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UART Macros for Spartan-6, Virtex-6, 7-Series, Zynq and UltraScale Devices
Release 5.
Ken Chapman - Xilinx Ltd - 30th September 2014
Welcome to the fifth release of the UART macros optimised for Spartan-6, Virtex-6,7-Series, Zynq
and UltraScale devices and ideally suited for use with PicoBlaze (KCPSM6).
There have been no changes to the actual UART macros since the first release. Minor corrections
have been made to the documentation (thank you to those that reported issues).
The most significant reason for this release has been the addition of a third reference design.
This new reference is presented on the KC705 board but the main feature is a scheme in which
PicoBlaze (KCPSM6) adjusts the communication BAUD rate and software delays to reflect the clock
frequency. Please see 'UART6_User_Guide_and_Reference_Designs_30Sept14' for descriptions of
all three reference designs provided. This design has been implemented using both ISE and Vivado
and therefore both UCF and XDC constraints files have been provided.
Hint - The KCPSM6 package includes more reference designs that use the UART
macros on a Kintex-7 KC705 board.
PicoTerm (v1.97) may now be invoked with a command line option that will open and write a log
file. 'PicoTerm_README.txt' documents all the features of PicoTerm and the reference design
presented on the ATLYS board demonstrates many of the possibilities.
Xilinx Technical Support is available to answer your questions. However it is recommended that
you take the time to consider exactly what your issue is before asking any questions. Just
because your design contains the UART macros (and probably a PicoBlaze processor) it doesn't
mean you actually have a problem with either! Page 13 of the 'UART6_User_Guide' recommends
steps to debug a UART communication link and every item on this list should be checked before
contacting Xilinx Technical Support.
Principle Features of 'uart_tx6' and 'uart_rx6' macros.
- 8-bit data, 1 stop bit, no parity.
- User definable baud rate.
- Integrated 16-byte FIFO buffers.
- Performance of >10mbps (baud rate) achievable depending on device family and clock rate.
- No handshake but signals provided facilitate implementation of soft or hardware schemes.
- Each macro is only 5 Slices including the FIFO buffer.
- Ideal peripherals for PicoBlaze (KCPSM6).
'UART' Directory Contents
UART6_README.txt - This file!
UART6_User_Guide_and_Reference_Designs_29March13.pdf - The main UART6 User Guide document.
uart_tx6.vhd - UART transmitter with integrated 16-byte FIFO buffer.
uart_rx6.vhd - UART receiver with integrated 16-byte FIFO buffer.
uart_tx6.v - Verilog equivalent of 'uart_tx6.vhd'.
uart_rx6.v - Verilog equivalent of 'uart_rx6.vhd'.
PicoTerm.exe - A very simple PC based terminal but with some special features!
PicoTerm_README.txt - Description of PicoTerm basic usage and special features.
'ML605_design' Directory
uart6_ml605.vhd - KCPSM6 reference design using 'uart_tx6' and 'uart_rx6'.
Can be used as provided with the ML605 evaluation board.
uart6_ml605.v - Verilog equivalent of 'uart6_ml605.vhd'.
uart_control.psm - Top level KCPSM6 program for 'uart6_ml605' design.
INCLUDE directive used to include 'uart_interface_routines.psm'.
uart_interface_routines.psm - UART interface definition and UART routines.
uart6_ml605.ucf - ISE constraints file when using an ML605 board.
'ATLYS_design' Directory
uart6_atlys.vhd - KCPSM6 reference design using 'uart_tx6' and 'uart_rx6'.
Design is described in the PDF document.
Can be used as provided with the ATLYS Design Platform.
uart6_atlys.v - Verilog equivalent of 'uart6_atlys.vhd'.
atlys_real_time_clock.psm - Top level KCPSM6 program for 'uart6_atlys.vhd' design.
INCLUDE directives used to include 'PicoTerm_routines.psm'
and 'soft_delays_100mhz.psm'.
PicoTerm_routines.psm - UART interface definition and UART routines including routines
written specifically to use PicoTerm's special features.
soft_delays_100mhz.psm - Routines implementing delays based on a 100MHz clock.
uart6_atlys.ucf - ISE constraints file when using an ATLYS Design Platform.
'KC705_design' Directory
uart6_kc705.vhd - KCPSM6 reference design using 'uart_tx6' and 'uart_rx6'.
Can be used as provided with the KC705 evaluation board.
uart6_kc705.v - Verilog equivalent of 'uart6_kc705.vhd'.
auto_baud_rate_control.psm - Top level KCPSM6 program for 'uart6_kc705' design.
INCLUDE directive used to include 'uart_interface_routines.psm'.
uart_interface_routines.psm - UART interface definition and UART routines.
uart6_kc705.ucf - ISE constraints file when using a KC705 board.
uart6_kc705.xdc - Vivado constraints file when using a KC705 board.
testbench_uart6_kc705.vhd - Simple test bench. The waveforms shown on page 22 of
were captured from the Vivado simulator using this test bench.
ISE v12.x or later (v14.7 current at time of this release)
Vivado 2013.x or later (2014.2 current at time of this release)
These UART macros are optimised for Spartan-6, Virtex-6 and 7-Series devices. They also map well
to UltraScale devices but they can NOT be used with previous generations of device including
Spartan-3 Generation and Virtex-5.
