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KCPSM6 : PicoBlaze for Spartan-6, Virtex-6, 7-Series, Zynq and UltraScale Devices
Release 9.
Ken Chapman - Xilinx Ltd - 30th September 2014
Thank you for opening the 'READ_ME_FIRST' file. Don't worry, you really don't have to read all
of this file before you get started but please do review just this section to understand what
is being made available to you. I really hope you will have fun using PicoBlaze and I think you
will as long as you set off in the right direction from the outset.
Welcome to KCPSM6, the PicoBlaze optimised for Spartan-6, Virtex-6, 7-Series, Zynq and
UltraScale devices. Whether this is your first experience of PicoBlaze or you have experience of
the previous versions I hope you will find KCPSM6 useful, and most of all, fun! This package
also contains optimised UART macros (and PicoTerm) which are ideal for use with PicoBlaze
especially as so many boards provide a USB/UART interface. Several reference designs are
included in which KCPSM6 implements simple applications involving UART, I2C, SPI and XADC.
Although KCPSM6 is not difficult to use, it is highly recommended that you take some time to
look at the documentation. Before you do that, we must consider which Xilinx design tools you
will be using to target which device. As you can see from the table below, you don't always have
a choice, and certainly, only Vivado will support devices released in the future.
Device ISE (14.7) Vivado (2014.2)
Spartan-6 Yes No
Virtex-6 Yes No
Artix 35/50/75 No Yes
Artix 100/200 Yes Yes
Kintex Yes Yes
Virtex Yes Yes
Zynq Yes Yes
UltraScale No Yes
The KCPSM6 macro is provided in the form of a VHDL or Verilog file. Although you will at some
point assemble a PSM program for PicoBlaze to execute, the assembler also generates a single
VHDL or Verilog file defining a memory holding your program. As such if you can implement a
standard HDL design using ISE or Vivado then there is really very little more for you to learn.
In fact, most competent hardware engineers report being able to implement their first design in
less than 2 hours and feeling quite proficient and productive by the end of one day.
However, it is also recognised that a large number of people using PicoBlaze for the first
time also have a tendency to be new to the world of FPGA and hardware design. Whilst it is not
possible or intended for PicoBlaze and this package to be a replacement for all the official
Xilinx documentation and customer education training materials, it is hoped that there is enough
information presented in this package to at least get anyone started and able to implement their
first small but working design that contains PicoBlaze.
If you will be using the ISE design tools then...
Open 'KCPSM6_User_Guide_30Sept14.pdf' and the first 30 pages will introduce you to
KCPSM6 and take you step by step through the creation of a working PicoBlaze design.
Once you have done this you will know most of what there is to know about the PicoBlaze
design flow and the rest of the document provides you with a manual for you to refer to
as you interactively work with PicoBlaze when implementing your own real designs.
This document does assume that you have a fundamental grasp of HDL design and have used
ISE before. If you have not, then it is strongly recommended that you first implement a
very simple design using ISE. For example, a design that simply connects some switches
to some LEDs would be enough to prepare you to use PicoBlaze for the first time. Ideally,
you will have a board that you can download your first design to and see that it works.
Alternatively, you may choose to directly use one of the reference designs provided in
this package as your starting point (i.e. known good VHDL or Verilog code).
When this package was released, ISE was version 14.7 and ideally you will be using that
version or later. As you will learn when following the documentation, the assembler needs
a 'ROM_form' template and your default starting template should be a copy of 'ROM_form.vhd'
provided in the root directory of the package or 'ROM_form.vhd' contained in the 'Verilog'
directory. In both cases these are renamed copies of 'ROM_form_JTAGLoader_14March13.vhd'
and 'ROM_form_JTAGLoader_14March13.v' respectively. If for some reason you are using ISE
version 12.x or older then please see 'Known_Issues_and_Workarounds.txt' as you will need
to use a different 'ROM_form' template to be compatible with the older version of the tools.
If you will be using the Vivado design tools then...
