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; KCPSM3 Program - Implementation of the SHA-1 algorithm for use with the
; DS2432 secure memory on the Spartan-3E Starter Kit.
; Ken Chapman - Xilinx Ltd
; Version v1.00 - 19th April 2006
; IMPORTANT - This design builds on the reference design called "PicoBlaze
; DS2432 communicator". It is highly recommend that you look at that
; design before proceeding with this one.
; This program uses a 9600 baud UART connection to allow communication with the
; 1-wire interface of the DS2432 memory device from Dallas Semiconductor.
; The program only supports a limited number of the DS2432 commands to focus on
; those aspects which use the SHA-1 algorithm.
; Note that the code performing the SHA-1 algorithm interacts with the hardware of
; this complete reference design. The hardware provides a 16 word (32-bit) buffer
; combined used in the initialisation of the algorithm and subsequent computation
; of the Wt words.
; The DS2432 should be programmed with a 64-bit secret. The following constants
; define the secret which will be used. Obviously this would be be changed in a
; real application and further measures taken to prevent it easily being found.
; The secret is 64-bits formed of 8 bytes. 'secret0' would be stored at address
; 0080 of the DS2432 and 'secret7' at address 0087. The write buffer and load
; first secret commands allow you to set any secret into the DS2432 device but
; this program always uses the secret defined in these constants such that you can
; experiment with secrets which do and do not match.
CONSTANT secret0, 01
CONSTANT secret1, 23
CONSTANT secret2, 45
CONSTANT secret3, 67
CONSTANT secret4, 89
CONSTANT secret5, AB
CONSTANT secret6, CD
CONSTANT secret7, EF
; Bytes 4, 5 and 6 of the DS2432 scratch pad memory are used in the SHA-1 algorithm.
; These should be set using the write scratchpad memory command before using the
; read authenticated page command. HOWEVER, it is also important that you also use
; the read scratchpad command BEFORE using the read authenticated page command. This
; is because this program only copies the bytes 4, 5 and 6 during a read such that
; they are can be used by the PicoBlaze SHA-1 algorithm. This limitation is deliberate
; so that you can experiment and prove that the SHA-1 results will not match if
; the same 'challenge' bytes are not used.
; Port definitions
CONSTANT status_port, 40 ;UART status input
CONSTANT tx_half_full, 01 ; Transmitter half full - bit0
CONSTANT tx_full, 02 ; FIFO full - bit1
CONSTANT rx_data_present, 04 ; Receiver data present - bit2
CONSTANT rx_half_full, 08 ; FIFO half full - bit3
CONSTANT rx_full, 10 ; full - bit4
CONSTANT spare1, 20 ; spare '0' - bit5
CONSTANT spare2, 40 ; spare '0' - bit6
CONSTANT spare3, 80 ; spare '0' - bit7
CONSTANT UART_read_port, 80 ;UART Rx data input
CONSTANT UART_write_port, 04 ;UART Tx data output
CONSTANT DS_wire_in_port, C0 ;Read signal from DS2432 device
CONSTANT DS_wire_out_port, 08 ;Drive signal to DS2432 device (open collector)
CONSTANT DS_wire, 01 ; Signal is bit0 in both cases
; The following ports access the 'Wt' word buffer. This buffer holds 16 words
; of 32-bits organised as a 64-byte shift register. Hence each word is stored
; by writing 4 bytes. As each byte is written, all bytes shift along such that
; older Wt values can be read from consistent port addresses.
CONSTANT W_word_write_port, 10 ;Write byte to Wt buffer
CONSTANT Wt_minus3_byte0_read_port, 08 ;Read of Wt-3
CONSTANT Wt_minus3_byte1_read_port, 09
CONSTANT Wt_minus3_byte2_read_port, 0A
CONSTANT Wt_minus3_byte3_read_port, 0B
CONSTANT Wt_minus8_byte0_read_port, 1C ;Read of Wt-8
CONSTANT Wt_minus8_byte1_read_port, 1D
CONSTANT Wt_minus8_byte2_read_port, 1E
CONSTANT Wt_minus8_byte3_read_port, 1F
CONSTANT Wt_minus14_byte0_read_port, 34 ;Read of Wt-14
CONSTANT Wt_minus14_byte1_read_port, 35
CONSTANT Wt_minus14_byte2_read_port, 36
CONSTANT Wt_minus14_byte3_read_port, 37
CONSTANT Wt_minus16_byte0_read_port, 3C ;Read of Wt-16
CONSTANT Wt_minus16_byte1_read_port, 3D
CONSTANT Wt_minus16_byte2_read_port, 3E
CONSTANT Wt_minus16_byte3_read_port, 3F
; Special Register usage
NAMEREG sF, UART_data ;used to pass data to and from the UART
; Scratch Pad Memory Locations
; Scratch pad memory provides 64 bytes in the address range 00 to 3F hex.
; Locations for device family code, serial number and 8-bit CRC value
CONSTANT family_code, 00
CONSTANT serial_number0, 01 ;48-bit serial number LS-Byte first
CONSTANT serial_number1, 02
CONSTANT serial_number2, 03
CONSTANT serial_number3, 04
CONSTANT serial_number4, 05
CONSTANT serial_number5, 06
CONSTANT read_ROM_CRC, 07 ;8-bit CRC
; Locations for variables used in SHA-1 algorithm.
; Each variable is 32-bits and requires 4 bytes to store.
; '0' indicates the least significant byte and '3' the most significant byte.
; Note that the concatenation of 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E' will be the 160-bit MAC.
CONSTANT var_A0, 08 ;Variable 'A'
CONSTANT var_A1, 09
CONSTANT var_B0, 0C ;Variable 'B'
CONSTANT var_C0, 10 ;Variable 'C'
CONSTANT var_C1, 11
CONSTANT var_C2, 12
CONSTANT var_C3, 13
CONSTANT var_D0, 14 ;Variable 'D'
CONSTANT var_D1, 15
CONSTANT var_D2, 16
CONSTANT var_D3, 17
CONSTANT var_E0, 18 ;Variable 'E'
CONSTANT var_E1, 19
; Copy of data in the scratchpad memory of the DS2432.
; This is only updated by the read scratchpad memory command.
; '0' indicates the data in the least significant location.
CONSTANT scratchpad0, 1C
CONSTANT scratchpad1, 1D
CONSTANT scratchpad2, 1E
CONSTANT scratchpad3, 1F
CONSTANT scratchpad4, 20
CONSTANT scratchpad5, 21
CONSTANT scratchpad6, 22
CONSTANT scratchpad7, 23
; Useful data constants
; Constant to define a software delay of 1us. This must be adjusted to reflect the
; clock applied to KCPSM3. Every instruction executes in 2 clock cycles making the
; calculation highly predictable. The '6' in the following equation even allows for
; 'CALL delay_1us' instruction in the initiating code.
; delay_1us_constant = (clock_rate - 6)/4 Where 'clock_rate' is in MHz
; Example: For a 50MHz clock the constant value is (10-6)/4 = 11 (0B Hex).
; For clock rates below 10MHz the value of 1 must be used and the operation will
; become lower than intended.
