mirror of https://github.com/pConst/basic_verilog.git synced 2025-01-28 07:02:55 +08:00

Updated cdc_strobe. Used gray counter under the hood

This commit is contained in:
Konstantin Pavlov 2021-09-11 11:04:43 +03:00
parent 261e0565cf
commit 0e19b10433
2 changed files with 216 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -1,94 +1,105 @@
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cdc_strobe.sv // cdc_strobe.sv
// Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clock crossing setup for single-pulse strobes // Clock crossing setup for single-pulse strobes
// CDC stands for "clock data crossing" // Strobes could trigger transfers of almost-static data between clock doamins
// //
// This is a simplest form of strobe CDC circuit. Good enough for rare single // - Maximum input strobe rate is every second clk1 clock cycle
// strobe events. This module does NOT support close-standing strobes,
// placed in adjacent lock cycles
// //
// Don`t forget to write false_path constraints for all your synchronizers // - Input strobe may span several clock cycles, but it will be considered one
// The best way to do it - is to mark all synchonizer delay.sv instances // event and only one single-cycle strobe will be generated to the output
// with "_SYNC_ATTR" suffix. After that, just one constraint is required: //
// - When clk2 is essentially less than clk1 it is possible that strb2 will
// remain HIGH for several consecutive clk2 cycles. On the output every
// HIGH cycle should be considered as a separate strobe event
// - When clk2 is essentially less than clk1 - output strobes could even
// "overlap" or miss. In this case, please restrict input strobe event rate
// - cdc_strobe module features a 2 clock cycles propagation delay
// False_path constraint is required from all nodes with "_FP_ATTR" suffix
// //
// For Quartus: // For Quartus:
// set_false_path -to [get_registers {*delay:*_SYNC_ATTR*|data[1]*}] // set_false_path -from [get_registers {*_FP_ATTR*}]
// //
// For Vivado: // For Vivado:
// set_false_path -to [get_cells -hier -filter {NAME =~ *_SYNC_ATTR/data_reg[1]*}] // set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {NAME =~ *_FP_ATTR*}]
// //
cdc_strobe CS [7:0] ( cdc_strobe_v2 cdc_wr_req (
.clk1_i( {8{clk1}} ), .arst( 1'b0 ),
.nrst1_i( {8{1'b1}} ),
.strb1_i( input_strobes[7:0] ),
.clk2_i( {8{clk2}} ), .clk1( clk1 ),
.strb2_o( output_strobes[7:0] ) .nrst1( 1'b1 ),
.strb1( wr_req_clk1 ),
.clk2( {8{clk2}} ),
.nrst2( 1'b1 ),
.strb2( wr_req_clk2 )
); );
module cdc_strobe #( parameter module cdc_strobe (
PRE_STRETCH( 2 ) // number of cycles to stretch input strobe input arst, // async reset
input clk1_i, // clock domain 1 clock
input nrst1_i, // clock domain 1 reset (inversed)
input strb1_i, // clock domain 1 strobe
input clk2_i, // clock domain 2 clock input clk1, // clock domain 1 clock
output strb2_o // clock domain 2 strobe input nrst1, // clock domain 1 reset (inversed)
input strb1, // clock domain 1 strobe
input clk2, // clock domain 2 clock
input nrst2, // clock domain 2 reset (inversed)
output strb2 // clock domain 2 strobe
); );
// This signal should be at_least(!!!) one clk2_i period long // buffering strb1
// Preliminary stretching is usually nessesary, unless you are crossing logic strb1_b = 1'b0;
// to essentialy high-frequency clock clk2_i, that is > 2*clk1_i always @(posedge clk1 or posedge arst) begin
logic strb1_stretched; if( arst || ~nrst1 ) begin
strb1_b <= '0;
end else begin
strb1_b <= strb1;
pulse_stretch #( // strb1 edge detector
.WIDTH( PRE_STRETCH ), // prevents secondary strobe generation in case strb1 is not one-cycle-high
.USE_CNTR( 0 ) logic strb1_ed;
) stretch_strb1 ( assign strb1_ed = (~strb1_b && strb1) && ~arst;
.clk( clk1_i ),
.nrst( nrst1_i ),
.in( strb1_i ),
.out( strb1_stretched )
// This is a synchronized signal in clk2_i clock domain,
// but no guarantee, that it is one-cycle-high
logic strb2_stretched;
delay #( // 2 bit gray counter, it must NEVER be reset
.LENGTH( 2 ), logic [1:0] gc_FP_ATTR = '0;
.WIDTH( 1 ), always @(posedge clk1) begin
.TYPE( "CELLS" ), if( strb1_ed ) begin
.REGISTER_OUTPUTS( "FALSE" ) gc_FP_ATTR[1:0] <= {gc_FP_ATTR[0],~gc_FP_ATTR[1]}; // incrementing counter
) delay_strb1_SYNC_ATTR ( end
.clk( clk2_i ), end
.nrst( 1'b1 ),
.ena( 1'b1 ),
.in( strb1_stretched ), // buffering counter value on clk2
.out( strb2_stretched ) // gray counter does not need a synchronizer
); logic [1:0][1:0] gc_b = '0;
always @(posedge clk2 or posedge arst) begin
if( arst || ~nrst2 ) begin
gc_b[1:0] <= {2{gc_FP_ATTR[1:0]}};
end else begin
gc_b[1:0] <= {gc_b[0],gc_FP_ATTR[1:0]}; // shifting left
// gray_bit_b edge detector
assign strb2 = (gc_b[1][1:0] != gc_b[0][1:0] ) && ~arst;
edge_detect ed_strb2 (
.clk( clk2_i ),
.nrst( 1'b1 ),
.in( strb2_stretched ),
.rising( strb2_o ), // and now the signal is definitely one-cycle-high
.falling( ),
.both( )
endmodule endmodule

