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; Copyright <20> 2010-2014, Xilinx, Inc.
; This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. and is
; protected under U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws.
; Disclaimer:
; This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials
; distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to
; you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE
; OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable
; (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory
; of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising
; under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any
; indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss
; of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result
; of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was
; reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same.
; Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in any
; application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety
; devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications
; related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead
; to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage
; (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the
; sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications,
; subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product
; liability.
; _ ______ ____ ____ __ __ __
; | |/ / ___| _ \/ ___|| \/ |/ /_
; | ' / | | |_) \___ \| |\/| | '_ \
; | . \ |___| __/ ___) | | | | (_) )
; |_|\_\____|_| |____/|_| |_|\___/
; All valid KCPSM6 instructions and syntax
; ----------------------------------------
; Ken Chapman - 16th May 2014.
; ---------------------------
; The code in this file is in no way intended to be a meaningful program. It is
; a description and representation of all the KCPSM6 instructions, directives and
; syntax required and supported by the assembler.
; Due to the fact that every instruction and directive is represented this file
; may appear a little daunting at first sight. This really isn't the intention and
; hopefully you will soon recognise that it is a useful reference. Remember that
; PicoBlaze is supposed to be fun to use.
; Recommendation - If you are new to PicoBlaze then please start writing simple
; programs using the following instructions and the CONSTANT
; directive to help define your ports (see 'KCPSM6_User_Guide').
; It is amazing how much can be achieved with just these few
; instructions and you will soon feel comfortable with the syntax.
; Hint - The assembler will always try to provide you with helpful advice if it
; encounters a mistake in your PSM code. The assembler does this in a
; matter of a few seconds so work with it interactively and allow it to be
; your personal trainer.
; Hint - Several reference designs are provided in the KCPSM6 package and they
; include real programs that use virtually all of the available syntax.
; ---------------------------
; The KCPSM6 assembler is very accommodating regarding the use of upper and
; lower case characters to define instructions, registers, values etc. The
; assembler will also ignore any additional spaces or TAB characters that are
; placed between the active characters but at least one space is required to
; separate an instruction from its first operand. This file deliberately
; contains information formatted in ways that can look messy and certainly not
; in the preferred style. However, The KCPSM6 assembler will interpret all
; of this and generate a FMT file which is a clean and tidy representation of
; the original code in the preferred format. Hence you can always enter your
; code quickly and then get the assembler to clean it all up for you.
; The following examples mean exactly the same things to the assembler and
; will result in identically formatted lines in the FMT file after assembly.
; label: ADDCY sA, B2 ;This is the preferred format
; label :Addcy Sa , b2;This looks a bit of a mess!
; Suggestion - Run this PSM file through the assembler and then
; review the FMT and LOG files generated.
; --------
; Comments are everything on a given line following a semicolon.
; To retain a 'blank' line it must still contain a semicolon otherwise
; it will be removed by the assembler and not appear in the FMT or LOG files.
; -----
; All names you assign to line labels, constants, strings, tables and registers
; are case sensitive, must be unique and may only contain characters 'a' to 'z',
; 'A' to 'Z', '0' to '9' and underscore '_' (no spaces). You cannot use names
; that could be confused with hex values (e.g. 'BAD' could be the hex value
; equivalent to 2989 decimal) or the default register names (e.g. 'S4').
; -----------------------
; The default way to define values is in hexadecimal and these must use the
; number of digits expected for the item being described. Hence 8-bit data
; values, scratch pad memory locations and port address must be in the range
; '00' to 'FF'. On the rare occasions that the 12-bit program address needs
; to be defined as an absolute value (e.g. in an ADDRESS directive) then it must
; be in the range '000' to 'FFF'.
; Alternatively, values can be defined in decimal or binary using the tick-d
; ('d) or tick-b ('b) suffix as appropriate. When used, 8-bit values can be
; defined in the range 0'd to 255'd or 00000000'b to 11111111'b and 12-bit
; program addresses can be defined in the range 0'd to 4095'd or 000000000000'b
; to 111111111111'b. Note again that binary values must contain the number of
; digits applicable to the value being defined.
; Finally, 8-bit values can also be defined using a single ASCII character
; enclosed within quotation marks. For example "A" will be translated into
; 41 hex by the assembler.
; -----------
; Any line can be given a label which is case sensitive and must be unique. The
; assembler will assign the program address corresponding to that point in the program
; to the label. In this way a line label can be specified in a JUMP or CALL instruction
; and the assembler does the hard work of resolving the physical address.
