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// Copyright 2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents,
// maskwork rights, copyrights and other intellectual property laws.
// This reference design file, and your use thereof, is subject to and governed
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// not agree with such terms and conditions, you may not use the reference
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// This reference design file is being provided on an "as-is" basis and as an
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// other product not provided by Altera.
// baeckler - 04-13-2006
// unsigned iterative divider, 1 and 2 bit per clock
// tick versions
// 1 bit per tick version
module divider (clk,rst,load,n,d,q,r,ready);
`include "log2.inc"
parameter WIDTH_N = 32;
parameter WIDTH_D = 32;
localparam LOG2_WIDTH_N = log2(WIDTH_N);
localparam MIN_ND = (WIDTH_N <WIDTH_D ? WIDTH_N : WIDTH_D);
input clk,rst;
input load; // load the numer and denominator
input [WIDTH_N-1:0] n; // numerator
input [WIDTH_D-1:0] d; // denominator
output [WIDTH_N-1:0] q; // quotient
output [WIDTH_D-1:0] r; // remainder
output ready; // Q and R are valid now.
reg [WIDTH_N + MIN_ND : 0] working;
reg [WIDTH_D-1 : 0] denom;
wire [WIDTH_N-1:0] lower_working = working [WIDTH_N-1:0];
wire [MIN_ND:0] upper_working = working [WIDTH_N + MIN_ND : WIDTH_N];
wire [WIDTH_D:0] sub_result = upper_working - denom;
wire sub_result_neg = sub_result[WIDTH_D];
reg [LOG2_WIDTH_N:0] cntr;
wire cntr_zero = ~|cntr;
assign ready = cntr_zero;
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
working <= 0;
denom <= 0;
cntr <= 0;
else begin
if (load) begin
working <= {{WIDTH_D{1'b0}},n,1'b0};
cntr <= WIDTH_N;
denom <= d;
else begin
if (!cntr_zero) begin
cntr <= cntr - 1;
working <= sub_result_neg ? {working[WIDTH_N+MIN_ND-1:0],1'b0} :
assign q = lower_working;
assign r = upper_working >> 1;
// 2 bits per tick (radix 4) version
module divider_rad4 (clk,rst,load,n,d,q,r,ready);
`include "log2.inc"
parameter WIDTH_N = 32; // assumed to be EVEN
parameter WIDTH_D = 32;
localparam LOG2_WIDTH_N = log2(WIDTH_N);
localparam MIN_ND = (WIDTH_N <WIDTH_D ? WIDTH_N : WIDTH_D);
input clk,rst;
input load; // load the numer and denominator
input [WIDTH_N-1:0] n; // numerator
input [WIDTH_D-1:0] d; // denominator
output [WIDTH_N-1:0] q; // quotient
output [WIDTH_D-1:0] r; // remainder
output ready; // Q and R are valid now.
reg [WIDTH_N + MIN_ND + 1 : 0] working;
reg [WIDTH_D-1 : 0] denom;
reg [WIDTH_D+1 : 0] triple_denom;
wire [WIDTH_N-1:0] lower_working = working [WIDTH_N-1:0];
wire [MIN_ND + 1:0] upper_working = working [WIDTH_N + MIN_ND + 1: WIDTH_N];
wire [WIDTH_D + 2:0] minus_zero = upper_working;
wire [WIDTH_D + 2:0] minus_one = upper_working - denom;
wire [WIDTH_D + 2:0] minus_two = upper_working - (denom << 1);
wire [WIDTH_D + 2:0] minus_three = upper_working - triple_denom;
wire [1:0] quot_bits = {!minus_two[WIDTH_D+2],
!minus_one[WIDTH_D+2] &
!(minus_three[WIDTH_D+2] ^ minus_two[WIDTH_D+2])};
wire [WIDTH_D + 2:0] appro_minus =
quot_bits[1] ? (quot_bits[0] ? minus_three : minus_two) :
(quot_bits[0] ? minus_one : minus_zero);
reg [LOG2_WIDTH_N:0] cntr;
wire cntr_zero = ~|cntr;
assign ready = cntr_zero;
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
working <= 0;
denom <= 0;
triple_denom <= 0;
cntr <= 0;
else begin
if (load) begin
working <= {{MIN_ND{1'b0}},n,2'b0};
cntr <= (WIDTH_N >> 1);
denom <= d;
triple_denom <= (d + (d << 1));
else begin
if (!cntr_zero) begin
cntr <= cntr - 1;
working <= {appro_minus[WIDTH_D-1:0],lower_working,quot_bits};
assign q = lower_working;
assign r = upper_working >> 2;