CONSTANT delay_1us_constant, 0B
;ASCII table
CONSTANT character_a, 61
CONSTANT character_b, 62
CONSTANT character_c, 63
CONSTANT character_d, 64
CONSTANT character_e, 65
CONSTANT character_f, 66
CONSTANT character_g, 67
CONSTANT character_h, 68
CONSTANT character_i, 69
CONSTANT character_j, 6A
CONSTANT character_k, 6B
CONSTANT character_l, 6C
CONSTANT character_m, 6D
CONSTANT character_n, 6E
CONSTANT character_o, 6F
CONSTANT character_p, 70
CONSTANT character_q, 71
CONSTANT character_r, 72
CONSTANT character_s, 73
CONSTANT character_t, 74
CONSTANT character_u, 75
CONSTANT character_v, 76
CONSTANT character_w, 77
CONSTANT character_x, 78
CONSTANT character_y, 79
CONSTANT character_z, 7A
CONSTANT character_A, 41
CONSTANT character_B, 42
CONSTANT character_C, 43
CONSTANT character_D, 44
CONSTANT character_E, 45
CONSTANT character_F, 46
CONSTANT character_G, 47
CONSTANT character_H, 48
CONSTANT character_I, 49
CONSTANT character_J, 4A
CONSTANT character_K, 4B
CONSTANT character_L, 4C
CONSTANT character_M, 4D
CONSTANT character_N, 4E
CONSTANT character_O, 4F
CONSTANT character_P, 50
CONSTANT character_Q, 51
CONSTANT character_R, 52
CONSTANT character_S, 53
CONSTANT character_T, 54
CONSTANT character_U, 55
CONSTANT character_V, 56
CONSTANT character_W, 57
CONSTANT character_X, 58
CONSTANT character_Y, 59
CONSTANT character_Z, 5A
CONSTANT character_0, 30
CONSTANT character_1, 31
CONSTANT character_2, 32
CONSTANT character_3, 33
CONSTANT character_4, 34
CONSTANT character_5, 35
CONSTANT character_6, 36
CONSTANT character_7, 37
CONSTANT character_8, 38
CONSTANT character_9, 39
CONSTANT character_colon, 3A
CONSTANT character_fullstop, 2E
CONSTANT character_semi_colon, 3B
CONSTANT character_minus, 2D
CONSTANT character_plus, 2B
CONSTANT character_comma, 2C
CONSTANT character_less_than, 3C ;'<'
CONSTANT character_greater_than, 3E ;'>'
CONSTANT character_open, 28 ;'('
CONSTANT character_close, 29 ;')'
CONSTANT character_divide, 2F ;'/'
CONSTANT character_equals, 3D
CONSTANT character_space, 20
CONSTANT character_CR, 0D ;carriage return
CONSTANT character_LF, 0A ;line feed
CONSTANT character_question, 3F ;'?'
CONSTANT character_dollar, 24
CONSTANT character_exclaim, 21 ;'!'
CONSTANT character_BS, 08 ;Back Space command character
CONSTANT character_XON, 11 ;Flow control ON
CONSTANT character_XOFF, 13 ;Flow control OFF
; Initialise the system and welcome message
cold_start: CALL DS_wire_init ;Ensure DS_wire is not driven (pulled High)
CALL delay_1s ;Allow everything to settle!
welcome_start: CALL send_welcome ;start up message and version number
; Reset Main menu and command selection
; The main program allows you to use four of the DS2432 memory and SHA function
; commands. A simple menu is displayed and you are guided to enter more information
; when required. All the communication and protocol required to get the DS2432 ready
; to receive memory and SHA function commands has been automated although information
; is displayed to indicate the procedures being executed.
; Before any memory and function commands are available a master reset and read ROM
; command must be issued.
warm_start: CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
CALL DS_init_regular_mode ;master reset
JUMP C, warm_start ;repeat reset if no presence pulse detected
CALL read_ROM_command ;read ROM command and display results
; After a valid ROM command the DS2432 specific memory commands and SHA-1
; functions become accessible. This program assumes that the ROM command did
; 'Pass' so you will need to check yourself. If this program automatically
; reset the DS2432 and tried again and there was a fault it would just cause
; the display to roll continuously and not be very informative!
; Each of the DS2432 commands selected from the menu will require the master reset
; and read ROM command to be repeated before being able to proceed with the next
; memory or SHA-1 function. This is automated by the program.
DS2432_menu: CALL send_DS2432_menu ;Menu and command selection
CALL send_CR
DS2432_prompt: CALL send_CR ;prompt for user input
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_greater_than ;prompt for input
CALL send_to_UART
CALL read_upper_case
COMPARE s0, character_1 ;test for commands and execute as required
JUMP Z, write_scratchpad_command
COMPARE s0, character_2
JUMP Z, read_scratchpad_command
COMPARE s0, character_3
JUMP Z, load_first_secret_command
COMPARE s0, character_4
JUMP Z, read_auth_page_command
CALL send_CR ;no valid command input
LOAD UART_data, character_question ;display ???
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_to_UART
JUMP DS2432_prompt ;Try again!
; DS2432 Read ROM Command.
; The read ROM command (33 hex) allows the 8-bit family code, 48-bit unique serial
; number and 8-bit CRC to be read from the DS2432 device.
; This routine reads the values and places them in KCPSM3 scratch pad memory
; locations for future reference. These locations should be defined with constants
; as follows and MUST be in consecutive ascending locations.
; family_code
; Location to store family code which should be 33 hex
; serial_number0 to serial_number5
; 6 bytes to hold 48-bit serial number (LS-byte first).
; read_ROM_CRC
; 8-bit CRC value for the above data.
; The routine also displays the values read and performs a verification of the
; 8-bit CRC displaying a 'Pass' or 'Fail' message as appropriate.
read_ROM_command: LOAD s3, 33 ;Read ROM Command
CALL write_byte_slow ;transmit command
LOAD s5, family_code ;memory pointer
read_ROM_loop: CALL read_byte_slow ;read response into s3
STORE s3, (s5) ;store value
COMPARE s5, read_ROM_CRC ;8-bytes to read
JUMP Z, display_ROM
ADD s5, 01
JUMP read_ROM_loop
display_ROM: CALL send_CR
CALL send_code ;'code=' to display family code
FETCH s0, family_code
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_CR
CALL send_sn ;'s/n=' to display family code
LOAD s5, serial_number5 ;memory pointer starting MS-byte first
disp_serial_loop: FETCH s0, (s5)
CALL send_hex_byte
COMPARE s5, serial_number0
JUMP Z, end_serial
SUB s5, 01
JUMP disp_serial_loop
end_serial: CALL send_CR
CALL send_crc ;'CRC=' to display CRC value
FETCH s0, read_ROM_CRC
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_CR
CALL compute_CRC8 ;compute CRC value in s0
FETCH s1, read_ROM_CRC ;compare with received value
COMPARE s0, s1
JUMP NZ, crc8_fail
CALL send_Pass
crc8_fail: CALL send_Fail
; DS2432 Load First Secret Command.
; This command will only be valid if the write scratchpad memory command has previously
; been used to define the new secret to be stored at address 0080.
; The Load First Secret Command (5A hex) will only copy the scratchpad contents into ;
; the EEPROM array of the DS2432 if the address was correctly specified in the
; write scratchpad command. This routine will assume that the address specified
; was 0080. If everything is OK with the programming of the secret, the DS2432 responds
; with 'AA' hex after the command and this routine will report 'Pass'. You can further
; check using a read scratchpad command and look to see if E/S has changed from '5F'
; to 'DF' which indicates the successful write.
; Note that this program defines the secret to be used by the PicoBlaze SHA-1 algorithm
; in the constants 'secret0' through to 'secret7'. Only if you program the DS2432
; with a matching secret will the read authenticated message command result in a
; 'Pass' being reported for the MAC. This Load First Secret Command routine deliberately
; does not update the secret used by the PicoBlaze SHA-1 algorithm so that you can
; prove that only a DS2432 with the matching secret will generate matching MAC
; responses.
load_first_secret_command: LOAD s3, 5A ;Load First Secret Command
CALL write_byte_slow ;transmit command
LOAD s3, 80 ;TA1 value for secret = 80 hex
CALL write_byte_slow
LOAD s3, 00 ;TA2 value for secret = 00 hex
CALL write_byte_slow
LOAD s3, 5F ;E/S value before writing = 5F hex
CALL write_byte_slow
CALL delay_20ms ;write takes place in 10ms
CALL send_CR
CALL send_secret
CALL send_space
CALL read_byte_slow ;read data into s3
COMPARE s3, AA ;test response
JUMP Z, secret_pass
CALL send_Fail
JUMP warm_start
secret_pass: CALL send_Pass
JUMP warm_start
; DS2432 Write Scratchpad Memory Command.