; The line label does not have to be on a line that contains an instruction and
; multiple labels could be defined for the same address. A line label is the first
; entry on a line followed by a colon.
my_second_label: ;This labels will be associated with the same address as the first!
my_third_label: JUMP my_first_label ; This instruction will execute again and again!
; ------------------
; This directive is used to assign a constant value to a meaningful name.
; Sensible definition of constants makes code easier to write, understand and
; maintain. Whilst it is common practice to define constants near the beginning
; of a PSM file they can be anywhere in the program and will apply globally.
; When multiple PSM files are used (see INCLUDE directive) then it is a common
; for constants relevant to each PSM file to be defined locally. However, it must
; be remembered that all constants apply globally wherever they are defined.
; Constant values must be 8-bit and can be defined in hex (default), decimal or
; binary. The constant name can then be used in any instruction to represent data
; (kk), a scratch pad memory location (ss) or a port address (pp). It may also be
; used to represent a constant optimised port address (p) but the value specified must
; then be within the smaller 4-bit range (i.e. 00 to 0F).
; The following examples define constants which are used later in this 'program'.
; A constant value may also be defined by a system environment variable (see later
; description).
CONSTANT my_hex_constant, d2
CONSTANT my_decimal_constant, 19'd
CONSTANT my_binary_constant, 10100011'b
CONSTANT my_storage_place, 08
CONSTANT my_standard_port, 80
CONSTANT my_small_port, 06 ;Ports used in OUTPUTK must be in range 00 to 0F
; Whilst all constant directives are the definition of an 8-bit value assigned to a
; given name they are a very convenient way to identify ports, and when appropriate,
; how bits are assigned within that port. For example the following constants describe
; a port in which 3 bits are used to drive 3 LEDs. Although it is personal choice, the
; binary radix can help to make your code easier to understand when particular bits
; within an 8-bit value are significant.
CONSTANT LED_port, 40 ;Port drives 3 traffic light LEDs
CONSTANT red, 00000100'b ; Red assigned to bit2
CONSTANT amber, 00000010'b ; Amber assigned to bit1
CONSTANT green, 00000001'b ; Green assigned to bit0
; ------------------------
; In all situations in which a named constant is used to represent a data value (kk) it
; is possible to locally invert all bits of the constant by placing a ~ before the name.
; All instructions in which this could be applied are shown later in this 'program' but
; the most frequent use cases will involve the 'AND' and 'OR' instructions. Consider
; again the way the LED's assigned to a port in the above example could now be
; controlled.
; LOAD s0, red ;s0 = 00000100'b
; OUTPUT s0, LED_port ;Turns on RED on
; OR s0, amber ;s0 = 00000110'b 'OR' sets bit1 but preserves all other bits
; OUTPUT s0, LED_port ;RED and AMBER are on
; Now imagine that we want to turn off the red LED but keep the other LEDs however
; they are. For this we need to reset bit2 and that can be achieved by ANDing with
; 11111011'b. That 'masking value' is the inversion of the 'red' constant so this can
; be specified using the inversion (~) symbol thereby avoiding the need to define
; another constant (e.g. CONSTANT red_off, 11111011'b ;Bit2 is Low).
; AND s0, ~red ;s0 = 00000010'b 'AND' has reset bit2 but preserves all other bits
; OUTPUT s0, LED_port ;AMBER is on
; Remember that the inversion (use of ~) can only be applied to a previously defined
; constant name and only in a position where the constant is used to define a data
; value (kk).
; --------------------
; There are 6 predefined constants that reflect the date and time at which the
; program is assembled (assuming the time and date on the PC are correct!).
; These constants are equivalent to the following CONSTANT directives and
; assumes assembly at 14:17:58 on the 31st July 2012.
; CONSTANT timestamp_hours, 14'd
; CONSTANT timestamp_minutes, 17'd
; CONSTANT timestamp_seconds, 58'd
; CONSTANT datestamp_year, 12'd
; CONSTANT datestamp_month, 7'd
; CONSTANT datestamp_day, 31'd
; The following ASCII control characters are those more frequently used and have
; also been predefined as CONSTANTs ready for immediate use in instructions.
; name (hex)
; NUL (00)
; BEL (07)
; BS (08)
; HT (09)
; LF (0A)
; VT (0B)
; CR (0D)
; ESC (1B)
; DEL (7F)
; DCS (90)
; ST (9C)
; Remember that the names of constants are case sensitive.
