,1代表找到。
- 如果找到目标文件,模块会逐个输出目标文件中的所有字节,每输出一个字节,`outen` 上就产生一个高电平脉冲,同时该字节出现在 `outbyte` 上。
> **注意**:本库只使用了 sddat0 ,而不使用 sddat1\~3 (也即SD 1-bit总线模式)。在工作时需要将 sddat1\~3 持续拉高(可以在 FPGA 代码里 `assign sddat[3:1] = 3'b111;` ,或者在PCB板上使用上拉电阻),这样 SD 卡才能正常进入 SD 总线模式,否则会进入 SPI 总线模式。
# 仿真
仿真相关的文件都在 SIM 文件夹中,其中:
- sd_fake.sv :是一个 FPGA 模拟 SD 卡的代码,它模拟了一个具有 FAT32 系统,里面有一个 example.txt 文件的 SD 卡。它来自我的另一个库:[FPGA-SDfake](https://github.com/WangXuan95/FPGA-SDfake)
- tb_sd_file_reader.sv 是仿真顶层,它会调用 sd_file_reader 读取 sd_fake 中的 example.txt 。
- tb_sd_file_reader_run_iverilog.bat 是运行 iverilog 仿真的脚本。
使用 iverilog 进行仿真前,需要安装 iverilog ,见:[iverilog_usage](https://github.com/WangXuan95/WangXuan95/blob/main/iverilog_usage/iverilog_usage.md)
然后双击 tb_sd_file_reader_run_iverilog.bat 运行仿真,会运行大约几分钟。
仿真运行完后,可以打开生成的 dump.vcd 文件查看波形。
example-vivado-readfile 文件夹中包含一个 vivado 工程,它运行在 [Nexys4开发板](http://www.digilent.com.cn/products/product-nexys-4-ddr-artix-7-fpga-trainer-board.html) 上(Nexys4 开发板有 microSD 卡槽,比较方便)。它会从 SD卡根目录中找到文件 example.txt 并读取其全部内容,然后用 **UART** 发送出给PC机。
1. 准备一张 **microSD卡** 。如果是标准尺寸的SD卡(大SD卡),可以用大卡转 microSD 卡的转接板转接一下。
1. 确保卡中的文件系统是 **FAT16** 或 **FAT32** 。如果不是,则需要格式化一下。
2. 在根目录下创建 **example.txt** (文件名大小写不限) , 在文件中随便写入一些内容。
3. 将卡插入 Nexys4 的卡槽。
4. 将 Nexys4 的USB口插在PC机上,用 **串口助手** 或 **Putty** 等软件打开对应的串口。
5. 用 vivado 打开目录 example-vivado-readfile 中的工程,综合并烧录。
6. 观察到串口打印出文件内容。
7. 同时,还能看到 Nexys4 上的 LED 灯发生变化,它们指示了SD卡的类型和状态,具体含义见代码。
8. 按下 Nexys4 上的红色 CPU_RESET 按钮可以重新读取,再次打印出文件内容。
example-vivado-readsector 文件夹中包含一个 vivado 工程,它运行在 [Nexys4开发板](http://www.digilent.com.cn/products/product-nexys-4-ddr-artix-7-fpga-trainer-board.html) 上。它会从 SD卡中读取扇区0(它在文件系统中往往叫 MBR 扇区),然后用 **UART** 发送出给PC机。
1. 准备一张 **microSD卡** 。如果是标准尺寸的SD卡(大SD卡),可以用大卡转 microSD 卡的转接板转接一下。
2. 将 Nexys4 的USB口插在PC机上,用 **串口助手** 打开对应的串口,请选择 “HEX接收” ,以十六进制的形式打印每个字节,这样我们才能看到那些 ASCII 不可打印字符。
3. 用 vivado 打开目录 example-vivado-readsector 中的工程,综合并烧录。
4. 观察到串口打印出扇区0的内容。
5. 同时,还能看到 Nexys4 上的 LED 灯发生变化,它们指示了SD卡的类型和状态,具体含义见代码注释。
6. 按下 Nexys4 上的红色 CPU_RESET 按钮可以重新读取,再次打印出扇区内容。
<span id="en">FPGA SDcard File Reader</span>
FPGA-based SDcard file reader
* **Function**: FPGA acts as **SD-host**, specifying the file name to read the file content; or specifying the sector number to read the sector content.
* **Performance**: Use SD bus instead of SPI bus. Read faster.
* **Strong compatibility**: automatically adapt to **SDcard version**, automatically adapt to **FAT16/FAT32 file system**.
* pure RTL implement, easy to simulate and transplant.
| | SDv1.1 card | SDv2 card | SDHCv2 card |
| :-------------------- | :----------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: |
| **Read Sector** | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| **Read File (FAT16)** | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| **Read File (FAT32)** | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
# Background
## SD bus
The SDcard is connected to the SD-host (such as a card adaptor) using the SD bus. The signals of the SD bus include:
| Signal name | Direction |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| sdclk | host→card |
| sdcmd | host→card when request command, card→host when respond command |
| sddat0, sddat1, sddat2, sddat3 | host→card, when write data, card→host when read data |
The pin definitions of these signals on SDcard and microSDcard are as follows (SDcard and microSDcard have no difference in function except for the shape and appearance).
| ![pin](./figures/pin.png) |
| :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| Figure : pin defination of SDcard (left) and microSDcard (right) |
## File System
The SDcard is just a large linear data storage space, divided into multiple sectors, each sector contains 512 bytes, the address range of sector 0 is 0x00000000\~0x000001FF, and the address range of sector 1 is 0x00000200\~0x000003FF, and so on…. The underlying read and write operations are performed in unit of sectors. In order to organize disk partitions and files in this linear storage space, people stipulate complex data structures: file system. The most commonly used file systems for SDcard are FAT16 and FAT32.
In order to read file data from SDcard, this library is divided into two functional modules:
- Manipulate the SD bus according to the SD bus standard, specify the sector number and read the sector.
- On the basis of being able to read sectors, parse the file system, that is, given the file name, to find the location and length of the file. In fact, the file may not be stored contiguously (that is, split into multiple blocks in different sectors), my code will handle this case correctly.
# How to use this module
sd_file_reader.sv in the [RTL](./RTL) folder is the top-level module of the SD card file reader, and it is defined as follows:
module sd_file_reader #(
parameter FILE_NAME = "example.txt",
parameter [2:0] CLK_DIV = 3'd1,
parameter SIMULATE = 0
// rstn active-low, 1:working, 0:reset
input wire rstn,
// clock
input wire clk,
// SDcard signals (connect to SDcard), this design do not use sddat1~sddat3.
output wire sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
input wire sddat0, // FPGA only read SDDAT signal but never drive it
// status output (optional for user)
output wire [3:0] card_stat, // show the sdcard initialize status
output wire [1:0] card_type, // 0=UNKNOWN , 1=SDv1 , 2=SDv2 , 3=SDHCv2
output wire [1:0] filesystem_type, // 0=UNASSIGNED , 1=UNKNOWN , 2=FAT16 , 3=FAT32
output reg file_found, // 0=file not found, 1=file found
// file content data output (sync with clk)
output reg outen, // when outen=1, a byte of file content is read out from outbyte
output reg [7:0] outbyte // a byte of file content
- `FILE_NAME` specifies the name of the target file to read.
- `CLK_DIV` is the clock frequency division factor, its value needs to be determined according to the `clk` frequency you provide (see code comments for details).
- `SIMULATE` is the simulation speed-up option. **Usually set to `0`**. It can be set to `1` only during simulation to speed up the SD card initialization progress and prevent the simulation from taking too much time.
- `clk` is the module driving clock.
- `rstn` is the reset signal, you need to set `rstn=0` before starting to work, and then set `rstn=1` to release it.
- `sdclk` , `sdcmd` , `sddat0` are SD bus signals, should connect to SDcard.
- Note that this module only uses `sddat0` and does not use `sddat1~sddat3`, because the SDcard will run in 1bit narrow data bus mode by default when powered on, and can be switched to 4bit wide data bus mode with the command, I did not switch it, always use only `sddat0`. And `sddat1~sddat3` can be left unconnected.
- `card_type` will output the detected SDcard type: 0 corresponds to unknown, 1 corresponds to SDv1, 2 corresponds to SDv2, 3 corresponds to SDHCv2.
- `file_system_type` will output the detected file system of SDcard: 1 corresponds to unknown, 2 corresponds to FAT16, 3 corresponds to FAT32.
- `file_found` will output whether the target file was found: 0 means not found, 1 means found.
- If the target file is found, the module will output all the bytes in the file. For each output byte, a high-level pulse will be generated on `outen`, and the byte will appear on `outbyte`.
> **Note**: This repo only uses sddat0 (i.e. SD 1-bit bus mode) instead of sddat1\~3. When working, you need to continuously pull sddat1\~3 high (you can write `assign sddat[3:1] = 3'b111;` in the FPGA code, or use pull-up resistors on the PCB). This is to ensure that the SD card can enter SD bus mode normally, otherwise it will enter SPI bus mode.
# RTL Simulation
Simulation related files are in the [SIM](./SIM) folder, where:
- sd_fake.sv is a code for FPGA to imitate an SDcard. In this simulation program, it imitates an SDcard with FAT32 system and has an file example.txt inside. It comes from another repository of mine: [FPGA-SDfake](https://github.com/WangXuan95/FPGA-SDfake)
- tb_sd_file_reader.sv is the top level of the simulation, it will call sd_file_reader.sv to read the file in sd_fake.sv .
- tb_sd_file_reader_run_iverilog.bat is a command script to run iverilog simulations.
Before simulate using iverilog, you need to install iverilog , see: [iverilog_usage](https://github.com/WangXuan95/WangXuan95/blob/main/iverilog_usage/iverilog_usage.md)
Then double-click tb_sd_file_reader_run_iverilog.bat to run simulation, which will run for several minutes.
After the simulation runs, you can open the generated dump.vcd file to view the waveform.
FPGA Demo: Read File
The [example-vivado-readfile](./example-vivado-readfile) folder contains a vivado project, which runs on the [Nexys4 development board](http://www.digilent.com.cn/products/product-nexys-4-ddr-artix-7-fpga- trainer-board.html) (it has a microSDcard slot,). It will find the file example.txt from the root directory of the SDcard and read its entire content, and then send it to PC via **UART**.
Run the demo as follows:
1. Prepare a **microSDcard** of **FAT16** or **FAT32**. If it is not **FAT16** or **FAT32**, you need to format it.
2. Create **example.txt** in the root directory (the file name is not limited in case), and write some content in the file.
3. Insert the SDcard into the card slot of Nexys4.
4. Plug the USB port of Nexys4 into PC, and open the corresponding serial port with software such as **Serial Assistant**, **Putty**, **HyperTerminal** or **minicom**.
5. Open the project in the directory [example-vivado-readfile](./example-vivado-readfile) with vivado, synthesize and program it.
6. Observe that the serial port prints the contents of the file.
7. Simutinously, you can see that the LEDs on the Nexys4 change, they indicate the type and status of the SDcard, see the code for the specific meaning.
8. Press the red CPU\_RESET button on Nexys4 to re-read and print out the file content again.
FPGA Demo: Read Sector
The [example-vivado-readsector](./example-vivado-readsector) folder contains a vivado project, which runs on the [Nexys4 development board](http://www.digilent.com.cn/products/product-nexys-4-ddr-artix-7-fpga- trainer-board.html), it will read sector 0 from the SD card (it is often called the MBR sector in file systems) and send it to PC via **UART**.
Run the demo as follows:
1. Prepare a **microSDcard**. Plug it into the card slot of Nexys4.
2. Plug the USB port of Nexys4 into PC, use **Serial Assistant** to open the corresponding serial port, please select "HEX Receive Mode", print each byte in hexadecimal form, so that we can see those ASCII non-printable characters.
3. Use vivado to open the project in the directory [example-vivado-readsector](./example-vivado-readsector) , synthesize and program it.
4. Observe that the serial port prints the contents of sector 0.
5. At the same time, you can also see that the LEDs on the Nexys4 change, they indicate the type and status of the SDcard, see the code comments for the specific meaning.
6. Press the red CPU\_RESET button on Nexys4 to re-read and print out the sector content again.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
// Module : sd_file_reader
// Type : synthesizable, IP's top
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: A SD-host.
