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Some basic must-have verilog modules
(licensed under CC BY-SA 4_0)
Author: Konstantin Pavlov, pavlovconst@gmail.com
/Advanced Synthesis Cookbook/ - useful code from Altera's cookbook
/KCPSM6_Release9_30Sept14/ - Xilinx's Picoblaze soft processor
/pacoblaze-2.2/ - version of Picoblaze adapted for Altera devices
/scripts/ - useful TCL scripts
/scripts/allow_undefined_ports.tcl - allows generation of test projects with undefined pins for Vivado IDE
/scripts/compile_quartus.tcl - boilerplate script for commandline project compilation in Quartus IDE
/scripts/convert_sof_to_jam.bat - Altera/Intel FPGA configuration file converter
/scripts/convert_sof_to_rbf.bat - another Altera/Intel FPGA configuration file converter
/scripts/iverilog_compile.tcl - complete script to compile Verilog sources with iverilog tool and run simulation in gtkwave tool
/scripts/modelsim_compile.tcl - Modelsim no-project-mode compilation script
/scripts/post_flow_quartus.tcl - custom reporting or report analisys for Intel Quartus IDE
/scripts/post_flow_vivado.tcl - custom reporting or report analisys for Xilinx Vivado IDE
/scripts/program_all.bat - command line programmer example for Altera/Intel FPGAs
/scripts/project_version_auto_increment.tcl - project version autoincrement script for Quartus IDE
/scripts/quartus_system_console_init.tcl - initialization script for reading/writing Avalon-MM through JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge IP
/scripts/set_project_directory.tcl - changes current directory to match project directory in Vivado IDE
/scripts/write_avalon_mm_from_file.tcl - writing bulk binary data from binary file to Avalon-MM through JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge IP
main_tb.sv - basic testbench template
ActionBurst - multichannel one-shot triggering module
ActionBurst2 - multichannel one-shot triggering with variable steps
adder_tree - adding multiple values together in parallel
bin2gray - combinational Gray code to binary converter
bin2pos - converts binary coded value to positional (one-hot) code
clk_divider - wide reference clock divider
debounce - two-cycle debounce for input buttons
delay - VERY USEFUL MODULE to make static delays or to synchronize across clock domains
dynamic_delay - dynamic delay for arbitrary input signal
edge_detect - combinational edge detector, gives one-tick pulses on every signal edge
encoder - digital encoder input logic module
fifo - single-clock FIFO buffer (queue) implementation
gray2bin - combinational binary to Gray code converter
leave_one_hot - combinational module that leaves only lowest hot bit
lifo - single-clock LIFO buffer (stack) implementation
NDivide - primitive integer divider
pos2bin - converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation
pos2bin - converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation
prbs_gen_chk - PRBS pattern generator or checker
pulse_gen - generates pulses with given width and delay
pulse_stretch - configurable pulse stretcher/extender module
reset_set - SR trigger variant w/o metastable state, set dominates here
reverse_bytes - reverses bytes order within multi-byte array
reverse_vector - reverses signal order within multi-bit bus
set_reset - SR trigger variant w/o metastable state, reset dominates here
spi_master - universal spi master module
UartRx - straightforward yet simple UART receiver implementation for FPGA written in Verilog
UartTx - straightforward yet simple UART transmitter implementation for FPGA written in Verilog
UartRxExtreme - extreme minimal UART receiver implementation for FPGA written in Verilog
UartTxExtreme - extreme minimal UART transmitter implementation for FPGA written in Verilog
Also added testbenches for selected modules