cdc_strobe_tb.sv Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// moving_average_tb.sv
// Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com
// INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// testbench for cdc_strobe.sv module
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module cdc_strobe_tb();
logic clk200;
initial begin
#0 clk200 = 1'b0;
#2.5 clk200 = ~clk200;
// external device "asynchronous" clock
logic clk33a;
initial begin
#0 clk33a = 1'b0;
#7 clk33a = ~clk33a;
logic clk33;
//assign clk33 = clk33a;
always @(*) begin
clk33 = #($urandom_range(0, 2000)*1ps) clk33a;
logic rst;
initial begin
#0 rst = 1'b0;
#10.2 rst = 1'b1;
#5 rst = 1'b0;
forever begin
#9985 rst = ~rst;
#5 rst = ~rst;
logic nrst;
assign nrst = ~rst;
logic rst_once;
initial begin
#0 rst_once = 1'b0;
#10.2 rst_once = 1'b1;
#5 rst_once = 1'b0;
logic nrst_once;
assign nrst_once = ~rst_once;
logic [31:0] DerivedClocks;
clk_divider #(
.WIDTH( 32 )
) cd1 (
.clk( clk200 ),
.nrst( nrst_once ),
.ena( 1'b1 ),
.out( DerivedClocks[31:0] )
logic [31:0] E_DerivedClocks;
edge_detect ed1[31:0] (
.clk( {32{clk200}} ),
.nrst( {32{nrst_once}} ),
.in( DerivedClocks[31:0] ),
.rising( E_DerivedClocks[31:0] ),
.falling( ),
.both( )
logic [15:0] RandomNumber1;
c_rand rng1 (
.out( RandomNumber1[15:0] )
logic start;
initial begin
#0 start = 1'b0;
#100 start = 1'b1;
#20 start = 1'b0;
// Module under test ==========================================================
logic strb1s;
assign strb1s = |RandomNumber1[2:1];
/*logic strb1s = 1'b0;
always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin
strb1s <= ~strb1s;
logic strb1;
edge_detect ed_strb1 (
.clk( clk200 ),
.nrst( nrst_once ),
.in( strb1s ),
.rising( strb1 ),
.falling( ),
.both( )
logic strb2;
cdc_strobe M (
.arst( 1'b0 ),
.clk1( clk200 ),
.nrst1( nrst_once ),
.strb1( strb1 ),
.clk2( clk33 ),
.nrst2( 1'b1 ),
.strb2( strb2 )
logic [7:0] strb1_cntr = '0;
always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin
if( strb1 ) begin
strb1_cntr[7:0] <= strb1_cntr[7:0] + 1'b1;
logic [7:0] strb2_cntr = '0;
always_ff @(posedge clk33) begin
if( strb2 ) begin
strb2_cntr[7:0] <= strb2_cntr[7:0] + 1'b1;