diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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Must-have verilog systemverilog modules
+Originally published as part of https://github.com/pConst/basic_verilog
+by Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com
-Hello! This is a collection of verilog systemverilog synthesizable modules.
-All the code is highly reusable across typical FPGA projects and mainstream FPGA vendors.
-Please feel free to contact me in case you found any code issues.
-Also, give me a pleasure, tell me if the code has got succesfully implemented in your hobby, scientific or industrial projects!
+Hi! This is a collection of Verilog SystemVerilog synthesizable modules.
-Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com
+All the code is highly reusable across typical FPGA projects and mainstream FPGA vendors.
-The code is licensed under CC BY-SA 4_0.
-You can remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially
-You must provide the name of the creator and distribute your contributions under the same license as the original
+Please feel free to make pull requests or contact me in case you spot any code issues.
-Directories description:
-| Advanced Synthesis Cookbook/ | useful code from Altera's cookbook |
-| KCPSM6_Release9_30Sept14/ | Xilinx's Picoblaze soft processo |
-| pacoblaze-2.2/ | version of Picoblaze adapted for Altera devices |
-| example_projects/ | FPGA project examples |
-| benchmark_projects/ | compilation time benchmarks for a dosen of FPGA types |
-| scripts/ | useful TCL scripts |
-Scripts description:
+Also, give me a pleasure, tell me if the code has got succesfully implemented in your hobby, scientific or industrial projects!
+The code is licensed under CC BY-SA 4_0
+That means, that you can remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
+However, YOU MUST provide the name of the creator and distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
+Contents description
-| scripts/allow_undefined_ports.tcl | allows generation of test projects with undefined pins for Vivado IDE |
-| scripts/compile_quartus.tcl | boilerplate script for commandline project compilation in Quartus IDE |
-| scripts/convert_sof_to_jam.bat | Altera/Intel FPGA configuration file converter |
-| scripts/convert_sof_to_rbf.bat | another Altera/Intel FPGA configuration file converter |
-| scripts/iverilog_compile.tcl | complete script to compile Verilog sources with iverilog tool and run simulation in gtkwave tool |
-| scripts/modelsim_compile.tcl | Modelsim no-project-mode compilation script |
-| scripts/post_flow_quartus.tcl | custom reporting or report analisys for Intel Quartus IDE |
-| scripts/post_flow_vivado.tcl | custom reporting or report analisys for Xilinx Vivado IDE |
-| scripts/program_all.bat | command line programmer example for Altera/Intel FPGAs |
-| scripts/project_version_auto_increment.tcl | project version autoincrement script for Quartus IDE |
-| scripts/quartus_system_console_init.tcl | initialization script for reading/writing Avalon-MM through JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge IP |
-| scripts/set_project_directory.tcl | changes current directory to match project directory in Vivado IDE |
-| scripts/write_avalon_mm_from_file.tcl | writing bulk binary data from binary file to Avalon-MM through JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge IP |
-Modules description:
-| ActionBurst.v | multichannel one-shot triggering module |
-| ActionBurst2.v | multichannel one-shot triggering with variable steps |
-| adder_tree.sv | adding multiple values together in parallel |
-| bin2gray.sv | combinational Gray code to binary converter |
-| bin2pos.sv | converts binary coded value to positional (one-hot) code |
-| clk_divider.sv | wide reference clock divider |
-| debounce.v | two-cycle debounce for input buttons |
-| delay.sv | useful module to make static delays or to synchronize across clock domains |
-| dynamic_delay.sv | dynamic delay for arbitrary input signal |
-| edge_detect.sv | combinational edge detector, gives one-tick pulses on every signal edge |
-| encoder.v | digital encoder input logic module |
-| fifo_single_clock_reg_*.sv | single-clock FIFO buffer (queue) implementation |
-| gray2bin.sv | combinational binary to Gray code converter |
-| leave_one_hot.sv | combinational module that leaves only lowest hot bit |
-| lifo.sv | single-clock LIFO buffer (stack) implementation |
-| main_tb.sv | basic testbench template |
-| NDivide.v | primitive integer divider |
-| pos2bin.sv | converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation |
-| pos2bin.sv | converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation |
-| prbs_gen_chk.sv | PRBS pattern generator or checker |
-| pulse_gen.sv | generates pulses with given width and delay |
-| pulse_stretch.sv | configurable pulse stretcher/extender module |
-| reset_set.sv | SR trigger variant w/o metastable state, set dominates here |
-| reverse_bytes.sv | reverses bytes order within multi-byte array |
-| reverse_vector.sv | reverses signal order within multi-bit bus |
-| set_reset.sv | SR trigger variant w/o metastable state, reset dominates here |
-| spi_master.sv | universal spi master module |
-| UartRx.v | straightforward yet simple UART receiver |
-| UartTx.v | straightforward yet simple UART transmitter |
-| uart_rx_shifter.sv | UART-like receiver shifter for simple synchronous messaging inside the FPGA or between FPGAs |
-| uart_rx_shifter.sv | UART-like receiver shifter for simple synchronous messaging inside the FPGA or between FPGAs |
-| UartRxExtreme.v | extreme minimal UART receiver implementation |
-| UartTxExtreme.v | extreme minimal UART transmitter implementation |
-Also added testbenches for selected modules
+For your convinience I`ve tagged some sources by their "difficulty":
+:green_circle: - for the most basic tasks
+:red_circle: - for advanced or special purpose routines
+If you are a beginner in HW design - you may want to start exploring :green_circle: code first.