; ----------------
; Text strings can be defined for use with OUTPUTK and LOAD&RETURN instructions.
; The string name must end in $ and the contents of the string must be normal visible
; characters (ASCII codes 32 to 126 only). A string may also be defined by a system
; environment variable (see later description).
STRING Nick$, "This was Nick's brilliant idea."
STRING Ken$, "But Ken had to implement it."
STRING Ken_quotation$, ""Strings work with 'OUTPUTK' and 'LOAD&RETURN' instructions"" ;You can include quotation characters
; ------------------
; There are 3 predefined strings that reflect the date and time at which the
; program is assembled (assuming the time and date on the PC are correct!) and
; the version of the assembler itself. These strings are equivalent to the following
; STRING directives and assumes assembly at 14:17:58 on the 31st July 2012 using
; assembler version 2.30.
; STRING timestamp$, "14:17:58"
; STRING datestamp$, "31 Jul 2012"
; STRING KCPSM6_version$, "v2.30"
; ---------------
; A table of data values can be defined for use with OUTPUTK and LOAD&RETURN
; instructions. The table name must end in # and the data values separated by commas
; and enclosed within square brackets. All data values must be 8-bit and the default
; radix is hexadecimal. To specify values in decimal or binary the data list is
; followed by tick-d ('d) or tick-b ('b) and applies to all elements of the list. Note
; that when a table is used with an OUTPUTK or LOAD&RETURN instruction the elements of
; the table will be expanded from left to right in the same way as a text string. Data
; values may also be defined by a system environment variable (see later description).
; Example for converting a 0
; of values 0 to 9 into f b <-- Segments 5 1
; 7-segment display codes g 6
; e c Control bits --> 4 2
; d 3
TABLE 7_segment_decode#, [3F,06,5B,4F,66,6D,7D,07,7F,6F]
TABLE phone_number#, [4,0,8,8,7,9,5,1,9,9]'d
TABLE control_sequence#, [00000000,00000010,00000011,00000010,00000000]'b
; -------------------------------
; The default register names are 's0' to 'sF' and are not case sensitive. These names
; can be modified using the NAMEREG directive. Following a NAMEREG directive the default
; name is no longer valid and the new name is case sensitive. NAMEREG directives apply
; in the sequence of the code (i.e. not globally). Only the default register name
; applies before the directive and only the given name applies after the directive.
; However a subsequent NAMEREG directive can be used to modify the name given to a
; register and even to restore the default name (you cannot assign the wrong default
; name to a register!).
; This directive tends to be used when a register (or a few registers) will hold
; specific and often vital information used or updated in many parts of a program.
; By renaming a register it cannot only help to make the code easier to understand,
; but can also help prevent inadvertent re-use and data corruption.
NAMEREG sF, status
NAMEREG sE, counter
; -----------------
; This directive is used to force the assembler to assemble all subsequent instructions
; starting at the address defined. It is typically used to position the code for an
; interrupt service routine (ISR) starting at an address corresponding with the
; address set against the 'interrupt_vector' in the hardware design.
; When using the ADDRESS directive the address specified must be higher (or the same)
; as the address at that point (i.e. the result of assembling the previous instructions
; in the PSM). Although unusual to do so, the use of multiple ADDRESS directives is
; valid but may require a degree of planning and experimentation to avoid errors.
ADDRESS 00A ;This will forced the assembly to start at address 00A
ADDRESS 20'd ;This will advance the assembly to address 014 hex
ADDRESS 000100100011'b ;This has advance the assembly to address 123 hex
; -----------------
; This directive has the effect of inserting the contents of another PSM file into the
; program immediately following the directive (before it is assembled). Appropriate use
; of INCLUDE directives can allow each PSM file to be kept a more manageable size and
; further ease development. It also facilitates the creation and use of a simple PSM
; 'library' in which commonly used code can be included in multiple programs without
; needing to physically 'copy and paste' the actual code into each program. This in
; turn means that any enhancements made to the code in the 'library' will be reflected
; in all programs that include it without requiring those programs to be modified.
; The INCLUDE directive has one operand in which the name of the PSM file to be included
; and is specified within quotation marks and must include the '.psm' file extension.
; The file specification can contain an absolute or relative path if required.
; Examples of each are as follows...
