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2015-12-15 22:44:58 +03:00
// Copyright 2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents,
// maskwork rights, copyrights and other intellectual property laws.
// This reference design file, and your use thereof, is subject to and governed
// by the terms and conditions of the applicable Altera Reference Design
// License Agreement (either as signed by you or found at www.altera.com). By
// using this reference design file, you indicate your acceptance of such terms
// and conditions between you and Altera Corporation. In the event that you do
// not agree with such terms and conditions, you may not use the reference
// design file and please promptly destroy any copies you have made.
// This reference design file is being provided on an "as-is" basis and as an
// accommodation and therefore all warranties, representations or guarantees of
// any kind (whether express, implied or statutory) including, without
// limitation, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for
// a particular purpose, are specifically disclaimed. By making this reference
// design file available, Altera expressly does not recommend, suggest or
// require that this reference design file be used in combination with any
// other product not provided by Altera.
// baeckler - 07-06-2006
// reved to be more parameterized 08-25-2006
// Build verilog factored XORs for error correction encode
// matrix. Not very fancy because there isn't any good reuse
// to be had on the depth 2 6-LUT solution. Needs a bit of
// hand balancing to reflect smaller luts being cheaper.
// And then the decoder and appropriate helper modules. Variable
// latency controlled by parameters.
#include <stdio.h>
// 64 -> 72 (8)
// 32 -> 39 (7)
// 16 -> 22 (6)
// 8 -> 13 (5)
int const DATA_BITS = 8;
int const SYN_BITS = 5;
unsigned char matrix[64][72+1] =
void dump_ecc_coder (FILE * f)
int x=0,y=0;
int num_terms = 0;
int lutsize = 6;
int n=0,i=0,num_helpers=0,num_ins_this_helper=0;
fprintf (f,"// baeckler - 08-25-2006 \n\n");
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// %d bit to %d bit ECC encoder\n",DATA_BITS,TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n\n");
fprintf (f,"module ecc_encode_%dbit (d,c);\n\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"input [%d:0] d;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"output [%d:0] c;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"wire [%d:0] c;\n\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
// the MSB of the code is the parity of the other code outs.
// re-express it in terms of the data inputs in the MSB postion
// of the matrix.
for (y=0; y<DATA_BITS; y++)
matrix[y][TOTAL_BITS-1] = '0';
matrix[y][TOTAL_BITS] = 0;
for (x=0; x<(TOTAL_BITS-1); x++)
for (y=0; y<DATA_BITS; y++)
if (matrix[y][x] == '1') matrix[y][TOTAL_BITS-1] ^= 1;
// the first TOTAL_BITS-1 bits are in the matrix, last is parity
for (x=0; x<TOTAL_BITS; x++)
// count the number of 1's
num_terms = 0;
for (y=0; y<DATA_BITS; y++)
if (matrix[y][x] == '1')
if (num_terms < lutsize)
// this is fine - just dump it
num_terms = 0;
fprintf (f," assign c[%d] = ",x);
for (y=0; y<DATA_BITS; y++)
if (matrix[y][x] == '1')
if (num_terms != 0) fprintf (f," ^ ");
fprintf (f,"d[%d]",y);
fprintf (f,";\n");
// create helpers
num_helpers = num_terms / lutsize;
if (num_helpers * lutsize < num_terms) num_helpers++;
fprintf (f," wire [%d:0] help_c%d;\n",num_helpers-1,x);
y = 0;
for (n=0; n<num_helpers; n++)
num_ins_this_helper = lutsize;
if (num_terms < num_ins_this_helper)
num_ins_this_helper = num_terms;
if (num_ins_this_helper == 1)
fprintf (f," assign help_c%d[%d] = ",x,n);
while (matrix[y][x] != '1') y++;
fprintf (f,"d[%d];\n",y);
// build the next helper XOR gate
fprintf (f," xor6 help_c%d_%d (help_c%d[%d],",x,n,x,n);
for (i = 0; i<num_ins_this_helper; i++)
while (matrix[y][x] != '1') y++;
