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synced 2025-01-30 23:02:55 +08:00
108 lines
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108 lines
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module soc_top #(
parameter UART_RX_CLK_DIV = 108, // 50MHz/4/115200Hz=108
parameter UART_TX_CLK_DIV = 434, // 50MHz/1/115200Hz=434
parameter VGA_CLK_DIV = 1
// clock, typically 50MHz, UART_RX_CLK_DIV and UART_TX_CLK_DIV and VGA_CLK_DIV must be modify when clk is not 50MHz
input logic clk,
// debug uart and user uart shared signal
input logic isp_uart_rx,
output logic isp_uart_tx,
// VGA signal
output logic vga_hsync, vga_vsync,
output logic vga_red, vga_green, vga_blue
logic rst_n;
logic [31:0] boot_addr;
naive_bus bus_masters[3]();
naive_bus bus_slaves[5]();
// shared debug uart and user uart module
isp_uart #(
) isp_uart_inst(
.clk ( clk ),
.i_uart_rx ( isp_uart_rx ),
.o_uart_tx ( isp_uart_tx ),
.o_rst_n ( rst_n ),
.o_boot_addr ( boot_addr ),
.bus ( bus_masters[0] ),
.user_uart_bus ( bus_slaves[4] )
// RV32I Core
core_top core_top_inst(
.clk ( clk ),
.rst_n ( rst_n ),
.i_boot_addr ( boot_addr ),
.instr_master ( bus_masters[2] ),
.data_master ( bus_masters[1] )
// 指令ROM
instr_rom instr_rom_inst(
.clk ( clk ),
.rst_n ( rst_n ),
.bus ( bus_slaves[0] )
// 指令RAM
ram_bus_wrapper instr_ram_inst(
.clk ( clk ),
.rst_n ( rst_n ),
.bus ( bus_slaves[1] )
// 数据RAM
ram_bus_wrapper data_ram_inst(
.clk ( clk ),
.rst_n ( rst_n ),
.bus ( bus_slaves[2] )
// 显存
video_ram #(
.clk ( clk ),
.rst_n ( rst_n ),
.bus ( bus_slaves[3] ),
.o_vsync ( vga_vsync ),
.o_hsync ( vga_hsync ),
.o_red ( vga_red ),
.o_green ( vga_green ),
.o_blue ( vga_blue )
// 3<><33>?5从<35>?<3F>线仲裁<E4BBB2><E8A381>?
// 主(越靠前优先级越高):
// 0. UART Debugger?
// 1. Core Data Master
// 2. Core Instruction Master
// 从:
// 1. 指令ROM<4F><4D>? 地址空间 00000000~00000fff
// 2. 指令RAM<41><4D>? 地址空间 00008000~00008fff
// 3. 数据RAM<41><4D>? 地址空间 00010000~00010fff
// 4. 显存RAM<41><4D>? 地址空间 00020000~00020fff
// 5. 用户UART, 地址空间 00030000~00030003
naive_bus_router #(
.N_MASTER ( 3 ),
.N_SLAVE ( 5 ),
.SLAVES_MASK ( { 32'h0000_0003 , 32'h0000_0fff , 32'h0000_0fff , 32'h0000_0fff , 32'h0000_0fff } ),
.SLAVES_BASE ( { 32'h0003_0000 , 32'h0002_0000 , 32'h0001_0000 , 32'h0000_8000 , 32'h0000_0000 } )
) soc_bus_router_inst (
.clk ( clk ),
.rst_n ( rst_n ),
.masters ( bus_masters ),
.slaves ( bus_slaves )