; INCLUDE "lcd_driver_routines.psm"
; INCLUDE "C:\my_design_work\picoblaze_code\maths\multiply_32bit.psm"
; INCLUDE "..\picoblaze_plugins\uk_settings.psm"
; It is important to note that when a relative path is specified, the starting point
; is the location of the file in which the INCLUDE directive is contained. Note also
; that the absence of a path specification in the first example given above is actually
; the most simple form of a relative path and the assembler will expect the PSM file
; to be in same directory as the file from which it is being specified.
; Consider the following example in which a top level program is 'main.psm' and is
; located at 'C:\display_project'. This program contains the following directive...
; INCLUDE "C:\my_design_work\picoblaze_code\maths\multiply_32bit.psm"
; Clearly this is an absolute path to 'C:\my_design_work\picoblaze_code\maths' and will
; insert the contents of 'multiply_32bit.psm' into the main program. Now consider that
; the 'multiply_32bit.psm' also contains an INCLUDE directive as follows...
; INCLUDE "add_32bit.psm"
; In this case, the KCPSM6 assembler will expect to find 'add_32bit.psm' in the
; 'C:\my_design_work\picoblaze_code\maths' directory as the relative path relates to
; the location of the file that contained the INCLUDE directive and not the location
; of the main program (i.e. not in 'C:\display_project').
; For a working example of the INCLUDE directive please see the 'm24c08_i2c_uart_bridge.psm'
; file provided in the 'Reference_Designs\I2C' directory of the KCPSM6 package. In this
; case, the INCLUDE directive includes the file 'PicoTerm_routines.psm' during assembly.
; Hint - After assembly, review the information provided towards the end of the LOG
; file. The source files are identified for each item reported.
; Hint - The assembler generates a formatted version (.FMT) of PSM file that was
; used. Each FMT file is written to the same directory as the corresponding
; PSM file.
; ----------------------------
; As described in the sections above, the second operand of a CONSTANT, STRING or TABLE
; directive is used to define a value, string or data list which is assigned to the
; name defined in the first operand. It is also possible for the second operand to
; specify the name of a system environment variable which will provide the actual
; value, string or data list.
; Whilst this feature is unlikely to be used widely and should be used with care, it
; does enable information to be included in a KCPSM6 program during the assembly
; process without requiring any modification of the PSM source files. Given that the
; assembly typically takes less than 10 seconds it is a very rapid way to change the
; contents of a design especially when combined with JTAG Loader.
; The following example could relate to a design in which KCPSM6 is present. Whilst
; all the information provided via the environment variables is used as part of the
; KCPSM6 program it is useful to recognise that it could easily control and define the
; product as a whole. The string is used to report the identity of the product, a
; constant states the frequency of the electrical supply in the region and a table
; defines an IP address.
; STRING product_info$, %PSM_product_ID
; CONSTANT mains_freq, %PSM_supply_frequency
; TABLE IP_address#, %PSM_IP_address
; As shown above, the name of each environment variable must begin with 'PSM_' and it
; must be preceded by a % character when defining the STRING, CONSTANT or TABLE.
; The corresponding environment variables should be set on the PC with the assigned
; value, string or data list being of the exactly same format required for these
; directives when specified directly within a PSM file. The following examples shown
; below correspond with the directives defined above.
; SET PSM_product_ID="PicoRouter N-187(UK)"
; SET PSM_supply_freq_Hz=50'd
; SET PSM_IP_address=[173,15,234,5]'d
; Note that environment variable names are NOT case sensitive (e.g. PSM_SUPPLY_FREQ_HZ).
; Hint - Avoid using spaces anywhere in environment variable names or when
; setting them. All spaces are interpreted as characters. For example...
; SET PSM_IP_address = [173,15,234,5]'d
; In this case the assembler would report that it is unable to find
; 'PSM_IP_address'. This is because the environment variable that has actually
; been set is called 'PSM_IP_address ' (with a space at the end).
; --------------
; This is a directive that must be used with extreme care as it enables you to insert
; any 18-bit values into the program memory. It is most likely to be used to include
; information (data) in the same BRAM as the program which will be read using the second
; port. In such cases the data would be completely separate to the program and KCPSM6
; would never attempt to execute it. It is very important to appreciate that KCPSM6 will
; not trap any illegal op-codes so the INIT directive must not be used to define any
; illegal op-codes at any location that KCPSM6 would execute as part of a program.