if (i != 0) fprintf (f,",");
fprintf (f,"d[%d]",y);
while (i<lutsize)
fprintf (f,",1'b0");
fprintf (f,");\n");
// xor up the helpers for the result
fprintf (f," assign c[%d] = ^help_c%d;\n\n",x,x);
fprintf (f,"endmodule\n\n");
// put together the hamming distance matrix, which
// is a slightly odd counter
unsigned int matrix_h [TOTAL_BITS];
for (x=0;x<(TOTAL_BITS-1);x++)
matrix_h[x] = (1<<(SYN_BITS-1)) | (x+1);
matrix_h[TOTAL_BITS-1] = (1<<(SYN_BITS-1));
// spit out a syndrome generator
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// compute a syndrome from the code word\n");
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n\n");
fprintf (f,"module ecc_syndrome_%dbit (clk,rst,c,s);\n\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"// optional register on the outputs\n");
fprintf (f,"// of bits 0..6 and back one level in bit 7\n");
fprintf (f,"parameter REGISTER = 0;\n\n");
fprintf (f,"input clk,rst;\n");
fprintf (f,"input [%d:0] c;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"output [%d:0] s;\n",SYN_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"reg [%d:0] s;\n\n",SYN_BITS-1);
for (y=0;y<SYN_BITS;y++)
num_terms = 0;
for (x=0;x<TOTAL_BITS;x++)
if ((matrix_h[x] & (1<<y)) != 0)
fprintf (f," // %d terms\n",num_terms);
// create helpers
num_helpers = num_terms / lutsize;
if (num_helpers * lutsize < num_terms) num_helpers++;
fprintf (f," wire [%d:0] help_s%d;\n",num_helpers-1,y);
x = 0;
for (n=0; n<num_helpers; n++)
num_ins_this_helper = lutsize;
if (num_terms < num_ins_this_helper)
num_ins_this_helper = num_terms;
if (num_ins_this_helper == 1)
fprintf (f," assign help_s%d[%d] = ",y,n);
while ((matrix_h[x] & (1<<y)) == 0) x++;
fprintf (f,"c[%d];\n",x);
// build the next helper XOR gate
fprintf (f," xor6 help_s%d_%d (help_s%d[%d],",y,n,y,n);
for (i = 0; i<num_ins_this_helper; i++)
while ((matrix_h[x] & (1<<y)) == 0) x++;
if (i != 0) fprintf (f,",");
fprintf (f,"c[%d]",x);
while (i<lutsize)
fprintf (f,",1'b0");
fprintf (f,");\n");
// xor up the helpers for the result
// and optional register for the lower bits
if ((y != (SYN_BITS-1)) || DATA_BITS != 64)
fprintf (f," generate\n");
fprintf (f," if (REGISTER) begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin\n");
fprintf (f," if (rst) s[%d] <= 0;\n",y);
fprintf (f," else s[%d] <= ^help_s%d;\n",y,y);
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end else begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(help_s%d) begin\n",y);
fprintf (f," s[%d] = ^help_s%d;\n",y,y);
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," endgenerate\n\n");
// the last parity bit for 64 data is special due to high input count
// register it a bit higher
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f," // the parity bit has too much fanin\n");
fprintf (f," // register it a bit higher for balance\n");
fprintf (f," reg [%d:0] help_s%d_r;\n",num_helpers-1,y);
fprintf (f," generate\n");
fprintf (f," if (REGISTER) begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin\n");
fprintf (f," if (rst) help_s%d_r <= 0;\n",y);
fprintf (f," else help_s%d_r <= help_s%d;\n",y,y);
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end else begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(help_s%d) begin\n",y);
fprintf (f," help_s%d_r = help_s%d;\n",y,y);
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," endgenerate\n\n");
fprintf (f," // group the parity helper XORs\n");
fprintf (f," wire par_0, par_1;\n");
fprintf (f," xor6 par_0x (par_0");
for (n=0; n<6; n++)
fprintf (f,",help_s%d_r[%d]",y,n);
fprintf (f,");\n");
fprintf (f," xor6 par_1x (par_1");
for (n=6; n<12; n++)
fprintf (f,",help_s%d_r[%d]",y,n);
fprintf (f,");\n\n");
fprintf (f," always @(par_0 or par_1) begin\n",y);
fprintf (f," s[%d] = par_0 ^ par_1;\n",y);
fprintf (f," end\n\n");
fprintf (f,"endmodule\n\n");
// figure out which syndromes correspond to which data bits to
// flip to make a correction.