// Specify a filename, sd_file_reader will read out file content
// Compatibility: CardType : SDv1.1 , SDv2 or SDHCv2
// FileSystem : FAT16 or FAT32
module sd_file_reader #(
parameter FILE_NAME = "example.txt", // file to read, ignore Upper and Lower Case
// For example, if you want to read a file named HeLLo123.txt in the SD card,
// this parameter can be hello123.TXT, HELLO123.txt or HEllo123.Txt
parameter [2:0] CLK_DIV = 3'd1, // when clk = 0~ 25MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd0,
// when clk = 25~ 50MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd1,
// when clk = 50~100MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd2,
// when clk = 100~200MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd3,
// ......
parameter SIMULATE = 0
// rstn active-low, 1:working, 0:reset
input wire rstn,
// clock
input wire clk,
// SDcard signals (connect to SDcard), this design do not use sddat1~sddat3.
output wire sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
input wire sddat0, // FPGA only read SDDAT signal but never drive it
// status output (optional for user)
output wire [3:0] card_stat, // show the sdcard initialize status
output wire [1:0] card_type, // 0=UNKNOWN , 1=SDv1 , 2=SDv2 , 3=SDHCv2
output wire [1:0] filesystem_type, // 0=UNASSIGNED , 1=UNKNOWN , 2=FAT16 , 3=FAT32
output reg file_found, // 0=file not found, 1=file found
// file content data output (sync with clk)
output reg outen, // when outen=1, a byte of file content is read out from outbyte
output reg [7:0] outbyte // a byte of file content
initial file_found = 1'b0;
initial {outen,outbyte} = '0;
function automatic logic [7:0] toUpperCase(input [7:0] in);
return (in>=8'h61 && in<=8'h7A) ? in&8'b11011111 : in;
localparam TARGET_FNAME_LEN = ($bits(FILE_NAME)/8);
for(int ii=0; ii<TARGET_FNAME_LEN; ii++)
TARGET_FNAME_UPPER[ii*8+:8] = toUpperCase( TARGET_FNAME[ii*8+:8] );
reg read_start = 1'b0;
reg [31:0] read_sector_no = 0;
wire read_done;
wire rvalid;
wire [ 8:0] raddr;
wire [ 7:0] rdata;
reg [31:0] rootdir_sector = 0 , rootdir_sector_t; // rootdir sector number (FAT16 only)
reg [15:0] rootdir_sectorcount = '0 , rootdir_sectorcount_t; // (FAT16 only)
reg [31:0] curr_cluster = 0 , curr_cluster_t; // current reading cluster number
wire [ 6:0] curr_cluster_fat_offset;
wire [24:0] curr_cluster_fat_no;
assign {curr_cluster_fat_no,curr_cluster_fat_offset} = curr_cluster;
wire [ 7:0] curr_cluster_fat_offset_fat16;
wire [23:0] curr_cluster_fat_no_fat16;
assign {curr_cluster_fat_no_fat16,curr_cluster_fat_offset_fat16} = curr_cluster;
reg [31:0] target_cluster = 0; // target cluster number item in FAT32 table
reg [15:0] target_cluster_fat16 = 16'h0; // target cluster number item in FAT16 table
reg [ 7:0] cluster_sector_offset=8'h0 , cluster_sector_offset_t; // current sector number in cluster
reg [31:0] file_cluster = 0;
reg [31:0] file_size = 0;
reg [ 7:0] cluster_size = '0 , cluster_size_t;
reg [31:0] first_fat_sector_no = 0 , first_fat_sector_no_t;
reg [31:0] first_data_sector_no= 0 , first_data_sector_no_t;
reg search_fat = 1'b0;
enum logic [2:0] {RESET, SEARCH_MBR, SEARCH_DBR, LS_ROOT_FAT16, LS_ROOT_FAT32, READ_A_FILE, DONE} filesystem_state = RESET;
enum logic [1:0] {UNASSIGNED, UNKNOWN, FAT16, FAT32} filesystem=UNASSIGNED, filesystem_parsed;
assign filesystem_type = filesystem;
// store MBR or DBR fields
reg [ 7:0] sector_content [512];
initial for(int ii=0; ii<512; ii++) sector_content[ii] = '0;
always @ (posedge clk)
sector_content[raddr] <= rdata;
// parse MBR or DBR fields
wire is_boot_sector = ( {sector_content['h1FE],sector_content['h1FF]}==16'h55AA );
wire is_dbr = sector_content[0]==8'hEB || sector_content[0]==8'hE9;
wire [31:0] dbr_sector_no = {sector_content['h1C9],sector_content['h1C8],sector_content['h1C7],sector_content['h1C6]};
wire [15:0] bytes_per_sector = {sector_content['hC],sector_content['hB]};
wire [ 7:0] sector_per_cluster = sector_content['hD];
wire [15:0] resv_sectors = {sector_content['hF],sector_content['hE]};
wire [ 7:0] number_of_fat = sector_content['h10];
wire [15:0] rootdir_itemcount = {sector_content['h12],sector_content['h11]}; // root dir item count (FAT16 Only)
reg [31:0] sectors_per_fat = '0;
reg [31:0] root_cluster = '0;
always_comb begin
sectors_per_fat = {16'h0, sector_content['h17], sector_content['h16]};
root_cluster = 0;
if(sectors_per_fat>0) begin // FAT16 case
filesystem_parsed = FAT16;
end else if(sector_content['h56]==8'h32) begin // FAT32 case
filesystem_parsed = FAT32;
sectors_per_fat = {sector_content['h27],sector_content['h26],sector_content['h25],sector_content['h24]};
root_cluster = {sector_content['h2F],sector_content['h2E],sector_content['h2D],sector_content['h2C]};
end else begin // Unknown FileSystem
filesystem_parsed = UNKNOWN;
// main FSM
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
read_start <= 1'b0;
read_sector_no <= 0;
filesystem_state <= RESET;
filesystem <= UNASSIGNED;
search_fat <= 1'b0;
cluster_size <= 8'h0;
first_fat_sector_no <= 0;
first_data_sector_no <= 0;
curr_cluster <= 0;
cluster_sector_offset <= 8'h0;
rootdir_sector <= 0;
rootdir_sectorcount <= 16'h0;
end else begin
cluster_size_t = cluster_size;
first_fat_sector_no_t = first_fat_sector_no;
first_data_sector_no_t = first_data_sector_no;
curr_cluster_t = curr_cluster;
cluster_sector_offset_t = cluster_sector_offset;
rootdir_sector_t = rootdir_sector;
rootdir_sectorcount_t = rootdir_sectorcount;
read_start <= 1'b0;
if(read_done) begin
SEARCH_MBR : if(is_boot_sector) begin
filesystem_state <= SEARCH_DBR;
if(~is_dbr) read_sector_no <= dbr_sector_no;
end else begin
read_sector_no <= read_sector_no + 1;
SEARCH_DBR : if(is_boot_sector && is_dbr ) begin
if(bytes_per_sector!=16'd512) begin
filesystem_state <= DONE;
end else begin
filesystem <= filesystem_parsed;
if(filesystem_parsed==FAT16) begin
cluster_size_t = sector_per_cluster;
first_fat_sector_no_t = read_sector_no + resv_sectors;
rootdir_sectorcount_t = rootdir_itemcount / (16'd512/16'd32);
rootdir_sector_t = first_fat_sector_no_t + sectors_per_fat * number_of_fat;
first_data_sector_no_t= rootdir_sector_t + rootdir_sectorcount_t - cluster_size_t*2;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
read_sector_no <= rootdir_sector_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
filesystem_state <= LS_ROOT_FAT16;
end else if(filesystem_parsed==FAT32) begin
cluster_size_t = sector_per_cluster;
first_fat_sector_no_t = read_sector_no + resv_sectors;
first_data_sector_no_t= first_fat_sector_no_t + sectors_per_fat * number_of_fat - cluster_size_t * 2;
curr_cluster_t = root_cluster;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
filesystem_state <= LS_ROOT_FAT32;
end else begin
filesystem_state <= DONE;
LS_ROOT_FAT16 : if(file_found) begin
curr_cluster_t = file_cluster;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
filesystem_state <= READ_A_FILE;
end else if(cluster_sector_offset_t<rootdir_sectorcount_t) begin
cluster_sector_offset_t ++;
read_sector_no <= rootdir_sector_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
end else begin
filesystem_state <= DONE; // cant find target file
LS_ROOT_FAT32 : if(~search_fat) begin
if(file_found) begin
curr_cluster_t = file_cluster;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
filesystem_state <= READ_A_FILE;
end else if(cluster_sector_offset_t<(cluster_size_t-1)) begin
cluster_sector_offset_t ++;
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
end else begin // read FAT to get next cluster
search_fat <= 1'b1;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
read_sector_no <= first_fat_sector_no_t + curr_cluster_fat_no;
end else begin
search_fat <= 1'b0;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
if(target_cluster=='h0FFF_FFFF || target_cluster=='h0FFF_FFF8 || target_cluster=='hFFFF_FFFF || target_cluster<2) begin
filesystem_state <= DONE; // cant find target file
end else begin
curr_cluster_t = target_cluster;
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
READ_A_FILE : if(~search_fat) begin
if(cluster_sector_offset_t<(cluster_size_t-1)) begin
cluster_sector_offset_t ++;
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
end else begin // read FAT to get next cluster
search_fat <= 1'b1;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
read_sector_no <= first_fat_sector_no_t + (filesystem==FAT16 ? curr_cluster_fat_no_fat16 : curr_cluster_fat_no);
end else begin
search_fat <= 1'b0;
cluster_sector_offset_t = 8'h0;
if(filesystem==FAT16) begin
if(target_cluster_fat16>=16'hFFF0 || target_cluster_fat16<16'h2) begin
filesystem_state <= DONE; // read to the end of file, done
end else begin
curr_cluster_t = {16'h0,target_cluster_fat16};
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
end else begin
if(target_cluster=='h0FFF_FFFF || target_cluster=='h0FFF_FFF8 || target_cluster=='hFFFF_FFFF || target_cluster<2) begin
filesystem_state <= DONE; // read to the end of file, done
end else begin
curr_cluster_t = target_cluster;
read_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t + cluster_size_t * curr_cluster_t + cluster_sector_offset_t;
end else begin
RESET : filesystem_state <= SEARCH_MBR;
SEARCH_MBR : read_start <= 1'b1;
SEARCH_DBR : read_start <= 1'b1;
LS_ROOT_FAT16 : read_start <= 1'b1;
LS_ROOT_FAT32 : read_start <= 1'b1;
READ_A_FILE : read_start <= 1'b1;
DONE : $finish; // only for finish simulation, will be ignore when synthesize
cluster_size <= cluster_size_t;
first_fat_sector_no <= first_fat_sector_no_t;
first_data_sector_no <= first_data_sector_no_t;
curr_cluster <= curr_cluster_t;
cluster_sector_offset <= cluster_sector_offset_t;
rootdir_sector <= rootdir_sector_t;
rootdir_sectorcount <= rootdir_sectorcount_t;
// capture data in FAT table
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
if(~rstn) begin
target_cluster <= 0;
target_cluster_fat16 <= 16'h0;
end else begin
if(search_fat && rvalid) begin
if(filesystem==FAT16) begin
target_cluster_fat16[8*raddr[ 0] +: 8] <= rdata;
end else if(filesystem==FAT32) begin
target_cluster[8*raddr[1:0] +: 8] <= rdata;
sd_reader #(
) sd_reader_i (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.sdclk ( sdclk ),
.sdcmd ( sdcmd ),
.sddat0 ( sddat0 ),
.card_type ( card_type ),
.card_stat ( card_stat ),
.rstart ( read_start ),
.rsector ( read_sector_no ),
.rbusy ( ),
.rdone ( read_done ),
.outen ( rvalid ),
.outaddr ( raddr ),
.outbyte ( rdata )
// parse root dir
reg fready = 1'b0; // a file is find when fready = 1
reg [ 7:0] fnamelen = '0;
reg [15:0] fcluster = '0;
reg [31:0] fsize = 0;
reg [ 7:0] fname [52];
reg [ 7:0] file_name [52];
reg isshort=1'b0, islongok=1'b0, islong=1'b0, longvalid=1'b0;
reg isshort_t , islongok_t , islong_t , longvalid_t ;
reg [ 5:0] longno = 6'h0 , longno_t;
reg [ 7:0] lastchar = 8'h0;
reg [ 7:0] fdtnamelen = 8'h0 , fdtnamelen_t;
reg [ 7:0] sdtnamelen = 8'h0 , sdtnamelen_t;
reg [ 7:0] file_namelen = 8'h0;
reg [15:0] file_1st_cluster = 16'h0 , file_1st_cluster_t;
reg [31:0] file_1st_size = 0 , file_1st_size_t;
initial for(int i=0;i<52;i++) begin file_name[i]=8'h0; fname[i]=8'h0; end
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
if(~rstn) begin
fready<=1'b0; fnamelen<=8'h0; file_namelen<=8'h0;
fcluster<=16'h0; fsize<=0;
for(int i=0;i<52;i++) begin file_name[i]<=8'h0; fname[i]<=8'h0; end
{isshort, islongok, islong, longvalid} <= 4'b0000;
longno <= 6'h0;
lastchar <= 8'h0;
fdtnamelen <= 8'h0;
sdtnamelen <= 8'h0;
file_1st_cluster <= 16'h0;
file_1st_size <= 0;
end else begin
{isshort_t, islongok_t, islong_t, longvalid_t} = {isshort, islongok, islong, longvalid};
longno_t = longno;
fdtnamelen_t = fdtnamelen;
sdtnamelen_t = sdtnamelen;
file_1st_cluster_t = file_1st_cluster;
file_1st_size_t = file_1st_size;
fready<=1'b0; fnamelen<=8'h0;
for(int i=0;i<52;i++) fname[i]<=8'h0;
fcluster<=16'h0; fsize<=0;
if( rvalid && (filesystem_state==LS_ROOT_FAT16||filesystem_state==LS_ROOT_FAT32) && ~search_fat ) begin
5'h1A : file_1st_cluster_t[ 0+:8] = rdata;
5'h1B : file_1st_cluster_t[ 8+:8] = rdata;
5'h1C : file_1st_size_t[ 0+:8] = rdata;
5'h1D : file_1st_size_t[ 8+:8] = rdata;
5'h1E : file_1st_size_t[16+:8] = rdata;
5'h1F : file_1st_size_t[24+:8] = rdata;
if(raddr[4:0]==5'h0) begin
{islongok_t, isshort_t} = 2'b00;
fdtnamelen_t = 8'h0; sdtnamelen_t=8'h0;
if(rdata!=8'hE5 && rdata!=8'h2E && rdata!=8'h00) begin
if(islong_t && longno_t==6'h1)
islongok_t = 1'b1;
isshort_t = 1'b1;
if(rdata[7]==1'b0 && ~islongok_t) begin
if(rdata[6]) begin
{islong_t,longvalid_t} = 2'b11;
longno_t = rdata[5:0];
end else if(islong_t) begin
if(longno_t>6'h1 && (rdata[5:0]+6'h1==longno_t) ) begin
islong_t = 1'b1;
longno_t = rdata[5:0];
end else begin
islong_t = 1'b0;
end else
islong_t = 1'b0;
end else
islong_t = 1'b0;
end else if(raddr[4:0]==5'hB) begin
islong_t = 1'b0;
{isshort_t, islongok_t} = 2'b00;
end else if(raddr[4:0]==5'h1F) begin
if(islongok_t && longvalid_t || isshort_t) begin
fready <= 1'b1;
fnamelen <= file_namelen;
for(int i=0;i<52;i++) fname[i] <= (i<file_namelen) ? file_name[i] : 8'h0;
fcluster <= file_1st_cluster_t;
fsize <= file_1st_size_t;
if(islong_t) begin
if(raddr[4:0]>5'h0&&raddr[4:0]<5'hB || raddr[4:0]>=5'hE&&raddr[4:0]<5'h1A || raddr[4:0]>=5'h1C)begin
if(raddr[4:0]<5'hB ? raddr[0] : ~raddr[0]) begin
lastchar <= rdata;
end else begin
//automatic logic [15:0] unicode = {rdata,lastchar};
if({rdata,lastchar} == 16'h0000) begin
file_namelen <= fdtnamelen_t-8'd1 + (longno_t-8'd1)*8'd13;
end else if({rdata,lastchar} != 16'hFFFF) begin
if(rdata == 8'h0) begin
file_name[fdtnamelen_t-8'd1+(longno_t-8'd1)*8'd13] <= (lastchar>=8'h61 && lastchar<=8'h7A) ? lastchar&8'b11011111 : lastchar;
end else begin
longvalid_t = 1'b0;
if(isshort_t) begin
if(raddr[4:0]<5'h8) begin
if(rdata!=8'h20) begin
file_name[sdtnamelen_t] <= rdata;
end else if(raddr[4:0]<5'hB) begin
if(raddr[4:0]==5'h8) begin
file_name[sdtnamelen_t] <= 8'h2E;
if(rdata!=8'h20) begin
file_name[sdtnamelen_t] <= rdata;
end else if(raddr[4:0]==5'hB) begin
file_namelen <= sdtnamelen_t;
{isshort, islongok, islong, longvalid} <= {isshort_t, islongok_t, islong_t, longvalid_t};
longno <= longno_t;
fdtnamelen <= fdtnamelen_t;
sdtnamelen <= sdtnamelen_t;
file_1st_cluster <= file_1st_cluster_t;
file_1st_size <= file_1st_size_t;
// compare Target filename with Parsed filename
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
file_found <= 1'b0;
file_cluster <= 0;
file_size <= 0;
end else begin
if(fready && fnamelen==TARGET_FNAME_LEN) begin
file_found <= 1'b1;
file_cluster <= fcluster;
file_size <= fsize;
for(int ii=0; ii<TARGET_FNAME_LEN; ii++) begin
if( fname[TARGET_FNAME_LEN-1-ii] != TARGET_FNAME_UPPER[ii*8+:8] ) begin
file_found <= 1'b0;
file_cluster <= 0;
file_size <= 0;
// output file content
reg [31:0] fptr = 0;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
fptr <= 0;
{outen,outbyte} <= '0;
end else begin
if(rvalid && filesystem_state==READ_A_FILE && ~search_fat && fptr<file_size) begin
fptr <= fptr + 1;
{outen,outbyte} <= {1'b1,rdata};
end else
{outen,outbyte} <= '0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
// Module : sd_reader
// Type : synthesizable, IP's top
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: A SD-host to initialize SDcard and read sector
// Compatibility: CardType : SDv1.1 , SDv2 or SDHCv2
module sd_reader # (
parameter [2:0] CLK_DIV = 3'd1, // when clk = 0~ 25MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd0,
// when clk = 25~ 50MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd1,
// when clk = 50~100MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd2,
// when clk = 100~200MHz , set CLK_DIV = 3'd3,
// ......