INST 2EA7B ;Value must be specified a 5-digit hex value
INST 3FFFF ;Largest 18-bit value is 3FFFF hex
; Hint - The INST directive has been used by customers simply to define the
; contents of a BRAM and PicoBlaze (KCPSM6) isn't actually used at all!
; JTAG Loader can be used to update or read the memory contents of the
; memory regardless of its end application.
; ----------------------
; This directive is rather specialised so only read this section if you are involved
; in extremely high reliability designs and/or designs requiring anti-tamper protection.
; Very few programs will result in every location of the available program memory being
; occupied. As a default, the KCPSM6 assembler fills all unused memory locations with
; zero (00000 hex), which by design, corresponds with a 'LOAD s0,s0' instruction. The
; execution of a 'LOAD s0,s0' instruction has no effect (i.e. no changes to register
; contents, flags, scratch pad memory or I/O ports) and is therefore considered to be
; a safe equivalent to a 'no operation' instruction.
; Of course, given a correctly written program there should be no reason why KCPSM6 should
; ever address one of the unused memory locations so the default 'LOAD s0,s0' instructions
; should never be executed. However, design for highest reliability should mitigate against
; the potential for even the smallest failure rates (e.g. those potentially caused by
; radiation resulting in single event upsets) or deliberate malicious attacks by an enemy.
; It is therefore reassuring to know that, if for some reason (including poor PSM coding),
; KCPSM6 did address an otherwise unused memory location that the 'LOAD s0,s0' instruction
; fetched executed would have no immediate impact.
; Although a 'LOAD s0,s0' instruction is equivalent to a 'no operation' instruction, it
; does cause the program counter to advance the address. As such, the program continues
; to execute with advancing address and eventually KCPSM6 will start fetching your real
; program. It is easy to visualise two common situations that could possibly occur...
; 1 - A program occupies the lower part of the address map
; (e.g. 000 to D23 hex) and leaves some unused memory
; locations at the top (e.g. D24 to FFF hex). For some
; reason KCPSM6 addresses one of the unused locations
; (e.g. E56). By default, KCPSM6 will then execute 'LOAD s0, s0'
; until the address advances to FFF and then rolls over to
; 000 hex. At which point your real program will start to
; execute from the start. This is quite a reasonable self
; recovery especially if your PSM code includes a thorough
; initialisation sequence. Note that the internal stack
; pointer would not be reset though.
; 2 - A program occupies the lower part of the address map
; (e.g. 000 to D23 hex). There is then some unused memory
; locations (e.g. D24 to F00 hex) before the start of an
; interrupt service routine (e.g. interrupt vector set to
; F00 hex). For some reason KCPSM6 addresses one of the
; unused locations after the main program but before the
; interrupt service routine. By default, KCPSM6 will then
; execute 'LOAD s0, s0' until the address advances to EFF
; and then it will begin executing the interrupt service
; routine. Not only does this result in special code being
; executed with a corresponding interrupt, but it is far
; less certain what KCPSM6 will do when it encounters the
; RETURNI instruction (i.e. it may cause a reset if the stack
; under-flows or it may 'return' in response to the last
; point of CALL.
; The DEFAULT_JUMP directive has been provided to help you improve the way in which
; KCPSM6 will recover should it ever address, fetch and execute an otherwise unused memory
; location. It achieves this by allowing you to define a 'JUMP aaa' instruction which the
; that assembler loads into all unused memory locations rather than a 'LOAD s0, s0'
; instruction. When an ECC protected program memory is used the assembler will also
; initialise the hardware circuit to force the default jump instruction at the output
; of the memory should the address presented fall completely outside the range of the memory
; (e.g. for a 1.5K memory the address range 600 to FFF hex is outside of the memory but
; the instruction will still be forced to the default jump instruction).
; Only one DEFAULT_JUMP directive can be present in a program but any address can be
; specified using any of the methods available when using a normal JUMP instruction
; (i.e. a line label is often the easiest).
; DEFAULT_JUMP line_label
; DEFAULT_JUMP 001110101100'b
DEFAULT_JUMP my_first_label
; With a DEFAULT_JUMP directive defining a suitable address, it can now be seen that if
; KCPSM6 should ever address, fetch and execute an otherwise unused memory it will
; immediately jump to an address of your choice. In most cases that address would probably
; be the start of a routine specifically written to report and/or recover from an error
; in a controlled way.
; Note that the assembler still considers these memory location to be unused so that you
; still presented with an accurate count of memory usage. Likewise, the LOG file does not
; display the otherwise unused locations so that you can still focus on your real program
; code. The LOG file will show your DEFAULT_JUMP directive within your code showing the
; resolution of target address if appropriate. For example...