; The write scratchpad memory command (0F hex) allows 8-bytes of data to be written
; together with a target address for final storage in the main memory map. The
; DS2432 scratch pad is also used to define a 3 byte 'challenge' used in the
; SHA-1 algorithm.
; The DS2432 provides an initial confirmation of the write by returning a 16-bit CRC
; value which KCPSM3 tests. The CRC is computed based on the command, address and
; data transmitted (11 bytes). PicoBlaze also computes the CRC and and tests this
; against the value received from the DS2432.
; This routine prompts the user to enter the 16-bit target address is to be loaded
; into the target address registers TA2 and TA1 in the DS2432 device. Note that only
; address values below 0090 hex are valid. If the address is too high, then the
; DS2432 aborts the command and this routine will too.
; Also note that the address will be forced internally to the DS2432 to match an
; 8-byte boundary address in which the least significant 3-bits are reset to '000'
; regardless of the address provided. The CRC still reflects the transmitted address.
; After providing a valid address, the routine then prompts the user to enter
; 8 bytes of data which are written to the DS2432.
write_scratchpad_command: CALL clear_CRC16 ;prepare CRC registers [sE,sD]
LOAD s3, 0F ;write scratchpad memory Command
CALL write_byte_slow ;transmit command
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
wsc_addr_loop: CALL send_address ;obtain 16-bit address 0000 to FFFF in [s5,s4]
CALL obtain_8bits
JUMP C, wsc_addr_loop ;bad input address
LOAD s5, s0
CALL obtain_8bits
JUMP C, wsc_addr_loop ;bad input address
LOAD s4, s0
LOAD s3, s4 ;transmit target address TA1 (LS-Byte)
CALL write_byte_slow
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
LOAD s3, s5 ;transmit target address TA2 (MS-Byte)
CALL write_byte_slow
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
COMPARE s5, 00 ;check address less than 0090 hex
JUMP NZ, warm_start ;DS2432 aborts command and so do we!
COMPARE s4, 90 ;no need to read data bytes.
JUMP NC, warm_start
LOAD s4, 00 ;initialise byte counter
wsc_data_loop: CALL send_data ;obtain a byte of data
LOAD UART_data, s4 ;display which byte requested
ADD UART_data, character_0 ;convert to ASCII
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_equals
CALL obtain_8bits
JUMP C, wsc_data_loop ;bad input data
LOAD s3, s0 ;transmit byte
CALL write_byte_slow
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
ADD s4, 01 ;count bytes
COMPARE s4, 08
JUMP NZ, wsc_data_loop
CALL send_CR
CALL read_send_test_CRC16 ;read, display and test CRC value
JUMP warm_start
; DS2432 Read Scratchpad Memory Command.
; The read scratchpad memory command (AA hex) allows the 8-bytes of data previously
; to be written into the scratchpad memory to be read back for verification together with
; the target address, a transfer status register (E/S) and a 16-bit CRC value.
; The 16-bit CRC is formed of the command byte, address TA1 and TA2, E/S byte and 8 data
; bytes as transmitted (12 bytes). These may not be the same as the values provided
; during a previous write to scratchpad memory. PicoBlaze also computes the CRC and
; and tests this against the value received from the DS2432.
; The 8 bytes of data are also copied to PicoBlaze memory at locations defined by the
; constants 'scratchpad0' to 'scratchpad7'. Three bytes are used as a 'challenge'
; by the SHA-1 algorithm.
read_scratchpad_command: CALL clear_CRC16 ;prepare CRC registers [sE,sD]
LOAD s3, AA ;read scratchpad memory Command
CALL write_byte_slow ;transmit command
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
CALL send_address ;display 'Address='
CALL read_byte_slow ;read address into [s5,s4]
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
LOAD s4, s3
CALL read_byte_slow
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
LOAD s5, s3
LOAD s0, s5 ;display address
CALL send_hex_byte
LOAD s0, s4
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_ES ;display 'E/S='
CALL read_byte_slow ;read E/S register
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
LOAD s0, s3 ;display value
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_data ;display 'Data='
CALL send_equals
LOAD s4, scratchpad0 ;pointer to memory and byte counter
rsc_loop: CALL send_space
CALL read_byte_slow ;read data byte
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
STORE s3, (s4) ;store value in memory
LOAD s0, s3 ;display value
CALL send_hex_byte
COMPARE s4, scratchpad7 ;count bytes
JUMP Z, end_rsc_data_loop
ADD s4, 01
JUMP rsc_loop
end_rsc_data_loop: CALL send_CR
CALL read_send_test_CRC16 ;read, display and test CRC value
JUMP warm_start
; DS2432 Read Authenticated Page Command.
; The read authenticated page command (A5 hex) allows the 8-byte secret to be tested
; without it actually being read (which would obviously give away the secret!).
; This routine has been written to work with page 0 but could easily be changed and
; is documented below. During the first part of the command, the 32 bytes
; contained in the page are read back from the DS2432 and these are used in
; the preparation of the table required for the for SHA-1 algorithm. Other values
; stored in the table are the secret, serial number of the DS2432, family code, some
; constants, 4-bits of the page address and a 3 byte 'challenge' currently set into
; the DS2432 scratchpad memory.
; NOTE - The read scratchpad command must be executed before this routine in order
; that the 3 byte 'challenge' of scratchpad memory is known to PicoBlaze.
; During this command, two 16-bit CRC values are generated which PicoBlaze also
; computes and tests. The first is formed of the command byte, address TA1 and TA2,
; all the bytes of the page read and an 'FF' byte. The second is formed of the 20
; bytes of the 160-but message authentication code (MAC).
; Preparing the table.
; The table is stored in the external 'Wt' buffer and must first be initialised with the
; 16 'M' words (32-bit words each requiring 4 bytes). This is achieved by shifting in
; each word in sequence. Storing each word most significant byte first is a natural
; fit with the reading of the page data from the DS2432 and the way each 'M' word
; is organised. Notice how this causes least significant bytes to be swapped with most
; significant bytes!
; [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0]
; M0 = [secret0 , secret1 , secret2 , secret3 ]
; M1 = [page_data0 , page_data1 , page_data2 , page_data3 ]
; M2 = [page_data4 , page_data5 , page_data6 , page_data7 ]
; M3 = [page_data8 , page_data9 , page_data10, page_data11]
; M4 = [page_data12, page_data13, page_data14, page_data15]
; M5 = [page_data16, page_data17, page_data18, page_data19]
; M6 = [page_data20, page_data21, page_data22, page_data23]
; M7 = [page_data24, page_data25, page_data26, page_data27]
; M8 = [page_data28, page_data29, page_data30, page_data31]
; M9 = [ FF , FF , FF , FF ]
; M10 = [ 40 , 33 , serial_num0, serial_num1]
; M11 = [serial_num2, serial_num3, serial_num4, serial_num5]
; M12 = [secret4 , secret5 , secret6 , secret7 ]
; M13 = [scratchpad4, scratchpad5, scratchpad6, 80 ]
; M14 = [ 00 , 00 , 00 , 00 ]
; M15 = [ 00 , 00 , 01 , B8 ]
; In M10, the '33' is the family code and the '40' is made up of a constant bit
; pattern '0100' and then bits [8:5] of the page address. This gives 4 possible values
; for this byte during a Read Authenticated Page Command, but this routine is currently
; fixed to work with page 0 only.
; 40 - page 0
; 41 - page 1
; 42 - page 2
; 43 - page 3
; M13 contains the 3 byte challenge from the scratch pad memory. This assumes that a
; read scratchpad command has previously been used and the bytes held in the DS2432
; scratchpad match those held in the PicoBlaze memory.
; The 160-bit Message Authentication Code (MAC) is computed from the table using the SHA-1
; algorithm. This algorithm actually results in 5 variables 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E'
; which are 32-bit values each formed of 4 bytes. The MAC is the concatenation of
; the variables. To match the same order in which the Read Authenticated Page Command
; sends the MAC, the variables must be read in the order 'E', 'D', 'C', 'B' and 'A' and
; with the least significant byte of each variable first.
read_auth_page_command: LOAD s0, secret0 ;store M0 (secret 0, 1, 2 and 3) in Wt buffer.