parameter SIMULATE = 0
) (
// rstn active-low, 1:working, 0:reset
input wire rstn,
// clock
input wire clk,
// SDcard signals (connect to SDcard), this design do not use sddat1~sddat3.
output wire sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
input wire sddat0, // FPGA only read SDDAT signal but never drive it
// show card status
output wire [ 3:0] card_stat, // show the sdcard initialize status
output reg [ 1:0] card_type, // 0=UNKNOWN , 1=SDv1 , 2=SDv2 , 3=SDHCv2
// user read sector command interface (sync with clk)
input wire rstart,
input wire [31:0] rsector,
output wire rbusy,
output wire rdone,
// sector data output interface (sync with clk)
output reg outen, // when outen=1, a byte of sector content is read out from outbyte
output reg [ 8:0] outaddr, // outaddr from 0 to 511, because the sector size is 512
output reg [ 7:0] outbyte // a byte of sector content
initial {outen, outaddr, outbyte} = '0;
localparam [1:0] UNKNOWN = 2'd0, // SD card type
SDv1 = 2'd1,
SDv2 = 2'd2,
SDHCv2 = 2'd3;
localparam [15:0] FASTCLKDIV = 16'd1 << CLK_DIV ;
localparam [15:0] SLOWCLKDIV = FASTCLKDIV * (SIMULATE ? 16'd2 : 16'd48);
reg start = 1'b0;
reg [15:0] precnt = '0;
reg [ 5:0] cmd = '0;
reg [31:0] arg = '0;
reg [15:0] clkdiv = SLOWCLKDIV;
reg [31:0] rsectoraddr = '0;
wire busy, done, timeout, syntaxe;
wire[31:0] resparg;
reg sdv1_maybe = 1'b0;
reg [ 2:0] cmd8_cnt = '0;
reg [15:0] rca = '0;
enum logic [3:0] {CMD0, CMD8, CMD55_41, ACMD41, CMD2, CMD3, CMD7, CMD16, CMD17, READING, READING2} sdcmd_stat = CMD0;
reg sdclkl = 1'b0;
enum logic [2:0] {RWAIT, RDURING, RTAIL, RDONE, RTIMEOUT} sddat_stat = RWAIT;
reg [31:0] ridx = 0;
assign rbusy = sdcmd_stat != CMD17;
assign rdone = sdcmd_stat == READING2 && sddat_stat==RDONE;
assign card_stat = sdcmd_stat;
sdcmd_ctrl sdcmd_ctrl_i (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.sdclk ( sdclk ),
.sdcmd ( sdcmd ),
.clkdiv ( clkdiv ),
.start ( start ),
.precnt ( precnt ),
.cmd ( cmd ),
.arg ( arg ),
.busy ( busy ),
.done ( done ),
.timeout ( timeout ),
.syntaxe ( syntaxe ),
.resparg ( resparg )
task automatic set_cmd(input _start, input[15:0] _precnt='0, input[5:0] _cmd='0, input[31:0] _arg='0 );
start <= _start;
precnt <= _precnt;
cmd <= _cmd;
arg <= _arg;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
clkdiv <= SLOWCLKDIV;
rsectoraddr <= '0;
rca <= '0;
sdv1_maybe <= 1'b0;
card_type <= UNKNOWN;
sdcmd_stat <= CMD0;
cmd8_cnt <= '0;
end else begin
if(sdcmd_stat == READING2) begin
if(sddat_stat==RTIMEOUT) begin
set_cmd(1, 96, 17, rsectoraddr);
sdcmd_stat <= READING;
end else if(sddat_stat==RDONE)
sdcmd_stat <= CMD17;
end else if(~busy) begin
CMD0 : set_cmd(1, (SIMULATE?512:64000), 0, 'h00000000);
CMD8 : set_cmd(1, 512 , 8, 'h000001aa);
CMD55_41: set_cmd(1, 512 , 55, 'h00000000);
ACMD41 : set_cmd(1, 256 , 41, 'h40100000);
CMD2 : set_cmd(1, 256 , 2, 'h00000000);
CMD3 : set_cmd(1, 256 , 3, 'h00000000);
CMD7 : set_cmd(1, 256 , 7, {rca,16'h0});
CMD16 : set_cmd(1, (SIMULATE?512:64000), 16, 'h00000200);
CMD17 : if(rstart) begin
set_cmd(1, 96, 17, (card_type==SDHCv2) ? rsector : (rsector<<9) );
rsectoraddr <= (card_type==SDHCv2) ? rsector : (rsector<<9);
sdcmd_stat <= READING;
end else if(done) begin
CMD0 : sdcmd_stat <= CMD8;
CMD8 : if(~timeout && ~syntaxe && resparg[7:0]==8'haa) begin
sdcmd_stat <= CMD55_41;
end else if(timeout) begin
cmd8_cnt <= cmd8_cnt + 3'd1;
if(cmd8_cnt == '1) begin
sdv1_maybe <= 1'b1;
sdcmd_stat <= CMD55_41;
CMD55_41: if(~timeout && ~syntaxe)
sdcmd_stat <= ACMD41;
ACMD41 : if(~timeout && ~syntaxe && resparg[31]) begin
card_type <= sdv1_maybe ? SDv1 : (resparg[30] ? SDHCv2 : SDv2);
sdcmd_stat <= CMD2;
end else begin
sdcmd_stat <= CMD55_41;
CMD2 : if(~timeout && ~syntaxe)
sdcmd_stat <= CMD3;
CMD3 : if(~timeout && ~syntaxe) begin
rca <= resparg[31:16];
sdcmd_stat <= CMD7;
CMD7 : if(~timeout && ~syntaxe) begin
clkdiv <= FASTCLKDIV;
sdcmd_stat <= CMD16;
CMD16 : if(~timeout && ~syntaxe)
sdcmd_stat <= CMD17;
READING : if(~timeout && ~syntaxe)
sdcmd_stat <= READING2;
set_cmd(1, 128, 17, rsectoraddr);
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
outen <= 1'b0;
outaddr <= '0;
outbyte <='0;
sdclkl <= 1'b0;
sddat_stat <= RWAIT;
ridx <= 0;
end else begin
outen <= 1'b0;
outaddr <= '0;
sdclkl <= sdclk;
if(sdcmd_stat!=READING && sdcmd_stat!=READING2) begin
sddat_stat <= RWAIT;
ridx <= 0;
end else if(~sdclkl & sdclk) begin
RWAIT : begin
if(~sddat0) begin
sddat_stat <= RDURING;
ridx <= 0;
end else begin
if(ridx > 1000000) // according to SD datasheet, 1ms is enough to wait for DAT result, here, we set timeout to 1000000 clock cycles = 80ms (when SDCLK=12.5MHz)
sddat_stat <= RTIMEOUT;
ridx <= ridx + 1;
RDURING : begin
outbyte[3'd7 - ridx[2:0]] <= sddat0;
if(ridx[2:0] == 3'd7) begin
outen <= 1'b1;
outaddr<= ridx[11:3];
if(ridx >= 512*8-1) begin
sddat_stat <= RTAIL;
ridx <= 0;
end else begin
ridx <= ridx + 1;
RTAIL : begin
if(ridx >= 8*8-1)
sddat_stat <= RDONE;
ridx <= ridx + 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// Module : sdcmd_ctrl
// Type : synthesizable, IP's sub module
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: sdcmd signal control,
// instantiated by sd_reader
module sdcmd_ctrl (
input wire rstn,
input wire clk,
// SDcard signals (sdclk and sdcmd)
output reg sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
// config clk freq
input wire [15:0] clkdiv,
// user input signal
input wire start,
input wire [15:0] precnt,
input wire [ 5:0] cmd,
input wire [31:0] arg,
// user output signal
output reg busy,
output reg done,
output reg timeout,
output reg syntaxe,
output wire [31:0] resparg
initial {busy, done, timeout, syntaxe} = '0;
initial sdclk = '0;
localparam [7:0] TIMEOUT = 8'd250;
reg sdcmdoe = 1'b0;
reg sdcmdout = 1'b1;
// sdcmd tri-state driver
assign sdcmd = sdcmdoe ? sdcmdout : 1'bz;
wire sdcmdin = sdcmdoe ? 1'b1 : sdcmd;
function automatic logic [6:0] CalcCrc7(input logic [6:0] crc, input logic inbit);
return {crc[5:0],crc[6]^inbit} ^ {3'b0,crc[6]^inbit,3'b0};
reg [ 5:0] req_cmd = '0; // request[45:40]
reg [31:0] req_arg = '0; // request[39: 8]
reg [ 6:0] req_crc = '0; // request[ 7: 1]
wire [51:0] request = {6'b111101, req_cmd, req_arg, req_crc, 1'b1};
struct packed {
logic st;
logic [ 5:0] cmd;
logic [31:0] arg;
} response = '0;
assign resparg = response.arg;
reg [17:0] clkdivr = '1;
reg [17:0] clkcnt = '0;
reg [15:0] cnt1 = '0;
reg [ 5:0] cnt2 = '1;
reg [ 7:0] cnt3 = '0;
reg [ 7:0] cnt4 = '1;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
{busy, done, timeout, syntaxe} <= '0;
sdclk <= 1'b0;
{sdcmdoe, sdcmdout} <= 2'b01;
{req_cmd, req_arg, req_crc} <= '0;
response <= '0;
clkdivr <= '1;
clkcnt <= '0;
cnt1 <= '0;
cnt2 <= '1;
cnt3 <= '0;
cnt4 <= '1;
end else begin
{done, timeout, syntaxe} <= '0;
clkcnt <= ( clkcnt < {clkdivr[16:0],1'b1} ) ? clkcnt+18'd1 : '0;
if (clkcnt == '0)
clkdivr <= {2'h0, clkdiv} + 18'd1;
if(clkcnt == clkdivr)
sdclk <= 1'b0;
else if(clkcnt == {clkdivr[16:0],1'b1} )
sdclk <= 1'b1;
if(~busy) begin
if(start) busy <= '1;
req_cmd <= cmd;
req_arg <= arg;
req_crc <= '0;
cnt1 <= precnt;
cnt2 <= 6'd51;
cnt3 <= TIMEOUT;
cnt4 <= 8'd134;
end else if(done) begin
busy <= '0;
end else if( clkcnt == clkdivr) begin
{sdcmdoe, sdcmdout} <= 2'b01;
if (cnt1 != '0) begin
cnt1 <= cnt1 - 16'd1;
end else if(cnt2 != '1) begin
cnt2 <= cnt2 - 6'd1;
{sdcmdoe, sdcmdout} <= {1'b1, request[cnt2]};
if(cnt2>=8 && cnt2<48) req_crc <= CalcCrc7(req_crc, request[cnt2]);
end else if( clkcnt == {clkdivr[16:0],1'b1} && cnt1=='0 && cnt2=='1 ) begin
if(cnt3 != '0) begin
cnt3 <= cnt3 - 8'd1;
cnt3 <= '0;
else if(cnt3 == 8'd1)
{done, timeout, syntaxe} <= 3'b110;
end else if(cnt4 != '1) begin
cnt4 <= cnt4 - 8'd1;
if(cnt4 >= 8'd96)
response <= {response[37:0], sdcmdin};
if(cnt4 == '0) begin
{done, timeout} <= 2'b10;
syntaxe <= response.st || ((response.cmd!=req_cmd) && (response.cmd!='1) && (response.cmd!='0));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
// Module : sd_fake
// Type : synthesizable, IP's top
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: Imitate a SDHCv2 Read-Only SD card
module sd_fake (
input wire rstn_async,
// SD-card signals, connect to a SD-host, such as a SDcard Reader
input wire sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
output wire [ 3:0] sddat,
// data read interface, connect to a RAM which contains SD-card's data.