The first 30 pages of 'KCPSM6_User_Guide_30Sept14.pdf' introduce you to KCPSM6 and take
you through the creation of a PicoBlaze design. Do take a look at these pages to gain an
appreciation of the PicoBlaze design flow and how to insert and connect KCPSM6 to other
logic but generally ignore anything specifically to do with the ISE tools because you are
using Vivado! The rest of this document provides you with a manual for you to refer to
as you interactively work with PicoBlaze when implementing your own real designs.
Vivado is a relatively new tool and even engineers with years of ISE experience may be
faced with using it for the first time. 'PicoBlaze_Design_in_Vivado' is a supplementary
document that takes one of the reference designs provided in this package and shows you,
step by step, how to create a Vivado project and a way in which you can create and
implement a design containing PicoBlaze. The first page of this document will lead you
to the relevant material depending on your current familiarity with Vivado and PicoBlaze.
When this package was released, Vivado was version 2014.x and ideally you will need to be
using a 2014.x version or later. As you will learn when following the documentation, the
assembler needs a 'ROM_form' template and your default starting template should be renamed
copy of 'ROM_form_JTAGLoader_Vivado_2June14.vhd' or 'ROM_form_JTAGLoader_Vivado_2June14.v'.
Regardless of the design tools you are using, this package also includes the following documents.
Please don't feel that you need to read everything before you start (that wouldn't be fun!), but
do take a look at them when you feel like learning a bit more or feel that you may have an issue.
Page 52 of 'KCPSM6_User_Guide_30Sept14.pdf' provides a summary of the KCPSM6 Assembler syntax
and pages 53 to 101 show you all the instructions often with snippets of PSM code as examples.
'all_kcpsm6_syntax.psm' is NOT a real program but it does contain valid examples of all PSM
syntax (i.e. it can be assembled). DO LOOK AT THIS file because it provides comprehensive
descriptions of the syntax rules and full details and examples of the assembler directives.
An understanding of the most basic syntax is adequate for most users and applications. However,
there are some quite interesting possibilities that should appeal to anyone that wants to
achieve more with PicoBlaze just have more fun with it!
Ideally you won't encounter any issues, but if you do, please check this one out
and hopefully it will explain what to do.
This document is provided in the 'UART_and_PicoTerm' directory and describes the optimised
UART macros that can be useful in PicoBlaze designs and used in various reference designs.
More designs together with their own documentation can be found in the 'Reference Designs'
A terminal application called 'PicoTerm' with some rather special, and hopefully fun, features
is also provided in the 'UART_and_PicoTerm' directory.
The main documentation should have adequately described how to run the assembler to generate
VHDL, Verliog and HEX file from your PSM code. If you are someone that likes to write batch
files to automate the design flow or you just like to know all the details then this document
is for you.
The remainder of this 'READ_ME_FIRST.txt' file contains the following sections.
- Principle Features of KCPSM6
- System Requirements
- Package Contents
- Changes and Additions in each release.
- Other Useful Stuff?
- Known Limitations
In most cases PicoBlaze design is easy so go and start having fun. Use the rest of this document
for clues should you wonder what something is or need to check the details about package contents
of requirements.
Principle Features of KCPSM6
- Only 26 Slices plus program memory (BRAM).
- 100% embedded solution.
- 8-bit data.
- Performance 52 MIPS to 120 MIPs depending on device family and clock rate.
- Programs up to 4K instructions.
- 32 General Purpose Registers arranged in 2 banks of 16 Registers.
- 256 General Purpose Input Ports.
- 256 General Purpose Output Ports.
- 16 Constant-Optimised Output Ports.
- 64-bytes of scratch pad memory expandable to 128 and 256-bytes (additional 2 and 6 Slices).
- Fully automatic CALL/RETURN stack supporting nested subroutines to 30 levels.
- Interrupt with user definable interrupt vector and maximum response time of 4 clock cycles.
- Power saving features including 'sleep' mode.
