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synced 2025-02-04 07:12:56 +08:00
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199 lines
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# post_flow_quartus.tcl
# Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com
# INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use this script as a boilerplate for custom reporting or report analisys
# for Intel Quartus IDE. Your custom messages will be reported in messages window
# after all normal compilation messages
# Script requires following QSF assignment
# set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY OUTPUT
# set_global_assignment -name POST_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:post_flow.tcl"
# Printing current SOF version
post_message "=== VERSION ======================================================"
set data 0
set ver 0
set ver_hi 0
set ver_lo 0
#file mkdir "./DEBUG"
set ver_filename "./DEBUG/version.bin"
# reading version
if { [file exists $ver_filename] } {
set file [open $ver_filename "r"]
fconfigure $file -translation binary
set data [read $file 2]
binary scan $data H4 ver
set ver 0x${ver}
close $file
set ver_hi [expr $ver / 256 ]
set ver_lo [expr $ver % 256 ]
post_message [ join [ list "Current project version: " [format %d $ver] ] "" ]
post_message [ join [ list "Version HIGH byte: 0x" [format %02x $ver_hi] ] "" ]
post_message [ join [ list "Version LOW byte: 0x" [format %02x $ver_lo] ] "" ]
# copying sof file to archieve
post_message "=== SOF ARCHIEVE ================================================="
set sof_dir "./OUTPUT/"
set sof_arch_dir "./SOF_ARCHIEVE/"
set sof_filename [join [list [lindex $argv 2] ".sof"] ""]
set new_sof_filename [join [list [lindex $argv 2] "_v" [format %02x $ver_hi] [format %02x $ver_lo] ".sof"] ""]
if { [file exists ${sof_dir}${sof_filename}] } {
if { [file exists ${sof_arch_dir}] } {
if { [file exists ${sof_arch_dir}${new_sof_filename}] } {
post_message "Copying existing .sof file to archieve directory"
file copy ${sof_dir}${sof_filename} ${sof_arch_dir}
post_message "Adding version identifier to archieved .sof file"
file rename ${sof_arch_dir}${sof_filename} ${sof_arch_dir}${new_sof_filename}
} else {
post_message "Destination .sof file already exists. Copying to archieve cancelled"
# copying OUTPUT dir to archieve
post_message "=== OUTPUT ARCHIEVE ================================================="
set out_dir "./OUTPUT/"
set out_arch_dir "./OUTPUT_ARCHIEVE/"
set new_out_dirname [join [list "OUTPUT_v" [format %02x $ver_hi] [format %02x $ver_lo] ] ""]
if { [file exists ${out_dir}] } {
if { [file exists ${out_arch_dir}] } {
if { [file exists ${out_arch_dir}${new_out_dirname}] } {
post_message "Destination OUTPUT archeive already exists. Copying to archieve cancelled"
} else {
post_message "Copying existing OUTPUT directory to archieve"
exec cp -r ${out_dir} ${out_arch_dir}${new_out_dirname}
# Set warning on implicit nets declaration
post_message "=== ERRORS ======================================================="
set file [open [join [list "./OUTPUT/" [lindex $argv 2] ".map.rpt"] ""] r]
while {[gets $file line] != -1} {
if {[string first "implicit" $line] != -1} {
post_message $line
close $file
# compuiting elapsed time
post_message "=== COMPILE TIME ================================================="
set hs 0
set ms 0
set ss 0
set hs_t 0
set ms_t 0
set ss_t 0
set filename [join [list "./OUTPUT/" [lindex $argv 2] ".map.rpt"] ""]
if { [file exists $filename] } {
set file [open $filename r]
while {[gets $file line] != -1} {
set time [string range $line 24 31]
if {[string first "Info: Elapsed time:" $line] != -1} {
post_message [ join [ list "map: " $time ] "" ]
scan $time "%d:%d:%d" hs ms ss
set hs_t [expr {$hs_t + $hs} ]
set ms_t [expr {$ms_t + $ms} ]
set ss_t [expr {$ss_t + $ss} ]
close $file
set filename [join [list "./OUTPUT/" [lindex $argv 2] ".fit.rpt"] ""]
if { [file exists $filename] } {
set file [open $filename r]
while {[gets $file line] != -1} {
set time [string range $line 24 31]
if {[string first "Info: Elapsed time:" $line] != -1} {
post_message [ join [ list "fit: " $time ] "" ]
scan $time "%d:%d:%d" hs ms ss
set hs_t [expr {$hs_t + $hs} ]
set ms_t [expr {$ms_t + $ms} ]
set ss_t [expr {$ss_t + $ss} ]
close $file
set filename [join [list "./OUTPUT/" [lindex $argv 2] ".asm.rpt"] ""]
if { [file exists $filename] } {
set file [open $filename r]
while {[gets $file line] != -1} {
set time [string range $line 24 31]
if {[string first "Info: Elapsed time:" $line] != -1} {
post_message [ join [ list "asm: " $time ] "" ]
scan $time "%d:%d:%d" hs ms ss
set hs_t [expr {$hs_t + $hs} ]
set ms_t [expr {$ms_t + $ms} ]
set ss_t [expr {$ss_t + $ss} ]
close $file
# timequest execution time for newer versions of Quartus
set filename [join [list "./OUTPUT/" [lindex $argv 2] ".sta.rpt"] ""]
if { [file exists $filename] } {
set file [open $filename r]
while {[gets $file line] != -1} {
set time [string range $line 24 31]
if {[string first "Info: Elapsed time:" $line] != -1} {
post_message [ join [ list "sta: " $time ] "" ]
scan $time "%d:%d:%d" hs ms ss
set hs_t [expr {$hs_t + $hs} ]
set ms_t [expr {$ms_t + $ms} ]
set ss_t [expr {$ss_t + $ss} ]
close $file
# classic timing analizer execution time for older versions of Quartus
set filename [join [list "./OUTPUT/" [lindex $argv 2] ".tan.rpt"] ""]
if { [file exists $filename] } {
set file [open $filename r]
while {[gets $file line] != -1} {
set time [string range $line 24 31]
if {[string first "Info: Elapsed time:" $line] != -1} {
post_message [ join [ list "tan: " $time ] "" ]
scan $time "%d:%d:%d" hs ms ss
set hs_t [expr {$hs_t + $hs} ]
set ms_t [expr {$ms_t + $ms} ]
set ss_t [expr {$ss_t + $ss} ]
close $file
while { $ss_t >= 60 } {
set ss_t [expr $ss_t - 60]
set ms_t [expr $ms_t + 1]
while { $ms_t >= 60 } {
set ms_t [expr $ms_t - 60]
set hs_t [expr $hs_t + 1]
post_message "----------------------------------"
post_message [ join [ list "TOTAL: " [format "%02d:%02d:%02d" $hs_t $ms_t $ss_t]] "" ]