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2023-06-03 18:10:27 +08:00
// Module : fpga_top_ft232h_rx_crc
// Type : synthesizable, FPGA's top, IP's example design
// Standard: Verilog 2001 (IEEE1364-2001)
// Function: an example of ftdi_245fifo_top
// the pins of this module should connect to FT600 chip
// This design will receive a data block from FTDI chip, and calculate its CRC.
// When meeting 0xFF, it thinks that the data block ends, and then send the block's CRC to FTDI chip.
module fpga_top_ft232h_rx_crc (
input wire clk, // main clock, connect to on-board crystal oscillator
output wire [ 3:0] LED,
// USB2.0 HS (FT232H chip) ------------------------------------------------------------
//output wire ftdi_resetn, // to FT232H's pin34 (RESET#) , !!!!!! UnComment this line if this signal is connected to FPGA !!!!!!
//output wire ftdi_pwrsav, // to FT232H's pin31 (PWRSAV#), !!!!!! UnComment this line if this signal is connected to FPGA !!!!!!
//output wire ftdi_siwu, // to FT232H's pin28 (SIWU#) , !!!!!! UnComment this line if this signal is connected to FPGA !!!!!!
input wire ftdi_clk, // to FT232H's pin29 (CLKOUT)
input wire ftdi_rxf_n, // to FT232H's pin21 (RXF#)
input wire ftdi_txe_n, // to FT232H's pin25 (TXE#)
output wire ftdi_oe_n, // to FT232H's pin30 (OE#)
output wire ftdi_rd_n, // to FT232H's pin26 (RD#)
output wire ftdi_wr_n, // to FT232H's pin27 (WR#)
inout [ 7:0] ftdi_data // to FT232H's pin20~13 (ADBUS7~ADBUS0)
//assign ftdi_resetn = 1'b1; // 1=normal operation , !!!!!! UnComment this line if this signal is connected to FPGA !!!!!!
//assign ftdi_pwrsav = 1'b1; // 1=normal operation , !!!!!! UnComment this line if this signal is connected to FPGA !!!!!!
//assign ftdi_siwu = 1'b1; // 1=send immidiently , !!!!!! UnComment this line if this signal is connected to FPGA !!!!!!
// user AXI-stream signals (loopback)
localparam RX_AXIS_EW = 1;
wire rx_tready;
wire rx_tvalid;
wire [(8<<RX_AXIS_EW)-1:0] rx_tdata;
wire [(1<<RX_AXIS_EW)-1:0] rx_tkeep;
wire tx_tready;
wire tx_tvalid;
wire [ 31:0] tx_tdata;
// FTDI USB chip's 245fifo mode controller
ftdi_245fifo_top #(
.TX_EW ( 2 ), // TX data stream width, 0=8bit, 1=16bit, 2=32bit, 3=64bit, 4=128bit ...
.TX_EA ( 8 ), // TX FIFO depth = 2^TX_AEXP = 2^10 = 1024
.RX_EW ( RX_AXIS_EW ), // RX data stream width, 0=8bit, 1=16bit, 2=32bit, 3=64bit, 4=128bit ...
.RX_EA ( 10 ), // RX FIFO depth = 2^RX_AEXP = 2^10 = 1024
.CHIP_TYPE ( "FTx232H" )
) u_ftdi_245fifo_top (
.rstn_async ( 1'b1 ),
.tx_clk ( clk ),
.tx_tready ( tx_tready ),
.tx_tvalid ( tx_tvalid ),
.tx_tdata ( tx_tdata ),
.tx_tkeep ( 4'b1111 ),
.tx_tlast ( 1'b1 ),
.rx_clk ( clk ),
.rx_tready ( rx_tready ),
.rx_tvalid ( rx_tvalid ),
.rx_tdata ( rx_tdata ),
.rx_tkeep ( rx_tkeep ),
.rx_tlast ( ),
.ftdi_clk ( ftdi_clk ),
.ftdi_rxf_n ( ftdi_rxf_n ),
.ftdi_txe_n ( ftdi_txe_n ),
.ftdi_oe_n ( ftdi_oe_n ),
.ftdi_rd_n ( ftdi_rd_n ),
.ftdi_wr_n ( ftdi_wr_n ),
.ftdi_data ( ftdi_data ),
.ftdi_be ( ) // FT232H do not have BE signals
rx_calc_crc #(
) u_rx_calc_crc (
.rstn ( 1'b1 ),
.clk ( clk ),
.i_tready ( rx_tready ),
.i_tvalid ( rx_tvalid ),
.i_tdata ( rx_tdata ),
.i_tkeep ( rx_tkeep ),
.o_tready ( tx_tready ),
.o_tvalid ( tx_tvalid ),
.o_tdata ( tx_tdata )
// show the low 3-bit of the last received data on LED
reg [2:0] tdata_d = 3'h0;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (rx_tvalid)
tdata_d <= rx_tdata[2:0];
assign LED[2:0] = tdata_d;
// if ftdi_clk continuous run, then beat will blink. The function of this module is to observe whether ftdi_clk is running
clock_beat # (
.CLK_FREQ ( 60000000 ),
.BEAT_FREQ ( 5 )
) u_ftdi_clk_beat (
.clk ( ftdi_clk ),
.beat ( LED[3] )