- Superset of KCPSM3 with high degree of code compatibility.
- Supplied with optimum UART macros with integral FIFO buffers (only 5 Slices each).
- Reference designs including UART, I2C and SPI communication, control and transactions.
System Requirements
KCPSM6 is optimised for Spartan-6, Virtex-6 and 7-Series devices. It also maps well to
UltraScale devices but it can NOT be used with previous generations of device including
Spartan-3 Generation and Virtex-5.
JTAG Loader requires a Platform Cable USB or Digilent equivalent JTAG programming solution.
Note that equivalent circuits are often included on development boards and evaluation kits
rather than as a separate 'pod'.
Xilinx Design Tools
ISE - v13.x or later (ideally v14.7).
Please see the 'Known_Issues_and_Workarounds.txt' file if using ISE 12.x.
Vivado 2014.x or later
Note that JTAG Loader also requires ISE to be installed.
KCPSM6 Assembler
Windows operating system for KCPSM6 Assembler and JTAG Loader utility.
Users have reported that the KCPSM6 Assembler has worked well with both 32-Bit and 64-bit
versions of both Windows-XP and Win-7 environments. It has also been successfully used with
Wine within a 64-bit Linux environment.
JTAG Loader Utility
JTAG Loader makes use of various drivers associated with ChipScope and forming part of an
installation of the ISE tools. Therefore you must have ISE installed (even if using Vivado) and
the 'PATH' and 'XILINX' environment variables must be set appropriately so that JTAG Loader can
locate and use the files that it requires. Below are typical examples of the environment
variables required when using ISE v14.7. It is possible that they have already been set at the
system level but check that they accurately reflect your installation.
PATH = C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\lib\nt; (for 32-bit operating systems)
PATH = C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\lib\nt64; (for 64-bit operating systems)
XILINX = C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE
As shown on page 25 of 'KCPSM6_User_Guide_30Sept14.pdf' the 'ISE Design Suite Command Prompt'
can be used or you can manually invoke the 'settings32.bat' or 'settings64.bat' provided in
C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS (or equivalent depending on version of ISE) once a command window has been
It is often easier and more convenient to permanently define your PATH and XILINX environment
variables at the system level or to write batch files that temporarily set them before running
JTAG Loader to load a specified program into the memory.
To permanently set 'System Properties'....
Windows XP...
Right click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties'.
Go to the 'Advanced' tab and choose 'Environment Variables'.
Use 'New' or 'Edit' as necessary.
Windows 7...
Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts
Change my environment variables
Use 'New' or 'Edit' under 'User variables for <username>' as necessary.
An example batch file (.bat)...
REM Setting environment variables to define location of ISE v14.7
set XILINX=C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE
REM Upload program HEX using JTAG Loader
JTAG_Loader_Win7_64.exe -l my_program.hex
JTAG Loader must also be able to access some system level DLL files. In the case of a Windows-XP
environment then it is normal for the PATH to contain 'C:\WINDOWS\system32;' or similar. So if
you receive a system error indicating that 'PCMSVCR100.dll' is missing or could not be found then
add the appropriate definition to your PATH. When using a Windows-7 environment it is more likely
that 'MSVCR100.dll' will become the subject of a system error message. 'MSVCR100.dll' is not part
of a default Windows-7 installation but is a often present as a result of a Microsoft Visual C++
application. If you do encounter this issue then the quickest solution is to place a copy of
'msvcr100.dll' provided in the 'JTAG_Loader' directory of this package in to the same directory
as the JTAG Loader executable you are invoking.
Package Contents
READ_ME_FIRST.txt - This file!
KCPSM6_User_Guide_30Sept14.pdf - The main KCPSM6 User Guide document.
Reference_Design_License.pdf - Copy of the Reference Design License Agreement under
which KCPSM6 and the UART macros are released.
PicoBlaze_Design_in_Vivado.pdf - Supplementary guide for Vivado users including the step by
step implementation of one of the reference designs.