+Almost every source file in the repository contains detailed description and instantiation template!
+| | Advanced Synthesis Cookbook/ | useful code from Altera's cookbook |
+| | KCPSM6_Release9_30Sept14/ | Xilinx's Picoblaze soft processor sources |
+| :red_circle: | XilinxBoardStore_with_Alveo_cards_support | board definitions for Xilinx Alveo accelerator cards |
+| | pacoblaze-2.2/ | version of Picoblaze adapted for Altera devices |
+| | avalon_mm_master_templates/ | Avalon-MM component templates from Altera |
+| | axi_master_slave_templates/ | AXI componet templates generated by Vivado |
+| | benchmark_projects/ | benchmarking various IDEs to compile exact same Verilog project |
+| | dual_port_ram_templates/ | Block RAM templates |
+| | example_projects/ | FPGA project boilerplates and examples |
+| | gitignores/ | gitignore files for FPGA projects |
+| | scripts/ | useful TCL, batch and shell scripts |
+| :red_circle: | scripts_for_intel_hls/ | useful scripts for compiling for Intel HLS |
+| :red_circle: | scripts_for_xilinx_hls/ | useful scripts for compiling for Xilinx HLS |
+| | xpm | Xilinx parametrizable macros sources |
+| | adder_tree.sv | adding multiple values together in parallel |
+| | axi4l_logger.sv | |
+| :green_circle: | bin2gray.sv | combinational Gray code to binary converter |
+| | bin2pos.sv | converts binary coded value to positional (one-hot) code |
+| | cdc_data.sv | |
+| | cdc_strobe.sv | |
+| :green_circle: | clk_divider.sv | wide reference clock divider |
+| | clogb2.svh | |
+| :green_circle: | debounce.v | two-cycle debounce for input buttons |
+| :green_circle: | delay.sv | useful module to make static delays or to synchronize across clock domains |
+| | delayed_event.sv | |
+| | dynamic_delay.sv | dynamic delay for arbitrary input signal |
+| :green_circle: | edge_detect.sv | combinational edge detector, gives one-tick pulses on every signal edge |
+| | encoder.v | digital encoder input logic module |
+| :red_circle: | fast_counter.sv | |
+| | fifo_combiner.sv | |
+| | fifo_operator.sv | |
+| :red_circle: | fifo_single_clock_ram_*.sv | single-clock FIFO buffer (queue) implementation |
+| :red_circle: | fifo_single_clock_reg_*.sv | single-clock FIFO buffer (queue) implementation |
+| :green_circle: | gray2bin.sv | combinational binary to Gray code converter |
+| :red_circle: | gray_functions.vh | |
+| :green_circle: | hex2ascii.sv | |
+| | leave_one_hot.sv | combinational module that leaves only lowest hot bit |
+| | lifo.sv | single-clock LIFO buffer (stack) implementation |
+| | main_tb.sv | basic testbench template |
+| | moving_average.sv | |
+| | pack_unpack_array.v | |
+| | pattern_detect.sv | |
+| | pdm_modulator.sv | |
+| | pos2bin.sv | converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation |
+| | prbs_gen_chk.sv | PRBS pattern generator or checker |
+| | preview_fifo.sv | |
+| | priority_enc.sv | |
+| | pulse_gen.sv | generates pulses with given width and delay |
+| | pulse_stretch.sv | configurable pulse stretcher/extender module |
+| | pwm_modulator.sv | |
+| :red_circle: | read_ahead_buf.sv | |
+| | reset_set.sv | SR trigger variant w/o metastable state, set dominates here |
+| | reset_set_comb.sv | |
+| | reverse_bytes.sv | reverses bytes order within multi-byte array |
+| | reverse_dimensions.sv | |
+| | reverse_vector.sv | reverses signal order within multi-bit bus |
+| | round_robin_enc.sv | |
+| | round_robin_performance_enc.sv | |
+| | set_reset.sv | SR trigger variant w/o metastable state, reset dominates here |
+| | set_reset_comb.sv | |
+| | sim_clk_gen.sv | |
+| :red_circle: | soft_latch.sv | |
+| | spi_master.sv | universal spi master module |
+| :red_circle: | true_dual_port_write_first_2_clock_ram.sv | |
+| :red_circle: | true_single_port_write_first_ram.sv | |
+| | uart_debug_printer.sv | |
+| :green_circle: | uart_rx.sv | straightforward yet simple UART receiver |
+| | uart_rx_shifter.sv | UART-like receiver shifter for simple synchronous messaging inside the FPGA or between FPGAs |
+| :green_circle: | uart_tx.sv | straightforward yet simple UART transmitter |
+| | uart_tx_shifter.sv | UART-like transmitter shifter for simple synchronous messaging inside the FPGA or between FPGAs |
+Also added testbenches for selected modules.
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