#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # compile.tcl # Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Modelsim compile script # based on "ModelSimSE general compile script version 1.1" by Doulos # launch the script by "vsim -do compile.tcl" command on linux # or by "modelsim.exe -do compile.tcl" on windows # Simply change the project settings in this section # for each new project. There should be no need to # modify the rest of the script. set library_file_list { work {fifo_tb.sv fifo.sv test.vo c_rand.v edge_detect.sv clk_divider.sv} } ../../c_rand.v ../../edge_detect.sv ../../delay.sv ../../clk_divider.sv} } set vsim_params "-L altera_mf_ver -L altera_mf -L lpm_ver -L lpm" # add these parameters when simulating Quartus netlists # "+transport_int_delays +transport_path_delays -L altera_ver -L altera_lnsim_ver -L cyclonev_ver -L lpm_ver -L sgate_ver -L cyclonev_hssi_ver -L altera_mf_ver -L cyclonev_pcie_hip_ver" set top_level work.fifo_tb # Console commands: # r = Recompile changed and dependent files # rr = Recompile everything # q = Quit without confirmation # After sourcing the script from ModelSim for the # first time use these commands to recompile. proc r {} {uplevel #0 source compile.tcl} proc rr {} {global last_compile_time set last_compile_time 0 r } proc q {} {quit -force } #Does this installation support Tk? set tk_ok 1 if [catch {package require Tk}] {set tk_ok 0} # Prefer a fixed point font for the transcript set PrefMain(font) {Courier 10 roman normal} # Compile out of date files set time_now [clock seconds] if [catch {set last_compile_time}] { set last_compile_time 0 } foreach {library file_list} $library_file_list { vlib $library vmap work $library foreach file $file_list { if { $last_compile_time < [file mtime $file] } { if [regexp {.vhdl?$} $file] { vcom -93 $file } else { vlog $file } set last_compile_time 0 } } } set last_compile_time $time_now # Load the simulation eval vsim $top_level $vsim_params # Load saved wave patterns do wave.do # Run the simulation run 100us wave zoom range 0 100us # How long since project began? if {[file isfile start_time.txt] == 0} { set f [open start_time.txt w] puts $f "Start time was [clock seconds]" close $f } else { set f [open start_time.txt r] set line [gets $f] close $f regexp {\d+} $line start_time set total_time [expr ([clock seconds]-$start_time)/60] puts "Project time is $total_time minutes" }