Known_Issues_and_Workarounds.txt - List of issues that you may encounter when using KCPSM6.
Please check this file before asking for technical support.
kcpsm6_assembler_readme.txt - Supplementary information related specifically to the KCPSM6
assembler. Describes in detail the options and features when
invoking the assembler from batch files or using the 'drag
and drop' technique.
all_kcpsm6_syntax.psm - Examples and detailed descriptions of all PSM syntax
supported by the KCPSM6 assembler.
kcpsm6.vhd - The KCPSM6 Processor v1.3.
kcpsm6.exe - The KCPSM6 Assembler for Windows v2.70.
ROM_form.vhd - Default program memory template for use during development
when using the ISE tools. Please see 'ROM_form_templates'
below especially when using Vivado (e.g. for UltraScale).
kcpsm6_design_template.vhd - Collection of VHDL reference code for KCPSM6 designs.
JTAG_Loader - A sub-directory containing JTAG Loader executable files.
Select the executable file corresponding with your operating
system. Please note that for simplicity, the documentation
(e.g. pages 25-29 of 'KCPSM6_User_Guide_29March12.pdf') assume
that the selected executable has been renamed 'jtagloader',
but you can retain the original file name if you prefer.
JTAG_Loader_WinXP_32.exe - Windows-XP 32-Bit.
JTAG_Loader_WinXP_64.exe - Windows-XP 64-Bit.
JTAG_Loader_Win7_32.exe - Windows-7 32-Bit.
JTAG_Loader_Win7_64.exe - Windows-7 64-Bit.
JTAG_Loader_RH_32 - Linux 32-Bit.
JTAG_Loader_RH_64 - Linux 64-Bit.
msvcr100.dll - This DLL is required by JTAG Loader when using
Windows-7 (see 'Requirements' section below).
ROM_form_templates - A sub-directory containing a copy of the default templates and
optional 'production' templates. Their use is described in
the user guide (see pages 47 and 123) and in assembler
supplement 'kcpsm6_assembler_readme.txt'. Each template file
also includes a description. Note that the Verilog equivalent
of most files is provided in the 'verilog' directory.
ROM_form_JTAGLoader_14March13.vhd - Development template for ISE users only.
Note that the default 'ROM_form.vhd'
template is a renamed copy of this file.
ROM_form_JTAGLoader_3Mar11.vhd - Development template for ISE 12.x users only.
ROM_form_JTAGLoader_Vivado_2June14.vhd - Development template for Vivado users
(UltraScale devices are supported).
ROM_form_S6_1K_5Aug11.vhd - Spartan-6 1K (1 BRAM)
ROM_form_S6_2K_5Aug11.vhd - Spartan-6 2K (2 BRAM)
ROM_form_S6_4K_23Nov12.vhd - Spartan-6 4K (4 BRAM)
ROM_form_V6_1K_14March13.vhd - Virtex-6 1K (0.5 BRAM)
ROM_form_V6_2K_14March13.vhd - Virtex-6 2K (1 BRAM)
ROM_form_V6_4K_14March13.vhd - Virtex-6 4K (2 BRAM)
ROM_form_7S_1K_14March13.vhd - 7-Series 1K (0.5 BRAM)
ROM_form_7S_2K_14March13.vhd - 7-Series 2K (1 BRAM)
ROM_form_7S_4K_14March13.vhd - 7-Series 4K (2 BRAM)
ROM_form_256_5Aug11.vhd - Spartan-6, Virtex-6 and 7-Series
256 instructions (18 Slices)
ROM_form_128_14March13.vhd - Spartan-6, Virtex-6 and 7-Series
128 instructions (9 Slices)
ROM_form_7S_2K_with_error_detection_14March13.vhd - 7-Series 2K (1 BRAM) with
error detection circuit (see User Guide page 118)
ROM_form_7S_1K5_with_ecc_5Dec13.vhd - 7-Series 1.5K (1 BRAM) with error
detection and ECC correction (see User Guide page 119)
verilog - A sub-directory containing the Verilog equivalent of the
VHDL files to be used in exactly the same way in a design.
