//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main_TB.v // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Testbench template with basic clocking, reset // and random stimulus signals `timescale 1ns / 1ps module Main_tb(); reg clk200; initial begin #0 clk200 = 1; forever #2.5 clk200 = ~clk200; end reg rst; initial begin #10.2 rst = 1; #5 rst = 0; //#10000; forever begin #9985 rst = ~rst; #5 rst = ~rst; end end wire nrst = ~rst; reg rst_once; initial begin // initializing non-X data before PLL starts #10.2 rst_once = 1; #5 rst_once = 0; end initial begin #510.2 rst_once = 1; // PLL starts at 500ns, clock appears, so doing the reset for modules #5 rst_once = 0; end wire nrst_once = ~rst_once; wire [31:0] DerivedClocks; ClkDivider CD1 ( .clk(clk200), .nrst(nrst_once), .out(DerivedClocks[31:0])); defparam CD1.WIDTH = 32; wire [31:0] E_DerivedClocks; EdgeDetect ED1 ( .clk(clk200), .nrst(nrst_once), .in(DerivedClocks[31:0]), .rising(E_DerivedClocks[31:0]), .falling(), .both() ); defparam ED1.WIDTH = 32; wire [15:0] RandomNumber1; c_rand RNG1 ( .clk(clk200), .rst(rst_once), .reseed(1'b0), .seed_val(DerivedClocks[31:0]), .out(RandomNumber1[15:0])); reg start; initial begin #100.2 start = 1; #5 start = 0; end //================================================= wire out1,out2; Main M ( // module under test clk200,~clk200, rst_once, out1,out2 // for compiler not to remove logic ); endmodule