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, secret1
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, secret2
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, secret3
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
;Start of DS2432 command
CALL clear_CRC16 ;prepare CRC registers [sE,sD]
LOAD s3, A5 ;read authenticated page command
CALL write_byte_slow ;transmit command
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
LOAD s5, 00 ;set address for page 0
LOAD s4, 00 ; [TA2,TA1]=0000 hex
LOAD s3, s4 ;transmit TA1
CALL write_byte_slow
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
LOAD s3, s5 ;transmit TA2
CALL write_byte_slow
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
;Read 32-bytes of data associated with page 0
;Store these as M1 through to M8
rapc_line_loop: CALL send_CR
LOAD s0, s5 ;display 16-bit address
CALL send_hex_byte
LOAD s0, s4
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_space
CALL send_space
rapc_data_loop: CALL send_space
CALL read_byte_slow ;read data into s3
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
OUTPUT s3, W_word_write_port ;store as 'M' word
LOAD s0, s3 ;display byte
CALL send_hex_byte
ADD s4, 01 ;increment address
ADDCY s5, 00
TEST s4, 07 ;test for 8-byte boundary
JUMP NZ, rapc_data_loop
COMPARE s4, 20 ;test for last address
JUMP NZ, rapc_line_loop
CALL send_CR
;Read one byte that should be value FF hex
CALL read_byte_slow ;read data into s3
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
LOAD s0, s3 ;display byte
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_CR
CALL read_send_test_CRC16 ;read, display and test CRC value
;Complete table by stroring M9 through to M15
LOAD s1, 04
store_W9: OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
SUB s1, 01
JUMP NZ, store_W9
LOAD s0, 40 ;W10 begins with 40 for page 0
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
;W10 ends with family code and serial number 0 and 1.
;W11 is formed of serial number 2, 3, 4 and 5.
;All of this information is in PicoBlaze memory having been read by the
;read ROM command.
LOAD s1, family_code ;pointer to memory
LOAD s2, 07 ;7 bytes to read and store
next_M10_M11: FETCH s0, (s1)
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
ADD s1, 01 ;increment pointer
SUB s2, 01
JUMP NZ, next_M10_M11
LOAD s0, secret4 ;store M12 (secret 4, 5, 6 and 7) in Wt buffer
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, secret5
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, secret6
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, secret7
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
FETCH s0, scratchpad4 ;M13 uses scratchpad 4, 5, and 6 and '80' hex
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
FETCH s0, scratchpad5
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
FETCH s0, scratchpad6
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, 80
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, 00 ;W14 = 00 00 00 00 W15 = 00 00 01 B8
LOAD s1, 06
store_W14_W15: OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
SUB s1, 01
JUMP NZ, store_W14_W15
LOAD s0, 01
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
LOAD s0, B8
OUTPUT s0, W_word_write_port
;Compute the SHA-1 algorithm at the same time that the DS2432 is also computing (2ms).
CALL compute_sha1
;The 160-bit Message Authentication Code is read from the DS2432 as 20 bytes
;and compared with the concatenation of variables E, D, C, B and A in that order
;with each variable received from the DS2432 least significant byte first.
;Each received byte is also used to form a 16-bit CRC value which is tested to
;reveal any communication errors.
CALL send_mac ;display 'mac='
CALL clear_CRC16 ;prepare CRC registers [sE,sD]
LOAD sC, 00 ;Clear byte match counter
LOAD sB, var_E0 ;start match with LS-Byte of variable 'E'
mac_match_var: LOAD sA, 04 ;4 bytes to match in each variable
mac_match_byte: FETCH s9, (sB) ;read variable byte from local SHA-1
CALL read_byte_slow ;read DS2432 byte into s3
CALL compute_CRC16 ;compute CRC for value in 's3'
COMPARE s3, s9 ;compare MAC values
JUMP NZ, display_mac_byte ;count matching bytes
ADD sC, 01 ;decrement match counter
display_mac_byte: LOAD s0, s3 ;display byte
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_space
SUB sA, 01 ;counts bytes per variable
JUMP Z, next_mac_var
ADD sB, 01
JUMP mac_match_byte
next_mac_var: COMPARE sB, var_A3 ;test for last byte
JUMP Z, report_mac
SUB sB, 07 ;point to next variable
JUMP mac_match_var
;MAC has passed if all 20 bytes matched
report_mac: CALL send_CR
COMPARE sC, 14 ;20 bytes should have matched
JUMP NZ, mac_fail
CALL send_Pass
JUMP read_mac_CRC
mac_fail: CALL send_Fail
;Next two bytes received are the 16-bit CRC
;Read 16-bit CRC into [s5,s4] and send value to UART
read_mac_CRC: CALL read_send_test_CRC16 ;read, display and test CRC value
;Read one byte that should be value AA hex.
; Would actually read AA hex continuously until master reset
CALL read_byte_slow ;read data into s3
LOAD s0, s3 ;display byte
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_CR
JUMP warm_start
; Compute SHA-1 Algorithm.
; Computes the SHA-1 algorithm based on the initial table of values (M0 through to M15)
; which are stored in the external Wt buffer.
; The SHA-1 algorithms uses 5 variables called 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E'. Each variable
; is 32-bits and stored as 4 bytes in PicoBlaze scratch pad memory. The locations must
; be defined using constants 'var_A0' thought to 'var_E3' in ascending locations.
; Constants must also be used to define access to the external Wt buffer.
; During this process, register 'sE' is used to count iterations from 0 to 79 (4F hex).
; Other registers are consistently grouped as follows to support 32-bit operations.
; Register set [s5,s4,s3,s2] is used as a temporary 32-bit word
; Register set [s9,s8,s7,s6] is used as a temporary 32-bit word
; Register set [sD,sC,sB,sA] is used as a temporary 32-bit word
; Initialise the 32-bit variables
compute_sha1: LOAD s0, 01 ;A=67452301
STORE s0, var_A0
LOAD s0, 23
STORE s0, var_A1
LOAD s0, 45
STORE s0, var_A2
LOAD s0, 67
STORE s0, var_A3
LOAD s0, 89 ;B=EFCDAB89
STORE s0, var_B0
STORE s0, var_B1
STORE s0, var_B2
STORE s0, var_B3
STORE s0, var_C0
STORE s0, var_C1
STORE s0, var_C2
LOAD s0, 98
STORE s0, var_C3
LOAD s0, 76 ;D=10325476
STORE s0, var_D0
LOAD s0, 54
STORE s0, var_D1
LOAD s0, 32
STORE s0, var_D2
LOAD s0, 10
STORE s0, var_D3
LOAD s0, F0 ;E=C3D2E1F0
STORE s0, var_E0
LOAD s0, E1
STORE s0, var_E1
LOAD s0, D2
STORE s0, var_E2
LOAD s0, C3
STORE s0, var_E3
LOAD sE, 00 ;reset iteration counter
;Compute ft(B,C,D) in register set [s5,s4,s3,s2] and then add constant Kt.