output reg rdreq,
output reg [39:0] rdaddr,
input wire [15:0] rddata,
// show status (optional)
output wire [ 7:0] show_status_bits,
// show parsed request command on sdcmd (optional)
output reg show_sdcmd_en,
output reg [ 5:0] show_sdcmd_cmd,
output reg [31:0] show_sdcmd_arg
initial rdreq = '0;
initial rdaddr = '0;
initial show_sdcmd_en = '0;
initial show_sdcmd_cmd = '0;
initial show_sdcmd_arg = '0;
// generate reset sync with posedge of sdclk
reg rstn_sdclk_p = '0;
reg [1:0] rstn_sdclk_p_l = '0;
always @ (posedge sdclk or negedge rstn_async)
{rstn_sdclk_p, rstn_sdclk_p_l} <= '0;
{rstn_sdclk_p, rstn_sdclk_p_l} <= {rstn_sdclk_p_l, 1'b1};
// generate reset sync with negedge of sdclk
reg rstn_sdclk_n = '0;
reg [1:0] rstn_sdclk_n_l = '0;
always @ (negedge sdclk or negedge rstn_async)
{rstn_sdclk_n, rstn_sdclk_n_l} <= '0;
{rstn_sdclk_n, rstn_sdclk_n_l} <= {rstn_sdclk_n_l, 1'b1};
reg sdcmdoe = 1'b0;
reg sdcmdout = 1'b1;
reg sddatoe = 1'b0;
reg [3:0] sddatout = '1;
assign sdcmd = sdcmdoe ? sdcmdout : 1'bz;
assign sddat = sddatoe ? sddatout : 4'bz;
function automatic logic [ 6:0] CalcCrcCMD(input [ 6:0] crc, input inbit);
return {crc[5:0],crc[6]^inbit} ^ {3'b0,crc[6]^inbit,3'b0};
function automatic logic [15:0] CalcCrcDAT(input [15:0] crc, input inbit);
return {crc[14:0],crc[15]^inbit} ^ {3'b0,crc[15]^inbit,6'b0,crc[15]^inbit,5'b0};
localparam BLOCK_SIZE = 512; // 512B per block
localparam [ 15:0] RCA_REG = 16'h0013;
localparam [ 31:0] OCR_REG = {1'b1,1'b1,6'b0,9'h1ff,7'b0,1'b0,7'b0}; // not busy, CCS=1(SDHC card), all voltage, not dual-voltage card
localparam [119:0] CID_REG = 120'h02544d53_41303847_14394a67_c700e4;
localparam [119:0] CSD_REG = 120'h400e0032_50590000_39b73f80_000030; // 25MHz, SD-ROM card
// 120'h400e0032_5b590000_39b77f80_0a4000; // 25MHz, Normal card
localparam [ 64:0] SCR_REG = 64'h0005_0000_00000000;
// 64'h0201_0000_00000000; // SD-ROM card, disable 4-bit bus mode
// 64'h0205_0000_00000000; // SD-ROM card, enable 4-bit bus mode
// 64'h0231_0000_00000000; // Normal card, disable 4-bit bus mode
// 64'h0235_0000_00000000; // Normal card, enable 4-bit bus mode
reg last_is_acmd=1'b0;
enum logic [1:0] {WAITINGCMD, LOADRESP, RESPING} respstate = WAITINGCMD;
struct packed{
logic [ 3:0] pre_st;
logic [ 5:0] cmd;
logic [31:0] arg;
logic [ 6:0] crc;
logic stop;
} request = '0;
typedef enum logic [3:0] {IDLE, READY, IDENT, STBY, TRAN, DATA, RCV, PRG, DIS} current_state_t;
struct packed{
logic out_of_range;
logic address_error;
logic block_len_error;
logic erase_seq_error;
logic erase_param;
logic wp_violation;
logic card_is_locked;
logic lock_unlock_failed;
logic com_crc_error;
logic illegal_command;
logic card_ecc_failed;
logic cc_error;
logic error;
logic [1:0] rsvd1; // reserved
logic csd_overwrite;
logic wp_erase_skip;
logic card_ecc_disabled;
logic erase_reset;
current_state_t current_state;
logic ready_for_data;
logic [1:0] rsvd2;
logic app_cmd;
logic rsvd3;
logic ake_seq_error;
logic [2:0] rsvd4;
} cardstatus = '0;
wire [15:0] cardstatus_short = {cardstatus[23:22], cardstatus[19], cardstatus[12:0]}; // for R6 (CMD3)
localparam HIGHZLEN = 1;
localparam WAITLEN = HIGHZLEN + 3;
reg [ 5:0] cmd='0;
reg [119:0] arg='0;
reg [ 6:0] crc='0;
reg response_end = 1'b0;
reg valid='0, dummycrc='0;
int idx=0, arglen=0;
task automatic response_init(input _valid, input _dummycrc, input [5:0] _cmd, input int _arglen, input [119:0] _arg);
cmd = _cmd;
arg = _arg;
crc = '0;
valid = _valid;
dummycrc = _dummycrc;
idx = 0;
arglen = _arglen;
response_end = 1'b0;
task automatic response_yield;
response_end = 1'b0;
if ( ~valid) begin
sdcmdoe = 0;
sdcmdout = 1;
response_end = 1'b1;
end else if(idx<HIGHZLEN) begin
sdcmdoe = 0;
sdcmdout = 1;
end else if(idx<WAITLEN) begin
sdcmdoe = 1;
sdcmdout = 1;
end else if(idx<WAITLEN+2) begin
sdcmdoe = 1;
sdcmdout = 0;
crc = CalcCrcCMD(crc, sdcmdout);
end else if(idx<WAITLEN+2+6) begin
sdcmdoe = 1;
sdcmdout = cmd[ (WAITLEN+2+6)-1-idx ];
crc = CalcCrcCMD(crc, sdcmdout);
end else if(idx<WAITLEN+2+6+arglen) begin
sdcmdoe = 1;
sdcmdout = arg[ (WAITLEN+2+6+arglen)-1-idx ];
crc = CalcCrcCMD(crc, sdcmdout);
end else if(idx<WAITLEN+2+6+arglen+7) begin
sdcmdoe = 1;
sdcmdout = dummycrc ? 1'b1 : crc[ (WAITLEN+2+6+arglen+7)-1-idx ];
end else if(idx<WAITLEN+2+6+arglen+8) begin
sdcmdoe = 1;
sdcmdout = 1;
end else begin
sdcmdoe = 0;
sdcmdout = 1;
response_end = 1'b1;
if(~response_end) idx++;
localparam DATAWAITLEN = HIGHZLEN + 16;
reg read_task=0, read_continue=0, read_scr=0, read_sdstat=0, read_cmd6stat=0;
reg [31:0] read_idx = 0;
wire [31:0] read_byte_idx = (read_idx-DATASTARTLEN);
wire [ 3:0] readbyteidx = 4'hf - read_byte_idx[3:0];
wire [ 1:0] readquadidx = 2'h3 - read_byte_idx[1:0];
reg [15:0] read_crc = 0;
reg [15:0] read_crc_wide[4];
wire [15:0] rddata_reversed = {rddata[7:0], rddata[15:8]};
reg widebus = 1'b0; // 0:1bit Mode 1:4bit Mode
wire [511:0] SD_STAT = { widebus,1'b0, 1'b0, 13'h0, // bus-width, no security mode
16'h0001, // SD-ROM
8'h02, // speed class: class-4
428'h0 };
reg [5:0] cmd6_invalid = 6'h0;
wire [511:0] CMD6_RESP = { 12'h0, (~(|cmd6_invalid)), 3'h0, // 8mA when not invalid
16'h8001, 16'h8001, 16'h8001, 16'h8001, 16'h8001, 16'h8001,
{4{cmd6_invalid[5]}}, {4{cmd6_invalid[4]}}, {4{cmd6_invalid[3]}}, {4{cmd6_invalid[2]}}, {4{cmd6_invalid[1]}}, {4{cmd6_invalid[0]}},
376'h0 };
assign show_status_bits = { response_end, widebus, cardstatus.ready_for_data, cardstatus.app_cmd, cardstatus.current_state };
task automatic data_response_init(input [31:0] _read_sector_no=0, input _read_continue=1'b0);
read_task = 1;
read_continue = _read_continue;
read_scr = 0;
read_sdstat = 0;
read_cmd6stat = 0;
rdaddr <= {_read_sector_no,8'h0};
read_idx = 0;
read_crc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = '0;
task automatic data_response_sdstat_init;
read_task = 1;
read_continue = 0;
read_scr = 0;
read_sdstat = 1;
read_cmd6stat = 0;
rdaddr <= '0;
read_idx = 0;
read_crc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = '0;
task automatic data_response_cmd6stat_init;
read_task = 1;
read_continue = 0;
read_scr = 0;
read_sdstat = 0;
read_cmd6stat = 1;
rdaddr <= '0;
read_idx = 0;
read_crc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = '0;
task automatic data_response_scr_init;
read_task = 1;
read_continue = 0;
read_scr = 1;
read_sdstat = 0;
read_cmd6stat = 0;
rdaddr <= '0;
read_idx = 0;
read_crc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = '0;
task automatic data_response_stop;
read_task = 0;
read_continue = 0;
read_scr = 0;
read_sdstat = 0;
read_cmd6stat = 0;
rdaddr <= '0;
read_idx = 0;
read_crc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = '0;
task automatic data_response_yield;
rdreq <='0;
sddatoe = 1'b1;
if(~read_task) begin
sddatoe = 1'b0;
sddatout = 4'hf;
end else if(read_idx< HIGHZLEN) begin
sddatoe = 1'b0;
sddatout = 4'hf;
end else if(read_idx< DATAWAITLEN) begin
sddatout = 4'hf;
end else if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN) begin
sddatout = 4'h0;
read_crc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = '0;
rdreq <= ~ ( read_scr | read_sdstat | read_cmd6stat );
end else if( read_sdstat | read_cmd6stat ) begin // the read task is reading a SD_STAT register or CMD6_RESP
if(widebus) begin
if (read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+128) begin
sddatout = CMD6_RESP[ ((DATASTARTLEN+128)-1-read_idx)*4 +: 4 ];
sddatout = SD_STAT[ ((DATASTARTLEN+128)-1-read_idx)*4 +: 4 ];
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = CalcCrcDAT(read_crc_wide[i],sddatout[i]);
end else if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+128+16) begin
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) sddatout[i] = read_crc_wide[i][ (DATASTARTLEN+128+16)-1-read_idx ];
end else begin
sddatout = 4'hf;
read_task = 0;
end else begin
if (read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+512) begin
sddatout = {3'b111, CMD6_RESP[ (DATASTARTLEN+512)-1-read_idx ] };
sddatout = {3'b111, SD_STAT[ (DATASTARTLEN+512)-1-read_idx ] };
read_crc = CalcCrcDAT(read_crc,sddatout[0]);
end else if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+512+16) begin
sddatout = {3'b111, read_crc[ (DATASTARTLEN+512+16)-1-read_idx ]};
end else begin
sddatout = 4'hf;
read_task = 0;
end else if(read_scr) begin // the read task is reading a SCR register
if(widebus) begin
if (read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+16) begin
sddatout = SCR_REG[ ((DATASTARTLEN+16)-1-read_idx)*4 +: 4 ];
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = CalcCrcDAT(read_crc_wide[i], sddatout[i]);
end else if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+16+16) begin
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) sddatout[i] = read_crc_wide[i][ (DATASTARTLEN+16+16)-1-read_idx ];
end else begin
sddatout = 4'hf;
read_task = 0;
end else begin
if (read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+64) begin
sddatout = {3'b111, SCR_REG[ (DATASTARTLEN+64)-1-read_idx ] };
read_crc = CalcCrcDAT(read_crc,sddatout[0]);
end else if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+64+16) begin
sddatout = {3'b111, read_crc[ (DATASTARTLEN+64+16)-1-read_idx ]};
end else begin
sddatout = 4'hf;
read_task = 0;
end else begin // the read task is reading data sector(s)
if(widebus) begin
if (read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*2)) begin
if( readquadidx==2'h3 ) begin
rdreq<=1'b0; rdaddr <= rdaddr+40'h1;
end else if( readquadidx==2'h0 ) begin
if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*2)-1) rdreq<=1'b1;
sddatout = rddata_reversed[readquadidx*4+:4];
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) read_crc_wide[i] = CalcCrcDAT(read_crc_wide[i],sddatout[i]);
end else if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*2)+16) begin
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) sddatout[i] = read_crc_wide[i][ (DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*2)+16)-1-read_idx ];
end else begin
sddatout = 4'hf;
read_idx = HIGHZLEN+1;
read_task = 0;
end else begin
if (read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*8)) begin
if( readbyteidx==4'hf ) begin
rdreq<=1'b0; rdaddr <= rdaddr+40'h1;
end else if( readbyteidx==4'h0 ) begin
if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*8)-1) rdreq<=1'b1;
sddatout = {3'b111, rddata_reversed[readbyteidx]};
read_crc = CalcCrcDAT(read_crc,sddatout[0]);
end else if(read_idx<DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*8)+16) begin
sddatout = {3'b111, read_crc[ (DATASTARTLEN+(BLOCK_SIZE*8)+16)-1-read_idx ]};
end else begin
sddatout = 4'hf;
read_idx = HIGHZLEN+1;
read_task = 0;
if(read_task) begin
cardstatus.current_state = DATA;
end else if(cardstatus.current_state==DATA)
cardstatus.current_state = TRAN;
reg [6:0] cmdcrcval = '0;
always @ (*) begin
cmdcrcval = '0;
for(int i=47; i>0; i--) cmdcrcval = CalcCrcCMD(cmdcrcval, request[i]);
always @ (posedge sdclk or negedge rstn_sdclk_p)
if(~rstn_sdclk_p) begin
respstate <= WAITINGCMD;
request <= '1;
end else begin
if(request.pre_st==4'b1101 && request.stop) begin
respstate <= LOADRESP;
request <= '1;
end else begin
request <= {request[48:0],sdcmd};
LOADRESP : respstate <= RESPING;
RESPING : if(response_end) begin
respstate <= WAITINGCMD;
request <= '1;
always @ (negedge sdclk or negedge rstn_sdclk_n)
if(~rstn_sdclk_n) begin
response_init( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
last_is_acmd <= 1'b0;
cardstatus = '0;
widebus = 0;
cmd6_invalid <= 6'h0;
end else begin
if(respstate==LOADRESP) begin
last_is_acmd <= 1'b0;
cardstatus.app_cmd = 1'b0;
cardstatus.block_len_error = 1'b0;
0 : begin // GO_IDLE_STATE
response_init( 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ); // there is NO RESPONSE for CMD0
last_is_acmd <= 1'b0;
cardstatus = '0;
cardstatus.ready_for_data = 1'b1;
widebus = 0;
cmd6_invalid <= 6'h0;
2 : begin // ALL_SEND_CID
response_init( 1, 0 , 6'b000000 , 120 , CID_REG ); // R2 TODO: why cmd=000000 instead of 111111 ???
