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// Copyright 2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents,
// maskwork rights, copyrights and other intellectual property laws.
// This reference design file, and your use thereof, is subject to and governed
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// using this reference design file, you indicate your acceptance of such terms
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// not agree with such terms and conditions, you may not use the reference
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// This reference design file is being provided on an "as-is" basis and as an
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// baeckler - 03-08-2006
// Key word rotation
module rot_word (in,out);
input [31:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
wire [31:0] out;
assign out = {in[23:0],in[31:24]};
// Key sub word - borrowing sbox from sub_bytes
module sub_word (in,out);
input [31:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
wire [31:0] out;
sbox s0 (.in(in[7:0]),.out(out[7:0]));
sbox s1 (.in(in[15:8]),.out(out[15:8]));
sbox s2 (.in(in[23:16]),.out(out[23:16]));
sbox s3 (.in(in[31:24]),.out(out[31:24]));
// Hard XOR - 6 input 32 wide
// to prevent any creative dupe extraction
// that would hurt the depth.
module xor6_32 (a,b,c,d,e,f,o);
input [31:0] a,b,c,d,e,f;
output [31:0] o;
wire [31:0] o;
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<32; i=i+1)
begin: x
stratixii_lcell_comb s (.dataa (a[i]),.datab (b[i]),.datac (c[i]),
.datad (d[i]),.datae (e[i]),.dataf (f[i]),.datag(1'b1),
defparam s .lut_mask = 64'h6996966996696996;
defparam s .shared_arith = "off";
defparam s .extended_lut = "off";
// Key evolution step for 128 bit key
module evolve_key_128 (key_in,rconst,key_out);
input [127:0] key_in;
input [7:0] rconst; // the low order 24 bits are all 0
output [127:0] key_out;
wire [127:0] key_out;
wire [31:0] rot_key;
wire [31:0] subrot_key;
rot_word rw (.in (key_in[31:0]), .out(rot_key));
sub_word sw (.in (rot_key), .out(subrot_key));
// make it clear that the desired implementation is
// a flat XOR LUT bank, not a string of 2-XORs with
// taps. Better speed. Very little area cost.
xor6_32 q (.o(key_out[127:96]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(key_in[127:96]),
xor6_32 r (.o(key_out[95:64]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(key_in[127:96]),
xor6_32 s (.o(key_out[63:32]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(key_in[127:96]),
xor6_32 t (.o(key_out[31:0]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(key_in[127:96]),
// Key evolution step for 256 bit key
module evolve_key_256 (key_in,rconst,key_out);
parameter KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE = 0;
input [255:0] key_in;
input [7:0] rconst; // the low order 24 bits are all 0
output [255:0] key_out;
wire [255:0] key_out;
wire [31:0] rot_key;
wire [31:0] subrot_key;
wire [127:0] kin_u,kin_l;
assign {kin_u,kin_l} = key_in;
if (KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE == 0) begin
// full evolution
rot_word rw (.in (key_in[31:0]), .out(rot_key));
sub_word sw (.in (rot_key), .out(subrot_key));
// make it clear that the desired implementation is
// a flat XOR LUT bank, not a string of 2-XORs with
// taps. Better speed. Very little area cost.
xor6_32 q (.o(key_out[127:96]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
xor6_32 r (.o(key_out[95:64]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
xor6_32 s (.o(key_out[63:32]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
xor6_32 t (.o(key_out[31:0]),.a({rconst,24'b0}),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
else begin
// Quickie evolution
sub_word sw (.in (key_in[31:0]), .out(subrot_key));
// make it clear that the desired implementation is
// a flat XOR LUT bank, not a string of 2-XORs with
// taps. Better speed. Very little area cost.