;Iterations 0 to 19 - process type 1
; ft = (B and C) or ((not B) and D)
; Then the constant Kt=5A827999 will be added
;Iterations 20 to 39 and iterations 60 to 79 - process type 2
; ft = B xor C xor D
; Then the constant Kt=6ED9EBA1 will be added for iterations 20 to 39
; Then the constant Kt=CA62C1D6 will be added for iterations 60 to 79
;Iterations 40 to 59 - process type 3
; ft = (B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)
; Then the constant Kt=8F1BBCDC will be added
next_sha1_iteration: FETCH s5, var_B3 ;B in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
FETCH s4, var_B2
FETCH s3, var_B1
FETCH s2, var_B0
CALL fetch_C ;C in [s9,s8,s7,s6]
FETCH sD, var_D3 ;D in [sD,sC,sB,sA]
FETCH sC, var_D2
FETCH sB, var_D1
FETCH sA, var_D0
;Determine process type
COMPARE sE, 14 ;set carry flag for iterations <20
JUMP C, ft_type1
COMPARE sE, 28 ;set carry flag for iterations <40
JUMP C, ft_type2
COMPARE sE, 3C ;set carry flag for iterations <60
JUMP C, ft_type3
; ft = B xor C xor D
; B xor C = B xor C
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] xor [s9,s8,s7,s6]
; B xor C xor D = (B xor C) xor D
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] xor [sD,sC,sB,sA]
ft_type2: XOR s5, s9 ;B xor C in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
XOR s4, s8
XOR s3, s7
XOR s2, s6
XOR s5, sD ;(B xor C) xor D in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
XOR s4, sC
XOR s3, sB
XOR s2, sA
COMPARE sE, 3C ;set carry flag for iterations <60
ADD s2, A1 ;add Kt=6ED9EBA1
ADDCY s4, D9
ADDCY s5, 6E
JUMP compute_TMP
Kt_CA62C1D6: ADD s2, D6 ;add Kt=CA62C1D6
ADDCY s3, C1
ADDCY s4, 62
JUMP compute_TMP
; ft = (B and C) or ((not B) and D)
; B and C = C and B
; [s9,s8,s7,s6] = [s9,s8,s7,s6] and [s5,s4,s3,s2]
; not B = B xor FFFFFFFF
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] xor [FF,FF,FF,FF]
; (not B) and D = (not B) and D
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] and [sD,sC,sB,sA]
; ;(B and C) or ((not B) and D) = ((not B) and D) or (B and C)
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] or [s9,s8,s7,s6]
ft_type1: AND s9, s5 ;B and C in [s9,s8,s7,s6]
AND s8, s4
AND s7, s3
AND s6, s2
XOR s5, FF ;(not B) in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
XOR s4, FF
XOR s3, FF
XOR s2, FF
AND s5, sD ;((not B) and D) in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
AND s4, sC
AND s3, sB
AND s2, sA
OR s5, s9 ;(B and C) or ((not B) and D) in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
OR s4, s8
OR s3, s7
OR s2, s6
ADD s2, 99 ;add Kt=5A827999
ADDCY s3, 79
ADDCY s4, 82
ADDCY s5, 5A
JUMP compute_TMP
;Routine to fetch variable 'C' into register set [s9,s8,s7,s6]
fetch_C: FETCH s9, var_C3
FETCH s8, var_C2
FETCH s7, var_C1
FETCH s6, var_C0
; ft = (B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)
; B and C = C and B
; [s9,s8,s7,s6] = [s9,s8,s7,s6] and [s5,s4,s3,s2]
; B and D = B and D
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] and [sD,sC,sB,sA]
; (B and C) or (B and D) = (B and D) or (B and C)
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] or [s9,s8,s7,s6]
; read C again into [s9,s8,s7,s6]
; C and D = C and D
; [s9,s8,s7,s6] = [s9,s8,s7,s6] and [sD,sC,sB,sA]
; ((B and C) or (B and D)) or (C and D) = ((B and C) or (B and D)) or (C and D)
; [s5,s4,s3,s2] = [s5,s4,s3,s2] or [s9,s8,s7,s6]
ft_type3: AND s9, s5 ;(B and C) in [s9,s8,s7,s6]
AND s8, s4
AND s7, s3
AND s6, s2
AND s5, sD ;(B and D) in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
AND s4, sC
AND s3, sB
AND s2, sA
OR s5, s9 ;(B and C) or (B and D) in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
OR s4, s8
OR s3, s7
OR s2, s6
CALL fetch_C ;C in [s9,s8,s7,s6]
AND s9, sD ;(C and D) in [s9,s8,s7,s6]
AND s8, sC
AND s7, sB
AND s6, sA
OR s5, s9 ;(B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D) in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
OR s4, s8
OR s3, s7
OR s2, s6
ADD s2, DC ;add Kt=8F1BBCDC
ADDCY s4, 1B
ADDCY s5, 8F
;Add variable 'E' to [s5,s4,s3,s2]
compute_TMP: FETCH s0, var_E0
ADD s2, s0
FETCH s0, var_E1
ADDCY s3, s0
FETCH s0, var_E2
ADDCY s4, s0
FETCH s0, var_E3
ADDCY s5, s0
;Add variable 'A' rotated left 5 places
FETCH s9, var_A3 ;A in [s9,s8,s7,s6]
FETCH s8, var_A2
FETCH s7, var_A1
FETCH s6, var_A0
LOAD s0, 05 ;rotate left 5 places
CALL rotate_word_left_N_places
ADD s2, s6 ;add to TMP
ADDCY s3, s7
ADDCY s4, s8
ADDCY s5, s9
;Compute Wt in register set [s9,s8,s7,s6]
; Value computed is also stored back in the external buffer for
; use in later iterations as well as being added to TMP.
;Iterations 0 to 15
; Wt = Mt
; This only requires Wt-16 to be read and then shifted back into the buffer again.
;Iterations 0 to 15
; Wt = rotate_left_1_place(Wt-3 xor Wt-8 xor Wt-14 xor Wt-16)
; This requires all data values to be read first. Then XORed and rotated before
; shifting the new Wt word into the buffer.
INPUT s9, Wt_minus16_byte3_read_port ;Read Wt-16 value
INPUT s8, Wt_minus16_byte2_read_port
INPUT s7, Wt_minus16_byte1_read_port
INPUT s6, Wt_minus16_byte0_read_port
COMPARE sE, 10 ;set carry flag for iterations 0 to 15
JUMP C, store_Wt
;Read other Wt words and perform XOR
INPUT s0, Wt_minus14_byte3_read_port ;XOR with Wt-14 value
XOR s9, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus14_byte2_read_port
XOR s8, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus14_byte1_read_port
XOR s7, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus14_byte0_read_port
XOR s6, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus8_byte3_read_port ;XOR with Wt-8 value
XOR s9, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus8_byte2_read_port
XOR s8, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus8_byte1_read_port
XOR s7, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus8_byte0_read_port
XOR s6, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus3_byte3_read_port ;XOR with Wt-3 value
XOR s9, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus3_byte2_read_port
XOR s8, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus3_byte1_read_port
XOR s7, s0
INPUT s0, Wt_minus3_byte0_read_port
XOR s6, s0
CALL rotate_word_left ;rotate XORed word left by one place
;Store new Wt value in external buffer
store_Wt: OUTPUT s9, W_word_write_port
OUTPUT s8, W_word_write_port
OUTPUT s7, W_word_write_port
OUTPUT s6, W_word_write_port
;Add new computed Wt value to TMP in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
ADD s2, s6
ADDCY s3, s7
ADDCY s4, s8
ADDCY s5, s9
;TMP is now complete in [s5,s4,s3,s2]
;copy values
; E <= D
; D <= C
; C <= B (this will need to be rotated 30 places afterwards)
; B <= A
LOAD sD, 04 ;4 bytes per word to copy
copy_var_loop: LOAD sC, var_E3
LOAD sB, var_E2
move_var_loop: FETCH sA, (sB)
STORE sA, (sC)
SUB sC, 01
SUB sB, 01
COMPARE sC, var_A0
JUMP NZ, move_var_loop
SUB sD, 01
JUMP NZ, copy_var_loop
;rotate 'C' (the previous 'B') left 30 places
CALL fetch_C ;C in [s9,s8,s7,s6]
LOAD s0, 1E ;rotate left 30 places
CALL rotate_word_left_N_places
STORE s9, var_C3
STORE s8, var_C2
STORE s7, var_C1
STORE s6, var_C0
; A <= TMP
STORE s5, var_A3
STORE s4, var_A2
STORE s3, var_A1
STORE s2, var_A0
;count iterations
COMPARE sE, 4F ;test for last iteration = 79 decimal (4F hex)
ADD sE, 01
JUMP next_sha1_iteration
; Routine to rotate left the contents of Register set [s9,s8,s7,s6]
; by the number of places specified in register 's0'.
rotate_word_left_N_places: CALL rotate_word_left
SUB s0, 01
JUMP NZ, rotate_word_left_N_places
; Routine to rotate left the contents of Register set [s9,s8,s7,s6]
; by one place.
rotate_word_left: TEST s9, 80 ;test MSB of word
SLA s6
SLA s7
SLA s8
SLA s9
; Compute 8-bit CRC used by DS2432.