; DEFAULT_JUMP 1B4[error_trap]
; Hint - Look in the HEX file to see the op-codes for JUMP instructions in the unused
; locations. i.e. Rather than seeing unused sections containing '00000', you will
; see sections containing op-code '22aaa' where 'aaa' is the target hex address.
; -------------------------
; The following is a comprehensive list ('program') of every KCPSM6 instruction. All
; instruction specific operands are illustrated together with examples of each way in
; which registers and values can be expressed.
; Except in one case (see RETURN), instructions have one or two operands.
; - The first operand must be separated from the instruction by at least one space.
; - When a second operand is required, it must be separated from the first by a comma.
; Any other spaces are purely for formatting and appearance (Hint - FMT file). Please
; refer to the 'KCPSM6_User_Guide' for descriptions and usage examples of instructions.
; -------------
LOAD s4, sC ;Default register names
LOAD s4, 7B ;Hex constant
LOAD status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
LOAD s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
LOAD s4, 11'd ;Decimal constants will be converted to 2 digit hex value
LOAD s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
LOAD s4, 10010111'b ;Binary constants will be converted to 2 digit hex value
LOAD s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
LOAD s4, my_decimal_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
LOAD s4, my_binary_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
LOAD s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
LOAD s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
LOAD sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
LOAD sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
LOAD s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
LOAD s5, NUL ;LOAD instructions illustrating the set of predefined
LOAD s5, BEL ;ASCII control character constants.
AND s4, sC ;Default register names
AND s4, 7B ;Hex constant
AND status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
AND s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
AND s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
AND s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
AND s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
AND s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
AND sA, The_end_of_memory'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
AND sB, The_end_of_memory'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
AND s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
OR s4, sC ;Default register names
OR s4, 7B ;Hex constant
OR status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
OR s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
OR s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
OR s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
OR s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
OR s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
OR sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
OR sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
OR s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
XOR s4, sC ;Default register names
XOR s4, 7B ;Hex constant
XOR status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
XOR s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
XOR s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
XOR s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
XOR s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
XOR s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
XOR sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
XOR sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
XOR s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
TEST s4, sC ;Default register names
TEST s4, 7B ;Hex constant
TEST status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
TEST s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
TEST s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
TEST s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
TEST s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
TEST s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
TEST sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
TEST sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
TEST s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
TESTCY s4, sC ;Default register names
TESTCY s4, 7B ;Hex constant
TESTCY status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
TESTCY s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
TESTCY s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
TESTCY s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
TESTCY s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
TESTCY s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
TESTCY sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
TESTCY sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
TESTCY s8, ~amber ;The value of a constant can be inverted
; ----------------
ADD s4, sC ;Default register names
ADD s4, 7B ;Hex constant
ADD status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
ADD s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
ADD s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
ADD s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
ADD s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
ADD s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
ADD sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
ADD sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
ADD s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
ADDCY s4, sC ;Default register names
ADDCY s4, 7B ;Hex constant
ADDCY status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