xor6_32 q (.o(key_out[127:96]),.a(32'b0),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
xor6_32 r (.o(key_out[95:64]),.a(32'b0),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
xor6_32 s (.o(key_out[63:32]),.a(32'b0),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
xor6_32 t (.o(key_out[31:0]),.a(32'b0),.b(subrot_key),.c(kin_u[127:96]),
assign key_out[255:128] = kin_l;
// Inverse key evolution step for 128 bit key
// Inverse key evolution isn't really
// discussed in the original submission
// of the FIPS specs, other than
// the mention that it is possible and
// necessary for rekey during decrypt.
module inv_evolve_key_128 (key_in,rconst,key_out);
input [127:0] key_in;
input [7:0] rconst; // the low order 24 bits are all 0
output [127:0] key_out;
wire [127:0] key_out;
// change it to a more convenient format.
wire [31:0] a,b,c,d;
assign {a,b,c,d} = key_in;
wire [31:0] w,x,y,z;
assign key_out = {w,x,y,z};
// most of the bits are easy to get by XOR cancellation
assign z = c ^ d;
assign y = b ^ c;
assign x = a ^ b;
// One word is harder than the others
wire [31:0] rot_key;
wire [31:0] subrot_key;
rot_word rw (.in (z), .out(rot_key));
sub_word sw (.in (rot_key), .out(subrot_key));
assign w = a ^ subrot_key ^ {rconst,24'b0};
// Inverse key evolution step for 256 bit key
module inv_evolve_key_256 (key_in,rconst,key_out);
parameter KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE = 0;
input [255:0] key_in;
input [7:0] rconst; // the low order 24 bits are all 0
output [255:0] key_out;
wire [255:0] key_out;
// change it to a more convenient format.
wire [31:0] a,b,c,d;
assign {a,b,c,d} = key_in[127:0];
wire [31:0] w,x,y,z;
assign key_out = {{w,x,y,z},key_in[255:128]};
// most of the bits are easy to get by XOR cancellation
assign z = c ^ d;
assign y = b ^ c;
assign x = a ^ b;
// One word is harder than the others
wire [31:0] rot_key;
wire [31:0] subrot_key;
if (KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE == 0) begin
rot_word rw (.in (key_in[159:128]), .out(rot_key));
sub_word sw (.in (rot_key), .out(subrot_key));
assign w = a ^ subrot_key ^ {rconst,24'b0};
else begin
sub_word sw (.in (key_in[159:128]), .out(subrot_key));
assign w = a ^ subrot_key;
// Quick sanity checker testbench
// verify the inverse property of the key evolves
module evolve_test ();
reg [255:0] key;
wire [127:0] fd;
wire [127:0] bk;
wire [255:0] fd1,fd2;
wire [255:0] bk1,bk2;
reg fail = 0;
reg [7:0] rconst;
evolve_key_128 e (.key_in(key[127:0]),.rconst(rconst),.key_out(fd));
inv_evolve_key_128 i (.key_in(fd),.rconst(rconst),.key_out(bk));
evolve_key_256 e1 (.key_in(key),.rconst(rconst),.key_out(fd1));
inv_evolve_key_256 i1 (.key_in(fd1),.rconst(rconst),.key_out(bk1));
defparam e1 .KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE = 0;
defparam i1 .KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE = 0;
evolve_key_256 e2 (.key_in(key),.rconst(rconst),.key_out(fd2));
inv_evolve_key_256 i2 (.key_in(fd2),.rconst(rconst),.key_out(bk2));
defparam e2 .KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE = 1;
defparam i2 .KEY_EVOLVE_TYPE = 1;
initial begin
key = 0;
fail = 0;
rconst = 0;
if (!fail) $display ("PASS");
always begin
#50 key = {$random,$random,$random,$random,$random,$random,$random,$random};
rconst = $random;
#50 if (bk != key[127:0]) begin
$display ("Mismatch in 128 mode at time %d",$time);
fail = 1;
if (bk1 != key) begin
$display ("Mismatch in 256 type 0 mode at time %d",$time);
fail = 1;
if (bk2 != key) begin
$display ("Mismatch in 256 type 1 mode at time %d",$time);
fail = 1;