int final = 0;
int bit_syndrome[DATA_BITS];
for (x=1; x<(SYN_BITS-1); x++)
if (x == (SYN_BITS-2)) final = TOTAL_BITS-1;
else final = (1<<(x+1)) -1;
for (y=(1<<x)+1; y<=final; y++)
bit_syndrome[n] = y;
// spit out a correction generator
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// From the syndrome compute the correction\n");
fprintf (f,"// needed to fix the data, or set fatal = 1\n");
fprintf (f,"// and no correction if there are too many.\n");
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"module ecc_correction_%dbit (s,e,fatal);\n\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"input [%d:0] s;\n",SYN_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"output [%d:0] e;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"output fatal;\n");
fprintf (f,"wire [%d:0] e;\n\n",DATA_BITS-1);
if (DATA_BITS == 64)
// 64 bit data needs a little help factoring the decoder
fprintf (f," // decode the lower part of syndrome\n");
fprintf (f," reg [%d:0] d;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," wire [%d:0] dw /* synthesis keep */;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," always @(s) begin\n");
fprintf (f," d = %d'b0;\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," d[s[%d:0]] = 1'b1;\n",SYN_BITS-3);
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," assign dw = d;\n\n");
fprintf (f," // Identify uncorrectable errors\n");
fprintf (f," // and unroll the s[6] ODC condition to help\n");
fprintf (f," // synthesis get minimum depth\n");
fprintf (f," wire or_syn50 = |(s[5:0]) /* synthesis keep */;\n");
fprintf (f," wire fatal = (s[6] & !s[7]) | (or_syn50 & !s[7]);\n");
fprintf (f," wire fatal_s6_cold = (or_syn50 & !s[7]);\n");
fprintf (f," wire fatal_s6_hot = !s[7];\n");
fprintf (f," assign e = {\n ");
for (n=63;n>=0;n--)
fprintf (f,"dw[%d] & %ss[6] & !fatal_s6_%s",
bit_syndrome[n] & 0x3f,
((bit_syndrome[n] & 0x40) != 0 ? "" : "!"),
((bit_syndrome[n] & 0x40) != 0 ? "hot" : "cold"));
if (n!=0) fprintf (f,",");
if ((n%4) == 0) fprintf (f,"\n ");
fprintf (f,"};\n\n");
// non - 64 bit decoder
fprintf (f," // decode the syndrome\n");
fprintf (f," reg [%d:0] d;\n",4*DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," wire [%d:0] dw /* synthesis keep */;\n",4*DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," always @(s) begin\n");
fprintf (f," d = %d'b0;\n",4*DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," d[{!s[%d],s[%d:0]}] = 1'b1;\n",SYN_BITS-1,SYN_BITS-2);
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," assign dw = d;\n\n");
fprintf (f," // Identify uncorrectable errors\n");
fprintf (f," wire fatal = (|s[%d:0]) & !s[%d] /* synthesis keep */;\n",
fprintf (f," assign e = {\n ");
for (n=DATA_BITS-1;n>=0;n--)
fprintf (f,"dw[%d]",
bit_syndrome[n] & ((1<<SYN_BITS)-1));
if (n!=0) fprintf (f,",");
if ((n%4) == 0) fprintf (f,"\n ");
fprintf (f,"};\n\n");
fprintf (f,"\nendmodule\n\n");
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// select the (uncorrected) data bits out\n");
fprintf (f,"// of the code word.\n");
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n\n");
fprintf (f,"module ecc_raw_data_%dbit (clk,rst,c,d);\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"parameter REGISTER = 0;\n");
fprintf (f,"input clk,rst;\n");
fprintf (f,"input [%d:0] c;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"output [%d:0] d;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"reg [%d:0] d;\n\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"wire [%d:0] d_int;\n\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," // pull out the pure data bits\n");
fprintf (f," assign d_int = {\n ");
for (n=DATA_BITS-1;n>=0;n--)
fprintf (f,"c[%d]",bit_syndrome[n]-1);
if (n!=0) fprintf (f,",");
if ((n%8) == 0) fprintf (f,"\n ");
fprintf (f,"};\n\n");
fprintf (f," // conditional output register\n");
fprintf (f," generate\n");
fprintf (f," if (REGISTER) begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin\n");
fprintf (f," if (rst) d <= 0;\n");
fprintf (f," else d <= d_int;\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end else begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(d_int) begin\n");
fprintf (f," d <= d_int;\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," endgenerate\n\n");
fprintf (f,"endmodule\n\n");
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// %d bit to %d bit ECC decoder\n",TOTAL_BITS,DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"//////////////////////////////////////////\n\n");