ADDCY s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
ADDCY s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
ADDCY s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
ADDCY s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
ADDCY s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
ADDCY sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
ADDCY sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
ADDCY s8, ~amber ;The value of a constant can be inverted
SUB s4, sC ;Default register names
SUB s4, 7B ;Hex constant
SUB status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
SUB s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
SUB s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
SUB s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
SUB s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
SUB s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
SUB sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
SUB sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
SUB s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
SUBCY s4, sC ;Default register names
SUBCY s4, 7B ;Hex constant
SUBCY status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
SUBCY s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
SUBCY s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
SUBCY s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
SUBCY s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
SUBCY s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
SUBCY sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
SUBCY sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
SUBCY s8, ~amber ;The value of a constant can be inverted
COMPARE s4, sC ;Default register names
COMPARE s4, 7B ;Hex constant
COMPARE status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
COMPARE s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
COMPARE s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
COMPARE s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
COMPARE s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
COMPARE s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
COMPARE sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
COMPARE sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
COMPARE s8, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
COMPARE s8, DEL ;Compare s8 with pre-defined ASCII constant for 'Delete'
COMPARECY s4, sC ;Default register names
COMPARECY s4, 7B ;Hex constant
COMPARECY status, counter ;Register names defined by NAMEREG directive
COMPARECY s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
COMPARECY s4, 11000101'b ;Binary constant
COMPARECY s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
COMPARECY s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
COMPARECY s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
COMPARECY sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
COMPARECY sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
COMPARECY s8, ~amber ;The value of a constant can be inverted
; --------------------
SL0 s4 ;Default register name
SL0 status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
SL1 s4 ;Default register name
SL1 status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
SLX s4 ;Default register name
SLX status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
SLA s4 ;Default register name
SLA status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
RL s4 ;Default register name
RL status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
SR0 s4 ;Default register name
SR0 status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
SR1 s4 ;Default register name
SR1 status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
SRX s4 ;Default register name
SRX status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
SRA s4 ;Default register name
SRA status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
RR s4 ;Default register name
RR status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
; ----------
JUMP 7e4 ;Hex address
JUMP 2854'd ;Decimal address
JUMP 14'd ;Decimal addresses will be converted to 3-digit hex value
JUMP 100'd ;Decimal addresses will be converted to 3-digit hex value
JUMP 100101111101'b ;Binary addresses will be converted to 3-digit hex value
JUMP my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
JUMP C, 7e4 ;Hex address
JUMP C, 2854'd ;Decimal address
JUMP C, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
JUMP C, my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
JUMP Z, 7e4 ;Hex address
JUMP Z, 2854'd ;Decimal address
JUMP Z, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
JUMP Z, my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
JUMP NC, 7e4 ;Hex address
JUMP NC, 2854'd ;Decimal address
JUMP NC, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
JUMP NC, my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
JUMP NZ, 7e4 ;Hex address
JUMP NZ, 2854'd ;Decimal address
JUMP NZ, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
JUMP NZ, my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
; ----------
CALL 7e4 ;Hex address
CALL 2854'd ;Decimal address
CALL 001101000101'b ;Binary address
CALL my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
CALL C, 7e4 ;Hex address
CALL C, 2854'd ;Decimal address
CALL C, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
CALL C, my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
CALL Z, 7e4 ;Hex address
CALL Z, 2854'd ;Decimal address
CALL Z, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
CALL Z, The_end_of_memory ;Address specified by a line label
CALL NC, 7e4 ;Hex address
CALL NC, 2854'd ;Decimal address
CALL NC, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
CALL NC, my_third_label ;Address specified by a line label
CALL NZ, 7e4 ;Hex address
CALL NZ, 2854'd ;Decimal address