The KCPSM6 Assembler v2.70 was current at the time this package. Older versions of the KCPSM6
Assembler may not recognise all the syntax present in the PSM files provided with the reference
designs in this release.
Changes and Additions
Release 1
Initial release
Release 2
Enhancements to documentation.
PicoTerm v1.03 - Basic terminal features only.
Release 3
ATLYS reference design and documentation.
PicoTerm v1.30 - With Device Control String (DCS) features.
Release 4
Enhancements to the ATLYS reference design.
PicoTerm v1.72 - With more Device Control String (DCS) features.
Release 5
KC705 reference design and documentation.
PicoTerm v1.97 - Additional command line option to open a log file.
Known Issues
Terminal only displays everything on one line
As shown in the reference programs (PSM files) provided, it is common practice for each line of
text to end with a carriage return character (0D hex) only. Your terminal should be configured to
append a line feed automatically to a carriage return. In HyperTerminal this is the 'Append line
feeds to incoming line ends' option in the ASCII Setup menu.
PicoTerm is permanently set to meet this end of line requirement. It is also permanently set to
match the 8-bit, 1 stop bit and no parity configuration required to work with the UART6 macros
as well as having a default baud rate of 115200. All of this should make PicoTerm easy to use
and a good alternative if you are experiencing issue with another terminal. At least give it a
Incorrect removal of logic during implementation
Setting 'global_opt' option in MAP to 'speed', 'area' or 'power' may result in the incorrect
removal of the serial input to the receiver which leads on to the removal of the whole macro!
A good implementation is realised when 'global_opt' is set to 'off' (the default setting).
This issue was observed when using ISE v12.4 and may also apply to some other versions of ISE.
This issue was fixed in ISE v13.4 so you must use ISE v13.4 when 'global_opt' needs to be used
for other parts of your design.
Note that 'global_opt' is only applicable to Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 designs so this should
never be an issue for 7-Series designs.
The first few characters are corrupted but then everything works as expected
This can occur when the UART macros are used to transmit characters to a PC almost immediately
after the device is configured. The simple solution is to implement a delay (e.g. ~1 second)
before the first transmission is attempted. This is very easy to arrange when using PicoBlaze
(see reference code provided).
Should this issue occur it is almost certainly the case that the UART communications involve a
USB/UART converter device with a corresponding Virtual COM Port driver on the PC. Whilst the UART
transmitter macro transmits characters correctly, it is not entirely fair to blame the USB/UART
arrangement because the serial communication is ultimately recovering from what is known as a
'break condition'. In other words, until the FPGA was configured, there was nothing to define
the state of the serial line. In theory, a serial line should be parked High when not active
but in this case it has probably been Low which would be consistent with a broken or disconnected
link. Depending on the vendor of the device and driver, it appears that some take more time to
recover from the break condition. Again to be fair, the serial line really needs to be High
long enough for the first start bit Low to be recognised correctly and typical baud rates are
slow relative to the typical clock speeds used in FPGA designs.
Hints and Tips
As covered in the main documentation, a UART can appear very slow relative to the clock so if
you want to see an output from UART_TX6 or simulate an input to UART_RX6 then just remember that
your simulation may be rather long or you really need to zoom out to see the waveforms.
When performing a functional simulation it is your responsibility to ensure that all your
stimuli have defined values at time zero to represent what would happen in the real silicon.
In particular the circuit you use to generate the 'en_16_x_baud' pulses should be such that this
signal also has a defined value before the first rising edge is applied to the clock input of
UART_TX6. The easiest way to do this is to make sure that initial values are defined. E.g....
signal en_16_x_baud : std_logic := '0';
UART pin assignments for commonly used boards
Drigmorn3 (www.enterpoint.co.uk)
NET "uart_rx" LOC = "G11" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL;
NET "uart_tx" LOC = "A11" | IOSTANDARD = LVTTL | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
LX9 Microboard: AES-S6MB-LX9-G (www.em.avnet.com/drc)
NET "rs232_rx" LOC = "R7" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rs232_tx" LOC = "T7" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
LX16 Evaluation board: AES-S6EV-LX16-G (www.em.avnet.com/drc)
NET "rs232_rx" LOC = "H13" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rs232_tx" LOC = "H14" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
ATLYS (www.digilentinc.com)
NET "rs232_rx" LOC = "A16" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rs232_tx" LOC = "B16" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
NET "uart_rx" LOC = "K14" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
NET "uart_tx" LOC = "L12" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
SP605 (www.xilinx.com)
NET "uart_rx" LOC = "H17" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
NET "uart_tx" LOC = "B21" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
ML605 (www.xilinx.com)
NET "uart_rx" LOC = "J24" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
NET "uart_tx" LOC = "J25" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
KC705 (www.xilinx.com)
(Correct for Rev.D board but check pin assignments if using an earlier revision)
NET "uart_rx" LOC = "M19" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25;
NET "uart_tx" LOC = "K24" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
VC707 (www.xilinx.com)
NET "uart_rx" LOC = "AU33" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
NET "uart_tx" LOC = "AU36" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18 | SLEW = SLOW | DRIVE = 4;
End of file 'UART6_README.txt'