cardstatus.current_state = IDENT;
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
3 : begin // SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR(send RCA)
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , {RCA_REG,cardstatus_short} ); // R6
cardstatus.current_state = STBY;
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
4 : if(request.arg[15:0] == 16'h0) begin // SET_DSR
response_init( 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ); // there is NO RESPONSE for CMD4
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
6 : if(last_is_acmd && cardstatus.current_state==TRAN) begin // SET_BUS_WIDTH
cardstatus.app_cmd = 1'b1;
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
widebus = request.arg[1];
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
end else if(cardstatus.current_state==TRAN) begin // SWITCH_FUNC
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cmd6_invalid[0] <= ( request.arg[0*4+:4]!=4'h0 && request.arg[0*4+:4]!=4'hf );
cmd6_invalid[1] <= ( request.arg[1*4+:4]!=4'h0 && request.arg[1*4+:4]!=4'hf );
cmd6_invalid[2] <= ( request.arg[2*4+:4]!=4'h0 && request.arg[2*4+:4]!=4'hf );
cmd6_invalid[3] <= ( request.arg[3*4+:4]!=4'h0 && request.arg[3*4+:4]!=4'hf );
cmd6_invalid[4] <= ( request.arg[4*4+:4]!=4'h0 && request.arg[4*4+:4]!=4'hf );
cmd6_invalid[5] <= ( request.arg[5*4+:4]!=4'h0 && request.arg[5*4+:4]!=4'hf );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
7 : if(request.arg[31:16] == RCA_REG) begin // SELECT_CARD
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.current_state = TRAN;
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
end else begin // DESELECT_CARD
cardstatus.current_state = STBY;
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
8 : begin // SEND_IF_COND
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , {24'd1,request.arg[7:0]} );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
9 : if(request.arg[31:16]==RCA_REG) begin // SEND_CSD
response_init( 1, 0 , 6'b000000 , 120 , CSD_REG );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
10 : if(request.arg[31:16]==RCA_REG) begin // SEND_CID
response_init( 1, 0 , 6'b000000 , 120 , CID_REG );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
12 : if(cardstatus.current_state==DATA) begin // STOP_TRANSMISSION
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
13 : if(last_is_acmd) begin // SEND_SD_STATUS
if(cardstatus.current_state==TRAN) begin
cardstatus.app_cmd = 1'b1;
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
end else if(request.arg[31:16]==RCA_REG) begin // SEND_STATUS
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
15 : if(request.arg[31:16]==RCA_REG) begin // GO_INACTIVE_STATE
response_init( 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 );
cardstatus.current_state = IDLE;
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
16 : if(cardstatus.current_state==TRAN) begin // SET_BLOCKLEN
if(request.arg > 512) cardstatus.block_len_error = 1'b1;
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
17 : if(cardstatus.current_state==TRAN) begin // READ_SINGLE_BLOCK
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
18 : if(cardstatus.current_state==TRAN) begin // READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
data_response_init(request.arg, 1);
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
55 : if(request.arg[31:16]=='0 || request.arg[31:16]==RCA_REG) begin // APP_CMD
last_is_acmd <= 1'b1;
cardstatus.app_cmd = 1'b1;
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
41 : if(last_is_acmd) begin // SD_SEND_OP_COND
cardstatus.app_cmd = 1'b1;
response_init( 1, 1 , 6'b111111 , 32 , OCR_REG );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
42 : if(last_is_acmd) begin // SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT
cardstatus.app_cmd = 1'b1;
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
51 : if(last_is_acmd && cardstatus.current_state==TRAN) begin // SEND_SCR
cardstatus.app_cmd = 1'b1;
response_init( 1, 0 , request.cmd , 32 , cardstatus );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b0;
default : begin // undefined CMD
response_init( 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 );
cardstatus.illegal_command = 1'b1;
always @ (posedge sdclk or negedge rstn_sdclk_p)
if(~rstn_sdclk_p) begin
show_sdcmd_en <= 1'b0;
show_sdcmd_cmd <= '0;
show_sdcmd_arg <= '0;
end else begin
show_sdcmd_en <= 1'b0;
if(respstate == LOADRESP) begin
show_sdcmd_en <= 1'b1;
show_sdcmd_cmd <= request.cmd;
show_sdcmd_arg <= request.arg;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
// Module : tb_sd_file_reader
// Type : simulation, top
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: testbench for sd_file_reader
// connect sd_file_reader (SD-host) to sd_fake (SD-card)
// sd_file_reader will read sd_fake's content
`timescale 1ps/1ps
module tb_sd_file_reader ();
initial $dumpvars(0, tb_sd_file_reader);
// clock and reset
reg rstn = 1'b0;
reg clk = 1'b1;
always #20000 clk = ~clk; // 25MHz
initial begin repeat(4) @ (posedge clk); rstn<=1'b1; end
// SDIO bus
wire sdclk;
tri sdcmd;
wire [ 3:0] sddat;
// sd_file_reader data out signals
wire outen;
wire [ 7:0] outbyte;
always @ (posedge clk) if(outen) $display("readout byte: %c", outbyte);
// sd_file_reader
sd_file_reader #(
.FILE_NAME ( "example.txt" ),
.CLK_DIV ( 0 ),
) sd_file_reader_i (
.rstn ( rstn ),
.clk ( clk ),
.sdclk ( sdclk ),
.sdcmd ( sdcmd ),
.sddat0 ( sddat[0] ),
.card_stat ( ),
.card_type ( ),
.filesystem_type ( ),
.file_found ( ),
.outen ( outen ),
.outbyte ( outbyte )
// sd_fake's memory interface, connect to a ROM which contains SD-card's data
wire rom_req;
wire [39:0] rom_addr;
reg [15:0] rom_data;
// monitor parsed request command on sdcmd
wire show_sdcmd_en;
wire [ 5:0] show_sdcmd_cmd;
wire [31:0] show_sdcmd_arg;
always @ (posedge sdclk) if(show_sdcmd_en) $display("sdcmd request: %2d %08x", show_sdcmd_cmd, show_sdcmd_arg);
initial $display("wait for SD-card power up...");
// sd_fake
sd_fake sd_fake_i (
.rstn_async ( rstn ),
.sdclk ( sdclk ),
.sdcmd ( sdcmd ),
.sddat ( sddat ),
.rdreq ( rom_req ),
.rdaddr ( rom_addr ),
.rddata ( rom_data ),
.show_status_bits ( ),
.show_sdcmd_en ( show_sdcmd_en ),
.show_sdcmd_cmd ( show_sdcmd_cmd ),
.show_sdcmd_arg ( show_sdcmd_arg )
// A ROM, contains a complete FAT32 partition data mirror
always @ (posedge sdclk)
40'h00000000df: rom_data <= 16'h8200;
40'h00000000e0: rom_data <= 16'h0003;
40'h00000000e1: rom_data <= 16'hd50b;
40'h00000000e2: rom_data <= 16'hade8;
40'h00000000e3: rom_data <= 16'h2000;
40'h00000000e5: rom_data <= 16'hc000;
40'h00000000e6: rom_data <= 16'h00e6;
40'h00000000ff: rom_data <= 16'haa55;
40'h0000200000: rom_data <= 16'h00eb;
40'h0000200001: rom_data <= 16'h2090;
40'h0000200002: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200003: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200004: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200005: rom_data <= 16'h0020;
40'h0000200006: rom_data <= 16'h4002;
40'h0000200007: rom_data <= 16'h1194;
40'h0000200008: rom_data <= 16'h0002;
40'h000020000a: rom_data <= 16'hf800;
40'h000020000c: rom_data <= 16'h003f;
40'h000020000d: rom_data <= 16'h00ff;
40'h000020000e: rom_data <= 16'h2000;
40'h0000200010: rom_data <= 16'hc000;
40'h0000200011: rom_data <= 16'h00e6;
40'h0000200012: rom_data <= 16'h0736;
40'h0000200016: rom_data <= 16'h0002;
40'h0000200018: rom_data <= 16'h0001;
40'h0000200019: rom_data <= 16'h0006;
40'h0000200020: rom_data <= 16'h0080;
40'h0000200021: rom_data <= 16'h5929;
40'h0000200022: rom_data <= 16'he22a;
40'h0000200023: rom_data <= 16'h4e19;
40'h0000200024: rom_data <= 16'h204f;
40'h0000200025: rom_data <= 16'h414e;
40'h0000200026: rom_data <= 16'h454d;
40'h0000200027: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200028: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200029: rom_data <= 16'h4146;
40'h000020002a: rom_data <= 16'h3354;
40'h000020002b: rom_data <= 16'h2032;
40'h000020002c: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h00002000ff: rom_data <= 16'haa55;
40'h0000200100: rom_data <= 16'h5252;
40'h0000200101: rom_data <= 16'h4161;
40'h00002001f2: rom_data <= 16'h7272;
40'h00002001f3: rom_data <= 16'h6141;
40'h00002001f4: rom_data <= 16'h9a7b;
40'h00002001f5: rom_data <= 16'h0003;
40'h00002001f6: rom_data <= 16'h0007;
40'h00002001ff: rom_data <= 16'haa55;
40'h00002002ff: rom_data <= 16'haa55;
40'h0000200600: rom_data <= 16'h00eb;
40'h0000200601: rom_data <= 16'h2090;
40'h0000200602: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200603: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200604: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200605: rom_data <= 16'h0020;
40'h0000200606: rom_data <= 16'h4002;
40'h0000200607: rom_data <= 16'h1194;
40'h0000200608: rom_data <= 16'h0002;
40'h000020060a: rom_data <= 16'hf800;
40'h000020060c: rom_data <= 16'h003f;
40'h000020060d: rom_data <= 16'h00ff;
40'h000020060e: rom_data <= 16'h2000;
40'h0000200610: rom_data <= 16'hc000;
40'h0000200611: rom_data <= 16'h00e6;
40'h0000200612: rom_data <= 16'h0736;
40'h0000200616: rom_data <= 16'h0002;
40'h0000200618: rom_data <= 16'h0001;
40'h0000200619: rom_data <= 16'h0006;
40'h0000200620: rom_data <= 16'h0080;
40'h0000200621: rom_data <= 16'h5929;
40'h0000200622: rom_data <= 16'he22a;
40'h0000200623: rom_data <= 16'h4e19;
40'h0000200624: rom_data <= 16'h204f;
40'h0000200625: rom_data <= 16'h414e;
40'h0000200626: rom_data <= 16'h454d;
40'h0000200627: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200628: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000200629: rom_data <= 16'h4146;
40'h000020062a: rom_data <= 16'h3354;
40'h000020062b: rom_data <= 16'h2032;
40'h000020062c: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h00002006ff: rom_data <= 16'haa55;
40'h0000200700: rom_data <= 16'h5252;
40'h0000200701: rom_data <= 16'h4161;
40'h00002007f2: rom_data <= 16'h7272;
40'h00002007f3: rom_data <= 16'h6141;
40'h00002007f4: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h00002007f5: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h00002007f6: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h00002007f7: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h00002007ff: rom_data <= 16'haa55;
40'h00002008ff: rom_data <= 16'haa55;
40'h0000319400: rom_data <= 16'hfff8;
40'h0000319401: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h0000319402: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000319403: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000319404: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000319405: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h0000319406: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000319407: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h0000319408: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000319409: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000031940a: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000031940b: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000031940c: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000031940d: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000038ca00: rom_data <= 16'hfff8;
40'h000038ca01: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000038ca02: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000038ca03: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000038ca04: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000038ca05: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000038ca06: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000038ca07: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000038ca08: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000038ca09: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000038ca0a: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000038ca0b: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h000038ca0c: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000038ca0d: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h0000400000: rom_data <= 16'h2042;
40'h0000400001: rom_data <= 16'h4900;
40'h0000400002: rom_data <= 16'h6e00;
40'h0000400003: rom_data <= 16'h6600;
40'h0000400004: rom_data <= 16'h6f00;
40'h0000400005: rom_data <= 16'h0f00;
40'h0000400006: rom_data <= 16'h7200;
40'h0000400007: rom_data <= 16'h0072;
40'h0000400008: rom_data <= 16'h006d;
40'h0000400009: rom_data <= 16'h0061;
40'h000040000a: rom_data <= 16'h0074;
40'h000040000b: rom_data <= 16'h0069;
40'h000040000c: rom_data <= 16'h006f;
40'h000040000e: rom_data <= 16'h006e;
40'h0000400010: rom_data <= 16'h5301;
40'h0000400011: rom_data <= 16'h7900;
40'h0000400012: rom_data <= 16'h7300;
40'h0000400013: rom_data <= 16'h7400;
40'h0000400014: rom_data <= 16'h6500;
40'h0000400015: rom_data <= 16'h0f00;
40'h0000400016: rom_data <= 16'h7200;
40'h0000400017: rom_data <= 16'h006d;
40'h0000400018: rom_data <= 16'h0020;
40'h0000400019: rom_data <= 16'h0056;
40'h000040001a: rom_data <= 16'h006f;
40'h000040001b: rom_data <= 16'h006c;
40'h000040001c: rom_data <= 16'h0075;
40'h000040001e: rom_data <= 16'h006d;
40'h000040001f: rom_data <= 16'h0065;
40'h0000400020: rom_data <= 16'h5953;
40'h0000400021: rom_data <= 16'h5453;
40'h0000400022: rom_data <= 16'h4d45;
40'h0000400023: rom_data <= 16'h317e;
