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# Back-annotation script. Version 1.3. Janary 16th, 2012. by Ryan Scoville
# To run, make sure Quartus II project is closed, and type at command prompt:
# quartus_cdb -t ba.tcl
###### User Variables #######
# Variable project_name is the name of the .qpf without the extension. Also can be "auto_find".
set project_name "auto_find"
# Wildcard or list of wild cards that nodes must match in order to be back-annotated. Case sensitive.
set name_wildcards {*}
# Wildcard or list of wilcards that node location must match in order to be back-annotated. Examples:
# set location_wildcards {PIN_*} ;# Locks down all the top-level I/O ports
# set location_wildcards {M9K* M144K* M20K*} ;# Locks down all the hard memory blocks for Stratix IV/V.
# set location_wildcards {DSP*} ;# Locks down all the DSP blocks
# set location_wildcards {PLL*} ;# Locks down all the PLL Locations
# set location_wildcards {CLKCTRL_*} ;# Locks down all the clock trees
set location_wildcards {*}
# The following demotes specific location assignments like FF_X34_Y22_N4 to X34_Y22, i.e. to the LAB. This should not hurt timing and gives
# flexibility to the router. Currently only demotes location names matching FF_, LABCELL_ and MLABCELL_, which are used in 28nm families. Older
# families may not work as they have different location naming conventions.
set demote_logic_location_to_LAB 1
# Assignment appended with this comment, making it easier to find/sort/delete these assignments in the .qsf and especially the Assignment Editor
set comment from_ba.tcl
# If debug set to 1, "puts" the assignments into a file called ba_assignments.tcl, but does not modify the project in any way.
# The assignments can then be copied into the .qsf, or the ba_assignments.tcl can be sourced from within Quartus. This will append assignments if ba_assignments.tcl already exists.
set debug 1
##### Usage #######
# This script back-annotates nodes in a design based on name and location wildcards that the user chooses.
# Note that Quartus II Assignments -> Back-Annotate from the menu already allows the user to lock down top-level ports in the design, or everything. This
# script provides a little more control. In general, it is not recommended to lock down a large number of nodes inside the FPGA. Node names often change
# during synthesis, and locking down portions of the design can limit what the fitter can do. The original intent of this script is to allow the user to
# lock down all the memories and DSP in a design. Theoretically, after doing a seed sweep and locking down the memories and DSP of the best result,
# the user can "anchor" the fitter into getting similar results. Of course this is design dependent. (The design I ran it on had less variation and on average gave
# better results than the un-anchored compiles, but the very best result was from the unanchored seed sweep.)
# I have also used this script to quickly lock down PLLs and global clock trees. I am sure user's will find their own applications. Incremental Compilation
# is recommended for locking down hierarchies of the design.
proc demote_logic_to_LAB {loc} {
if {[regexp {^(FF_X)([0-9]+)(_Y)([0-9]+)} $loc a b x_loc d y_loc]} {
set loc "X$x_loc\_Y$y_loc"
} elseif {[regexp {^(LABCELL_X)([0-9]+)(_Y)([0-9]+)} $loc a b x_loc d y_loc]} {
set loc "X$x_loc\_Y$y_loc"
} elseif {[regexp {^(MLABCELL_X)([0-9]+)(_Y)([0-9]+)} $loc a b x_loc d y_loc]} {
set loc "X$x_loc\_Y$y_loc"
return $loc
# Auto find the project name to open, if there is only one project in the directory(which is good practice...)
if {$project_name == "auto_find"} {
set qpf [glob *.qpf]
set num_quartus_projects [llength $qpf]
if {$num_quartus_projects == 0} {
puts "There is no .qpf in this directory. No project to open."
} elseif {$num_quartus_projects == 1} {
set project_name [file rootname $qpf]
} else {
puts "There is more than one *.qpf in this project: $qpf"
puts "Open remove_qip_from_project.tcl, uncomment line 1, and change project_name from auto_find to .qpf name. For example, if project is called my_top.qpf, set line 1 to:"
puts "set project_name my_top.qpf"
} elseif {![file exists "$project_name\.qpf"]} {
puts "Variable project_name was set to $project_name, but $project_name\.qpf could not be found in directory."
project_open $project_name -current_revision ;# -force ;# In one case I needed to use -force option even though opening with same version of Quartus.
load_package chip_planner
set_batch_mode on
if {$debug == 1} {
set outfile [open ba_assignments.tcl a]
set matched_nodes 0
set assign_name ""
set assign_loc ""
# User name match wildcards often have [] in their name, but that has special meaning when doing a "string match $wildcard name".
# The following replaces [ with \[ and ] with \] so it works.
set newname_wildcards ""
foreach name $name_wildcards {
regsub -all {]} $name {\]} name
regsub -all {\[} $name {\[} name
lappend newname_wildcards $name
set all_nodes [get_nodes -type all]
foreach_in_collection node $all_nodes {
set node_name [get_node_info -node $node -info name]
set node_loc [get_node_info -node $node -info "Location String"]
set name_matches 0
set loc_matches 0
#puts $outfile "$node_name $node_loc"
foreach name $newname_wildcards {
if {[string match $name $node_name]} {
set name_matches 1
#puts $outfile " name=$name"
#puts $outfile "node_name=$node_name"
foreach loc $location_wildcards {
if {[string match $loc $node_loc]} {
set loc_matches 1
if {($name_matches == 1) && ($loc_matches)} {
#puts $outfile "MATCH!!!!"
set assign_name $node_name
set assign_loc $node_loc
if {$demote_logic_location_to_LAB} {
set assign_loc [demote_logic_to_LAB $assign_loc]
incr matched_nodes
if {$debug == 1} {
puts $outfile "set_location_assignment $assign_loc -to $assign_name -comment $comment"
} elseif {$debug == 0} {
set_location_assignment $assign_loc -to $assign_name -comment $comment
} else {
puts {Errors: Variable debug was not "1" or "0"}
puts "Found $matched_nodes nodes that match name $name_wildcards and location $location_wildcards."
if {$debug == 1} {
puts $outfile "#Found $matched_nodes nodes that match name $name_wildcards and location $location_wildcards."
close $outfile
set_batch_mode off