//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // delay.v // Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static Delay for arbitrary signal // Another equivalent names for this module: // conveyor.sv // synchronizer.sv // // Tip for Xilinx-based implementations: Leave nrst=1'b1 and ena=1'b1 on // purpose of inferring Xilinx`s SRL16E/SRL32E primitives // // // CAUTION: delay module is widely used for synchronizing signals across clock // domains. To automatically exclude input data paths from timing analisys // set_false_path SDC constraint is integrated into this module. Applicable // only to Intel/Altera Quartus IDE. Xilinx users still should write the // constraints manually // /* --- INSTANTIATION TEMPLATE BEGIN --- delay #( .LENGTH( 2 ) ) S1 ( .clk( clk ), .nrst( 1'b1 ), .ena( 1'b1 ), .in( ), .out( ) ); --- INSTANTIATION TEMPLATE END ---*/ module delay #( parameter LENGTH = 2 // delay/synchronizer chain length // default length for synchronizer chain is 2 )( input clk, input nrst, input ena, input in, output out ); generate if ( LENGTH == 0 ) begin assign out = in; end else if( LENGTH == 1 ) begin logic data = 0; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin if (~nrst) begin data <= 0; end else if (ena) begin data <= in; end end assign out = data; end else begin logic [LENGTH:1] data = 0; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin if (~nrst) begin data[LENGTH:1] <= 0; end else if (ena) begin data[LENGTH:1] <= {data[LENGTH-1:1],in}; end end assign out = data[LENGTH]; end // if endgenerate endmodule