//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // main.sv // published as part of https://github.com/pConst/basic_verilog // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reference benchmark project // // This project uses dynamic_delay.sv module to model both high-register count and // combinational-intensive design. See "Messages" tab for TOTAL time // spent for compilation. This will give you some quantitive charachteristic // of your environment processing power `define WIDTH 16 `define LENGTH 1024 `define SEL_W $clog2(`LENGTH) module main( input clk, input nrst, input [`WIDTH-1:0] id, input [`SEL_W-1:0] sel, output [`WIDTH-1:0] od ); dynamic_delay #( .LENGTH( `LENGTH ), .WIDTH( 1 ), .SEL_W( `SEL_W ) ) dd [`WIDTH-1:0] ( .clk( {`WIDTH{clk}} ), .nrst( {`WIDTH{nrst}} ), .ena( {`WIDTH{1'b1}} ), .in( id[`WIDTH-1:0] ), .sel( {`WIDTH{sel[`SEL_W-1:0]}} ), .out( od[`WIDTH-1:0] ) ); endmodule