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2015-12-15 22:44:58 +03:00
// Copyright 2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents,
// maskwork rights, copyrights and other intellectual property laws.
// This reference design file, and your use thereof, is subject to and governed
// by the terms and conditions of the applicable Altera Reference Design
// License Agreement (either as signed by you or found at www.altera.com). By
// using this reference design file, you indicate your acceptance of such terms
// and conditions between you and Altera Corporation. In the event that you do
// not agree with such terms and conditions, you may not use the reference
// design file and please promptly destroy any copies you have made.
// This reference design file is being provided on an "as-is" basis and as an
// accommodation and therefore all warranties, representations or guarantees of
// any kind (whether express, implied or statutory) including, without
// limitation, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for
// a particular purpose, are specifically disclaimed. By making this reference
// design file available, Altera expressly does not recommend, suggest or
// require that this reference design file be used in combination with any
// other product not provided by Altera.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
void panic (char * msg)
fprintf (stdout,"PANIC: %s\n",msg);
int pseudo_log2 (int val)
int ret = 0;
while (val > 0)
val >>= 1;
return (ret);
int const MAX_DISPLACE = 15;
int const PERIOD = 64;
int const WORD_LEN = 32;
int const HIST_WORDS = 2*MAX_DISPLACE + 1;
int const NUM_SEL = pseudo_log2 (HIST_WORDS-1);
int const CNTR_BITS = pseudo_log2 (PERIOD-1);
public :
SHIFT_REG(int b)
depth = b;
data = new int[depth];
delete data;
data = NULL;
void shift_in (int val);
void shift_in_reversed (int val);
int shift_out ();
void dump ();
int par_read (int slot);
void par_write (int slot, int val);
int index_of_value (int val);
private :
int * data;
int depth;
void SHIFT_REG::shift_in (int val)
int n = 0;
for (n=depth-1; n>0; n--)
data[n] = data[n-1];
data[0] = val;
void SHIFT_REG::shift_in_reversed (int val)
int n = 0;
for (n=0; n<depth; n++)
data[n] = data[n+1];
data[depth-1] = val;
int SHIFT_REG::shift_out ()
int n = data[depth-1];
return (n);
void SHIFT_REG::dump ()
int n = 0;
for (n=0; n<depth; n++)
fprintf (stdout,"%3d ",data[n]);
fprintf (stdout,"\n");
int SHIFT_REG::par_read (int slot)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= depth)
panic ("Read out of range");
return (data[slot]);
void SHIFT_REG::par_write (int slot, int val)
if (slot < 0 || slot >= depth)
panic ("Read out of range");
data[slot] = val;
int SHIFT_REG::index_of_value (int val)
int n = 0;
for (n=0; n<depth; n++)
if (data[n] == val) return (n);
return (-1);
void build_scrambler
SHIFT_REG * indices,
SHIFT_REG * data_stream
int n = 0, k = 0;
int sel_out = 0;
bool any_late = false;
int cycle = 0;
int min_sel = 0;
SHIFT_REG * shifter = NULL;
shifter = new SHIFT_REG (2 * MAX_DISPLACE + 1);
// initialize
for (n=0;n<MAX_DISPLACE;n++)
shifter->shift_in (-1);
for (n=0;n<MAX_DISPLACE+1;n++)
shifter->shift_in (n);
// scramble
// force it to recenter at the end of the period
min_sel = 0;
if (cycle >= (PERIOD-MAX_DISPLACE))
min_sel = MAX_DISPLACE+1 - (PERIOD-cycle);
//fprintf (stdout,"round %d - select >= %d\n",
// cycle,min_sel);
// select anything not -1
sel_out = 2*MAX_DISPLACE;
while ((sel_out < min_sel) || (shifter->par_read(sel_out) == -1))
sel_out = rand() % (2*MAX_DISPLACE);
//fprintf (stdout,"// step %d - out[%d] = %d\n",
// cycle,sel_out,shifter->par_read(sel_out));
// keep track
// advance
shifter->shift_in (n);
void build_unscrambler
SHIFT_REG * data_stream,
SHIFT_REG * indices
int n = 0, k = 0;
int sel_out = 0;
SHIFT_REG * shifter = NULL;
shifter = new SHIFT_REG (2 * MAX_DISPLACE + 1);
// initialize
for (n=0;n<MAX_DISPLACE;n++)
shifter->shift_in (-1);
for (n=0;n<MAX_DISPLACE+1;n++)
shifter->shift_in (data_stream->shift_out());
for (n=0; n<PERIOD; n++)
k = shifter->index_of_value (n);
shifter->shift_in (data_stream->shift_out());
void latency_adjustment
SHIFT_REG * data,
int bits_per_tick,
int leading_samples
// for bits per tick = 2
// bits 0,1 have no latency
// bits 2,3 need to rotate by 1
// bits 4,5 need to rotate by 2
int n = 0;
SHIFT_REG * bit_reg [32];
unsigned int val = 0;
int k = 0;
int b = 0;
for (n=0; n<32; n++)
bit_reg[n] = new SHIFT_REG (PERIOD);
// decompose into bits
for (k=0;k<PERIOD;k++)
val = data->shift_out();
for (n=0; n<32; n++)
bit_reg[n]->shift_in ((val & 1) ? 1 : 0);
val = val >> 1;
// skew bits for read mux latency
