//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // delayed_event_tb.sv // published as part of https://github.com/pConst/basic_verilog // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Testbench for delayed_event.sv // use this define to make some things differently in simulation `define SIMULATION yes `timescale 1ns / 1ps module delayed_event_tb(); initial begin // Print out time markers in nanoseconds // Example: $display("[T=%0t] start=%d", $realtime, start); $timeformat(-9, 3, " ns"); // seed value setting is intentionally manual to achieve repeatability between sim runs $urandom( 1 ); // SEED value end logic clk200; sim_clk_gen #( .FREQ( 200_000_000 ), // in Hz .PHASE( 0 ), // in degrees .DUTY( 50 ), // in percentage .DISTORT( 10 ) // in picoseconds ) clk200_gen ( .ena( 1'b1 ), .clk( clk200 ), .clkd( ) ); logic nrst_once; logic [31:0] clk200_div; clk_divider #( .WIDTH( 32 ) ) cd1 ( .clk( clk200 ), .nrst( nrst_once ), .ena( 1'b1 ), .out( clk200_div[31:0] ) ); logic [31:0] clk200_div_rise; edge_detect ed1[31:0] ( .clk( {32{clk200}} ), .anrst( {32{nrst_once}} ), .in( clk200_div[31:0] ), .rising( clk200_div_rise[31:0] ), .falling( ), .both( ) ); // external device "asynchronous" clock logic clk33; logic clk33d; sim_clk_gen #( .FREQ( 200_000_000 ), // in Hz .PHASE( 0 ), // in degrees .DUTY( 50 ), // in percentage .DISTORT( 1000 ) // in picoseconds ) clk33_gen ( .ena( 1'b1 ), .clk( clk33 ), .clkd( clk33d ) ); logic rst; initial begin rst = 1'b0; // initialization repeat( 1 ) @(posedge clk200); forever begin repeat( 1 ) @(posedge clk200); // synchronous rise rst = 1'b1; //$urandom( 1 ); // uncomment to get the same random pattern EVERY nrst repeat( 2 ) @(posedge clk200); // synchronous fall, controls rst pulse width rst = 1'b0; repeat( 100 ) @(posedge clk200); // controls test body width end end logic nrst; assign nrst = ~rst; logic rst_once; initial begin rst_once = 1'b0; // initialization repeat( 1 ) @(posedge clk200); repeat( 1 ) @(posedge clk200); // synchronous rise rst_once = 1'b1; repeat( 2 ) @(posedge clk200); // synchronous fall, controls rst_once pulse width rst_once = 1'b0; end //logic nrst_once; // declared before assign nrst_once = ~rst_once; // random pattern generation logic [31:0] rnd_data; always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin rnd_data[31:0] <= $urandom; end initial forever begin @(posedge nrst); $display("[T=%0t] rnd_data[]=%h", $realtime, rnd_data[31:0]); end // helper start strobe appears unpredictable up to 20 clocks after nrst logic start; initial forever begin start = 1'b0; // initialization @(posedge nrst); // synchronous rise after EVERY nrst repeat( $urandom_range(0, 20) ) @(posedge clk200); start = 1'b1; @(posedge clk200); // synchronous fall exactly 1 clock after rise start = 1'b0; end initial begin // #10000 $stop; // #10000 $finish; end // sweeping pulses logic sp = 1'b1; logic [4:0] sp_duty_cycle = 8'd0; initial forever begin if( sp_duty_cycle[4:0] == 0 ) begin sp = 1'b1; repeat( 10 ) @(posedge clk200); end sp = 1'b0; repeat( 1 ) @(posedge clk200); sp = 1'b1; repeat( 1 ) @(posedge clk200); sp = 1'b0; repeat( sp_duty_cycle ) @(posedge clk200); sp_duty_cycle[4:0] = sp_duty_cycle[4:0] + 1'b1; // overflow is expected here end // Module under test =========================================================== logic sp_d1; always_ff @(posedge clk200) begin if( sp ) begin sp_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin sp_d1 <= 1'b1; end end for(genvar i=0; i<16; i++) begin delayed_event #( .DELAY( i ) ) de ( .clk( clk200 ), .nrst( ~sp ), //|rnd_data[2:0] ), .ena( 1'b1 ), //sp_d1 ), .on_event( ), .before_event( ), .after_event( ) ); end endmodule