40'h0000400024: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000400025: rom_data <= 16'h1620;
40'h0000400026: rom_data <= 16'h9200;
40'h0000400027: rom_data <= 16'h91a7;
40'h0000400028: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h0000400029: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040002b: rom_data <= 16'h91a8;
40'h000040002c: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040002d: rom_data <= 16'h0003;
40'h0000400030: rom_data <= 16'h5845;
40'h0000400031: rom_data <= 16'h4d41;
40'h0000400032: rom_data <= 16'h4c50;
40'h0000400033: rom_data <= 16'h2045;
40'h0000400034: rom_data <= 16'h5854;
40'h0000400035: rom_data <= 16'h2054;
40'h0000400036: rom_data <= 16'h9418;
40'h0000400037: rom_data <= 16'h91c7;
40'h0000400038: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h0000400039: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040003b: rom_data <= 16'h91ba;
40'h000040003c: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040003d: rom_data <= 16'h0006;
40'h000040003e: rom_data <= 16'h0019;
40'h0000404000: rom_data <= 16'h202e;
40'h0000404001: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404002: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404003: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404004: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404005: rom_data <= 16'h1020;
40'h0000404006: rom_data <= 16'h9200;
40'h0000404007: rom_data <= 16'h91a7;
40'h0000404008: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h0000404009: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040400b: rom_data <= 16'h91a8;
40'h000040400c: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040400d: rom_data <= 16'h0003;
40'h0000404010: rom_data <= 16'h2e2e;
40'h0000404011: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404012: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404013: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404014: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404015: rom_data <= 16'h1020;
40'h0000404016: rom_data <= 16'h9200;
40'h0000404017: rom_data <= 16'h91a7;
40'h0000404018: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h0000404019: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040401b: rom_data <= 16'h91a8;
40'h000040401c: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h0000404020: rom_data <= 16'h7442;
40'h0000404022: rom_data <= 16'hff00;
40'h0000404023: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404024: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404025: rom_data <= 16'h0fff;
40'h0000404026: rom_data <= 16'hce00;
40'h0000404027: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404028: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404029: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040402a: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040402b: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040402c: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040402e: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040402f: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404030: rom_data <= 16'h5701;
40'h0000404031: rom_data <= 16'h5000;
40'h0000404032: rom_data <= 16'h5300;
40'h0000404033: rom_data <= 16'h6500;
40'h0000404034: rom_data <= 16'h7400;
40'h0000404035: rom_data <= 16'h0f00;
40'h0000404036: rom_data <= 16'hce00;
40'h0000404037: rom_data <= 16'h0074;
40'h0000404038: rom_data <= 16'h0069;
40'h0000404039: rom_data <= 16'h006e;
40'h000040403a: rom_data <= 16'h0067;
40'h000040403b: rom_data <= 16'h0073;
40'h000040403c: rom_data <= 16'h002e;
40'h000040403e: rom_data <= 16'h0064;
40'h000040403f: rom_data <= 16'h0061;
40'h0000404040: rom_data <= 16'h5057;
40'h0000404041: rom_data <= 16'h4553;
40'h0000404042: rom_data <= 16'h5454;
40'h0000404043: rom_data <= 16'h317e;
40'h0000404044: rom_data <= 16'h4144;
40'h0000404045: rom_data <= 16'h2054;
40'h0000404046: rom_data <= 16'h9500;
40'h0000404047: rom_data <= 16'h91a7;
40'h0000404048: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h0000404049: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040404b: rom_data <= 16'h91a8;
40'h000040404c: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040404d: rom_data <= 16'h0004;
40'h000040404e: rom_data <= 16'h000c;
40'h0000404050: rom_data <= 16'h4742;
40'h0000404051: rom_data <= 16'h7500;
40'h0000404052: rom_data <= 16'h6900;
40'h0000404053: rom_data <= 16'h6400;
40'h0000404055: rom_data <= 16'h0f00;
40'h0000404056: rom_data <= 16'hff00;
40'h0000404057: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404058: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404059: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040405a: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040405b: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040405c: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040405e: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h000040405f: rom_data <= 16'hffff;
40'h0000404060: rom_data <= 16'h4901;
40'h0000404061: rom_data <= 16'h6e00;
40'h0000404062: rom_data <= 16'h6400;
40'h0000404063: rom_data <= 16'h6500;
40'h0000404064: rom_data <= 16'h7800;
40'h0000404065: rom_data <= 16'h0f00;
40'h0000404066: rom_data <= 16'hff00;
40'h0000404067: rom_data <= 16'h0065;
40'h0000404068: rom_data <= 16'h0072;
40'h0000404069: rom_data <= 16'h0056;
40'h000040406a: rom_data <= 16'h006f;
40'h000040406b: rom_data <= 16'h006c;
40'h000040406c: rom_data <= 16'h0075;
40'h000040406e: rom_data <= 16'h006d;
40'h000040406f: rom_data <= 16'h0065;
40'h0000404070: rom_data <= 16'h4e49;
40'h0000404071: rom_data <= 16'h4544;
40'h0000404072: rom_data <= 16'h4558;
40'h0000404073: rom_data <= 16'h317e;
40'h0000404074: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404075: rom_data <= 16'h2020;
40'h0000404076: rom_data <= 16'h6600;
40'h0000404077: rom_data <= 16'h91a8;
40'h0000404078: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h0000404079: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040407b: rom_data <= 16'h91a9;
40'h000040407c: rom_data <= 16'h4f2a;
40'h000040407d: rom_data <= 16'h0005;
40'h000040407e: rom_data <= 16'h004c;
40'h0000408000: rom_data <= 16'h000c;
40'h0000408002: rom_data <= 16'h19b9;
40'h0000408003: rom_data <= 16'h2cb8;
40'h0000408004: rom_data <= 16'ha4d9;
40'h0000408005: rom_data <= 16'h8fea;
40'h000040c000: rom_data <= 16'h007b;
40'h000040c001: rom_data <= 16'h0038;
40'h000040c002: rom_data <= 16'h0036;
40'h000040c003: rom_data <= 16'h0037;
40'h000040c004: rom_data <= 16'h0044;
40'h000040c005: rom_data <= 16'h0033;
40'h000040c006: rom_data <= 16'h0033;
40'h000040c007: rom_data <= 16'h0031;
40'h000040c008: rom_data <= 16'h0046;
40'h000040c009: rom_data <= 16'h002d;
40'h000040c00a: rom_data <= 16'h0034;
40'h000040c00b: rom_data <= 16'h0031;
40'h000040c00c: rom_data <= 16'h0031;
40'h000040c00d: rom_data <= 16'h0036;
40'h000040c00e: rom_data <= 16'h002d;
40'h000040c00f: rom_data <= 16'h0034;
40'h000040c010: rom_data <= 16'h0038;
40'h000040c011: rom_data <= 16'h0035;
40'h000040c012: rom_data <= 16'h0039;
40'h000040c013: rom_data <= 16'h002d;
40'h000040c014: rom_data <= 16'h0039;
40'h000040c015: rom_data <= 16'h0034;
40'h000040c016: rom_data <= 16'h0046;
40'h000040c017: rom_data <= 16'h0031;
40'h000040c018: rom_data <= 16'h002d;
40'h000040c019: rom_data <= 16'h0045;
40'h000040c01a: rom_data <= 16'h0036;
40'h000040c01b: rom_data <= 16'h0032;
40'h000040c01c: rom_data <= 16'h0037;
40'h000040c01d: rom_data <= 16'h0034;
40'h000040c01e: rom_data <= 16'h0046;
40'h000040c01f: rom_data <= 16'h0032;
40'h000040c020: rom_data <= 16'h0034;
40'h000040c021: rom_data <= 16'h0030;
40'h000040c022: rom_data <= 16'h0035;
40'h000040c023: rom_data <= 16'h0043;
40'h000040c024: rom_data <= 16'h0032;
40'h000040c025: rom_data <= 16'h007d;
40'h0000410000: rom_data <= 16'h6548;
40'h0000410001: rom_data <= 16'h6c6c;
40'h0000410002: rom_data <= 16'h206f;
40'h0000410003: rom_data <= 16'h6f77;
40'h0000410004: rom_data <= 16'h6c72;
40'h0000410005: rom_data <= 16'h2164;
40'h0000410006: rom_data <= 16'h0a0d;
40'h0000410007: rom_data <= 16'h7449;
40'h0000410008: rom_data <= 16'h7720;
40'h0000410009: rom_data <= 16'h726f;
40'h000041000a: rom_data <= 16'h736b;
40'h000041000b: rom_data <= 16'h0d21;
40'h000041000c: rom_data <= 16'h000a;
default: rom_data <= 16'h0000;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
del sim.out dump.vcd
iverilog -g2005-sv -o sim.out tb_sd_file_reader.sv sd_fake.sv ../RTL/sd_file_reader.sv ../RTL/sd_reader.sv ../RTL/sdcmd_ctrl.sv
vvp -n sim.out
del sim.out
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
## Clock
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { clk100mhz }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_35 Sch=clk100mhz
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 10.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_ports {clk100mhz}];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { resetn }]; #IO_L3P_T0_DQS_AD1P_15 Sch=cpu_resetn
## LEDs
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[0] }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A24_15 Sch=led[0]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[1] }]; #IO_L24P_T3_RS1_15 Sch=led[1]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[2] }]; #IO_L17N_T2_A25_15 Sch=led[2]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[3] }]; #IO_L8P_T1_D11_14 Sch=led[3]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[4] }]; #IO_L7P_T1_D09_14 Sch=led[4]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[5] }]; #IO_L18N_T2_A11_D27_14 Sch=led[5]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[6] }]; #IO_L17P_T2_A14_D30_14 Sch=led[6]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[7] }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A12_D28_14 Sch=led[7]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[8] }]; #IO_L16N_T2_A15_D31_14 Sch=led[8]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[9] }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_14 Sch=led[9]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[10] }]; #IO_L22P_T3_A05_D21_14 Sch=led[10]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[11] }]; #IO_L15N_T2_DQS_DOUT_CSO_B_14 Sch=led[11]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[12] }]; #IO_L16P_T2_CSI_B_14 Sch=led[12]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[13] }]; #IO_L22N_T3_A04_D20_14 Sch=led[13]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[14] }]; #IO_L20N_T3_A07_D23_14 Sch=led[14]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[15] }]; #IO_L21N_T3_DQS_A06_D22_14 Sch=led[15]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D4 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { uart_tx }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_35 Sch=uart_rxd_out
# SDcard
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sdcard_pwr_n }]; #IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_35 Sch=sd_resetn
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sd_cd }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_AD7N_35 Sch=sd_cd
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sdclk }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_AD7P_35 Sch=sdclk
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sdcmd }]; #IO_L16N_T2_35 Sch=sdcmd
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat0 }]; #IO_L16P_T2_35 Sch=sd_dat[0]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat1 }]; #IO_L18N_T2_35 Sch=sd_dat[1]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN F1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat2 }]; #IO_L18P_T2_35 Sch=sd_dat[2]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat3 }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_35 Sch=sd_dat[3]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
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<!-- Product Version: Vivado v2019.1 (64-bit) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Copyright 1986-2019 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
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<Option Name="IPCachePermission" Val="write"/>
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<Option Name="IPStaticSourceDir" Val="$PIPUSERFILESDIR/ipstatic"/>
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<Option Name="XSimTimeUnit" Val="ns"/>
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<Option Name="XSimTraceLimit" Val="65536"/>
<Option Name="SimTypes" Val="rtl"/>
<Option Name="SimTypes" Val="bfm"/>
<Option Name="SimTypes" Val="tlm"/>
<Option Name="SimTypes" Val="tlm_dpi"/>
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<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="synthesis"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="implementation"/>
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<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="synthesis"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="implementation"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="simulation"/>
<File Path="$PPRDIR/../RTL/sdcmd_ctrl.sv">
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="synthesis"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="implementation"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="simulation"/>
<File Path="$PPRDIR/RTL/uart_tx.sv">