UART_and_PicoTerm - A sub-directory containing the Ultra-Compact UART macros
together with documentation (readme and PDF), reference designs
and a terminal application (PicoTerm) that is ideally suited
for use with PicoBlaze based designs.
PicoTerm.exe - PicoTerm v1.97
ML605_design - Reference design presented on ML605 board.
Simple interaction with any terminal.
KC705_design - Reference design presented on KC705 board.
KCPSM6 calculates values to set BAUD rate and
software delays to correspond with clock frequency.
ATLYS_design - Reference design presented on ATLYS board.
This design also illustrates PicoTerm features.
Reference_Designs - A sub-directory containing more reference designs that build
on the UART designs listed above and illustrate some typical
KCPSM6 applications. Each design is provided with its own
documentation and source code containing detailed comments.
Presented on the KC705 Kintex-7 Board this design shows
how KCPSM6 can implement I2C communication. In this example,
KCPSM6 is used to control an I2C Bus Switch (PCA9548) in order
to access the M24C08 EEPROM on the KC705 board. The design can
be used to read and modify any location in the EEPROM.
Presented on the KC705 Kintex-7 Board this design shows
how KCPSM6 can implement SPI communication. In this example,
KCPSM6 is used to access the N25Q128 Flash memory whose primary
purpose is holding a configuration image for the Kintex device.
Hence this design can be used to observe a configuration image
as well as erase sectors and write any location.
Presented on the KC705 Kintex-7 Board this design shows
KCPSM6 interfaced to XADC, reading and displaying various
analogue values including a simple plot of die temperature
over time on the PicoTerm Graphic Display
Presented on the KC705 Kintex-7 Board this design shows
KCPSM6 interfaced to ICAPE2, FRAME_ECCE2 and a BRAM memory.
This design will have particular appeal to anyone interested
in SEU, error detection and correction and the SEM IP core.
ICAPE2 can be used for other applications such as MultiBoot
control so the fundamental communication presented will be
useful for anyone needing to use ICAPE2. The connection of
a BRAM for additional data storage as well as a simple line
editor may have wider appeal to all PicoBlaze users.
Additional documentation for the XAPP555 reference design.
This design includes the following KCPSM6 items of interest.
Presented on the VC707 Evaluation Kit
Reading DEVICE_DNA (in this case to extract 'VID')
PMBus control and monitoring of TI Power Controllers
Control of Si570 Programmable Oscillator (I2C and algorithms)
UART macros and communication with user terminal
Internal chain of 1,000 PicoBlaze for control and monitoring!
Measure the power consumption of a PicoBlaze
Miscellaneous - A sub-directory for miscellaneous files
described in 'Known Issues' where appropriate.
Changes and Additions in each release
Release 1 (30 September 2010)
Initial public release.
Release 2 (31 March 2011)
Correction to logic used to calculate parity (CARRY flag) during a TEST instruction.
The specific conditions under which v1.0 would generate an incorrect result were:-
TEST instruction (not TESTCY).
The least significant 2 bits of the logical AND register had to be "01".
The carry flag had to be set before the TEST instruction was executed.
The most likely coding style in which the defect in v1.0 would be observed would be...
TEST s4, 01
JUMP C, bit0_was_set
Even the above code works in v1.0 if the CARRY flag was clear before the TEST instruction.
Fortunately the most common coding style uses the ZERO flag which works correctly so
the alternative code shown below would work perfectly in v1.0 as well...
TEST s4, 01
JUMP NZ, bit0_was_set
Additions to ROM_form templates.
Mainly additions including support of 7-Series devices but some minor corrections too.
Please see 'kcpsm6_assembler_readme.txt' for additions.
User Guide
General additions and corrections.
Verilog equivalent of all VHDL files is now provided.
64-bit version of JTAG_Loader provided in addition to standard version. Physical size of
executable files now much smaller (19KB compared with 468KB).