fprintf (f,"module ecc_decode_%dbit (clk,rst,c,d,no_err,err_corrected,err_fatal);\n\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"// optional pipeline registers at the halfway\n");
fprintf (f,"// point and on the outputs\n");
fprintf (f,"parameter MIDDLE_REG = 0;\n");
fprintf (f,"parameter OUTPUT_REG = 0;\n\n");
fprintf (f,"input clk,rst;\n");
fprintf (f,"input [%d:0] c;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"output [%d:0] d;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"output no_err, err_corrected, err_fatal;\n\n");
fprintf (f,"reg [%d:0] d;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"reg no_err, err_corrected, err_fatal;\n\n");
fprintf (f," // Pull the raw (uncorrected) data from the codeword\n");
fprintf (f," wire [%d:0] raw_bits;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," ecc_raw_data_%dbit raw (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.c(c),.d(raw_bits));\n\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," defparam raw .REGISTER = MIDDLE_REG;\n");
fprintf (f," // Build syndrome, which will be 0 for correct\n");
fprintf (f," // correct codewords, otherwise a pointer to the\n");
fprintf (f," // error.\n");
fprintf (f," wire [%d:0] syndrome;\n",SYN_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," ecc_syndrome_%dbit syn (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.c(c),.s(syndrome));\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," defparam syn .REGISTER = MIDDLE_REG;\n\n");
fprintf (f," // Use the the syndrome to find a correction, or 0 for no correction\n");
fprintf (f," wire [%d:0] err_flip;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," wire fatal;\n");
fprintf (f," ecc_correction_%dbit cor (.s(syndrome),.e(err_flip),.fatal(fatal));\n\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," // Classify error types and correct data as appropriate\n");
fprintf (f," // If there is a multibit error take care not to make \n");
fprintf (f," // the data worse.\n");
fprintf (f," generate\n");
fprintf (f," if (OUTPUT_REG) begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin\n");
fprintf (f," if (rst) begin\n");
fprintf (f," no_err <= 1'b0;\n");
fprintf (f," err_corrected <= 1'b0;\n");
fprintf (f," err_fatal <= 1'b0;\n");
fprintf (f," d <= 1'b0;\n");
fprintf (f," end else begin\n");
fprintf (f," no_err <= ~| syndrome;\n");
fprintf (f," err_corrected <= syndrome[%d];\n",SYN_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," err_fatal <= fatal;\n\n");
fprintf (f," d <= err_flip ^ raw_bits;\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end else begin\n");
fprintf (f," always @(*) begin\n");
fprintf (f," no_err = ~| syndrome;\n");
fprintf (f," err_corrected = syndrome[%d];\n",SYN_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," err_fatal = fatal;\n\n");
fprintf (f," d = err_flip ^ raw_bits;\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," end\n");
fprintf (f," endgenerate\n\n");
fprintf (f,"endmodule\n\n");
void dump_ecc_ram (FILE * f)
fprintf (f,"// baeckler - 07-10-2006\n");
fprintf (f,"// %d-%d ECC internal RAM\n",DATA_BITS,TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf (f,"//\n");
fprintf (f,"module soft_ecc_ram_%dbit (\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," rst,\n");
fprintf (f," address_a,\n");
fprintf (f," address_b,\n");
fprintf (f," clock_a,\n");
fprintf (f," clock_b,\n");
fprintf (f," data_a,\n");
fprintf (f," data_b,\n");
fprintf (f," wren_a,\n");
fprintf (f," wren_b,\n");
fprintf (f," q_a,\n");
fprintf (f," q_b,\n");
fprintf (f," err_a,\n");
fprintf (f," err_b\n");
fprintf (f,");\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"`include \"log2.inc\"\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"// Number of %d bit data words (stored as %d bit words internally)\n",DATA_BITS,TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf (f,"parameter NUM_WORDS = 512;\n");
fprintf (f,"localparam ADDR_WIDTH = log2(NUM_WORDS-1);\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"// For testing error detection / correction\n");
fprintf (f,"// a 1 bit indicates inversion of the corresponding code bit\n");
fprintf (f,"// on the encoded RAM output.\n");
fprintf (f,"parameter PORT_A_ERROR_INJECT = %d'b0;\n",TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf (f,"parameter PORT_B_ERROR_INJECT = %d'b0;\n",TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f," input rst;\n");