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="synthesis"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="implementation"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="simulation"/>
<File Path="$PPRDIR/RTL/top.sv">
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="synthesis"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="implementation"/>
<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="simulation"/>
<Option Name="DesignMode" Val="RTL"/>
<Option Name="TopModule" Val="top"/>
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<Filter Type="Constrs"/>
<File Path="$PPRDIR/Nexys-4-DDR-pins.xdc">
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<Attr Name="UsedIn" Val="implementation"/>
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<Filter Type="Srcs"/>
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<Option Name="TopModule" Val="top"/>
<Option Name="TopLib" Val="xil_defaultlib"/>
<Option Name="TopAutoSet" Val="TRUE"/>
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<Option Name="TransportIntDelay" Val="0"/>
<Option Name="SrcSet" Val="sources_1"/>
<FileSet Name="utils_1" Type="Utils" RelSrcDir="$PSRCDIR/utils_1">
<Filter Type="Utils"/>
<Option Name="TopAutoSet" Val="TRUE"/>
<Simulator Name="XSim">
<Option Name="Description" Val="Vivado Simulator"/>
<Option Name="CompiledLib" Val="0"/>
<Simulator Name="ModelSim">
<Option Name="Description" Val="ModelSim Simulator"/>
<Simulator Name="Questa">
<Option Name="Description" Val="Questa Advanced Simulator"/>
<Simulator Name="Riviera">
<Option Name="Description" Val="Riviera-PRO Simulator"/>
<Simulator Name="ActiveHDL">
<Option Name="Description" Val="Active-HDL Simulator"/>
<Runs Version="1" Minor="10">
<Run Id="synth_1" Type="Ft3:Synth" SrcSet="sources_1" Part="xc7a100tcsg324-1" ConstrsSet="constrs_1" Description="Vivado Synthesis Defaults" AutoIncrementalCheckpoint="false" WriteIncrSynthDcp="false" State="current" Dir="$PRUNDIR/synth_1" IncludeInArchive="true">
<Strategy Version="1" Minor="2">
<StratHandle Name="Vivado Synthesis Defaults" Flow="Vivado Synthesis 2018"/>
<Step Id="synth_design"/>
<GeneratedRun Dir="$PRUNDIR" File="gen_run.xml"/>
<ReportStrategy Name="Vivado Synthesis Default Reports" Flow="Vivado Synthesis 2018"/>
<Run Id="impl_1" Type="Ft2:EntireDesign" Part="xc7a100tcsg324-1" ConstrsSet="constrs_1" Description="Default settings for Implementation." AutoIncrementalCheckpoint="false" WriteIncrSynthDcp="false" State="current" Dir="$PRUNDIR/impl_1" SynthRun="synth_1" IncludeInArchive="true" GenFullBitstream="true">
<Strategy Version="1" Minor="2">
<StratHandle Name="Vivado Implementation Defaults" Flow="Vivado Implementation 2018"/>
<Step Id="init_design"/>
<Step Id="opt_design"/>
<Step Id="power_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="place_design"/>
<Step Id="post_place_power_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="phys_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="route_design"/>
<Step Id="post_route_phys_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="write_bitstream"/>
<GeneratedRun Dir="$PRUNDIR" File="gen_run.xml"/>
<ReportStrategy Name="Vivado Implementation Default Reports" Flow="Vivado Implementation 2018"/>
<DashboardSummary Version="1" Minor="0">
<Dashboard Name="default_dashboard">
<Gadget Name="drc_1" Type="drc" Version="1" Row="2" Column="0">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_drc_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="methodology_1" Type="methodology" Version="1" Row="2" Column="1">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_methodology_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="power_1" Type="power" Version="1" Row="1" Column="0">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_power_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="timing_1" Type="timing" Version="1" Row="0" Column="1">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_timing_summary_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="utilization_1" Type="utilization" Version="1" Row="0" Column="0">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="synth_1#synth_1_synth_report_utilization_0 "/>
<GadgetParam Name="RUN.STEP" Type="string" Value="synth_design"/>
<GadgetParam Name="RUN.TYPE" Type="string" Value="synthesis"/>
<Gadget Name="utilization_2" Type="utilization" Version="1" Row="1" Column="1">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_place_report_utilization_0 "/>
<BootPmcSettings Version="1" Minor="0">
<Parameter Name="PMC_CDO.ATTRS.LOADADDR" Value="" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_FB_CLK" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_FREQ" Value="300" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_BUS_WIDTH" Value="x1" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_DATA_MODE" Value="Single" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_FREQ" Value="200" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_SLOT_TYPE" Value="SD 2.0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE" Value="4Bit" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_FREQ" Value="200" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_SLOT_TYPE" Value="SD 2.0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE" Value="4Bit" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.OSPI_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.OSPI_FREQ" Value="300" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.USB_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SMAP_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SMAP_DATA_WIDTH" Value="32 Bit" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.OSC_FREQ" Value="33.333" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.SECONDARY.PCIE_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
// Module : top
// Type : synthesizable, FPGA's top, IP's example design
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: an example of sd_file_reader, read a file from SDcard and send file content to UART
// this example runs on Digilent Nexys4-DDR board (Xilinx Artix-7),
// see http://www.digilent.com.cn/products/product-nexys-4-ddr-artix-7-fpga-trainer-board.html
module top (
// clock = 100MHz
input wire clk100mhz,
// rstn active-low, You can re-read SDcard by pushing the reset button.
input wire resetn,
// when sdcard_pwr_n = 0, SDcard power on
output wire sdcard_pwr_n,
// signals connect to SD bus
output wire sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
input wire sddat0,
output wire sddat1, sddat2, sddat3,
// 16 bit led to show the status of SDcard
output wire [15:0] led,
// UART tx signal, connected to host-PC's UART-RXD, baud=115200
output wire uart_tx
assign led[15:9] = '0;
assign sdcard_pwr_n = 1'b0;
assign {sddat1, sddat2, sddat3} = 3'b111; // Must set sddat1~3 to 1 to avoid SD card from entering SPI mode
wire outen; // when outen=1, a byte of file content is read out from outbyte
wire [7:0] outbyte; // a byte of file content
// sd_file_reader
sd_file_reader #(
.FILE_NAME ( "example.txt" ), // file name to read
.CLK_DIV ( 2 ), // because clk=100MHz, CLK_DIV is set to 2
) sd_file_reader_i (
.rstn ( resetn ),
.clk ( clk100mhz ),
.sdclk ( sdclk ),
.sdcmd ( sdcmd ),
.sddat0 ( sddat0 ),
.card_stat ( led[3:0] ), // show the sdcard initialize status
.card_type ( led[5:4] ), // 0=UNKNOWN , 1=SDv1 , 2=SDv2 , 3=SDHCv2
.filesystem_type ( led[7:6] ), // 0=UNASSIGNED , 1=UNKNOWN , 2=FAT16 , 3=FAT32
.file_found ( led[ 8] ), // 0=file not found, 1=file found
.outen ( outen ),
.outbyte ( outbyte )
// send file content to UART
uart_tx #(
.CLK_DIV ( 868 ), // 100MHz/868 = 115200
.PARITY ( "NONE" ), // no parity bit
.ASIZE ( 14 ), //
.DWIDTH ( 1 ), // tx_data is 8 bit (1 Byte)
.ENDIAN ( "LITTLE" ), //
.MODE ( "RAW" ), //
.END_OF_DATA ( "" ), //
.END_OF_PACK ( "" ) //
) uart_tx_i (
.rstn ( resetn ),
.clk ( clk100mhz ),
.tx_data ( outbyte ),
.tx_last ( 1'b0 ),
.tx_en ( outen ),
.tx_rdy ( ),
.o_uart_tx ( uart_tx )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
// Module : uart_tx
// Type : synthesizable, IP's top
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: buffer input data and send them to UART
// UART format: 8 data bits
module uart_tx #(
parameter CLK_DIV = 434, // UART baud rate = clk freq/(2*UART_TX_CLK_DIV). for example, when clk=50MHz, UART_TX_CLK_DIV=434, then baud=50MHz/(2*434)=115200
parameter PARITY = "NONE", // "NONE", "ODD" or "EVEN"
parameter ASIZE = 10, // UART TX buffer size = 2^ASIZE bytes, Set it smaller if your FPGA doesn't have enough BRAM
parameter DWIDTH = 1, // Specify width of tx_data , that is, how many bytes can it input per clock cycle
parameter ENDIAN = "LITTLE", // "LITTLE" or "BIG". when DWIDTH>=2, this parameter determines the byte order of tx_data
parameter MODE = "RAW", // "RAW", "PRINTABLE", "HEX" or "HEXSPACE"
parameter END_OF_DATA = "", // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data. when ="", do not send this extra byte
parameter END_OF_PACK = "" // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data with tx_last=1. when ="", do not send this extra byte
input wire rstn,
input wire clk,
// user interface
input wire [DWIDTH*8-1:0] tx_data,
input wire tx_last,
input wire tx_en,
output wire tx_rdy,
// uart tx output signal
output reg o_uart_tx
initial o_uart_tx = 1'b1;
function automatic logic [7:0] hex2ascii (input [3:0] hex);
return {4'h3, hex} + ((hex<4'hA) ? 8'h0 : 8'h7) ;
function automatic logic is_printable_ascii(input [7:0] ascii);
return (ascii>=8'h20 && ascii<8'h7F) || ascii==8'h0A || ascii==8'h0D;
function automatic logic [11:0] build_send_byte(input [7:0] send_byte);
if ( PARITY == "ODD" )
return {1'b1, (~(^send_byte)), send_byte, 2'b01};
else if( PARITY == "EVEN" )
return {1'b1, (^send_byte) , send_byte, 2'b01};
return {1'b1, 1'b1 , send_byte, 2'b01};
function automatic logic [6+35:0] build_send_data(input [7:0] send_data);
logic [ 5:0] dcnt = '0;
logic [35:0] data = '1;
if( MODE != "PRINTABLE" || is_printable_ascii(send_data) ) begin
if( MODE == "HEXSPACE" ) begin
dcnt += 6'd12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(8'h20);
dcnt += 6'd12;
data <<= 12;
if( MODE == "HEX" || MODE == "HEXSPACE" ) begin
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(hex2ascii(send_data[3:0]));
dcnt += 6'd12;
data <<= 12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(hex2ascii(send_data[7:4]));
end else begin
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(send_data);
return {dcnt, data};
function automatic logic [6+35:0] build_send_eod(input send_last);
logic [ 5:0] dcnt = '0;
logic [35:0] data = '1;
if( END_OF_PACK != "" && send_last ) begin
dcnt += 6'd12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte((8)'(END_OF_PACK));
if( END_OF_DATA != "" ) begin
dcnt += 6'd12;
data <<= 12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte((8)'(END_OF_DATA));
return {dcnt, data};
reg [DWIDTH*8-1:0] tx_data_endian;
if(ENDIAN == "BIG") begin
for(int i=0; i<DWIDTH; i++) tx_data_endian[8*i +: 8] = tx_data[8*(DWIDTH-1-i) +: 8];
end else
tx_data_endian = tx_data;
reg [31:0] cyc = 0;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
cyc <= 0;
cyc <= (cyc+1<CLK_DIV) ? cyc+1 : 0;
reg [15:0] bcnt = '0;
reg eod = '0;
reg [ 5:0] txdcnt = 0;
reg [35:0] txdata = '1;
reg [ ASIZE:0] fifo_wptr = '0;
reg [ ASIZE:0] fifo_rptr = '0;
reg [DWIDTH*8 :0] fifo_ram [1<<ASIZE]; // may automatically synthesize to BRAM
reg fifo_rd_en = '0;
reg [DWIDTH*8 :0] fifo_rd_data;
reg [DWIDTH*8-1:0] send_data = '0;
reg send_last = '0;
wire fifo_empty_n = fifo_rptr != fifo_wptr;
assign tx_rdy = fifo_rptr != {~fifo_wptr[ASIZE], fifo_wptr[ASIZE-1:0]};
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
fifo_wptr <= '0;
else begin
if(tx_en & tx_rdy)
fifo_wptr <= fifo_wptr + (ASIZE+1)'(1);
always @ (posedge clk)
fifo_ram[fifo_wptr[ASIZE-1:0]] <= {tx_data_endian, tx_last};
always @ (posedge clk)
fifo_rd_data <= fifo_ram[fifo_rptr[ASIZE-1:0]];
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
o_uart_tx <= 1'b1;
bcnt <= '0;
eod <= '0;
txdcnt <= '0;
txdata <= '1;
fifo_rptr <= '0;
fifo_rd_en <= '0;
{send_data, send_last} <= '0;
end else begin
fifo_rd_en <= '0;
if( fifo_rd_en ) begin
bcnt <= (16)'(DWIDTH);
eod <= 1'b1;
{send_data, send_last} <= fifo_rd_data;
end else if( txdcnt > '0 ) begin
if( cyc+1 == CLK_DIV ) begin
txdcnt <= txdcnt - 6'd1;
{txdata, o_uart_tx} <= {1'b1, txdata};
end else if( bcnt > '0 ) begin
bcnt <= bcnt - 16'd1;
send_data <= send_data >> 8;
{txdcnt, txdata} <= build_send_data(send_data[7:0]);
end else if( eod ) begin
eod <= '0;
{txdcnt, txdata} <= build_send_eod(send_last);
end else if( fifo_empty_n ) begin
fifo_rptr <= fifo_rptr + (ASIZE+1)'(1);
fifo_rd_en <= 1'b1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
## Clock
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { clk100mhz }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_35 Sch=clk100mhz
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 10.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_ports {clk100mhz}];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { resetn }]; #IO_L3P_T0_DQS_AD1P_15 Sch=cpu_resetn
