//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // fifo_single_clock_ram_tb.sv // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // testbench for fifo_single_clock_reg_ram.sv module // `timescale 1ns / 1ps module fifo_single_clock_ram_tb(); logic clk200; initial begin #0 clk200 = 1'b0; forever #2.5 clk200 = ~clk200; end // external device "asynchronous" clock logic clk33; initial begin #0 clk33 = 1'b0; forever #15.151 clk33 = ~clk33; end logic rst; initial begin #0 rst = 1'b0; #10.2 rst = 1'b1; #5 rst = 1'b0; //#10000; forever begin #9985 rst = ~rst; #5 rst = ~rst; end end logic nrst; assign nrst = ~rst; logic rst_once; initial begin #0 rst_once = 1'b0; #10.2 rst_once = 1'b1; #5 rst_once = 1'b0; end logic nrst_once; assign nrst_once = ~rst_once; logic [31:0] DerivedClocks; clk_divider #( .WIDTH( 32 ) ) cd1 ( .clk( clk200 ), .nrst( nrst_once ), .ena( 1'b1 ), .out( DerivedClocks[31:0] ) ); logic [31:0] E_DerivedClocks; edge_detect ed1[31:0] ( .clk( {32{clk200}} ), .nrst( {32{nrst_once}} ), .in( DerivedClocks[31:0] ), .rising( E_DerivedClocks[31:0] ), .falling( ), .both( ) ); logic [15:0] RandomNumber1; c_rand rng1 ( .clk(clk200), .rst(rst_once), .reseed(1'b0), .seed_val(DerivedClocks[31:0]), .out( RandomNumber1[15:0] ) ); logic start; initial begin #0 start = 1'b0; #100 start = 1'b1; #20 start = 1'b0; end // Module under test ========================================================== // comment or uncomment to test FWFT and normal fifo modes //`define TEST_FWFT yes // comment or uncomment to sweep-test or random test `define TEST_SWEEP yes // comment or uncomment to use bare scfifo or quartus wizard-generated wrappers //`define BARE_SCFIFO yes logic full1, empty1; logic full1_d1, empty1_d1; logic direction1 = 1'b0; always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin if( ~nrst ) begin direction1 <= 1'b0; end else begin // sweep logic if( full1_d1 ) begin direction1 <= 1'b1; end else if( empty1_d1 ) begin direction1 <= 1'b0; end // these signals allow "erroring" requests testing: // - reads from the empty fifo // - writes to the filled fifo full1_d1 <= full1; empty1_d1 <= empty1; end end logic [3:0] cnt1; logic [15:0] data_out1; fifo_single_clock_ram #( .DEPTH( 8 ), .DATA_W( 16 ) ) FF1 ( .clk( clk200 ), .nrst( nrst_once ), `ifdef TEST_SWEEP .w_req( ~direction1 && &RandomNumber1[10] ), .w_data( RandomNumber1[15:0] ), .r_req( direction1 && &RandomNumber1[10] ), .r_data( data_out1[15:0] ), `else .w_req( &RandomNumber1[10:9] ), .w_data( RandomNumber1[15:0] ), .r_req( &RandomNumber1[8:7] ), .r_data( data_out1[15:0] ), `endif .cnt( cnt1[3:0] ), .empty( empty1 ), .full( full1 ) ); logic full2, empty2; logic full2_d1, empty2_d1; logic direction2 = 1'b0; always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin if( ~nrst ) begin direction2 <= 1'b0; end else begin // sweep logic if( full2_d1 ) begin direction2 <= 1'b1; end else if( empty2_d1 ) begin direction2 <= 1'b0; end // these signals allow "erroring" requests testing: // - reads from the empty fifo // - writes to the filled fifo full2_d1 <= full2; empty2_d1 <= empty2; end end //============================================================================== logic [15:0] data_out2; DCFIFO #( .LPM_WIDTH( 16 ), .LPM_NUMWORDS( 8 ), .LPM_WIDTHU( $clog2(8) ), /// CEIL(LOG2(LPM_NUMWORDS)), `ifdef TEST_FWFT .LPM_SHOWAHEAD( "ON" ), `else .LPM_SHOWAHEAD( "OFF" ), `endif .UNDERFLOW_CHECKING( "ON" ), .OVERFLOW_CHECKING( "ON" ), .ADD_RAM_OUTPUT_REGISTER( "OFF" ), .ENABLE_ECC( "FALSE" ), // output delay to the usedw[] outputs .DELAY_RDUSEDW( 1 ), // one clock cycle by default .DELAY_WRUSEDW( 1 ), // Pipe length used for synchronization and metastability resolving // If the rdclk and wrclk are unrelated, most often used values range from 2 to 4 // If they are syncronized to one another, 0 might be used .RDSYNC_DELAYPIPE( 3 ), // from the wrclk to the rdclk subsystem .WRSYNC_DELAYPIPE( 3 ), // from the rdclk to the wrclk subsystem .CLOCKS_ARE_SYNCHRONIZED( "TRUE" ), // Are the clocks sufficiently synchronized (or clock multiples of each other with no pashe shift) // such that the synchronization and pipeline registers may be elliminated .ADD_USEDW_MSB_BIT( "ON" ), .WRITE_ACLR_SYNCH( "OFF" ), .READ_ACLR_SYNCH( "OFF" ) //.USE_EAB( "ON" ), //.MAXIMIZE_SPEED( 5 ), //.DEVICE_FAMILY( "CYCLONE V" ), //.OPTIMIZE_FOR_SPEED( 5 ), //.CBXI_PARAMETER( "NOTHING" ) ) FF2 ( .aclr( 1'b0 ), .wrclk( clk200 ), `ifdef TEST_SWEEP .wrreq( ~direction1 && &RandomNumber1[10] ), .data( RandomNumber1[15:0] ), `else .wrreq( &RandomNumber1[10:9] ), .data( RandomNumber1[15:0] ), `endif .wrempty( ), .wrfull( ), .wrusedw( ), .rdclk( clk200 ), `ifdef TEST_SWEEP .rdreq( direction1 && &RandomNumber1[10] ), .q( data_out2[15:0] ), `else .rdreq( &RandomNumber1[8:7] ), .q( data_out2[15:0] ), `endif .rdempty( empty2 ), .rdfull( full2 ), .rdusedw( ), .eccstatus( ) ); //============================================================================== logic outputs_equal; assign outputs_equal = ( data_out1[15:0] == data_out2[15:0] ) || `ifdef TEST_FWFT // scipping minor discontinuity // seems like altera`s fifo has some additional buffering??? ( cnt1[3:0] == 1 && data_out1[15:0] != data_out2[15:0] ); `else 1'b0; `endif logic empty_equal; assign empty_equal = ( empty1 == empty2 ); logic full_equal; assign full_equal = ( full1 == full2 ); logic success = 1'b1; always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin if( ~nrst ) begin success <= 1'b1; end else begin if( ~outputs_equal ) begin success <= 1'b0; end end end endmodule