fprintf (f," input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address_a;\n");
fprintf (f," input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address_b;\n");
fprintf (f," input clock_a;\n");
fprintf (f," input clock_b;\n");
fprintf (f," input [%d:0] data_a;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," input [%d:0] data_b;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," input wren_a;\n");
fprintf (f," input wren_b;\n");
fprintf (f," output [%d:0] q_a;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," output [%d:0] q_b;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f," output [2:0] err_a;\n");
fprintf (f," output [2:0] err_b;\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// port A encoder\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"reg [%d:0] data_a_reg;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"always @(posedge clock_a or posedge rst) begin\n");
fprintf (f," if (rst) data_a_reg <= %d'b0;\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," else data_a_reg <= data_a;\n");
fprintf (f,"end\n");
fprintf (f,"wire [%d:0] data_a_code;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"ecc_encode_%dbit enc_a (.d(data_a_reg),.c(data_a_code));\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// port B encoder\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"reg [%d:0] data_b_reg;\n",DATA_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"always @(posedge clock_b or posedge rst) begin\n");
fprintf (f," if (rst) data_b_reg <= %d'b0;\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," else data_b_reg <= data_b;\n");
fprintf (f,"end\n");
fprintf (f,"wire [%d:0] data_b_code;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"ecc_encode_%dbit enc_b (.d(data_b_reg),.c(data_b_code));\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// RAM block (%d bit words)\n",TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"wire [%d:0] q_a_code;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"wire [%d:0] q_b_code;\n",TOTAL_BITS-1);
fprintf (f,"ram_block ram (\n");
fprintf (f," .aclr_a(rst),\n");
fprintf (f," .aclr_b(rst),\n");
fprintf (f," .address_a(address_a),\n");
fprintf (f," .address_b(address_b),\n");
fprintf (f," .clock_a(clock_a),\n");
fprintf (f," .clock_b(clock_b),\n");
fprintf (f," .data_a(data_a_code),\n");
fprintf (f," .data_b(data_b_code),\n");
fprintf (f," .wren_a(wren_a),\n");
fprintf (f," .wren_b(wren_b),\n");
fprintf (f," .q_a(q_a_code),\n");
fprintf (f," .q_b(q_b_code)\n");
fprintf (f,");\n");
fprintf (f,"defparam ram .NUM_WORDS = NUM_WORDS;\n");
fprintf (f,"defparam ram .DAT_WIDTH = %d;\n",TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// port A decoder\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"ecc_decode_%dbit dec_a (\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," .clk(clock_a),\n");
fprintf (f," .rst(rst),\n");
fprintf (f," .c(q_a_code ^ PORT_A_ERROR_INJECT),\n");
fprintf (f," .d(q_a),\n");
fprintf (f," .no_err(err_a[0]),\n");
fprintf (f," .err_corrected(err_a[1]),\n");
fprintf (f," .err_fatal(err_a[2]));\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"defparam dec_a .OUTPUT_REG = 1;\n");
fprintf (f,"defparam dec_a .MIDDLE_REG = 1;\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"// port B decoder\n");
fprintf (f,"///////////////////////\n");
fprintf (f,"ecc_decode_%dbit dec_b (\n",DATA_BITS);
fprintf (f," .clk(clock_b),\n");
fprintf (f," .rst(rst),\n");
fprintf (f," .c(q_b_code ^ PORT_B_ERROR_INJECT),\n");
fprintf (f," .d(q_b),\n");
fprintf (f," .no_err(err_b[0]),\n");
fprintf (f," .err_corrected(err_b[1]),\n");
fprintf (f," .err_fatal(err_b[2]));\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"defparam dec_b .OUTPUT_REG = 1;\n");
fprintf (f,"defparam dec_b .MIDDLE_REG = 1;\n");
fprintf (f,"\n");
fprintf (f,"endmodule\n");
int main (void)
char buffer [255];
FILE * f = NULL;
// build the encode and decode functions
sprintf (buffer,"ecc_matrix_%dbit.v",DATA_BITS);
f = fopen (buffer,"wt");
if (!f)
fprintf (stdout,"ERROR : Unable to write file %s\n",buffer);
return (1);
dump_ecc_coder (f);
fclose (f);
// build a soft RAM with 2 enc/dec ports
sprintf (buffer,"soft_ecc_ram_%dbit.v",DATA_BITS);
f = fopen (buffer,"wt");
if (!f)
fprintf (stdout,"ERROR : Unable to write file %s\n",buffer);
return (1);
dump_ecc_ram (f);
fclose (f);
return (0);