; The DS2432 computes an 8-bit CRC using the polynomial X8 + X5 + X4 + 1.
; See the DS2432 data sheet for full details.
; Test input value of value 00 00 00 01 B8 1C 02
; should produce CRC=A2.
; This routine computes the same CRC based on the values stored in the KCPSM3
; scratch pad memory by the read ROM command. The result is returned in register s0.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9
; Start by loading family code and serial number (56-bits) into register set
; [s9,s8,s7,s6,s5,s4,s3] so that it can be shifted out LSB first.
compute_CRC8: FETCH s3, family_code
FETCH s4, serial_number0
FETCH s5, serial_number1
FETCH s6, serial_number2
FETCH s7, serial_number3
FETCH s8, serial_number4
FETCH s9, serial_number5
LOAD s2, 38 ;56 bits to shift (38 hex)
LOAD s0, 00 ;clear CRC value
crc8_loop: LOAD s1, s0 ;copy current CRC value
XOR s1, s3 ;Need to know LSB XOR next input bit
TEST s1, 01 ;test result of XOR in LSB
JUMP NC, crc8_shift
XOR s0, 18 ;compliment bits 3 and 4 of CRC
crc8_shift: SR0 s1 ;Carry gets LSB XOR next input bit
SRA s0 ;shift Carry into MSB to form new CRC value
SR0 s9 ;shift input value
SRA s8
SRA s7
SRA s6
SRA s5
SRA s4
SRA s3
SUB s2, 01 ;count iterations
JUMP NZ, crc8_loop
; Clear or Compute 16-bit CRC used by DS2432.
; The DS2432 computes a 16-bit CRC using the polynomial X16 + X15 + X2 + 1.
; See the DS2432 data sheet for full details.
; Note that the value formed in the CRC shift register MUST BE INVERTED to give the
; same value as that sent from the DS2432 during scratchpad write, scratchpad read
; and read auth page commands.
; The 16-bit CRC is computed using a different number of bytes depending on the
; command. This routine has been written such that the CRC can be computed one
; byte at a time. The byte to be processed should be provided in register 's3'
; and the contents of this register are preserved.
; This routine computes the 16-bit CRC in the register pair [sE,sD] and these
; registers must not be disturbed between calls of this routine.
; Before starting a CRC computation the 'clear_CRC16' should be used.
; Registers used s0,s1,s3,sD,sE
; s3 is preserved.
; sD and sE should not be disturbed between calls if CRC value is required.
clear_CRC16: LOAD sE, 00 ;[sE,sD]=0000
LOAD sD, 00
compute_CRC16: LOAD s1, 08 ;8-bits to shift
crc16_loop: LOAD s0, sD ;copy current CRC value
XOR s0, s3 ;Need to know LSB XOR next input bit
TEST s0, 01 ;test result of XOR in LSB
JUMP NC, crc16_shift
XOR sD, 02 ;compliment bit 1 of CRC
XOR sE, 40 ;compliment bit 14 of CRC
crc16_shift: SR0 s0 ;Carry gets LSB XOR next input bit
SRA sE ;shift Carry into MSB to form new CRC value
RR s3 ;shift input value
SUB s1, 01 ;count bits
JUMP NZ, crc16_loop ;next bit
; Read 16-bit CRC from DS2432, send value received to UART and test result.
; The computed CRC value for comparison must be in register pair [sE,sD]
read_send_test_CRC16: CALL read_byte_slow ;read 16-bit CRC into [s5,s4]
LOAD s4, s3
CALL read_byte_slow
LOAD s5, s3
CALL send_crc ;'crc=' to display CRC value
LOAD s0, s5
CALL send_hex_byte
LOAD s0, s4
CALL send_hex_byte
CALL send_CR
XOR sD, FF ;1's complement the computed CRC value
COMPARE s4, sD ;test received value with computed value
JUMP NZ, crc16_fail
JUMP NZ, crc16_fail
CALL send_Pass ;display 'Pass' with carriage return
crc16_fail: CALL send_Fail ;display 'Fail' with carriage return
; Initialise the DS2432 1-wire interface.
; The 1-wire interface is an open-collector communication scheme employing an external
; pull-up resistor of 680 Ohms.
; The hardware section of this translates the one bit signal from PicoBlaze such that
; when this signal is Low the output is driven Low, but when it is High, it turns off
; the output buffer and the signal is pulled High externally.
; This initialisation routine simply ensures that the line is High after configuration.
; It is vital that DS_wire is generally in the High state because it is the only way in
; which the DS2432 device derives power to operate.
; Registers used s0
DS_wire_init: LOAD s0, DS_wire
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
; DS2432 initialisation - Regular Speed.
; The initialisation sequence must be performed before any communication can be
; made with the DS2432 device. This involves the application of an active Low master
; reset pulse.
; The regular (slow) speed communication is established by transmitting an active
; Low reset pulse for a duration of at least 480us. This design generates a 500us pulse.
; The DS2432 acknowledges the reset and the setting of regular mode by generating an
; active Low 'Rx Presence Pulse'. This presence pulse can start 15 to 60us after the
; reset pulse and will end between 120 and 300us after the reset pulse.
; To confirm that regular mode has been set, this routine confirms that the presence pulse
; is active only after 60us have elapsed since the reset pulse. This ensures that the
; faster presence pulse of overdrive mode can not be detected.
; The carry flag will be set if no valid presence pulse was received (wire remained High) and
; can be used to indicate an initialisation failure or success.
; The routine only completes 300us after the presence pulse to ensure the DS2432 has
; completed the presence pulse and is ready for the first operation.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2
DS_init_regular_mode: LOAD s0, 00 ;transmit reset pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
;Delay of 500us is equivalent to 12500 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay loop is formed of 28 instructions requiring 446 repetitions.
LOAD s2, 01 ;[s3,s2]=445 decimal (01BD hex)
rm_wait_500us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
SUBCY s2, 00
JUMP NC, rm_wait_500us ;repeat until -1
LOAD s0, 01 ;end of regular reset pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
;Delay of 60us is equivalent to 1500 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay and is formed of 27 instructions requiring 56 repetitions.
LOAD s1, 38 ;56 (38 hex)
rm_wait_60us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, rm_wait_60us ;repeat until zero
;The DS_wire is now checked at approximately 1us intervals for the next 240us looking
;to detect an active Low presence pulse. The 240us is equivalent to 6000 instructions
;at 50MHz and this polling loop is formed of 33 instructions requiring 182 repetitions.
LOAD s2, 01 ;set bit which will be reset by a presence pulse
LOAD s1, B6 ;182 (B6 hex)
rm_poll_240us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
CALL read_DS_wire ;read wire - 5 instructions including CALL
AND s2, s0 ;clear flag if DS_wire was Low
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, rm_poll_240us ;repeat until zero
TEST s2, 01 ;set carry flag if no pulse detected
; Read the DS_wire
; The DS_wire signal is read and returned in bit0 of register 's0'.
; Additionally the carry flag is set if the signal is High and reset if Low
; Registers used s0
read_DS_wire: INPUT s0, DS_wire_in_port
AND s0, DS_wire ;ensure only bit0 is active
TEST s0, DS_wire ;set carry flag if DS_wire is High
; Write a byte to DS2432 in regular speed mode.
; Bytes are written to the DS2432 with LSB first.
; The byte to be written should be provided in register 's3' and this will be preserved.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2,s3
write_byte_slow: LOAD s2, 08 ;8 bits to transmit
wbs_loop: RR s3 ;test next bit LSB first
JUMP C, wbs1 ;transmit '0' or '1'
CALL write_Low_slow
JUMP next_slow_bit
wbs1: CALL write_High_slow
next_slow_bit: SUB s2, 01 ;count bits
JUMP NZ, wbs_loop ;repeat until 8-bits transmitted
; Write a '0' to DS_wire in regular speed mode.