// this saves some stall registers on the select path
for (n=bits_per_tick; n<32; n+=bits_per_tick)
for (k=n; k<32; k++)
bit_reg[k]->shift_in_reversed (bit_reg[k]->par_read(0));
// put words back together
for (k=0;k<PERIOD;k++)
val = 0;
for (n=0; n<32; n++)
b = bit_reg[n]->shift_out();
val |= (b << n);
// skew for history latency
for (n=0; n<leading_samples; n++)
data->shift_in_reversed (data->par_read(0));
int main (void)
SHIFT_REG * data_stream = NULL;
SHIFT_REG * indices = NULL;
SHIFT_REG * undo_indices = NULL;
int n = 0;
int val = 0, valb = 0;
// srand(time(NULL));
indices = new SHIFT_REG (PERIOD);
data_stream = new SHIFT_REG (PERIOD);
undo_indices = new SHIFT_REG (PERIOD);
// make scramble and unscramble patterns
build_scrambler (indices,data_stream);
build_unscrambler (data_stream,undo_indices);
fprintf (stdout,"//");
fprintf (stdout,"//");
// make verilog
fprintf (stdout,"module word_stream_scramble (clk,rst,ena,din,dout,dout_valid);\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"`include \"log2.inc\"\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"parameter WORD_LEN = %d;\n",WORD_LEN);
fprintf (stdout,"parameter SCRAMBLE = 1'b1; // 0 for undo\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"localparam HIST_WORDS = %d;\n",HIST_WORDS);
fprintf (stdout,"localparam PERIOD = %d;\n",PERIOD);
fprintf (stdout,"localparam NUM_SEL = log2(HIST_WORDS-1);\n");
fprintf (stdout,"localparam CNTR_BITS = log2(PERIOD-1);\n");
fprintf (stdout,"localparam PAD_WORDS = (1<<NUM_SEL)-HIST_WORDS;\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"input clk,rst,ena;\n");
fprintf (stdout,"input [WORD_LEN-1:0] din;\n");
fprintf (stdout,"output [WORD_LEN-1:0] dout;\n");
fprintf (stdout,"output dout_valid;\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"// din history shift register\n");
fprintf (stdout,"reg [HIST_WORDS * WORD_LEN-1 : 0] history;\n");
fprintf (stdout,"always @(posedge clk) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (ena) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (rst) history <= 0;\n");
fprintf (stdout," else history <= {history[(HIST_WORDS-1)*WORD_LEN-1:0],din};\n");
fprintf (stdout," end\n");
fprintf (stdout,"end\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"// parallel access pipelined read mux\n");
fprintf (stdout,"reg [NUM_SEL-1:0] sel;\n");
fprintf (stdout,"pipelined_word_mux pwm (\n");
fprintf (stdout," .clk(clk), .rst(rst),.ena(ena),\n");
fprintf (stdout," .sel(sel),\n");
fprintf (stdout," .din({{PAD_WORDS*WORD_LEN{1'b0}},history}),\n");
fprintf (stdout," .dout(dout));\n");
fprintf (stdout," defparam pwm .WORD_LEN = WORD_LEN;\n");
fprintf (stdout," defparam pwm .NUM_WORDS_IN = HIST_WORDS+PAD_WORDS;\n");
fprintf (stdout," defparam pwm .SEL_PER_LAYER = 2;\n");
fprintf (stdout," defparam pwm .BALANCE_SELECTS = 1'b0;\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"// scrambling sequence counter\n");
fprintf (stdout,"reg [CNTR_BITS-1:0] cntr;\n");
fprintf (stdout,"always @(posedge clk) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (ena) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (rst) cntr <= 0;\n");
fprintf (stdout," else cntr <= cntr + 1'b1;\n");
fprintf (stdout," end\n");
fprintf (stdout,"end\n\n");
// latency adjustment - the lower order selects
// have less latency than the higher order
latency_adjustment (indices,2,MAX_DISPLACE);
latency_adjustment (undo_indices,2,MAX_DISPLACE);
fprintf (stdout,"// scramble pattern table to drive read select\n");
fprintf (stdout,"always @(posedge clk) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (ena) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (rst) sel <= 0;\n");
fprintf (stdout," else begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," case (cntr)\n");
for (n=0; n<PERIOD; n++)
val = indices->shift_out();
valb = undo_indices->shift_out();
fprintf (stdout," %d'h%x : sel <= (SCRAMBLE ? %d'h%x : %d'h%x);\n",
fprintf (stdout," endcase\n");
fprintf (stdout," end\n");
fprintf (stdout," end\n");
fprintf (stdout,"end\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"// indicate (fresh) valid output data\n");
fprintf (stdout,"reg dout_active, dout_valid;\n");
fprintf (stdout,"always @(posedge clk) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (ena & rst) begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," dout_valid <= 1'b0;\n");
fprintf (stdout," dout_active <= 1'b0;\n");
fprintf (stdout," end else begin\n");
fprintf (stdout," if (cntr == %d'h%x) dout_active <= 1'b1;\n",
fprintf (stdout," dout_valid <= dout_active & ena;\n");
fprintf (stdout," end\n");
fprintf (stdout,"end\n\n");
fprintf (stdout,"endmodule\n");
return (0);