## LEDs
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[0] }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A24_15 Sch=led[0]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[1] }]; #IO_L24P_T3_RS1_15 Sch=led[1]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[2] }]; #IO_L17N_T2_A25_15 Sch=led[2]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[3] }]; #IO_L8P_T1_D11_14 Sch=led[3]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[4] }]; #IO_L7P_T1_D09_14 Sch=led[4]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[5] }]; #IO_L18N_T2_A11_D27_14 Sch=led[5]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[6] }]; #IO_L17P_T2_A14_D30_14 Sch=led[6]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[7] }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A12_D28_14 Sch=led[7]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[8] }]; #IO_L16N_T2_A15_D31_14 Sch=led[8]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[9] }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_14 Sch=led[9]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[10] }]; #IO_L22P_T3_A05_D21_14 Sch=led[10]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[11] }]; #IO_L15N_T2_DQS_DOUT_CSO_B_14 Sch=led[11]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[12] }]; #IO_L16P_T2_CSI_B_14 Sch=led[12]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[13] }]; #IO_L22N_T3_A04_D20_14 Sch=led[13]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V12 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[14] }]; #IO_L20N_T3_A07_D23_14 Sch=led[14]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V11 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[15] }]; #IO_L21N_T3_DQS_A06_D22_14 Sch=led[15]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D4 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { uart_tx }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_35 Sch=uart_rxd_out
# SDcard
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sdcard_pwr_n }]; #IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_35 Sch=sd_resetn
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sd_cd }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_AD7N_35 Sch=sd_cd
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sdclk }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_AD7P_35 Sch=sdclk
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sdcmd }]; #IO_L16N_T2_35 Sch=sdcmd
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat0 }]; #IO_L16P_T2_35 Sch=sd_dat[0]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat1 }]; #IO_L18N_T2_35 Sch=sd_dat[1]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN F1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat2 }]; #IO_L18P_T2_35 Sch=sd_dat[2]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sddat3 }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_35 Sch=sd_dat[3]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
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<!-- Product Version: Vivado v2019.1 (64-bit) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Copyright 1986-2019 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
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<Simulator Name="ActiveHDL">
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<Strategy Version="1" Minor="2">
<StratHandle Name="Vivado Implementation Defaults" Flow="Vivado Implementation 2018"/>
<Step Id="init_design"/>
<Step Id="opt_design"/>
<Step Id="power_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="place_design"/>
<Step Id="post_place_power_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="phys_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="route_design"/>
<Step Id="post_route_phys_opt_design"/>
<Step Id="write_bitstream"/>
<GeneratedRun Dir="$PRUNDIR" File="gen_run.xml"/>
<ReportStrategy Name="Vivado Implementation Default Reports" Flow="Vivado Implementation 2018"/>
<DashboardSummary Version="1" Minor="0">
<Dashboard Name="default_dashboard">
<Gadget Name="drc_1" Type="drc" Version="1" Row="2" Column="0">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_drc_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="methodology_1" Type="methodology" Version="1" Row="2" Column="1">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_methodology_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="power_1" Type="power" Version="1" Row="1" Column="0">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_power_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="timing_1" Type="timing" Version="1" Row="0" Column="1">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_route_report_timing_summary_0 "/>
<Gadget Name="utilization_1" Type="utilization" Version="1" Row="0" Column="0">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="synth_1#synth_1_synth_report_utilization_0 "/>
<GadgetParam Name="RUN.STEP" Type="string" Value="synth_design"/>
<GadgetParam Name="RUN.TYPE" Type="string" Value="synthesis"/>
<Gadget Name="utilization_2" Type="utilization" Version="1" Row="1" Column="1">
<GadgetParam Name="REPORTS" Type="string_list" Value="impl_1#impl_1_place_report_utilization_0 "/>
<BootPmcSettings Version="1" Minor="0">
<Parameter Name="PMC_CDO.ATTRS.LOADADDR" Value="" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_FB_CLK" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_FREQ" Value="300" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_BUS_WIDTH" Value="x1" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.QSPI_DATA_MODE" Value="Single" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_FREQ" Value="200" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_SLOT_TYPE" Value="SD 2.0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD0_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE" Value="4Bit" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_FREQ" Value="200" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_SLOT_TYPE" Value="SD 2.0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SD1_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE" Value="4Bit" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.OSPI_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.OSPI_FREQ" Value="300" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.USB_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SMAP_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.SMAP_DATA_WIDTH" Value="32 Bit" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.PMC.OSC_FREQ" Value="33.333" Type="string"/>
<Parameter Name="BOOT.SECONDARY.PCIE_ENABLE" Value="0" Type="string"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// Module : top
// Type : synthesizable, FPGA's top, IP's example design
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: an example of sd_reader, read a sector (512B) from SDcard and send its content to UART
// this example runs on Digilent Nexys4-DDR board (Xilinx Artix-7),
// see http://www.digilent.com.cn/products/product-nexys-4-ddr-artix-7-fpga-trainer-board.html
module top (
// clock = 100MHz
input wire clk100mhz,
// rstn active-low, You can re-read SDcard by pushing the reset button.
input wire resetn,
// when sdcard_pwr_n = 0, SDcard power on
output wire sdcard_pwr_n,
// signals connect to SD bus
output wire sdclk,
inout sdcmd,
input wire sddat0,
output wire sddat1, sddat2, sddat3,
// 16 bit led to show the status of SDcard
output wire [15:0] led,
// UART tx signal, connected to host-PC's UART-RXD, baud=115200
output wire uart_tx
assign led[15:6] = 10'h0;
assign sdcard_pwr_n = 1'b0;
assign {sddat1, sddat2, sddat3} = 3'b111; // Must set sddat1~3 to 1 to avoid SD card from entering SPI mode
wire rdone;
reg rstart = 1'b1;
wire outen;
wire [7:0] outbyte;
always @ (posedge clk100mhz or negedge resetn)
if(~resetn) begin
rstart <= 1'b1;
end else begin
if(rdone) rstart <= 1'b0; // read a sector only once, so set rstart=0 when rdone=1.
// sd_reader
sd_reader #(
.CLK_DIV ( 2 ),
) sd_reader_i (
.rstn ( resetn ),
.clk ( clk100mhz ),
.sdclk ( sdclk ),
.sdcmd ( sdcmd ),
.sddat0 ( sddat0 ),
.card_stat ( led[ 3: 0] ), // show the sdcard initialize status
.card_type ( led[ 5: 4] ), // 0=UNKNOWN , 1=SDv1 , 2=SDv2 , 3=SDHCv2
.rstart ( rstart ),
.rsector ( 0 ), // read No. 0 sector (the first sector) in SDcard
.rbusy ( ),
.rdone ( rdone ),
.outen ( outen ),
.outaddr ( ),
.outbyte ( outbyte )
// send file content to UART
uart_tx #(
.CLK_DIV ( 868 ), // 100MHz/868 = 115200
.PARITY ( "NONE" ), // no parity bit
.ASIZE ( 14 ), //
.DWIDTH ( 1 ), // tx_data is 8 bit (1 Byte)
.ENDIAN ( "LITTLE" ), //
.MODE ( "RAW" ), //
.END_OF_DATA ( "" ), //
.END_OF_PACK ( "" ) //
) uart_tx_i (
.rstn ( resetn ),
.clk ( clk100mhz ),
.tx_data ( outbyte ),
.tx_last ( 1'b0 ),
.tx_en ( outen ),
.tx_rdy ( ),
.o_uart_tx ( uart_tx )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
// Module : uart_tx
// Type : synthesizable, IP's top
// Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005)
// Function: buffer input data and send them to UART
// UART format: 8 data bits
module uart_tx #(
parameter CLK_DIV = 434, // UART baud rate = clk freq/(2*UART_TX_CLK_DIV). for example, when clk=50MHz, UART_TX_CLK_DIV=434, then baud=50MHz/(2*434)=115200
parameter PARITY = "NONE", // "NONE", "ODD" or "EVEN"
parameter ASIZE = 10, // UART TX buffer size = 2^ASIZE bytes, Set it smaller if your FPGA doesn't have enough BRAM
parameter DWIDTH = 1, // Specify width of tx_data , that is, how many bytes can it input per clock cycle
parameter ENDIAN = "LITTLE", // "LITTLE" or "BIG". when DWIDTH>=2, this parameter determines the byte order of tx_data
parameter MODE = "RAW", // "RAW", "PRINTABLE", "HEX" or "HEXSPACE"
parameter END_OF_DATA = "", // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data. when ="", do not send this extra byte
parameter END_OF_PACK = "" // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data with tx_last=1. when ="", do not send this extra byte
input wire rstn,
input wire clk,
// user interface
input wire [DWIDTH*8-1:0] tx_data,
input wire tx_last,
input wire tx_en,
output wire tx_rdy,
// uart tx output signal
output reg o_uart_tx
initial o_uart_tx = 1'b1;
function automatic logic [7:0] hex2ascii (input [3:0] hex);
return {4'h3, hex} + ((hex<4'hA) ? 8'h0 : 8'h7) ;
function automatic logic is_printable_ascii(input [7:0] ascii);
return (ascii>=8'h20 && ascii<8'h7F) || ascii==8'h0A || ascii==8'h0D;
function automatic logic [11:0] build_send_byte(input [7:0] send_byte);
if ( PARITY == "ODD" )
return {1'b1, (~(^send_byte)), send_byte, 2'b01};
else if( PARITY == "EVEN" )
return {1'b1, (^send_byte) , send_byte, 2'b01};
return {1'b1, 1'b1 , send_byte, 2'b01};
function automatic logic [6+35:0] build_send_data(input [7:0] send_data);
logic [ 5:0] dcnt = '0;
logic [35:0] data = '1;
if( MODE != "PRINTABLE" || is_printable_ascii(send_data) ) begin
if( MODE == "HEXSPACE" ) begin
dcnt += 6'd12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(8'h20);
dcnt += 6'd12;
data <<= 12;
if( MODE == "HEX" || MODE == "HEXSPACE" ) begin
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(hex2ascii(send_data[3:0]));
dcnt += 6'd12;
data <<= 12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(hex2ascii(send_data[7:4]));
end else begin
data[11:0] = build_send_byte(send_data);
return {dcnt, data};
function automatic logic [6+35:0] build_send_eod(input send_last);
logic [ 5:0] dcnt = '0;
logic [35:0] data = '1;
if( END_OF_PACK != "" && send_last ) begin
dcnt += 6'd12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte((8)'(END_OF_PACK));
if( END_OF_DATA != "" ) begin
dcnt += 6'd12;
data <<= 12;
data[11:0] = build_send_byte((8)'(END_OF_DATA));
return {dcnt, data};
reg [DWIDTH*8-1:0] tx_data_endian;
if(ENDIAN == "BIG") begin
for(int i=0; i<DWIDTH; i++) tx_data_endian[8*i +: 8] = tx_data[8*(DWIDTH-1-i) +: 8];
end else
tx_data_endian = tx_data;
reg [31:0] cyc = 0;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
cyc <= 0;
cyc <= (cyc+1<CLK_DIV) ? cyc+1 : 0;
reg [15:0] bcnt = '0;
reg eod = '0;
reg [ 5:0] txdcnt = 0;
reg [35:0] txdata = '1;
reg [ ASIZE:0] fifo_wptr = '0;
reg [ ASIZE:0] fifo_rptr = '0;
reg [DWIDTH*8 :0] fifo_ram [1<<ASIZE]; // may automatically synthesize to BRAM
reg fifo_rd_en = '0;
reg [DWIDTH*8 :0] fifo_rd_data;
reg [DWIDTH*8-1:0] send_data = '0;
reg send_last = '0;
wire fifo_empty_n = fifo_rptr != fifo_wptr;
assign tx_rdy = fifo_rptr != {~fifo_wptr[ASIZE], fifo_wptr[ASIZE-1:0]};
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
fifo_wptr <= '0;
else begin
if(tx_en & tx_rdy)
fifo_wptr <= fifo_wptr + (ASIZE+1)'(1);
always @ (posedge clk)
fifo_ram[fifo_wptr[ASIZE-1:0]] <= {tx_data_endian, tx_last};
always @ (posedge clk)
fifo_rd_data <= fifo_ram[fifo_rptr[ASIZE-1:0]];
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
o_uart_tx <= 1'b1;
bcnt <= '0;
eod <= '0;
txdcnt <= '0;
txdata <= '1;
fifo_rptr <= '0;
fifo_rd_en <= '0;
{send_data, send_last} <= '0;
end else begin
fifo_rd_en <= '0;
if( fifo_rd_en ) begin
bcnt <= (16)'(DWIDTH);
eod <= 1'b1;
{send_data, send_last} <= fifo_rd_data;
end else if( txdcnt > '0 ) begin
if( cyc+1 == CLK_DIV ) begin
txdcnt <= txdcnt - 6'd1;
{txdata, o_uart_tx} <= {1'b1, txdata};
end else if( bcnt > '0 ) begin
bcnt <= bcnt - 16'd1;
send_data <= send_data >> 8;
{txdcnt, txdata} <= build_send_data(send_data[7:0]);
end else if( eod ) begin
eod <= '0;
{txdcnt, txdata} <= build_send_eod(send_last);
end else if( fifo_empty_n ) begin
fifo_rptr <= fifo_rptr + (ASIZE+1)'(1);
fifo_rd_en <= 1'b1;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user