; To write a '0' to the DS_wire the signal must be Low for 60 to 120us. This design
; generates a 78us active Low pulse.
; The DS2432 then requires at least 1us of recovery time for which this routine
; provides a 2us delay such that the entire write Low process (slot time) is 80us.
; A recovery time of 1us was also found to be marginal in practice probably due
; to the rise time of the DS_wire via the external pull up resistor.
; Registers used s0,s1
write_Low_slow: LOAD s0, 00 ;transmit Low pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
;Delay of 78us is equivalent to 1950 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay loop is formed of 27 instructions requiring 72 repetitions.
LOAD s1, 48 ;72 (48 hex)
wls_wait_78us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, wls_wait_78us ;repeat until zero
LOAD s0, 01 ;end of Low pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
CALL delay_1us ;2us recovery time
CALL delay_1us
; Write a '1' to DS_wire in regular speed mode.
; To write a '1' to the DS_wire the signal must be Low for 1 to 15us to instigate the
; write of the data. This design generates an 8us active Low pulse for this purpose.
; Then the output must be High for 53 to 114us to provide the '1' for the DS2432 to
; read and then provide recovery time. This design implements a 72us delay such that
; the entire write High process (slot time) is 80us
; Registers used s0,s1
write_High_slow: LOAD s0, 00 ;transmit Low pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
;Delay of 8us is equivalent to 200 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay loop is formed of 27 instructions requiring 8 repetitions.
LOAD s1, 08 ;8 (08 hex)
whs_wait_8us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, whs_wait_8us ;repeat until zero
LOAD s0, 01 ;end of Low pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
;Delay of 72us is equivalent to 1800 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay loop is formed of 27 instructions requiring 67 repetitions.
LOAD s1, 43 ;67 (43 hex)
whs_wait_72us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, whs_wait_72us ;repeat until zero
; Read a byte from DS2432 in regular speed mode.
; Bytes are read from the DS2432 with LSB first.
; The byte read will be returned in register 's3'.
; Registers used s0,s1,s2,s3
read_byte_slow: LOAD s2, 08 ;8 bits to receive
rbs_loop: CALL read_bit_slow ;read next bit LSB first
SUB s2, 01 ;count bits
JUMP NZ, rbs_loop ;repeat until 8-bits received
; Read a data bit sent from the DS2432 in regular speed mode.
; To read a bit, PicoBlaze must initiate the processed with an active Low pulse of
; 1 to 15us. This design generates a 4us active Low pulse for this purpose.
; Then DS2432 responds to the Low pulse by diving DS_wire in two different ways
; depending on the logic level it is trying to send back.
; For a logic '0' the DS2432 will drive the DS-wire Low for up to 15us after
; the start of the instigating pulse. Therefore PicoBlaze must read the DS-wire
; before this time has elapsed but only after it has itself released the wire.
; For a logic '1' the DS2432 will do nothing and hence the DS-wire will be pulled
; High by the external resistor after PicoBlaze has released the wire. PicoBlaze
; will sample the wire and detect the High level.
; In this design, PicoBlaze needs to detect the logic state of the wire after
; releasing the wire at 4us. Sampling the wire too quickly would not provide
; adequate time for a High signal to be formed by the pull up resistor. However, it
; must sample the wire before 15us have elapsed and any potential Low is removed.
; This design samples the wire at 12us which is 8us after the initiation pulse ends.
; A further delay of 68us is then allowed for the DS2432 to stop transmitting and
; to recover. This also mean that the entire read process (slot time) is 80us.
; The received data bit is SHIFTED into the MSB of register 's3'. In this way
; the reception of 8-bits will shift the first bit into the LSB position of 's3'.
; Registers used s0,s1,s3
read_bit_slow: LOAD s0, 00 ;transmit Low pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
;Delay of 4us is equivalent to 100 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay loop is formed of 27 instructions requiring 4 repetitions.
LOAD s1, 04 ;4 (04 hex)
rbs_wait_4us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, rbs_wait_4us ;repeat until zero
LOAD s0, 01 ;end of Low pulse
OUTPUT s0, DS_wire_out_port
;Delay of 8us is equivalent to 200 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay loop is formed of 27 instructions requiring 8 repetitions.
LOAD s1, 08 ;8 (08 hex)
rbs_wait_8us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, rbs_wait_8us ;repeat until zero
CALL read_DS_wire ;sample wire (carry = state)
SRA s3 ;shift received bit into MSB of s3
;Delay of 68us is equivalent to 1700 instructions at 50MHz.
;This delay loop is formed of 27 instructions requiring 63 repetitions.
LOAD s1, 3F ;63 (3F hex)
rbs_wait_68us: CALL delay_1us ;25 instructions including CALL
SUB s1, 01 ;decrement delay counter
JUMP NZ, rbs_wait_68us ;repeat until zero
; Software delay routines
; Delay of 1us.
; Constant value defines reflects the clock applied to KCPSM3. Every instruction
; executes in 2 clock cycles making the calculation highly predictable. The '6' in
; the following equation even allows for 'CALL delay_1us' instruction in the initiating code.
; delay_1us_constant = (clock_rate - 6)/4 Where 'clock_rate' is in MHz
; Register used s0
delay_1us: LOAD s0, delay_1us_constant
wait_1us: SUB s0, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_1us
; Delay of 40us.
; Registers used s0, s1
delay_40us: LOAD s1, 28 ;40 x 1us = 40us
wait_40us: CALL delay_1us
SUB s1, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_40us
; Delay of 1ms.
; Registers used s0, s1, s2
delay_1ms: LOAD s2, 19 ;25 x 40us = 1ms
wait_1ms: CALL delay_40us
SUB s2, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_1ms
; Delay of 20ms.
; Registers used s0, s1, s2, s3
delay_20ms: LOAD s3, 14 ;20 x 1ms = 20ms
wait_20ms: CALL delay_1ms
SUB s3, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_20ms
; Delay of approximately 1 second.
; Registers used s0, s1, s2, s3, s4
delay_1s: LOAD s4, 14 ;50 x 20ms = 1000ms
wait_1s: CALL delay_20ms
SUB s4, 01
JUMP NZ, wait_1s
; UART communication routines
; Read one character from the UART
; Character read will be returned in a register called 'UART_data'.
; The routine first tests the receiver FIFO buffer to see if data is present.
; If the FIFO is empty, the routine waits until there is a character to read.
; As this could take any amount of time the wait loop could include a call to a
; subroutine which performs a useful function.
; Registers used s0 and UART_data
read_from_UART: INPUT s0, status_port ;test Rx_FIFO buffer
TEST s0, rx_data_present ;wait if empty
JUMP NZ, read_character
JUMP read_from_UART
read_character: INPUT UART_data, UART_read_port ;read from FIFO
; Transmit one character to the UART
; Character supplied in register called 'UART_data'.
; The routine first tests the transmit FIFO buffer to see if it is full.
; If the FIFO is full, then the routine waits until it there is space.
; Registers used s0
send_to_UART: INPUT s0, status_port ;test Tx_FIFO buffer
TEST s0, tx_full ;wait if full
JUMP Z, UART_write
JUMP send_to_UART
UART_write: OUTPUT UART_data, UART_write_port
; Useful ASCII conversion and handling routines
; Convert character to upper case
; The character supplied in register s0.
; If the character is in the range 'a' to 'z', it is converted
; to the equivalent upper case character in the range 'A' to 'Z'.
; All other characters remain unchanged.
; Registers used s0.
upper_case: COMPARE s0, 61 ;eliminate character codes below 'a' (61 hex)
COMPARE s0, 7B ;eliminate character codes above 'z' (7A hex)
AND s0, DF ;mask bit5 to convert to upper case
; Convert hexadecimal value provided in register s0 into ASCII characters
; The value provided must can be any value in the range 00 to FF and will be converted into
; two ASCII characters.
