mirror of https://github.com/pConst/basic_verilog.git synced 2025-01-14 06:42:54 +08:00

Updated lifo module to support FWFT and normal modes

This commit is contained in:
Konstantin Pavlov 2021-07-06 14:15:35 +03:00
parent 452b3574ff
commit 2845a2a836
2 changed files with 141 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -4,19 +4,29 @@
// INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple single-clock LIFO buffer implementation, also known as "stack"
// Features one write- and one read- port in FWFT mode
// See also "fifo.sv" module for similar FIFO buffer implementation
// Single-clock LIFO buffer implementation, also known as "stack"
// Features:
// - single clock operation
// - configurable depth and data width
// - one write- and one read- port in "FWFT" or "normal" mode
// - protected against overflow and underflow
// - simultaneous read and write operations supported if not full and not empty
// - only read operation is performed when (full && r_req && w_req)
// - only write operation is performed when (empty && r_req && w_req)
// See also "fifo_Single_clock_reg_*.sv" modules for similar FIFO buffer implementation
lifo #(
.DEPTH( 8 ),
.DATA_W( 32 )
) FF1 (
) LF1 (
.clk( clk ),
.rst( 1'b0 ),
.nrst( 1'b1 ),
.w_req( ),
.w_data( ),
@ -33,7 +43,10 @@ lifo #(
module lifo #( parameter
DEPTH = 4, // max elements count == DEPTH, DEPTH MUST be power of 2
FWFT_MODE = "TRUE", // "TRUE" - first word fall-trrough" mode
// "FALSE" - normal fifo mode
DEPTH = 8, // max elements count == DEPTH, DEPTH MUST be power of 2
DEPTH_W = $clog2(DEPTH)+1, // elements counter width, extra bit to store
// "fifo full" state, see cnt[] variable comments
@ -41,7 +54,7 @@ module lifo #( parameter
input clk,
input rst, // non-inverted reset
input nrst, // inverted reset
// input port
input w_req,
@ -52,7 +65,7 @@ module lifo #( parameter
output logic [DATA_W-1:0] r_data,
// helper ports
output logic [DATA_W-1:0] cnt = 0,
output logic [DEPTH_W-1:0] cnt = '0,
output logic empty,
output logic full,
@ -60,51 +73,71 @@ module lifo #( parameter
// lifo data
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DATA_W-1:0] data = 0;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DATA_W-1:0] data = '0;
// data output buffer for normal fifo mode
logic [DATA_W-1:0] data_buf = '0;
// cnt[] vector always holds lifo elements count
// data[cnt[]] points to the first empty lifo slot
// when lifo is full data[cnt[]] points "outside" of data[]
// please take attention to the case when cnt[]==0 && r_req==1'b1 && w_req==1'b1
// this case makes no read/write to the lifo and should be handled externally
// filtered requests
logic w_req_f;
assign w_req_f = w_req && ~full;
logic r_req_f;
assign r_req_f = r_req && ~empty;
integer i;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if ( rst ) begin
data <= 0;
cnt <= 0;
if ( ~nrst ) begin
data <= '0;
cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0] <= '0;
data_buf[DATA_W-1:0] <= '0;
end else begin
case ({w_req, r_req})
unique case ({w_req_f, r_req_f})
2'b00: ; // nothing
2'b01 : begin // reading out
if ( cnt[DATA_W-1:0] > 1'b0 ) begin
cnt[DATA_W-1:0] <= cnt[DATA_W-1:0] - 1'b1;
for ( i = (DEPTH-1); i > 0; i-- ) begin
data[i-1] <= data[i];
cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0] <= cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0] - 1'b1;
2'b10 : begin // writing in
if ( ~full ) begin
data[cnt[DATA_W-1:0]] <= w_data;
cnt[DATA_W-1:0] <= cnt[DATA_W-1:0] + 1'b1;
data[cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0]] <= w_data[DATA_W-1:0];
cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0] <= cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0] + 1'b1;
2'b11 : begin // simultaneously reading and writing
if ( cnt[DATA_W-1:0] > 1'b0 ) begin
data[cnt[DATA_W-1:0]-1] <= w_data;
// cnt[DATA_W-1:0] <= cnt[DATA_W-1:0]; // data counter does not change
data[cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0]-1] <= w_data[DATA_W-1:0];
// data counter does not change here
default: ;
// data buffer works only for normal lifo mode
if( r_req_f ) begin
data_buf[DATA_W-1:0] <= data[0];
always_comb begin
empty = ( cnt[DATA_W-1:0] == 0 );
full = ( cnt[DATA_W-1:0] == DEPTH );
if (~empty) begin
r_data[DATA_W-1:0] = data[cnt[DATA_W-1:0]]; // first-word fall-through mode
always_comb begin
empty = ( cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0] == '0 );
full = ( cnt[DEPTH_W-1:0] == DEPTH );
if( FWFT_MODE == "TRUE" ) begin
if (~empty) begin
r_data[DATA_W-1:0] = data[0]; // first-word fall-through mode
end else begin
r_data[DATA_W-1:0] = '0;
end else begin
r_data[DATA_W-1:0] = 0;
r_data[DATA_W-1:0] = data_buf[DATA_W-1:0]; // normal mode
fail = ( empty && r_req ) ||

