//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // true_single_port_write_first_ram.sv // published as part of https://github.com/pConst/basic_verilog // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This is single port RAM/ROM module // Also tested for Quartus IDE to automatically infer block memories // /* --- INSTANTIATION TEMPLATE BEGIN --- true_single_port_write_first_ram #( .RAM_WIDTH( DATA_W ), .RAM_DEPTH( DEPTH ), .RAM_STYLE( "init.mem" ), // "block","register","M10K","logic",... .INIT_FILE( "" ) ) SR1 ( .clka( w_clk ), .addra( w_ptr[DEPTH_W-1:0] ), .ena( w_req ), .wea( 1'b1 ), .dina( w_data[DATA_W-1:0] ), .douta( ) ); --- INSTANTIATION TEMPLATE END ---*/ module true_single_port_write_first_ram #( parameter RAM_WIDTH = 16, RAM_DEPTH = 8, // optional initialization parameters RAM_STYLE = "", INIT_FILE = "" )( input clka, input [clogb2(RAM_DEPTH-1)-1:0] addra, input ena, input wea, input [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] dina, output [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] douta ); // Xilinx: // ram_style = "{ auto | block | distributed | register | ultra }" // "ram_style" is equivalent to "ramstyle" in Vivado // Altera: // ramstyle = "{ logic | M9K | MLAB }" and other variants // ONLY FOR QUARTUS IDE // You can provide initialization in convinient .mif format //(* ram_init_file = INIT_FILE *) logic [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] data_mem [RAM_DEPTH-1:0]; (* ramstyle = RAM_STYLE *) logic [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] data_mem [RAM_DEPTH-1:0]; logic [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] ram_data_a = {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}}; // either initializes the memory values to a specified file or to all zeros generate if (INIT_FILE != "") begin: use_init_file initial $readmemh(INIT_FILE, data_mem, 0, RAM_DEPTH-1); end else begin: init_bram_to_zero integer i; initial begin for (i=0; i