; The upper nibble will be represented by an ASCII character returned in register s2.
; The lower nibble will be represented by an ASCII character returned in register s1.
; The ASCII representations of '0' to '9' are 30 to 39 hexadecimal which is simply 30 hex
; added to the actual decimal value. The ASCII representations of 'A' to 'F' are 41 to 46
; hexadecimal requiring a further addition of 07 to the 30 already added.
; Registers used s0, s1 and s2.
hex_byte_to_ASCII: LOAD s1, s0 ;remember value supplied
SR0 s0 ;isolate upper nibble
SR0 s0
SR0 s0
SR0 s0
CALL hex_to_ASCII ;convert
LOAD s2, s0 ;upper nibble value in s2
LOAD s0, s1 ;restore complete value
AND s0, 0F ;isolate lower nibble
CALL hex_to_ASCII ;convert
LOAD s1, s0 ;lower nibble value in s1
; Convert hexadecimal value provided in register s0 into ASCII character
;Register used s0
hex_to_ASCII: SUB s0, 0A ;test if value is in range 0 to 9
JUMP C, number_char
ADD s0, 07 ;ASCII char A to F in range 41 to 46
number_char: ADD s0, 3A ;ASCII char 0 to 9 in range 30 to 40
; Send the two character HEX value of the register contents 's0' to the UART
; Registers used s0, s1, s2
send_hex_byte: CALL hex_byte_to_ASCII
LOAD UART_data, s2
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, s1
CALL send_to_UART
; Convert the HEX ASCII characters contained in 's3' and 's2' into
; an equivalent hexadecimal value in register 's0'.
; The upper nibble is represented by an ASCII character in register s3.
; The lower nibble is represented by an ASCII character in register s2.
; Input characters must be in the range 00 to FF hexadecimal or the CARRY flag
; will be set on return.
; Registers used s0, s2 and s3.
ASCII_byte_to_hex: LOAD s0, s3 ;Take upper nibble
CALL ASCII_to_hex ;convert to value
RETURN C ;reject if out of range
LOAD s3, s0 ;remember value
SL0 s3 ;multiply value by 16 to put in upper nibble
SL0 s3
SL0 s3
SL0 s3
LOAD s0, s2 ;Take lower nibble
CALL ASCII_to_hex ;convert to value
RETURN C ;reject if out of range
OR s0, s3 ;merge in the upper nibble with CARRY reset
; Routine to convert ASCII data in 's0' to an equivalent HEX value.
; If character is not valid for hex, then CARRY is set on return.
; Register used s0
ASCII_to_hex: ADD s0, B9 ;test for above ASCII code 46 ('F')
SUB s0, E9 ;normalise 0 to 9 with A-F in 11 to 16 hex
RETURN C ;reject below ASCII code 30 ('0')
SUB s0, 11 ;isolate A-F down to 00 to 05 hex
ADD s0, 07 ;test for above ASCII code 46 ('F')
SUB s0, F6 ;convert to range 00 to 09
ASCII_letter: ADD s0, 0A ;convert to range 0A to 0F
; Read one character from UART and echo.
; Convert to upper case and return.
read_upper_case: CALL read_from_UART ;read command character from UART
CALL send_to_UART ;echo character
LOAD s0, UART_data ;convert to upper case
CALL upper_case
; Read two hex characters from UART and convert to single byte data
obtain_8bits: CALL read_upper_case ;obtain one byte from UART
LOAD s3, s0
CALL read_upper_case
LOAD s2, s0
CALL ASCII_byte_to_hex
; Text messages
; Send Carriage Return to the UART
send_CR: LOAD UART_data, character_CR
CALL send_to_UART
; Send a space to the UART
send_space: LOAD UART_data, character_space
CALL send_to_UART
; Send a minus sign to the UART
send_minus: LOAD UART_data, character_minus
CALL send_to_UART
; Send the letter 't' to the UART
send_t: LOAD UART_data, character_t
CALL send_to_UART
; Send the letter 'e' to the UART
send_e: LOAD UART_data, character_e
CALL send_to_UART
; Send the letter 'a' to the UART
send_a: LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
; Send the letter 'd' to the UART
send_d: LOAD UART_data, character_d
CALL send_to_UART
; Send the letter 'r' to the UART
send_r: LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
; Send the letter 's' to the UART
send_s: LOAD UART_data, character_s
CALL send_to_UART
; Send the letter 'c' to the UART
send_c: LOAD UART_data, character_c
CALL send_to_UART
; Send 'PicoBlaze SHA-1 Algorithm v1.00' string to the UART
send_welcome: CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_P
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_c
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_B
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_l
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_a
LOAD UART_data, character_z
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_e
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_S
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_H
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_A
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_minus
LOAD UART_data, character_1
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_A
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_l
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_g
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_r
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_t
LOAD UART_data, character_h
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_m
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_v
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_1
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_fullstop
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_0
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_0
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
; Send DS2432 menu to the UART
send_DS2432_menu: CALL send_CR
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_1
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_minus
CALL send_Write
CALL send_space
CALL send_scratchpad
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_2
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_minus
CALL send_Read
CALL send_space
CALL send_scratchpad
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_3
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_minus
LOAD UART_data, character_L
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_a
CALL send_d
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_f
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_r
CALL send_s
CALL send_t
CALL send_space
CALL send_secret
CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_4
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_minus
CALL send_Read
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_a
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_u
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_t
LOAD UART_data, character_h
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_space
LOAD UART_data, character_P
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_a
LOAD UART_data, character_g
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_e
CALL send_CR
; Send carriage return, 'OK' and carriage return to the UART
send_OK: CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_O
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_K
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
; Send 'scratchpad' to the UART
send_scratchpad: CALL send_s
CALL send_c
CALL send_r
CALL send_a
CALL send_t
CALL send_c
LOAD UART_data, character_h
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_p
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_a
CALL send_d
; Send 'secret' to the UART
send_secret: CALL send_s
CALL send_e
CALL send_c
CALL send_r
CALL send_e
CALL send_t
; Send 'Byte' to the UART
send_Byte: LOAD UART_data, character_B
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_y
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_t
CALL send_e
; Send 'Read' to the UART
send_Read: LOAD UART_data, character_R
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_e
CALL send_a
CALL send_d
; Send 'Write' to the UART
send_Write: LOAD UART_data, character_W
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_r
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_t
CALL send_e
; Send 'Pass' to the UART
send_Pass: LOAD UART_data, character_P
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_a
CALL send_s
CALL send_s
CALL send_CR
; Send 'Fail' to the UART
send_Fail: LOAD UART_data, character_F
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_a
LOAD UART_data, character_i
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_l
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_CR
; Send 'address=' to the UART
send_address: CALL send_CR
CALL send_a
CALL send_d
CALL send_d
CALL send_r
CALL send_e
CALL send_s
CALL send_s
send_equals: LOAD UART_data, character_equals
CALL send_to_UART
; Send 'data' to the UART
send_data: CALL send_CR
CALL send_d
CALL send_a
CALL send_t
CALL send_a
; Send 'E/S=' to the UART
send_ES: CALL send_CR
LOAD UART_data, character_E
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_divide
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_S
CALL send_to_UART
JUMP send_equals
; Send 'code=' to the UART
send_code: CALL send_c
LOAD UART_data, character_o
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_d
CALL send_e
JUMP send_equals
; Send 's/n=' to the UART
send_sn: CALL send_s
LOAD UART_data, character_divide
CALL send_to_UART
LOAD UART_data, character_n
CALL send_to_UART
JUMP send_equals
; Send 'crc=' to the UART
send_crc: CALL send_c
LOAD UART_data, character_r
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_c
JUMP send_equals
; Send 'mac=' to the UART
send_mac: LOAD UART_data, character_m
CALL send_to_UART
CALL send_a
CALL send_c
JUMP send_equals
; Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
; Interrupts are not used in this design. This is a place keeper only.
; Interrupt Vector