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@ -13,15 +13,24 @@ module lifo_tb();
logic clk200;
initial begin
#0 clk200 = 1;
#0 clk200 = 1'b0;
#2.5 clk200 = ~clk200;
// external device "asynchronous" clock
logic clk33;
initial begin
#0 clk33 = 1'b0;
#15.151 clk33 = ~clk33;
logic rst;
initial begin
#10.2 rst = 1;
#5 rst = 0;
#0 rst = 1'b0;
#10.2 rst = 1'b1;
#5 rst = 1'b0;
forever begin
#9985 rst = ~rst;
@ -33,29 +42,27 @@ logic nrst;
assign nrst = ~rst;
logic rst_once;
initial begin // initializing non-X data before PLL starts
#10.2 rst_once = 1;
#5 rst_once = 0;
initial begin
#510.2 rst_once = 1; // PLL starts at 500ns, clock appears, so doing the reset for modules
#5 rst_once = 0;
#0 rst_once = 1'b0;
#10.2 rst_once = 1'b1;
#5 rst_once = 1'b0;
logic nrst_once;
assign nrst_once = ~rst_once;
logic [31:0] DerivedClocks;
ClkDivider #(
clk_divider #(
.WIDTH( 32 )
) CD1 (
) cd1 (
.clk( clk200 ),
.nrst( nrst_once ),
.ena( 1'b1 ),
.out( DerivedClocks[31:0] )
logic [31:0] E_DerivedClocks;
EdgeDetect ED1[31:0] (
edge_detect ed1[31:0] (
.clk( {32{clk200}} ),
.nrst( {32{nrst_once}} ),
.in( DerivedClocks[31:0] ),
@ -65,44 +72,84 @@ EdgeDetect ED1[31:0] (
logic [15:0] RandomNumber1;
c_rand RNG1 (
c_rand rng1 (
.out( RandomNumber1[15:0] )
/*logic start;
logic start;
initial begin
#0 start = 1'b0;
#100.2 start = 1'b1;
#5 start = 1'b0;
logic read;
initial begin
#0 read = 1'b0;
#1000.2 read = 1'b1;
#100 start = 1'b1;
#20 start = 1'b0;
// Module under test ==========================================================
// comment or uncomment to test FWFT and normal fifo modes
//`define TEST_FWFT yes
// comment or uncomment to sweep-test or random test
`define TEST_SWEEP yes
logic full1, empty1;
logic full1_d1, empty1_d1;
logic direction1 = 1'b0;
always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin
if( ~nrst ) begin
direction1 <= 1'b0;
end else begin
// sweep logic
if( full1_d1 ) begin
direction1 <= 1'b1;
end else if( empty1_d1 ) begin
direction1 <= 1'b0;
// these signals allow "erroring" requests testing:
// - reads from the empty fifo
// - writes to the filled fifo
full1_d1 <= full1;
empty1_d1 <= empty1;
logic [3:0] cnt1;
logic [15:0] data_out1;
lifo #(
`ifdef TEST_FWFT
.DEPTH( 8 ),
.DATA_W( 16 )
) LF1 (
.clk( clk200 ),
.rst( rst_once ),
.nrst( nrst_once ),
.w_req( ~direction1 && &RandomNumber1[10] ),
.w_data( RandomNumber1[15:0] ),
.r_req( direction1 && &RandomNumber1[10] ),
.r_data( data_out1[15:0] ),
.w_req( &RandomNumber1[10:9] ),
.w_data( RandomNumber1[15:0] ),
.r_req( read ),
.r_data( ),
.r_req( &RandomNumber1[8:7] ),
.r_data( data_out1[15:0] ),
.cnt( ),
.empty( ),
.full( )
.cnt( cnt1[3:0] ),
.empty( empty1 ),
.full( full1 )