CALL NZ, 001101000101'b ;Binary address
CALL NZ, The_end_of_memory ;Address specified by a line label
; ------------
; STORE & FETCH GROUP (Scratch Pad Memory)
; ----------------------------------------
STORE s4, 3F ;Hex location
STORE s4, 63'd ;Decimal location
STORE s4, 00100110'b ;Binary location
STORE s4, my_storage_place ;Location defined by a CONSTANT directive
STORE status, 2A ;Source register defined by NAMEREG directive
STORE s4, (sb) ;Location defined by the contents of register (default name)
STORE s4, (counter) ;Location defined by the contents of renamed register
FETCH s4, 3F ;Hex location
FETCH s4, 63'd ;Decimal location
FETCH s4, 00100110'b ;Binary location
FETCH s4, my_storage_place ;Location defined by a CONSTANT directive
FETCH status, 2A ;Destination register defined by NAMEREG directive
FETCH s4, (sb) ;Location defined by the contents of register (default name)
FETCH s4, (counter) ;Location defined by the contents of renamed register
; INPUT & OUTPUT GROUP (Standard I/O Ports)
; -----------------------------------------
OUTPUT s4, 3F ;Hex port
OUTPUT s4, 63'd ;Decimal port
OUTPUT s4, 00100110'b ;Binary port
OUTPUT s4, my_standard_port ;Port defined by a CONSTANT directive
OUTPUT status, 2A ;Source register defined by NAMEREG directive
OUTPUT s4, (sb) ;Location defined by the contents of register (default name)
OUTPUT s4, (counter) ;Location defined by the contents of renamed register
INPUT s4, 3F ;Hex port
INPUT s4, 63'd ;Decimal port
INPUT s4, 00100110'b ;Binary port
INPUT s4, my_standard_port ;Port defined by a CONSTANT directive
INPUT status, 2A ;Destination register by NAMEREG directive
INPUT s4, (sb) ;Location defined by the contents of register (default name)
INPUT s4, (counter) ;Location defined by the contents of renamed register
; ---------------
HWBUILD s4 ;Default register name loaded with hardware version
HWBUILD status ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive loaded with hardware version
LOAD s0, timestamp_seconds ;Registers loaded with date and time stamp from assembler run
LOAD s1, timestamp_minutes
LOAD s2, timestamp_hours
LOAD s3, datestamp_day
LOAD s4, datestamp_month
LOAD s5, datestamp_year
; -------------------
STAR s4, sC ;sX must always be a default register name
STAR sF, counter ;sY can be a name defined by NAMEREG directive
STAR s4, 42'd ;Second operand can be a constant which is an easy way
STAR sF, "F" ; to pass a pointer of 'flag' value to the other bank
; ---------------
RETURNI enable
RETURNI disable
; --------------
JUMP@ (sB, sA) ;Address defined by contents of default registers
JUMP@ (status, counter) ;Address defined by contents of renamed registers
CALL@ (sB, sA) ;Address defined by contents of default registers
CALL@ (status, counter) ;Address defined by contents of renamed registers
OUTPUTK A5, B ;Hex constant and port (0 to F)
OUTPUTK 123'd, 13'd ;Decimal constant and port (0'd to 15'd)
OUTPUTK 10111011'b, 1010'b ;Binary constant and port (0000'b to 1111'b)
OUTPUTK my_hex_constant, 4 ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
OUTPUTK timestamp_hours, 4 ;Constant defined by a predefined constant
OUTPUTK "m", 8 ;Constant defined by ASCII character
OUTPUTK "$", 8 ;ASCII character '$' is not confused with a string name!
OUTPUTK A5, my_small_port ;Port defined by a CONSTANT directive (max value 0F or 15'd)
OUTPUTK ~green, my_small_port ;The value of a constant can be inverted
; Note that a text string must be defined using a STRING directive before it can
; can be used with an OUTPUTK instruction i.e. OUTPUTK "Hello", B is not valid syntax!
OUTPUTK Nick$, 2 ;Assembler will replicate OUTPUTK for each character in string
OUTPUTK datestamp$, 2 ;Replicate OUTPUTK for each character in predefined string
OUTPUTK 7_segment_decode#, B ;Replicate OUTPUTK for each element of a predefined table
OUTPUTK phone_number#, B ;Replicate OUTPUTK for each element of a predefined table
OUTPUTK control_sequence#, B ;Replicate OUTPUTK for each element of a predefined table
LOAD&RETURN s4, 7B ;Default register name Hex constant
LOAD&RETURN s4, 42'd ;Decimal constant
LOAD&RETURN s4, 11100111'b ;Binary constant
LOAD&RETURN status, 7B ;Register name defined by NAMEREG directive
LOAD&RETURN s4, my_hex_constant ;Constant defined by a CONSTANT directive
LOAD&RETURN s4, "K" ;Constant defined by an ASCII character
LOAD&RETURN s4, "$" ;ASCII character '$' is not confused with a string name!
LOAD&RETURN s4, timestamp_seconds ;A predefined constant
LOAD&RETURN sA, my_third_label'lower ;The lower 8-bits of the address associated with the label
LOAD&RETURN sB, my_third_label'upper ;The upper 4-bits of the address (i.e. 00 to 0F hex)
LOAD&RETURN s7, ~green ;The value of a constant can be inverted
; Note that a text string must be defined using a STRING directive before it can
; can be used with a LOAD&RETURN instruction (e.g. LOAD&RETURN s4, "Hello" is not valid syntax!)
LOAD&RETURN s4, Ken$ ;Assembler will replicate LOAD&RETURN for each character in string
LOAD&RETURN s4, CR ;Loads and returns the predefined ASCII constant for 'carriage return'
LOAD&RETURN s4, timestamp$ ;Replicate LOAD&RETURN for each character in predefined string
LOAD&RETURN s4, NUL ;Loads and returns the predefined ASCII constant for 'NUL'
LOAD&RETURN s4, 7_segment_decode# ;Replicate LOAD&RETURN for each element of a predefined table
LOAD&RETURN s4, phone_number# ;Replicate LOAD&RETURN for each element of a predefined table
LOAD&RETURN s4, control_sequence# ;Replicate LOAD&RETURN for each element of a predefined table
;Maximum address for 1K memory is 3FF hex.
;Maximum address for 2K memory is 7FF hex.
;Maximum address for 4K memory is FFF hex.
The_end_of_memory: RETURN
;Only comments or CONSTANT directives can be specified after the last memory location.
;End of file