Release 3 (30 September 2011)
Adjustments to ROM_form templates to be compatible with with ISE 13.x.
ROM_form templates to support 7-Series devices.
Please see 'kcpsm6_assembler_readme.txt' for additions.
User Guide
General additions and corrections.
Optimised UART6 macros provided with reference design and documentation.
Release 4 (30 April 2012)
JTAG Loader
Support for Linux operating system.
Support for Digilent JTAG Programming solution.
Support for spaces in the names of directories in PATH specifications.
Addition of an 'INCLUDE' directive.
Support for spaces in the names of directories in PATH specifications.
Enhancements to LOG file contents.
Generation of a 'session log' file.
Please see user guide, 'kcpsm6_assembler_readme.txt' and 'all_kcpsm6_syntax.psm' for details.
Verilog version of the reference design to complement the existing VHDL version.
PSM reference code provides an example of the new INCLUDE directive and is more portable .
PicoTerm v1.03 is provided as a simple terminal ideal for use with PicoBlaze designs.
General additions, enhancements and corrections to all documentation.
Release 5 (30 September 2012)
Enhancements to LOG file contents including instruction and memory usage statistics.
Ability to specify an environment variable in a CONSTANT, STRING or TABLE directive
which in turn provides the value, string or data list. Please see description in
'all_kcpsm6_syntax.psm' for details.
Support for 'ROM_form_7S_2K_with_error_detection_9Aug12.vhd' (see 'Documentation' below).
Examples of 'HWBUILD' instruction added to 'all_kcpsm6_syntax.psm'.
An additional reference design presented on the ATLYS Spartan-6 Design Platform
and exploiting new special features provided in PicoTerm (Hint: Reusable code).
PicoTerm v1.30 includes a Virtual 7-Segment Display, Virtual LEDs and other features
as well as provided the simple terminal ideal for use with PicoBlaze designs.
JTAG Loader
New command line option (-i) can be used to modify the BSCAN 'USER' number.
Please see 'JTAG Loader and BSCAN Users' in the 'Known Issues' section below.
A detailed study and discussion concerning KCPSM6 reliability (see pages 106-118 of
'KCPSM6_User_Guide_29March12.pdf'). In addition to the documentation an error detection
scheme has been provided for a 2K program memory in 7-Series devices for those seeking
the very highest levels of design reliability.
General additions, enhancements and corrections to all documentation.
Release 6 (29 March 2013)
Enhancements to LOG file and messages relating to PSM syntax.
Pre-defined constants for ASCII control characters
4K program memory supported in Spartan-6.
128 instruction program memory in 9 Slices for Spartan-6, Virtex-6 and 7-Series.
Improved implementation of 'ROM_form_7S_2K_with_error_detection'.
Unused address inputs on Virtex-6 and 7-Series BRAMs within the 'ROM_form' templates have
been connected High to reflect descriptions in UG363 and UG473 (no functional change).
UART and PicoTerm
PicoTerm v1.72 includes Virtual Switches and a simple Graphic Display.
ATLYS Spartan-6 reference design modified to include PicoTerm Virtual Switches.
Reference Designs
Three new reference designs are presented on the Kintex-7 KC705 board. All build upon the
UART reference designs to show how KCPSM6 can implement...
a) I2C signalling and transactions (I2C Multiplexer control and EEPROM access).
b) SPI signalling and transactions (access Flash memory shared with configuration).
c) an XADC interface and analogue sample value conversions (includes a simple plot of die
temperature over time in the PicoTerm Graphic window).
The source code provided with all designs contains comprehensive descriptions and there is
a supporting PDF document providing an overview, images and schematics.
General additions, enhancements and corrections to all documentation.
Release 7 (30 September 2013)
Addition of a 'DEFAULT_JUMP' directive for very high reliability applications.
Correction to handling of TABLEs containing only one item.
UART and PicoTerm
PicoTerm v1.94
Addition of several new DCS commands (see 'PicoTerm_README.txt' for full details)...
