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synced 2025-02-04 07:12:56 +08:00
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272 lines
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// Copyright 2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents,
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// This reference design file, and your use thereof, is subject to and governed
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// This reference design file is being provided on an "as-is" basis and as an
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`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
// baeckler - 12-15-2009
// clk _|^|_|^|_|^|_|^|_|^|
// rdreq _|^^^|________
// data <old ><new
module mlab_dcfifo #
parameter LABS_WIDE = 4,
parameter SIM_DELAYS = 1'b0 // insert sim delays to emulate some clock crossing chatter
// neither domain
input arst,
// write domain
input wrclk,
input [LABS_WIDE*20-1:0] wrdata,
input wrreq,
output reg wrfull,
output reg [5:0] wrused,
// read domain
input rdclk,
output [LABS_WIDE*20-1:0] rddata,
input rdreq,
output reg rdempty,
output reg [5:0] rdused,
output parity_err
localparam RAM_ADDR_WIDTH = 5;
localparam SYNC_STAGES = 3;
wire rdarst, wrarst;
// reset distribution
reg [1:0] wrfilter = 0 /* synthesis preserve */;
always @(posedge wrclk or posedge arst) begin
if (arst) wrfilter <= 2'b00;
else wrfilter <= {wrfilter[0],1'b1};
assign wrarst = ~wrfilter[1];
reg [1:0] rdfilter = 0 /* synthesis preserve */;
always @(posedge rdclk or posedge arst) begin
if (arst) rdfilter <= 2'b00;
else rdfilter <= {rdfilter[0],1'b1};
assign rdarst = ~rdfilter[1];
// read pointers
reg [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] rdgray = 0 /* synthesis preserve */
/* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "-name SDC_STATEMENT \"set_false_path -from [get_keepers *mlab_dcfifo*rdgray\[*\]]\" " */;
reg [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] rdbin = 0 /* synthesis preserve */;
initial rdempty = 1'b1;
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] rdbin_next = rdbin + (rdreq & ~rdempty);
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] rdgray_next = (rdbin_next >> 1'b1) ^ rdbin_next;
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] sync_wrptr;
always @(posedge rdclk or posedge rdarst) begin
if (rdarst) begin
rdbin <= 0;
rdgray <= 0;
else begin
rdbin <= rdbin_next;
rdgray <= rdgray_next;
always @(posedge rdclk) begin
rdempty <= (rdgray_next == sync_wrptr);
// write pointers
reg [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrgray = 0, wrbin = 0 /* synthesis preserve */;
initial wrfull = 1'b1;
//timing modification
//wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrbin_next = wrbin + (wrreq & ~wrfull);
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrbin_plus = wrbin + 1'b1 /* synthesis keep */;
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrbin_next = (~wrfull & wrreq) ? wrbin_plus : wrbin;
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrgray_next = (wrbin_next >> 1'b1) ^ wrbin_next /* synthesis keep */;
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] sync_rdptr;
always @(posedge wrclk or posedge wrarst) begin
if (wrarst) begin
wrbin <= 0;
wrgray <= 0;
wrfull <= 1'b1;
else begin
wrbin <= wrbin_next;
wrgray <= wrgray_next;
wrfull <= (wrgray_next ==
{sync_rdptr[RAM_ADDR_WIDTH] ^ 1'b1,
sync_rdptr[RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1] ^ 1'b1,
// domain synchronizers
// stall the write a little more to give it time to settle in the RAM
// before reporting over to the read side
reg [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrgray_rr;
reg [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrgray_r /* synthesis preserve */
/* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "-name SDC_STATEMENT \"set_false_path -from [get_keepers *mlab_dcfifo*wrgray_r\[*\]]\" " */;
always @(posedge wrclk or posedge wrarst) begin
if (wrarst) begin
wrgray_r <= 0;
wrgray_rr <= 0;
else begin
wrgray_rr <= wrgray;
wrgray_r <= wrgray_rr;
// stall the pointers randomly for faux domain crossing chatter
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] wrgray_r_late, rdgray_late;
generate if (SIM_DELAYS) begin
random_delay rd0 (
defparam rd0 .D_INCREMENT = 2; // stall by 0..7 increments
defparam rd0 .WIDTH = RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1;
random_delay rd1 (
defparam rd1 .D_INCREMENT = 20;
defparam rd1 .WIDTH = RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1;
else begin
assign wrgray_r_late = wrgray_r;
assign rdgray_late = rdgray;
reg [SYNC_STAGES * (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1)-1:0] syn0 = 0 /* synthesis preserve */;
always @(posedge wrclk or posedge wrarst) begin
if (wrarst) syn0 <= 0;
else syn0 <= {syn0[(SYNC_STAGES-1) * (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1)-1:0], rdgray};
reg [SYNC_STAGES * (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1)-1:0] syn1 = 0 /* synthesis preserve */;
always @(posedge rdclk or posedge rdarst) begin
if (rdarst) syn1 <= 0;
else syn1 <= {syn1[(SYNC_STAGES-1) * (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1)-1:0], wrgray_r};
assign sync_rdptr = syn0[SYNC_STAGES * (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1)-1 :
assign sync_wrptr = syn1[SYNC_STAGES * (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH+1)-1 :
// storage array
wire [LABS_WIDE-1:0] pein, peout;
assign {parity_err,pein} = {peout,1'b0};
reg wer = 1'b0;
//always @(posedge wrclk or posedge wrarst) begin
// if (wrarst) wer <= 1'b0;
// else wer <= wrreq & !wrfull;
always @(*) begin
wer = wrreq & !wrfull;
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<LABS_WIDE; i=i+1) begin : st
mlab_fifo_cells mc (
// used words
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] sync_rdptr_bin_w;
reg [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] sync_rdptr_bin;
gray_to_bin gb (.gray(sync_rdptr),.bin(sync_rdptr_bin_w));
defparam gb .WIDTH = RAM_ADDR_WIDTH + 1'b1;
always @(posedge wrclk or posedge wrarst) begin
if (wrarst) begin
wrused <= 0;
sync_rdptr_bin <= 0;
else begin
sync_rdptr_bin <= sync_rdptr_bin_w;
wrused <= wrbin - sync_rdptr_bin;
wire [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] sync_wrptr_bin_w;
reg [RAM_ADDR_WIDTH:0] sync_wrptr_bin;
gray_to_bin gb2 (.gray(sync_wrptr),.bin(sync_wrptr_bin_w));
defparam gb2 .WIDTH = RAM_ADDR_WIDTH + 1'b1;
always @(posedge rdclk or posedge rdarst) begin
if (rdarst) begin
rdused <= 0;
sync_wrptr_bin <= 0;
else begin
sync_wrptr_bin <= sync_wrptr_bin_w;
rdused <= sync_wrptr_bin - rdbin;