//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UartTxExtreme.v // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Extreme minimal UART transmitter // // CAUTION: // optimized for 20MHz/115200 // tx_busy has been made asynchronous to tx_do_sample // tx_start has no internal protection and should be rised only when tx_busy is low /* --- INSTANTIATION TEMPLATE BEGIN --- reg [7:0] tx_sample_cntr = 0; always @ (posedge clk20) begin if (tx_sample_cntr[7:0] == 0) begin tx_sample_cntr[7:0] <= (173-1); end else begin tx_sample_cntr[7:0] <= tx_sample_cntr[7:0] - 1; end end wire tx_do_sample = (tx_sample_cntr[7:0] == 0); UartTxExtreme UT1 ( .clk(), //.tx_do_sample(), .tx_data(), .tx_start(), .tx_busy(), .txd() ); --- INSTANTIATION TEMPLATE END ---*/ module UartTxExtreme(clk, tx_do_sample, tx_data, tx_start, tx_busy, txd); input wire clk; input wire tx_do_sample; input wire [7:0] tx_data; input wire tx_start; output wire tx_busy; output reg txd = 1; reg [9:0] tx_shifter = 0; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (tx_start) begin tx_shifter[9:0] <= {1'b1,tx_data[7:0],1'b0}; end // tx_start if (tx_do_sample) begin {tx_shifter[9:0],txd} <= {tx_shifter[9:0],txd} >> 1; end // tx_do_sample end assign tx_busy = |tx_shifter[9:1]; endmodule