'L' and 'l' to open and close a log file.
'R' and 'r' to read files.
'N' to generate and return random numbers.
'p' to return the version of PicoTerm.
Support display of British Pound symbol (<28> = A3 hex).
Improved response to mouse clicks when using the Virtual Switches.
Reference Designs & Documentation
General additions, enhancements and corrections.
Release 8 - 31 March 2014
ECC Protected BRAM (1.5K instructions in a 7-Series BRAM).
Enhanced documentation relating to the use of KCPSM6 in high reliability application<6F>s.
LOG file reports contents of unused locations (zero or 'DEFAULT_JUMP' address).
Reference Designs & Documentation
Additions and enhancements to reliability sections (ECC protected program ROM etc).
Supplemental documentation for the XAPP555 reference design.
New in this release (Release 9 - 30 September 2014)
Known issues placed into a separate file called 'Known_Issues_and_Workarounds.txt'.
New document 'PicoBlaze_Design_in_Vivado.pdf' for users of Vivado.
Modified description of 'STAR' instruction.
General additions and corrections.
Simulation model added for 'STAR sX, kk' instuction (no logical changes to implementation).
Support for the 'STAR sX, kk' instuction.
'ROM_form' templates for use with Vivado (including UltraScale device support).
UART and PicoTerm
'uart6_kc705' reference design provided for the KC705 board and demonstrating a scheme in
which KCPSM6 defines the BAUD rate and software delay loops to reflect the clock frequency.
PicoTerm v1.97
Addition of '-w' command line option to open and write to a log file when opened.
DCS Transaction Window reports opening an closing of log files when DCS commands are used.
'BAUD_rate_counter_calculator.xlsx' spread sheet provided to aid the setting of BAUD rate.
Reference Designs
ICAPE2 design and documentation including Readback CRC monitor and RAM buffer.
Other Useful Stuff?
These links are provided as they may be of interest to KCPSM6 users. Thank you to the people that
have created these tools and have made them available to the PicoBlaze user community.
Please note that these links in no way represent a recommendation of any particular tool or
imply their availability (now or in the future). Should you choose to investigate or work further
with any of these tools then you must evaluate the quality of the offering and you must then
interact with the third party developer of that tool (Xilinx cannot provide support for third
party tools).
Mediatronix Tools
pBlazASM is an assembler for PicoBlaze.
pBlazMRG merges code into a VHDL or Verilog template file.
pBlazSIM simulates a KCPSM6.
pBlazDIS can disassemble MEM files and clips from XDL and NDF files.
pBlazBIT can patch Spartan-6 bitstream files directly with MEM and SCR file contents.
FIDEx is an integrated assembler development environment (IDE) for soft-core processors and
works on Linux and Windows platforms.
Opbasm is a free cross-platform assembler for KCPSM3 and KCPSM6. It will run readily on any
platform with a functional Python intepreter. Opbasm provides a solution to assembling PicoBlaze
code without resorting to DOS or Windows emulation to run the native KCPSM assemblers.
PicoBlaze C Compiler Toolchain 2.1
Optimizing C Compiler and an ELF-Based Toolchain for the PicoBlaze Processor
Known Limitations
There are some issues associated with the use of DATA2MEM contained in ISE 12.x and later that
prevent its use in modifying a KCPSM6 program contained in block memory within Spartan-6 and
Virtex-6 devices. It is unlikely that this issue will be fixed but a workaround may yet be
possible to implement. Whenever possible, use JTAG Loader which has the advantage of being much
faster anyway. If you have a requirement to modify more than one KCPSM6 program in the same
design then please contact us to discuss how this may be achieved using JTAG Loader.
DATA2MEM in ISE 14.5 has been used to successfully to modify the contents of a 2K program in a
Kintex-7 device. At this time the procedure is manual and needs to be better documented. Please
contact the author of PicoBlaze if you require early access to this information.
End of file 'READ_ME_FIRST.txt'